I was wondering if anyone would consider taking the time to stroll through my hubs and read a few? I would love more feedback, and I think it would help me get to know other hubpage authors. Thanks!
Just taking a quick glance I see that some of your work is poetry and some is composed of blogs. Neither of these do well generally on HP and also HP is not a blogging site. Therefore, you would be wise to redirect your blogs so that they are not so personal to see if that helps any.
We all think that the world wants to know about us and our views, but the truth is, they could care less. What they are interested in is their own needs and interests.
If you want to attract readers, you need to write about topics that people want to read. Poetry and blogs do not fit that definition.
It's very nice of you to reply timetraveler2, and I hope you don't take what I am about to say the wrong way when I say; I do not agree at all. I think there are a lot of people who enjoy poetry and others' talent in presenting a unique way of expressing thoughts. I just think it is a matter of a person's personal interest. I, for one, have written normal articles doing freelance work, and I've got to tell you, It is boring even writing it. I took a look at your page and articles, and no offense, but I'm not interested in anything you have written. It looks quite boring. I'm sorry. So, thanks for the advice, but I will not be taking it.
I think Timetraveler2's point is that the people who get serious money and traffic on Hubpages, don't do so by doing creative writing. Hubpages is primarily a primarily a place where most people's goal is to make money. However there is a small community of creative writers you can probably connect with.
If you are looking to build a serious readership (and possibly make money) the best thing to do is have your own creative website, network on creative writing sites and also release on Kindle or similar. Creative writing doesn't do that well, organic traffic wise.
1. "Hubpages is primarily a primarily a place where most people's goal is to make money."
2. "If you are looking to build a serious readership (and possibly make money) the best thing to do is have your own creative website, network on creative writing sites and also release on Kindle or similar."
3. "Creative writing doesn't do that well, organic traffic wise."
Great analysis. But I would like to see some facts backing them up.
Just look at her figures. WryLilt has several million views, so obviously what she says is working.
Look, you are talking about facts and figures, and obviously that kind of thing does not drive me. I am looking for only people who have a common interest in what I do. I did not sign up thinking I'm going to have a crazy fan base or make tons of money. You have decided your own needs here, but mine are different, so I think you should respect that. I respect that you are here solely to make money by sharing your RV experiences.
If you had read some of the posts after my initial post, I apologized for misunderstanding your intent to help me. It's hard to know if someone is trying to be sarcastic here sometimes. I also stated that I did not post what I was attempting to achieve in the correct way, and obviously I posted in the wrong forum anyway.
I cannot imagine though, why you say I'm wasting my time posting my poetry here. There is, after all, a selection for poems and poetry here. Why would they have it if you shouldn't post it here?
I'm aware that poetry is a hard genre to sell, but that is not a sole purpose of mine. I happen to enjoy the pleasure of getting to know other poets and their work. I like the feedback and reading other poetry more than I worry over the money. I like writing TT2, I do not write for money. Am I saying it wouldn't be great to have a little extra income, no, I'm not saying that, and if it works up to that fine, but I'm more working for the sheer enjoyment of writing, and writing for the people who like what I write. Whether you think so or not, people like poetry. The biggest reason I write here is to give poetry a wider range of audience. How can you seriously have an issue with that?
Again, I would like to express my apologies to you for any misunderstandings, but please don't downplay poetry and the effect it could have on people who actually like to read it.
Apology accepted. Nobody said you shouldn't write poetry here or even that there are not some people, many of whom are talented, that do. Furthermore, I was not down playing poetry. I wouldn't do that, because, in fact, I, too am a poet.
You wanted to know how to bring more readers to your hubs, and several of us here told you the best way to do that.
If you love to write poetry and wax creative, great. All we are saying is that HP is not the best place for you to do that if you want great readership from the general public.
I'm not insulted at all because you just made my point. You may not be interested in my topic, but the fact that more than 300,000 people have read my work here points out that many are.
Of course you would find it boring if you did not have a passion for RV living and travel, and I would not expect someone with your views to read my work any more than you could expect me to read about topics I have no interest in.
On the other hand, I also am a poet, but I would never publish my work here because I know it would be counter productive. It has been proven time and again that creative writing simply does not do well here and I cannot see the point of writing something if only a few people are going to read it!
You have received advice here from some of the top writers on this site, but seem not to want to hear what they are saying. I think that is a terrible mistake on your part.
Well said, TT.
But as the old saying goes, "you can't push a rope."
That was not advice, it was a statement of reality. Poetry hubs do not do well (get as much traffic as other types of hub) on this site. People write them anyway for lots of valid reasons, but it is what it is. You should not interpret people just trying to provide information to you as being hostile.
Hi Missy,
Actually the purpose of writing on HubPages is not attracting internal traffic (Hubbers) but external visitors.
As an experienced Hubber, TimeTraveler's advice was to the point: your readership must have an interest in reading your writings; in this case, people interested in poetry will come to your pages. In TimeTraveler's case, RV fans are the readership. You might not have an interest in such lifestyle, but I know that many many people do and thus TT's work attracts such visitors, generates money for the site to be maintained and TT's work reward.
Personally, I don't read other Hubbers' Hubs unless they're built on a topic I'm really interested in... The biggest part of Hubbers don't even show up in the forums and only work on their own, relying on their external traffic to earn an income or just get readers. Internal traffic doesn't generate money for the site or Hubbers.
I'd suggest to promote your work outside of HP, on social media, share your Hubs on Pinterest, etc.
Advice you are not forced to agree with - but time will tell that... TT and me aren't wrong on this matter.
Wishing you the best
Frankly, I think HubPages is the wrong place for you, for one important reason. HubPages has a system which means that if your Hubs don't get decent traffic from Google, they will be hidden from view ("unFeatured").
If you're used to writing articles, I'm sure you know that poetry and personal blog-style articles don't attract search engine traffic, and therefore your Hubs will soon become unFeatured. So while you can have some fun within the HubPages community, sharing and reading each other's work, for a while, you'll soon get frustrated by the unFeaturing system.
Just keep doing your thing and pay no attention to anything else.
Oh Yay! Thank you ladies very much and I will take the time to visit your pages as well. Thank You!
I just finished to of your poems one about love and one about getting older. Even though I read only poetry of the previous century I read yours because I like helping people. I liked the symbolism in many points and as I say to myself every morning, read and write until your eyes are sealed!
I strolled through your hubs as you requested and I think you have a great variety of interesting topics. I loved your photos in the hub about chandeliers, and hopefully tomorrow I will have time to come back and read it. I read and commented on one of your poems. It is lovely. It just takes time to build up a readership, and the best way to do it is to follow and comment on other writers' works. Most, but not all, will follow you back. Also, one has to write a lot of hubs to keep up the hub score. I have a fulltime job and don't write very many, so I'm not one of the writers claiming to make money on this website.
Hi Missy,
MizBejabbers is right. For other writers on this site to know of you and read you, you must take a good bit of time and search out writers under the topics you love to read and read their work and comment and possibly follow. That is the only way for other writers on this site to even know of your work. Spending time reading others' work is most valuable in order to gain a readership here in this wonderful community. I do not write for money. When I first joined HubPages, I spent several months reading and commenting and was delighted that others reciprocated.
Thanks everyone. This was not posted to gain advice for bettering my hub or making profit. I solely just wanted feedback, and only if someone felt like reading my hubs, I didn't mean to seem that I was needy. I did, however, feel I could meet more people this way. I am interested in gaining friends who have similar interests. I apologize if I went about posting here In the wrong way. I'm still trying to get used to how HP works. thanks again!
You could go under the topic of Poetry on HubPages and whatever else you like to read and find a lot of hubbers who write under the same genre you write. Start reading them and commenting and they may reciprocate, if you are looking for readers internally to leave comments on your hubs if not, just share on Pinterest, Twitter, G+ to possibly generate more views. There are a lot of great sites just for poets. Forums are not to be used to promote your own hubs as that is strictly against HP rules, but you can get help in the forums on how to better your hubs. However, you have stated that it not want you want.
It's funny that recently I had read that some think that the forum feature doesn't get used nearly enough. This was the first time I really tried to use it, and something tells me I will not make that mistake again. No offense.
The mistake you made was in having a negative attitude, not in using the forums.
Over the years people here have given me a huge amount of help, and I have always appreciated it. Apologizing because you "stated what you were trying to say incorrectly" or using the words "no offense" and then offending people is a way of making excuses because you don't like what you've been told here.
Not liking people's advice does not mean that it is wrong, it just means that you disagree. When experienced, successful people offer help, it is a blessing, and you should accept it as such.
Hi Missy, you had to try the forums to experience what it's like. They aren't a place for the feint hearted or poets generally The best idea is for us who already read and follow you to share your hubs with our followers like I do, and to post links to them on Facebook, Google+, Pinterest etc. As you know I love your hubs
Hey Jodah, Yes, you are right. I thought I would give it at least one try though. I kept seeing people posting that the forum wasn't used much, and I got this idea of trying to help out and utilize it. Big Mistake!
Apologies don't even work with some of these Hubbers. It's truly sad. It's really depressing that people want to downplay different types of writers as not significant. Why aren't we all important in some way? I have written articles for clients before, and it didn't make me happy. Why not just let people write what they enjoy? Not all of us do it for the money. It's great, but a true writer writes for the pure pleasure of it. Well, that's my opinion anyway. And like a song, a poem could also lift someone's spirit or make them realize they are not alone if they identify with the words.
I think I am done with the forum. I'll stick to your advice. You're the best! Thanks!
There was absolutely no need to apologise and I'm still mystified why you seem to think people have attacked you.
People have simply given you factual advice based on the title of your post. It may not be the advice you wanted, but how is that rude?
It's true we have all warned you that poetry and creative fiction won't get many readers on HubPages - that is just a fact of life, and we are not trying to "drive you away", or belittle creative writing. Creative fiction and poetry do not work well here, but that's a factor of how HubPages works, not a reflection on creative fiction or poetry in any way.
If you are happy with a very small audience then you can safely dismiss that advice, no call to get upset about it.
I think I've gotten plenty of advice now, and it's getting repetitive, so I would like to express many thanks, however, I don't need anymore. I get the full picture.
I would like to just say one more time; my initial statement was taken in the wrong context, I was not searching for advice or how to make money, I was simply searching for interested readers who like to give feedback. It was totally if you feel like reading and writing type of request. No advice needed. No pressure intended.
Missy Smith, I get that. What I'm pointing out is that while you'll get some short-term readers by being active in the community here, you're going to be disappointed in the long term because your Hubs will become invisible. We're just trying to save you that disappointment. You might be better to consider other writing sites which never hide low-traffic articles, like PersonaPaper, DailyTwoCents, etc.
Anyway the way to get interaction with other Hubbers is not to post on the forum begging for views. Instead, identify the active members on the forum and go and comment on their Hubs, and people will reciprocate.
Lol... I did not beg Marisa Wright, I simply asked if anyone would be willing to read and give feedback. I've been here maybe 5 months, and I'm sure I still have a lot to learn about what should be discussed in forums and such. But, quite frankly, I find your advice very sarcastic and the only thing that disappoints me is that someone would get on here and try to crush someone's integrity on here by being so negative and accusing. Luckily, I'm old enough to have lived through plenty of people trying to give a negative vibe to others in order to move them out. I assure you I don't move that easily, and I don't need to be saved from disappointment. I'm a big girl now. Thanks!
As Makingamark says, I think you're being far too sensitive. Reading the comments made, everyone is just giving you the FACTS about how HubPages works. No one has attacked you OR your writing (in spite of you making insulting comments about TT2's writing).
No one is saying your writing is poor quality. We are just pointing out that if you are looking for readers, you will have difficulty getting them on HubPages. Not because of your writing but because of the nature of HubPages.
Thanks for the comments everyone. I'm finished answering and defending myself on this subject. It was not my intent to have to do so. Thanks Again!
To be frank if you ask for feedback in a forum....
.....and then get it and don't like it
.....and then insult those providing feedback (which you did)
.....then my overall recommendation would be to stay away from the more generalist forums - they are not for you and your sensibilities.
However you may have got more positive feedback from people interested in the same things as you if you had posted in the Poetry Topic Forum http://hubpages.com/forum/category/604
Noted. Thanks makingamark. The initial request was to get feedback on my writing just in the way of like or dislike, not how to make it work here. I'm still learning and appreciate what you have said. If I ever feel like coming to the forum page again I will take what you said in consideration. I'm not that offended, but I would rather not have these type of conversations. I like to stay well grounded and humble. I should have known better. Hey Jodah, I believe I will read your article again about etiquette and how people can take your words wrong online one more time. I need to do that it seems. Sorry everyone! I'm a newbie!!! Lol
Just one more thing; I think I stated this in a few of my previous posts, but I would like to reintegrate one more time that I am fully aware that I picked the wrong heading for this forum, and that maybe I worded things all wrong initially. However, I felt that early on I apologized and made that pretty clear. I believe the first few ladies to comment got that I only wanted feedback on my writing negative or positive and they gave me some great feedback. Thanks Ladies! I look forward to visiting your pages again as well.
I've a friend in Florida. Missy, there are many good people on this website too. Just be a little careful. All in all this website is good and rewarding. Personally speaking, I've met many interesting people through this website whom I couldn't have found and met otherwise: it's cheaper than buying plane tickets.
If you don't enjoy forums (stick around a year and you might start to 'sense' the fun around forums ) then follow people who share similar interests and read their hubs. I do write and enjoy poetry. I've plans to add more hubs in the following months. There are many passionate poets and philosophers and astrologers etc (and what not!) on this website. Often reading their hubs and commenting on them can stir up a conversation. Perhaps you don't know that HubPages once conducted a poetry contest with considerable prize rewards (a monetary reward and a book of yours published!) a few years ago. And I hope more of them would come. Just like in real life, a little discretion and a little wisom will save you many a heartache.
Stay cool
The following information might throw a bit light :-), here it is:
HubPatron of the Arts
"Because HubPages has such a vibrant community of poets, fiction writers, and artists, we created the HubPatron of the Arts Contest to let their beautiful work shine! During the month of November, we invite writers, poets, and photographers to submit their work and win over $3000 in prizes.
Each day, one randomly selected entry from each category (poetry, prose, and photos) will win $50. The top-rated entries from each category will win $50, $100, and $500, and a final winner from those three will have the opportunity to have a collection his her or work formatted, published, and distributed by Smashwords."
And here are links to some forum threads with additioanl information.
1. HubPatron of the Arts Contest Winners
2. HubPatron of the Arts Official Contest Thread
3. HubPatron of the Arts: Post & Discuss Your Entries Here!
I don't think your content is the issue, I think it is a little more about how you present it. If I were sharing my own creative work I would present it in the following ways:
Clinic: How to write a poem, or at least your poem writing process.
Critique: Take a very popular poem or short story, discuss it, and share your work in similar style or theme.
Seasonal and Historical References: Now would be a great time to create a hub or two about Halloween through the ages and how it has influenced literature.
Cross Genre Hubs: Do a recipe post, and share a poem about it. Desserts are always a hit.
World Events: Discuss an issue such as human trafficking in depth and share your creative work relevant to the subject.
In essence, these are things people are looking for in a hub, and when they find yours they get the added experience of your unique creative voice. IMO, these would be easier ways to draw followers and get hubs shared across social media.
Can I just ask why does this have to continue? I mean I apologized, and I'll even admit that I took the comments of help as an insult. I suppose I'm sensitive, and quite frankly I like my sensitive side. You can even have an opinion as to me not belonging here on hubpages. I don't care. I'm just too laid back to want to continue with this. I knew early in that it was a mistake to post in this forum. Obviously, I posted in the wrong forum.
I want to end this whole conversation because I have enough stress in the real world without coming here and feeling stressed as well. It's not why I joined HP. For Marisa, and TT2, and the others who feel I don't belong here. That's fine. I respect your opinions. I will be more careful, and if I ever post in forum again, it will be in the forum that I know I have friends and supporters. Life is too short to even worry about this conversation anymore. It's just not my personality to keep whipping a dead horse. This subject should be over.
Missy Smith, NO ONE ever said you don't belong here. No one ever said your writing was bad. We are all just warning you that DUE TO THE NATURE OF HUBPAGES (nothing to do with your writing), creative writing and poetry simply never get many readers, no matter how good it is.
Get it now?
You did write "Bringing in readers to my hubs", and you got some really useful responses.
Trouble is, forums are what they are and you can't tell people to stop replying to a thread if they find it interesting. In fact, if you say, 'stop' and then give more reasons why you don't want any more helpful advice, the more people will keep responding.
It seems to me as though you were only fishing for views and positive comments. You didn't actually want real, honest, valuable feedback at all.
One more time.... I stated many times now that I worded my question all wrong. It was taken in a different way than I meant it. I said that 5000 times!!! Gesh!!!
Well, why don't you ask what you really meant to ask?.. And we'll see if we can help?
I already went through that as well Theraggededge and to be honest I'm just exhausted from it all at this point. It's just not important anymore. Thanks!
Missy, it's just a forum. Don't get stressed over it - it's just not important enough.
There's quite an important life lesson for you here: the more you push, the harder others will push back. Walk away, change your focus of attention and everyone else will shrug and move on. Works in real life too. Helps relieve an awful lot of difficult situations
Missy Smith:
If you want this thread to stop, stop putting words into people's mouths. Nobody ever said you don't belong here, just that some of the writing you has a very small chance of succeeding here.
I do have some poetry on HP--I mainly promote them every once in awhile via social media. It has gotten a good amount of comments and readers since this spring. Give it a try Missy.
Not true at all, but I will not defend my answers here anymore it's pointless. If you want to continue to bash go ahead. It has nothing to do with anyone being interested in the topic.
I'm not bashing you or your poetry. I'm just trying to tell you from my experience on how to drive traffic and readers to your hubs here.
I was referring to the raggededges post Kristen. I'm sorry I posted in the wrong spot.
No worries Missy. Everyone's trying to be helpful here. The forum's a good place to get answers to your questions on many topics.
It's not us "bashing" you with answers to your traffic question, it is reality. I wish you every success.
Hey everyone who recently posted that the forum wasn't used enough, did I fix that issue for ya? Yeah, I think so too!!! Yay Me!!!!
@ Missy Smith
If you want this thread to stop just stop responding to it.
Forum threads stop when people stop writing. Every time you respond you just add "more fuel to the fire" as it were.
I just read through this thread and things have escalated in a way that makes me feel bad for the author who initiated it.
I hope they take in all the advice given and not take everything to heart because there was plenty of good advice for any newcomer to Hubpages or any newbie writer.
Oh and yeah I completely agree, don't keep responding if you really want the replies to end.
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