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  1. TessSchlesinger profile image59
    TessSchlesingerposted 6 years ago

    About six or seven years ago, I started a story series. I never finished it. I just sat on the last two chapters forever. I have finally finished them.

    I have messed around with it, and I finally published here as part one and part two.

    For those who were following the Second Civil War series, please could you take a look through Part 2 (I would never, never, never ask anyone else to do this), and if you see any typos, etc. please let me know.

    OMG!!! I've just realized I've put the wrong part. It's Part Two I've just finally finished - the last chapter! … War-Part-2

    1. Jeremy Gill profile image91
      Jeremy Gillposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      Here are the things I found in Chapter One:

      1) This sentence has no period: "She had tried to intervene in the increasingly incensed diatribe between the Republicans and the Democrats"
      2) If I'm not mistaken, the "secret service" in the phrase "secret service member" should be capitalized.
      3) Same with "the house"; I believe "house" should be capitalized.
      4) Remove the comma after "moment" in this sentence: "And as she made her way to her offices, the grey haired preacher man whom she had glimpsed for only a moment, muttered softly into a mic"
      5) Place a period in this sentence: “The drug given to the Congressman earlier has done exactly what was expected of it”
      6) Remove the comma after "week": "... and this last week, had indeed been bliss."
      7) Change "hand" to "had": "...asked the young lieutenant who hand handed him the missive."

      I'll continue reading Chapter 2 soon, I'm honestly enjoying it. Well done.

      1. TessSchlesinger profile image59
        TessSchlesingerposted 6 years agoin reply to this

        Wow. You're starting from the beginning! That is so unnecessary - unless you'd really like to read it. The book cost me blood, sweat, and tears. I can't tell you how many times I've edited and re--edited. Can't believe that there are still errors.

        Thank you so very, very much! With all my heart. It's a long read.

        1. Jeremy Gill profile image91
          Jeremy Gillposted 6 years agoin reply to this

          Haha I would! Though I'm currently working two jobs and attending classes, so forgive me if it takes some time.

          And no worries, whenever I proofread a work of mine, I'll inevitably find errors or sentences to tweak.

  2. sheyi kojo profile image59
    sheyi kojoposted 6 years ago

    I actually find it interesting but try to proof read it again. It may stand out.

    1. TessSchlesinger profile image59
      TessSchlesingerposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      You have no idea how many times I've proof read that. I don't think I have ever worked so hard on any story in my life! smile

      I think I'll give it a week and then see. In the meantime, if there are any extra eyes about, Part two is new. smile

      1. sallybea profile image93
        sallybeaposted 6 years agoin reply to this

        Word edited these things
        in order to take on
        so, we both vanish
        be seen
        been a model city
        not find a sufficiently inexpensive hotel
        Feinstein’s spent in Houston
        Fortunately, there was a lot
        There were a couple of things which word would have liked to change but I ignored those.

        1. TessSchlesinger profile image59
          TessSchlesingerposted 6 years agoin reply to this

          I would totally love to know what is wrong with any of that.  Some British spelling, yes. The rest, I haven't the foggiest. I write in word, but pay absolutely no attention to it for the most part

          1. sallybea profile image93
            sallybeaposted 6 years agoin reply to this

            I like to pay attention to Word, it is incredibly useful, just cut and paste the whole of the text in and then review it, spell and grammar check and if you like the suggestions made you just click on them and Word automatically alters your text and moves on to the next area which needs working on.  You will save yourself hours of work.

            1. Jean Bakula profile image92
              Jean Bakulaposted 6 years agoin reply to this

              I always wrote every article I did on Word and saved it on a flash drive. It's saved me a lot over the years.

              1. Jeremy Gill profile image91
                Jeremy Gillposted 6 years agoin reply to this

                This is solid advice, though every so often, Word still misses something or highlights a non-error as one. Nonetheless, it's a great idea.

                1. TessSchlesinger profile image59
                  TessSchlesingerposted 6 years agoin reply to this

                  I am truly curious. Are there actually content writers who write straight to HP. That is not a particularly professional way of working. I have been using word processing since 1975 and MSWord since 1994. I also started writing on the web in 1994 and, even then, I would write in Word first.

                  1. Jeremy Gill profile image91
                    Jeremy Gillposted 6 years agoin reply to this

                    I've seen some short stories that may have been, though I'd have to consult the actual authors. For projects as long as yours, I doubt it (but kudos to anyone brave enough).

                    Either way, even when my grammar is perfect, I can usually find a way to improve my sentence flow when proofreading, so there's more to editing than looking for squiggly red lines.

                  2. Marisa Wright profile image84
                    Marisa Wrightposted 6 years agoin reply to this

                    Yes, I write direct to HubPages most of the time.  Like you, I don't find the grammar tool in Word reliable and I don't use it.    When you're writing a Hub, the text capsules have a spell checker so I don't need Word for that either.  The only benefit of Word is to avoid losing my work (in case something goes wrong) but I just save the Hub periodically as I write.

                    The main reason I got used to writing direct on HubPages is because of the layout options.  I don't write all the text first then decorate it with photos, videos etc - all the components are equally important so I like to design the look of the Hub as I go along.   That approach made a lot of sense in the early days when we had more layout options than we do now, and for that reason I think most early Hubbers probably did it that way.

                  3. lobobrandon profile image89
                    lobobrandonposted 6 years agoin reply to this

                    Why bother with Word and the grammar tool, it doesn't really point out much. I write directly on HP and have always been doing that.  As Marisa points out, I write directly on HP since I get a feel of the article with the actual layout, etc. and write my content based on the surrounding capsules, if you know what I mean.

            2. TessSchlesinger profile image59
              TessSchlesingerposted 6 years agoin reply to this

              ???? Who doesn't use Word to first write? You are surely not suggesting that anyone writes straight to hubpages, are you?

              That said, grammar on MSWord is risky, and if one doesn't know how to spell, one wouldn't know if MS Word is giving you the right spelling.

              One spells center centre in international English. Likewise harbor is harbour, etc.

              My language skills are sufficiently well developed not to requires hours spent on grammar, spelling, construction, etc. Most of my time is spent researching data.

              I hear what you are saying, though.

              1. sallybea profile image93
                sallybeaposted 6 years agoin reply to this

                I don't use Word.  Most times I am writing a felting tutorial so I prepare and upload all of my images in the order which I took them before I even start writing.  I do write the summary and the introduction in Word and copy and paste the text it into the modules.

  3. theraggededge profile image96
    theraggededgeposted 6 years ago

    I use Scrivener and I like that I can set it to auto-correct my English English to American English as I go. And then do it the other way round when writing for a UK site.


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