Why is there such a large communication gap between parents and teenagers?

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  1. CARIBQUEEN profile image64
    CARIBQUEENposted 13 years ago

    Why is there such a large communication gap between parents and teenagers?

  2. angel115707 profile image59
    angel115707posted 13 years ago

    I can't speak for everyone, but my personal experience, growing up, my parents pushed school, college, earning money etc... to grow up, thats what you do, I grew up as a Christian and felt this was against the entire purpose of our creation, we were meant to grow in love, walk in the spirit and think of eternal things, I have spoken to alot of teens and they say they simply want to do what the FEEL like, I was on more of a spirit quest... I think there are some teens who go into depression or rebellion because they know this 9 to 5 consumerism, mentality is killing us with stress and destroying the earth, many parents know this but are so stuck as slaves to it they do not stop and spend the time to break it down to their kids and encourage them to be catalysts for real change not "Change" meaning more consumerism

  3. clark farley profile image69
    clark farleyposted 13 years ago

    'cause they are teenagers and parents are adults (for the most part)... (sometimes)... (by the calendar, in any event)

    Try to remember what you thought of the world and especially of your parents, when you were a teenager.
    You were in slightly different worlds.
    Always tricky, that communicating between two different realities.

  4. Valeed profile image68
    Valeedposted 13 years ago

    According to me the major reason behind this problem is the generation gap that exists between the parents and the teenagers. In families where there is a communication gap, you may notice that there is a huge age difference between the parents and their children. People spend their lives making careers and in the process they avoid marriage or having kids right after getting married.

  5. ThunderKeys profile image63
    ThunderKeysposted 13 years ago

    I think one major dimension of the parent-teen communication-gap is the saturation of family life with unrealistic and even destructive pop cultural relationship models.

  6. sroberts9 profile image80
    sroberts9posted 13 years ago

    I believe its because of the age difference.  Time flows freely -however each minute is different.  As time flows everything in time change and that includes communication.  Two people watch the exact same thing but, neither of the two people see the same exact thing.

  7. profile image56
    rieomposted 13 years ago

    Parents think their kids do not know anything and kids think they know it all.

  8. Dr. Wendy profile image60
    Dr. Wendyposted 13 years ago

    Society has taught both parents and teens that they don't need to respect each other. There needs to be mutual respect.  Parents need to be parents, not prison wardens or friends.  Teens need to honor their parents.  Communication lines should be kept open.  Teens need to know their parents love them.  Too often though, parents are busy with their careers and their needs.  They give their kids material stuff but they don't give enough of themselves.

  9. Pagelift profile image59
    Pageliftposted 13 years ago

    Parents live very different lives than Teenagers. Parents have become who they are through trial and error, and building their career, finances, and emotional maturity up to become a parent. Teenagers are handed almost everything, take what they get for granted, and are rebellious; it's not wrong, it's just what teenagers do.

  10. juniorsbook profile image63
    juniorsbookposted 13 years ago

    Main reason behind communication gap between teenagers and parents is freedom, younger generation today demands freedom in everything and as everyone is busy in day to day life where making both ends meet requires hard work, living in a nuclear family has created this huge gap which can be filled with only one resolution ie start living in a joint family.

  11. gmwilliams profile image84
    gmwilliamsposted 13 years ago

    To the average parent, a teenager is not an individual in their own right but an extension of the parent.  Many parents do not actually talk to their teenagers but talk at them.   What parents do not realize is that their teenagers are no longer children to be dictated to but adults in the making. 

    Parents should approach their teenagers as adults, not as children.  When parents treat their teenagers in a more mature and democratic fashion, there will not be such a large communication gap between the parents and their teenagers.  The average parent do not listen to their teenager and believe that they have the best answer.  Wrong!   These are the types of parents which alienate their teenagers and make the teenagers avoid them at all costs.  Teenagers communicate with parents who are open to their views and have a two-way discussion.  Most parents are totally out of date when wanting to communicate with their teenager.

  12. scoobydeb profile image66
    scoobydebposted 13 years ago

    Frankly, I think it's because too many parents try to control every aspect of their teenagers lives at a time when the teenagers are trying to figure out who they are as individuals and trying to take control of some things themselves and feel empowered over their own lives.

    That's why I've mostly left it to my kids to make their own choices - both good and bad - and deal with the consequences from them.

    They've learned some things the hard way, but that's part of growing up and maturing. And I don't have any communication problem with them at all...well, most of the time. wink We discuss good and bad choices, I tell them my opinion, then I let them decide what to do. For the most part, both of my teens have made very good choices and we have mutual respect for each other.

    There are a couple of things that I do not waver on like their education. So when I do set down the rules, they know I mean business and that it's because it's something that I consider vitally important.

  13. felicitylovespari profile image37
    felicitylovespariposted 13 years ago

    There's a communication gap between parents and teenagers because most parents discipline their young as like their generation which is totally different in this new generation.And  mostly parents can't adopt or have a hard times to deal with the new generation which end up in insisting their old ways of discipline which also give hard time to young ones.

    For me parents should treat  teenagers like their friends and much better like a best friend and avoid  applying the principle of superiority which is the power reside only to parents and the young must obey at all times.

    In this way, i think the communication gap can be avoided and if not, somehow it can be lessen.Parents treat your teens like a friend so they will be more open to you

  14. shwetha123 profile image59
    shwetha123posted 13 years ago

    there is a large communication gap between parents and teenagers just because the way parents think about anything teenagers never accept it. And once there is conflict between their thinking arises then communication gap will take place between them.


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