1 Rule to Lose Weight

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  1. deltamonk profile image72
    deltamonkposted 15 years ago

    Unfortunately, the only "1 rule" is: Eat less calories than you burn.  Sorry to disappoint!

  2. Loreen Lane profile image60
    Loreen Laneposted 15 years ago

    The right portions of healthy food is the best way to limit weight gain and actually lose weight long term.

    We are a fortunate species to have such a variety of food choices available to us at any given time. The secret is limit your portions and you can have your cake and eat it too!

  3. deltamonk profile image72
    deltamonkposted 15 years ago

    To lose weight you need to eat less calories than you burn.  There are no quick fixes.  All you need are determination and a bit of intelligence - here's how to get a healthier, happier you: read more

  4. Superman05 profile image59
    Superman05posted 15 years ago

    Exercise and eat less carbs. That's about it.

  5. etete profile image57
    eteteposted 14 years ago

    Th e golden rule is a little bit of exercise if you can but search for a good loss weight diet which you can incorporate into your meal plans so as to keep you healthy while you reduce weight. check out more info here


    http://hubpages.com/hub/HOW-TO-LOSE-WEI … IGHT-DIETS

  6. profile image52
    texas1girlposted 14 years ago

    There are just a few simple things you need to do as I learned through Paul Mckenna's book "I Can Make you Thin"
    1. eat when you are hungry
    2. eat slowly
    3. eat until you are full. Put down your spoon,fork, whatever between bites. Chew your food. Be aware what you are eating. When you think you are full. STOP. Wait a few minutes. If not sure you are full, eat some more. Then stop when feel full. You can always come back for more if you think you're hungry 10 min from then.
    4. Eat what you want. As long as you follow the above rules.
    You will be amazed at what your body will begin to tell you that it needs.
    I have lost 96 lbs by following Paul's book & advise. After I read his book, I thought why didn't anyone ever tell me these things before. It just clicked & I was off & running with the weight loss. The book also comes with a CD you listen to. Worth every cent I paid.

  7. solar.power profile image59
    solar.powerposted 14 years ago

    Input has to be less than output. Simple!@!!!

  8. blackhatworld profile image59
    blackhatworldposted 14 years ago

    Balanced Diet and Regular Exercise are equally essential!

  9. puebloman profile image60
    pueblomanposted 14 years ago

    Always leave the table feeling hungry. This is also a rule for good health and long life.

  10. Springboard profile image83
    Springboardposted 14 years ago

    Eat smaller portions more often during the day. Keeps your metabolism going and you tend to burn more calories.

  11. I_Write profile image61
    I_Writeposted 14 years ago

    There is only one rule...

    1# Everything in Moderation

  12. SteffyRose profile image61
    SteffyRoseposted 14 years ago

    is not to count calories but to look at the fat content in the food you eat and cut down on the amount of fat you eat and of course exercise regularly!

  13. Evan Hutchinson profile image67
    Evan Hutchinsonposted 14 years ago

    Kettlebell snatches. They work, and fast.


  14. webspider20 profile image61
    webspider20posted 14 years ago

    The 1 rule to lose weight is to consumer less calories than you burn in a day. For most people they will burn an average 500 calories per day but since the average person also eats around 1800 calories per day there is still a large gap when you won't lose weight.

    The best thing to do to lose weight is exercise a little bit more and eat a little bit less. this is how to start losing weight but after a while you will need to increase the amount of exercise and decrease your daily food intake.

  15. sid_candid profile image57
    sid_candidposted 14 years ago

    Losing weight is easy. But it is important that you keep an eye on what you eat. Eating proper food and doing regular exercises is the most vital thing which contributes to weight loss.

  16. milenaamr profile image69
    milenaamrposted 14 years ago

    Take less calories than is normal for your gender, height and age.
    But this is just Rule 1.

  17. JohnBarret profile image60
    JohnBarretposted 14 years ago

    You can Lose weight even just by the neck exercise....

    Whenever someone ask you for food
    move your head towards left and right and do
    it continuously till s/he stops asking.

  18. Joe34 profile image61
    Joe34posted 14 years ago

    Many have the idea that controlling diet leads to weight loss. But It is really not about eating less. The first and very important rule to lose weight is to eat right. One should not avoid meals but look into it that he or she has adequate portions of protein,carbohydrates and glucose to stay fit. One should have at least 3 major meals a day and 4 small snackies in between meals. One should not keep his or her stomach empty for more than 3 hours at a stretch. Overall one should have right combination in meals at least 3 fruits a day,30-45 minutes of exercises and at least 12-15 glasses of water everyday to flush out the body toxins.

  19. loseweightmama profile image67
    loseweightmamaposted 14 years ago

    Motivation - without motivation you can't control your eating habits or get more active. When you want something bad enough, you'll figure out a way to get it. If you want to lose weight you just need to have the desire and motivation to figure out what your body needs to make it happen.

  20. tinisha12 profile image68
    tinisha12posted 14 years ago

    The rule to lose weight is both exercise and drinking lots of water http://hubpages.com/hub/trim-belly-fat

  21. profile image0
    suramyakposted 14 years ago

    Drink a tall glass of water before eating anything

  22. KBryant715 profile image59
    KBryant715posted 14 years ago

    cut the calories and hit the gym thats the healthiest way.

  23. dsickels profile image60
    dsickelsposted 14 years ago

    Keep a food log.  You will undoubtedly be much more successful losing weight if you actually realize what you eat and how much you eat on a daily basis.  Believe it or not you'd probably be very surprised!

  24. Leenie Pooh profile image61
    Leenie Poohposted 14 years ago

    If I need to burn a few pounds I like to keep it simple and eat nothing but fruit for breakfast. That works for me to drop a couple of pounds without turning my life upside down.

  25. bee05 profile image59
    bee05posted 13 years ago

    I think by eating healthy is the best way to lose weight.

  26. chasemillis profile image68
    chasemillisposted 13 years ago

    Dont drink sodas and dont eat candies/sweets

  27. SaraMarieJames profile image61
    SaraMarieJamesposted 13 years ago

    Stick to a reasonable, healthy diet and exercise plan.

  28. Juice-22 profile image60
    Juice-22posted 13 years ago

    Ignore Bendo13  a calorie is not equal to every other calorie. Read my articles at How-To-Lose-Weight.

  29. FitnessTom profile image61
    FitnessTomposted 13 years ago

    Hundreds of studies show it comes down to calories in calories out.

    Body composition is based on your macronutrient intake.

  30. profile image53
    Shelia87511posted 13 years ago

    To help you in losing weight, maybe it would be wise to look for other means to curb your cravings apart from using a weight loss patch. According to USDA studies, adults who are overweight have the tendency of eating more calories during the night compared to adults who weigh normally, but they only eat slightly more of the calories at other times during the day. Another study done by the University of Texas shows that it is easier to overeat during the night, basically because the late-night snacking seem to be not as satisfying as snacking during the day. Other studies even say that a lot of people eat up to about 50% of their total calories for the day at night. This would tell you that your cravings during the night has a very big impact on your weight loss goals and overall health.
    If you are looking for any Information on Weight Loss then visit http://www.rawfooddiet2013.com

  31. profile image48
    Bannya8658posted 12 years ago

    Avoid sugar.dont drink sodas and dont eat sweets.
    Drink lots of water.you take balance diet.take around 1000-1200 calorices.
    you can regular exercise every day.Take in less calories than you burn in a day.


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