A close family member has just eloped. You're invited to their "wedding" party.

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  1. LowellWriter profile image82
    LowellWriterposted 15 years ago

    A close family member has just eloped. You're invited to their "wedding" party. What would be an appropriate gift to give? They insist that they don't want a big deal made, but are known to be greedy.

  2. Benz B profile image61
    Benz Bposted 15 years ago

    If they are known for being greedy then I would get a congratulations card and put $100 in it.  Also I would buy a nice picture frame and have wrapped and bring it as a gift so that you will not look empty handed and they have something to put their first pictures as a new married couple together in.  Besides, every time you visit them and you see the frame you gave them it will give you joy, unlike the 5 or so toasters and crock pots they will have hidden in the bottom kitchen cabinets, lol.  And the money will help them pay for all of the expenses they incurred throwing the wedding party.  Good luck.

  3. Dr. Gordon profile image59
    Dr. Gordonposted 15 years ago

    I'd give them a visa gift card for at least $100.00 and a small household item that is in keeping with their lifestyle and preferences.

  4. Jennifer Lynn profile image60
    Jennifer Lynnposted 15 years ago

    Make a generous donation to a charity in their name.

  5. Lady LaShonda profile image73
    Lady LaShondaposted 15 years ago

    Being a wedding consultant and coordinator, my expertise will answer this question. People who elope, really had no expectations of receiving a gift. People prefer to give gifts if they witnessed the ceremony and attended the reception. The purpose of the wedding favors is to thank everyone for attending and those who sent a gift.

    Most couples already lived together before marriage, as statistics claim. Thus the need for gifts are not as important because the couple has already been housekeeping. A wedding gift is usually items to make the couples house a home such as appliances, bedding, towels, dishes, etc...

    If the couple has to receive a gift, a card with money would suffice just fine. That way they could do what ever they want with the cash. Me personally, I wouldn't have a "wedding party." I would wait until an important anniversary date such as a 5th or 10th wedding anniversary to celebrate. I would have a reception (much like a wedding reception) to celebrate those milestones. I would invite everyone to this event. People feel much better giving an anniversary gift opposed to a gift for a wedding they weren't there to witness better yet enjoy.

  6. pendell2 profile image58
    pendell2posted 15 years ago

    In New York cash plays a big role in wedding gifts;  if that is the custom in your area perhaps this is the way to go.

            Personally congratulate them and mean it.  Regardless of the form in which it started they still want a happy marriage, and you should wish them as much.

  7. partyprimadonna profile image59
    partyprimadonnaposted 15 years ago

    Check out all of my Personalize Gifts on http://partyprimadonna.theaspenshops.com
    The Happy couple would love to see Their new last name Monogrammed on a Mr. & Mrs. Gift.
    Hope this helps!

  8. cyoung35 profile image78
    cyoung35posted 15 years ago

    Money, money, money...this is what all newlyweds want because they can use it the way they choose. Whether they blow it away on nothing or they purchase something of value you can't go wrong and they will remember the gift you gave even though they may not remember what they bought with it. The amount is entirely up to you and what you feel is sufficient.

  9. dorjek profile image60
    dorjekposted 15 years ago

    just put a 50/100$ note on an envelop and give it.. That should solve the problem of greedyness

  10. daudi4jazz profile image60
    daudi4jazzposted 15 years ago

    The greedy have no conscience they do what they will to achieve what they want without any consideration of right and wrong

  11. slenoue profile image60
    slenoueposted 14 years ago

    I'd go with some kind of personalized or unique gift. Something you don't have to spend a lot fo money on, but "looks" like it. Get them a great bottle of wine with a personalized wine label from http://www.personalizedwinelabelsetc.com/ it makes a great keepsake.

  12. profile image52
    happy2010posted 14 years ago

    you can go to jcp and something for household will always be in use and not spend that much, or if you dont realy like them but still want to get them something spend about $20-30 and give it to them with out a card or go less,

  13. profile image48
    isler45posted 14 years ago

    They would love personalized wedding coasters. You can find a large assortment of them here:


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