Is being straight forward easy for you ??

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  1. rajivnandy profile image61
    rajivnandyposted 13 years ago

    Is being straight forward easy for you ??

    do u find it difficult to be really honest with your friends ...?? Do gimme ur opinion

  2. katiem2 profile image60
    katiem2posted 13 years ago

    I feel being straight forward is vital and yet to be constructive at it one must first be a good listener.  Other wise the straight forward point may fall on def ears.

    The difficult part is realizing when it matters to be straight forward and it can be difficult indeed.  Good Question!

    smile Katie

  3. leahbull profile image61
    leahbullposted 13 years ago

    I find it impossible to lie to my family and friends. I always tell it straight foward, when I lie I feel like I am letting them down. I want them to know that they can always trust me.

  4. BenWritings profile image65
    BenWritingsposted 13 years ago

    I've never been able to lie. Brutal honesty gets me in trouble all the time, but its simply built into who I am to be honest

  5. SeenButNotHeard profile image60
    SeenButNotHeardposted 13 years ago

    I've always had trouble saying how I felt, I keep it all bottled up most of the time. It's hard to tell people certain things, but I never lie about it. I can't stand to be lied to, why would I lie to others? Though sometimes it is easier to say nothing at all.

  6. ansonabey profile image73
    ansonabeyposted 13 years ago

    I hope it's not wise to be straightforward all the times. Better to be diplomatic.

  7. Jarn profile image59
    Jarnposted 13 years ago

    Honesty is easy. The problem is it tends to anger other people,so you end up with a corps of friends who are close enough to understand that you're not being rude, just honest. It also ostracizes everyone else, so you've gotta ask yourself whether or not you can accept that.

  8. Iadore profile image60
    Iadoreposted 13 years ago

    I find it easy but it depends on the person and if its a sensitive issue, you need to be able to put yourself in the persons shoes before you are direct about something concerning them.

  9. Rosie2010 profile image67
    Rosie2010posted 13 years ago

    No, it's not easy for me.  I don't like hurting other's feelings so I tend to answer in a very vague way and hope the person will get it.  It's like asking your boyfriend if what you're wearing is making you look fat.. I never ask that question cuz I already know the answer.  But if I got short changed even just a few cents, I get very annoyed and I will go back to the store and complain about it.. but if someone cut in line in front of me, I may or may not say anything depending on my mood at that time.  So my answer is no, being straight forward is definitely difficult for me.

  10. Vishaaa profile image72
    Vishaaaposted 13 years ago

    It's easy to be straight forward if we don't respect anybody's feelings. I was and I'm like that all my life time. But I ended up with nobody. No friends, no relatives, no one other than a true relationship(even that person suffers because of this).

    I feel I could have been just like others, respecting others' feelings and act according to it. I wouldn't left out alone like this then.

  11. profile image0
    bhaveshpatel03posted 13 years ago

    Not always easy but straight forwardness may save us from many misunderstading, avoid complexities.

  12. Phaseus profile image59
    Phaseusposted 13 years ago

    Yes, I am often truthful to most everyone. Sure, there's a time when I might tell a small lie (Because everyone does and we all know it) but I feel honesty is might be because of all the years I tried lying and it REALLY never worked. Poor bum of mine.

  13. nightwork4 profile image61
    nightwork4posted 13 years ago

    i'm know for being straight forward among my friends. i don't like to be politically correct or any other form of acceptable lying, which is all sugar coating an answer is.

  14. ladyjojo profile image61
    ladyjojoposted 13 years ago

    I am a straight forward person i would say it's a fifty fifty chance, some people don't like you to be forward but i think it's better to be like that rather than being a hyprocrite and pretending all is well when it isn't

    I love the way i am , sometimes i can be too forward though and then i have to say to myself ouch you dug to deep. LOL

    I seldom think twice of my forwardness i mean it hurt people sometimes because they don't wanna hear the truth but as long as i stand on the right grounds it's gonna have to hurt you. LOVE IS CORRECTIVE smile

  15. dashingscorpio profile image81
    dashingscorpioposted 13 years ago

    I think the older one becomes the less "dancing" they do around issues and feelings. In order to be straight forward with someone (which is not to say being devoid of tact), a person has to want to be known for their honesty and integrity. 

    Someone may not agree with you but they will in the long run "respect" you. They'll know you aren't the type of person who will say something simply to stroke their ego.
    "With honesty comes trust."

  16. profile image0
    Lesleysherwoodposted 13 years ago

    I find it hard, but I do try and think of how I would feel.  I want people to be straight with me.  Sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind and at first your friend might not like what you say, but when they have thought more about it they may end up thanking you.  After all, you would like to be told something if it meant saving your dignity or something in the long run wouldn't you?


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