My first hub got a very low score, how should I improve it?

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  1. Lissa Clason profile image93
    Lissa Clasonposted 9 years ago

    Hi everybody! I'm new to HubPages, and I just published my first hub, a free verse poem. I got a HubScore of 54 on it, so I'm worried that it isn't good enough and needs to be improved somehow. Is my writing quality not good enough? Should there be more capsules on the page, or should I put in an explanation of the poem? Or is it just that I don't have much traffic yet? Also, how well does creative writing do on HubPages, in general? Please let me know what I can do to improve my hub.

    1. profile image0
      sheilamyersposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Lissa and welcome to HP. When I first started writing hubs, it seems they scored at least in the mid-70s when they were first published. I don't know what has changed, but it now seems that all of my recently published hubs (those within the past month) have started off with scores in the 50s, but they've gone up fairly quickly. I'd suggest giving the hub at least a week before deciding to make any changes. If the score doesn't increase by then, perhaps you could add a couple of pictures or something.

    2. dhimanreena profile image63
      dhimanreenaposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Hey Lissa, don't fret. Last week, I wrote a very informative 3000+ words hub by using images, videos and other capsules. But to my dismay, when I checked my hubscore it was only 54. I was shattered because it was the first time I wrote over 3000 words and I was expecting it to reach over 85 hubscore. The most sad part was that it reduced my hubberscore also. I did not make any edits to it and after 1 week, I noticed a sudden rise in my hubscore. I am happy to share that 'this' hub has now topped my list as it got highest hubscore. So, the morale of the story is have some patience and wait for a weak. I am sure you will notice a change in your hubscore.

  2. Lissa Clason profile image93
    Lissa Clasonposted 9 years ago

    Alright, I'll wait for a bit and see what happens. Good to know that a lot of them start out in the 50s, I was worried because I've seen a lot in the 80s and 90s and thought 50 was extremely low as a result.

  3. SmartAndFun profile image93
    SmartAndFunposted 9 years ago

    Hubscores are not a writing grade. They are the result of a mysterious algorithm that looks at many aspects of the article. Often, hubscores increase as the hub gets older. My hubscores seem to increase with more traffic, and when people share it on social media, vote it up and backlink to it. The scores are always moving in one direction or another. When I write a hub quickly, all at once, it starts out with a very low score. If I write an article slowly, addind a paragraph here and there over time, when I finally publish it, it will have a higher score.

    Scores are basically meaningless when it comes to earnings and readership.  You can have a very successful article with a low score.

    Scores seem to be causing more and more confusion and stress lately as so many seem to think they are tied to a writer's skill. While that might have a little to do with it, over all, the scores are made up of many little things, such as traffic, their ability to inspire comments, how often readers share them or rate them up, the uniqueness of the subject matter, length, grammar and spelling, the rating that the human moderator gave it, and much more.

    What is your goal as a writer here? Is it to make money? Disseminate information? Make a name for yourself as a poet? Make online friends? Learn how to write for the net? Have a place where friends and family can log in and read your stuff? Create an online portfolio? Whatever your goals are, focus on those and not the silly Hubscore. HP should dump those dumb scores or make them more meaningful.

  4. Buildreps profile image85
    Buildrepsposted 9 years ago

    Welcome Lissa, you can increase your Hub scores (and readability) by cutting the text into more text capsules and use a catching title for every capsule. Furthermore the more boxes are ticked in the edit mode, the higher your Hub score. Long pieces of text is no guarantee for a high score.
    Keep your audience interested by using photo's, many text capsules, intermezzo's (little text capsules on the right, make them blue or grey), polls, video's. Your Hub gets more embossed when you vary with capsules.

    Oh yes, I just read your article about diamonds. Very interesting, but I always get lost in texts that are not cut into paragraphs. It makes it much more readable.

    Good luck!


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