A talk about getting back to a simple way of life and the benefits of doing so.
A poem written through transcendence and a comparison to the similarities of the popular Netflix series.
I love that I have so many trees, bees, and birds when I walk outside my home. This poetry discusses the beauty of the birds.
Today, I felt like writing about how far I have traveled through the world of judgments and introversion. I have finally reached that pivotal point of loving myself more than worrying about if others ever will.
I wrote out my feelings in this latest poem about what I was seeing and feeling during this war that is happening in Ukraine.
Letting my imagination take over while writing this poem about a Salem witch.
A poem about ignorance and personal growth.
A complicated poem that poses a question that I ask myself every day.
A poet's view of the day George Floyd was murdered.
Like most of my work here on Hubpages, this is a poetry piece about myself. A self-therapy session.
I have decided to post a very controversial poem that I posted with a full article a while back. However, Hubpages and a few others who read it didn't like it. Nevertheless, I have never been able to agree. Therefore, I decided that it was a stand-alone. Please interpret it in your own way.
A poem about keeping our faith and containing our courage through this difficult time we are living through with the global pandemic.
An opinion piece but also a conversation about what we all face today with the pandemic still looming over us.
A discussion about what we live with now in America and the necessity to take out the garbage that is Trump.
A poem that had me delving deeper into the spiritual guidance of having a connection with a certain type of spirit animal.
A poem of having the nerve to grow older while sticking firm to your own self and values. Shutting the outside world and their judgements out as one ventures along gathering HER own strength and virtue while doing so.
A theory I had about what may have happened to Mr. Bourdain instead of an intentional suicide
This is just another poem I came up with yesterday while talking to an old flame.
This poem is titled correctly, "An Interlude." It just came to me in a short time frame and I went with it. I hope you enjoy the read.
I put this one under an activism, because I feel it is my way of rally. It is my way of using my words to explain the way I feel about a corrupt leader and his administration.
This is simply a poem I created out of my deep inner psyche, which is usually always geared towards the darkside of my imagination . Enjoy.
A poem about all the attention seekers we find on social media today.
This is a poem that I came up with while sitting around thinking about my childhood, and some memories of my past.
A poem and pictures. An explanation of how my art and poetry merged for this piece. Dedicated to the late Dolores O' Riordan and her fans. Thanks for the extra inspiration!
The argument of Americans and our moral values over greedy gurus and their racist, sexist, hypocritical truths... Wake up!
A poem about what art does for me along with some of my personal art pieces, and an explanation to how art and my anxiety have become friends in my world.
A discussion on how I am currently experiencing a lot of anxiety, and how I manage it through narrating my thoughts through writing and deeply expressed poetry.
A talk about the "OUTLANDER" series. What I like about it, and what I haven't been so happy to watch. It's a timepiece show through different eras. I think that is what I like most about it.
A discussion on Taylor Swift's journey to fame, and a review of her new song and image.
A poem about wanting to go there, yet wanting to stay here. A typical struggle for people who suffer from depression.
Remembering two artists who passed away; Chris Cornell and Chester Bennington, and the inspiration that their deaths and music genre contributed to this dark, and deep poem of mine.Warning: Depressing
This is a written explanation into my thought process while creating, and an description into the inspiration for my poem. I'll admit this one is very weird; It may be hard for some to comprehend.
Words of expression without a clear introduction of my own interpretation. This is done on purpose. I hope the readers will relate to this poem in their own way.
After reading an article about a teacher who was encouraging her students through their fear of standardized yearly testing, I decided, as a parent, to write my own opinion about it.
My thoughts on the show "13 Reasons Why" and how I can relate to it in my own life.
A discussion about how I believe, we, who create, are connected past and present. A prose poem of dedication to my creative friends and all who dream and share their art forms with the world.
This is a conversation I had with myself, of course, but in the sense of talking to the invisible father time. I feel it is a piece of prose poetry that many may relate to. Enjoy.
Just a little writing exercise I came up with to attempt to overcome my writer's block I had today. It's my original thoughts, but built from a familiar story.
A prose piece that just came to me, and I thought it would be fun to write it down and see how others related to it. So, please feel free to comment.
An explanation into my journey of what I choose to believe at this point in my own life. A open-minded discussion if you so choose to join me, and my poem of zen that captures my spiritual side.
A poem about a recurring dream I have, and how I was finally inspired to write about it, and a dedication to a Victorian poet-Christina Rosetti.
A poem dedicated to all women around the world who gets up and fights everyday for equal rights. To all women who do not stand for misogyny and other unfair treatment. We are Women, hear us Roar!
I always like to write about things I believe in and the things that I feel need to change. These two issues I bring up here go side by side in this discussion. #WomensMarch #NotMyPresident
A simplistic way to honor the friendships I have made throughout the world. Expressing how blessed it is to have found these friendships and divulging what I have learned about their culture.
This Hub is aimed to make a statement to the now popular slogan that I believe is without merit to our America's every generation past and present. It's about Progressing forward without negativity
This hub isn't easily explained. It's a common theme I like to write, but with a different subject matter to analyze it with. It may require the reader to really think about what I'm trying to say.
My gift to all on this Thanksgiving. It's about Reflection and trying to keep a positive outlook in an ever-changing world. It's about fairness and at the end Thankfulness. HAPPY THANKSGIVING!
A discussion about how we had to accept a president that did not want to address a major issue such as climate change.
This is my last words about this Election. This article is not for the weak, as this election hasn't been either. I tell the truth and I state it bluntly. This is what I do!
I wrote a poem, and I wanted to explain all the inspiration behind this latest process; explaining how every different type of art and creativity sometimes help me pull out a really unique poem.
Analyzing one's self through the years. A step outside of the body. To see one's self from different eyes of the same being, and indulging in the beauty of Prose to do so.
Sharing my own struggle with depression during the month of September: National Suicide Prevention Month.
Inspired by a song of the one and only John Lennon. It's really all about Inspiration and being inspired. It's about poetry, and words and music, but most of all... it's about LOVE.
I haven't heard from Alt-J since 2014 after their brief, two-year climb to music stardom. I started to wonder where this very talented, and unique band had disappeared to. This is a re-introduction
Lately, I have contemplated whether or not I belong here, so I wrote what was on my mind, and as always writing my thoughts out through poetry is the best medicine to change my outlook. Seize the day!
A poem and plea for America to really use common sense and wake up to reality. No Nukes!!
A friendly discussion and debate on what is true. Are we an evolved species, or a product of a most high power known as God?
I love to hear about love and know that people are in love. This article is not bashing that. It's more about voicing the pressures and realizations of those of us that haven't found it yet.
I discuss several realms of violent acts we all have been witness to through media and social media outlets. I ask questions for everyone to think about. How do we stop this insanity??
I'm angry, I'm in desperation for a real change, and I will not be quiet about the reason why. So, if you think you will be offended by my words don't read this, but I hope you will.
A Hub article telling how I have found my personal relationship with God outside of the church walls.
This is how a movie I watched is helping me put a point across to what we are dealing with in America today.
This hub is actually inspired by a song like several of my other poems and hubs have been. However, this song I relate to in my own life. It is about having a darkside that also has brought a light.
We all know of the growing hatred that is breeding in America, through this presidential election and religious beliefs. It is getting out of control and this is my written frustration to the world.
The single quotes of Carl Jung inspired this hub. However, he was an interesting person, with interesting philosophy that I will be excited to research and learn more about in the near future.
A simple talk about how I have struggled with being an outcast and how it's produced two sides of myself. I also talk about how I feel my children, especially my son, has inherited his mother's curse.
A discussion about living single in my forties. Moreover, an inspirational message to single women, especially my age, that life can be happy for us, even if we are fated to live single forever.
A look back on a few emotions I felt during a few heartbreaks. I hope you enjoy these poems. Thanks for reading!
This hub is about who I am and what I believe in. It is also my attempt to make a plea for what we need in this nation today. We need Peace! We need Unity! We need a leader like Bernie Sanders!
I gave myself a challenge. I like to do this type of thing from time to time. I hope when you read my words you enjoy how I laid out my challenge, and the way the journey ended.
Reminiscing about my childhood hobby of collecting clowns, and why I was fascinated by them.
Just another simple take on love. There are so many scenarios that could be when it comes to love, and I like exploring and writing poems that delve into different scenes of love.
This is an article based on my own observation of several couples in Hollywood past and present.
My own little commentary and poem explaining a single day in my life where my thoughts of being alone seemed to have overwhelmed me once again.
Spelling out for everyone the dangers of having cats if you don't have them spayed or neutered right when they are old enough.
I like to analyze myself a lot. I think it is helpful to do so. This is me doing just that.
My discovery of Charles Bukowski and my own poetry he inspired.
Just a poem and discussion about what I have seen take place in daily lives of some parents and children, and how I see selfish and materialistic parenting on a daily now. A wake-up call.
Another self-help therapy session for myself through my prose and poetry.
Packed with my ideas of nostalgic times and time travel theories. Then ending with a narrative poem of a fantasy time travel experience.
This hub is about the 2016 Presidential race, and a few of my thoughts on a few of the candidates. I have also attached my poetry to it as well. Hope you enjoy the read and all its contents.
Two comedians from different eras that shed light on "The Meaning of Life" as seen through their vision.
This is really just about how a simple song could inspire and then carry over to creating a prose and poem through my own interpretation of that song, and how the song could also relate to a story.
In this hub I wanted to talk a little about a project that I thought was worth mentioning. With mental illness and suicide rates growing, this has become an important discussion piece. Be Aware!
I decided to write about my journey here to hubpages. And then, of course, compile a few short poems to go along with my thoughts.
This is basically my own perception of how my life has gone and continues to carry on. It's also about being fine with the outcome, and accepting things as they are.
My simple poem about eating an apple that describes unconditional love and romance.
This is my book and movie review of Mitch Albom's story; The Five People You Meet In Heaven.
This is just a hub about my own theory on how the well-know butterfly effect theory could play a part in love relations. My love relations for reference.
You can come up with poetry in a solemn moment sitting on your couch and watching the fire burn in the fireplace. This is how this poem came to life.
A three part poem about the stages of heartbreak and putting the pieces back together in order to feel whole again.
I usually write poems and prose about things that I have lived through or struggled with in my life. It's a sort of therapy for me. This hub is no exception. Although it may seem like I'm a narcissist
This hub was only going to be a short introduction, and a simple poem. However, I thought of more things to say, so I let my thoughts flow.
A shout out to the world that we need to change our mindsets and get rid of negative things that keep us from becoming a world united...
Did you know that "Iron Chef America" ran on the Food Network for 13 seasons? Unfortunately, it ended up getting canceled in 2018. I take a look back at its legacy.
A poem written in form of a dreamscape and through my own vision. Explained through the different scenes my mind went through.
A quick little poem I wrote while trying to stay awake on Christmas eve night. Sitting by myself and waiting for my kids to fall fast asleep, I pulled out my computer and put some thoughts down.
Harlequin romance novels were the inspiration for this poem Plain and simple. I just wanted to write something that would be passionate and exciting like the books.
Telling another tale of two sides of myself. Showing how I balance out with both. For my friend Manatita44
I wanted to write a few simple poems about the moon and sun, and their ability to bring peace on nice days, and still nights. These poems are all about simplicity and the beauty of both.
This is explaining a part of my life that outsiders looking in may not understand. If you don't know me well yet, I'm sure this question has crossed your mind. Maybe not, but if it has just read this.
My attempt to put into words my feelings and confusion on the terrorist situation, that consequently happened five days before my birthday and put me in a not so festive mood.
A poem about the strain a certain type of love can have on two people.
This hub is basically compiled of three different poems telling views and stories of my life as a Misfit!
This hub and poem is me diving deeper into who I am as a person. Discussing my personality traits and the way I think about life. The personality test link is posted at the end if interested...:)
My dedication to a beautiful voice and tremendous talent on the anniversary of her death. Eva Cassidy (February 2, 1963 - November 2, 1996
My own analysis of how I feel life has changed for me through the years.
A hub discussing the importance of getting out of abusive relationships.
This is my ode to my friend here on hubpages, Jodah. I hope you like it mate! :)
A poem about living life in darkness and always being lured by death.
A poem written for someone special.
A poem captured through my meditation state. I was inspired to go on this journey by a spiritual friend of mine Manatita44. Thanks! God Bless!
This poem I wrote in narrative form. I wanted to write it as if I was looking back and telling the story of this woman on a specific day. This woman was actually me and my thoughts of a day I had.
This is a poem about how sometimes it doesn't matter if we don't want to be sad, we just are. At those times our tears seem to flow like a river washing our souls clean.
With the recent mass shooting at an Oregon community college, I am impelled once again to try to raise my voice for Gun Control Laws. Please join me.
A moment of thoughts written down.
Simply a look into how I became a single mother and the importance my role as a mother is to me.
Lately, after several months of my thyroid being regulated, I have started getting negative symptoms again. This hub is about identifying the signs and symptoms.
A story of my own fairy-tale. The only unconditional love I will probably ever know.
This is my own perception of how I feel my life has gone, and how I envision it to go in the future.
This poem is about how social media has taken us to a different platform in life. It will make you question the sanity of it all. It will make us question are we humans or robots...
I have many favorite songs, but I chose a top ten playlist of some epic ones to enjoy here. I explain why I like the song and the inspirational parts of each one. I hope you like them.
A fiction poem about life in Victorian times.
This is my journey, so far, four years into my 40s. In addition, I've added a friend's poem at the end to introduce him into the poetry world. I hope you like them, and I hope to see many views. :)
My thoughts on my life, and how I've lived it.
A poem that talks about the perfect life of an evergreen compared to our own.
Do you keep a journal or a diary? Through the years, I tried to keep my thoughts together by writing them down in one of these books. I never succeeded and I always wondered why?
A poem of struggles to come back from depression over and over again.
A poem dedicated to my best friend in Amsterdam.
This article was written after I was browsing the internet and spotted a chandelier I liked. I've always been fascinated with the beauty of a chandelier. So, I wrote about a few I come across.
This poem is about my life in the way the lord is having me follow a path. It's not ideal for sure, but it's ideal in his way he wants me to be. I hope you like it!
This poem is about fighting to keep going toward a light of hope or finally giving in to a darkness one has battled with in love and life.
I decided to try a new recipe I came up with for a cupcake. Then I thought...why not share it here? Enjoy!
As I think about what would be considered the perfect spiritual animal for me, I have always thought mostly of a bird. Their freedom of flight and beautiful grace makes me feel at peace.
I thought I would write something off the wall and fun, and what better subject than candy. Enjoy!
This is a brief description of Sinnoh Legends' account of how the Pokemon World started. However, everything is up for debate when it comes to the legends of Pokemon.
A walk through of how one feels on the day they lay their loved ones to rest.
This poem is for everyone who has struggled in a relationship and finally had to let go. It's about breaking free but leaving the door open.
The thoughts I'm feeling on Independence Day 2015. Continuing today in 2016.
Inspired by a young man I met from Morocco and our first conversation.
All about me and my life the way I've lived it.
Some lovers are destined to meet but never fated to be together.
This poem is about a friend of mine who casually said I should write a poem about him. But, I don't think he ever thought I would actually do it. :)
There are times when you feel alone, until the time you realize you're not.
Some of us have a bit of trouble growing old gracefully. This poem is about fighting to grow old without fear.
A story that most of us can relate to on some level. This is about the journey life takes us on, and appreciating all the ups and downs of it all...
Many people do not know the signs or even the severity of Depression. This article tells a little about what to look for if someone you know may be suffering and what to do if suicide is suspected.
As I started writing this poem about my own turmoil in life, I realized how it mirrored another; Marilyn Monroe
Most of us in the world today struggle with self love and have had many disappointments whether it be relationships, career failures, or just plain bad luck that has made us insecure with ourselves.
When challenges of love become impossible to overcome, we sometimes feel lost and hopeless. Love and Loss is a common theme for my poetry. Enjoy.
We've all been broken hearted. Disappointed by expectations of love. This poem touches on the feelings one feels after a love has been lost.
This is the first poem I added to hubpages. It was picked to be in an annual published poetry book, and I'm very proud of that achievement.