Does anyone have any thoughts about the book of Enoch?

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  1. Sky321 profile image82
    Sky321posted 14 years ago

    Does anyone have any thoughts about the book of Enoch?

    It was mentioned in the book of Jude, and I'm wondering why it was taken out?

  2. acufriend profile image61
    acufriendposted 14 years ago

    my thoughts are that it is the most interesting part of the bible. w/o a close second. it may be the greatest documented alien- human encounter on public record. the origin of hebrew language symbols and the knowledge that later builds the pyramids are attributed to enochs encounter. there are wonderful youtube video segments from a author of excellant professionalism further detailing this. i believe its under ancient aliens.

  3. Judah's Daughter profile image79
    Judah's Daughterposted 14 years ago

    The book of Enoch was apparently included in the Bible canon for 500 years, then removed by the Council of Laodicea in 364 AD.  Because it confirms the Genesis 6:2-4 account, and answers/aligns with 2 Pet 2:4 and Jude 1:6 I have referenced it in regard to fallen angels, and pre- and post-flood giants. 

    The biggest criticism of the Book of Enoch is that "Enoch didn't write it", but if it aligns with scripture, I consider it.  The gospels of Mark and Luke weren't written by Apostles; neither of them are listed in the 12.  The Bible also refers to the Book of Jasher in Joshua 10:13 and 2 Sam 1:18 (which is a book of Songs, according to my research), yet it, too was removed from Bible canon.

    I have one hub that shows the alignment of the Book of Enoch with the Bible called "The Origin of the Nephilim".  My rule of thumb is this ~ be grounded in the Bible before branching out into any other extra-biblical material; always test what you read to make sure it aligns with the Bible and keep your faith in the Bible, only "observing" what is in extra-Biblical material.  Blessings!

  4. HOOWANTSTONO profile image61
    HOOWANTSTONOposted 14 years ago

    I don't know if you read my hub "Sons of Nephilim a Hoax"

    The Book of Enoch is not part of the bible never was and when it was it was in Error, it was removed because it did not Harmonize with the rest of the Bible, it contains things that contradict the whole Bible and is the only book that does this. I could give the numerous faults, but too many for now

    The Book of Enoch, estimated date of writing was between 150-80 B.C. and this would also indicate that it was written nearly 4000yrs after Enoch in Genesis. It was a deliberate fraudulent copy from the Torah quoting Torah scripture but twisting the meanings and adding to the Torah.Its intention was to create new religious sects, much like JWs and New Age etc.

    Jude:1:14 also quotes from the book of Enoch in Error not realizing that it was a false script.
    Heb:11:5 was talking about the correct Enoch, who was never a Prophet neither did he prophecy at any time, or say anything in this book

    This Book is not God given, it started the lie that humans could breed with with Fallen Angels,called demons also named Satan the devil.

    Its fooled many a Christian, especially a new believer.

    Rather know the truth and identify the lie.

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