What is the cure to a sinus infection?

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  1. barbergirl28 profile image79
    barbergirl28posted 13 years ago

    What is the cure to a sinus infection?

    I have had this cold for months it seems... congested sinus's, hacking cough, stuffy yet dry nose, watery eyes. Seriously sick of feeling this way. Does anybody know any remedies that can help. I have been to the doctor in the middle of this and the antibiotics did nothing.

    1. profile image54
      MojoCubaposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      you cant go wrong with 750mg AHCC, cures pretty much everything for us and our 4 year old so far. within days. add in 3-4G vitamin c per day for the phlegm and stuffy nose. all the best luck :-)

  2. Healing Touch profile image67
    Healing Touchposted 13 years ago

    My saving grace is Neil Meds.  You can buy it right at a walgreens store. It is a box with powder, and a bottle for the water.  Buy distilled water, heat it up, put it bottle with the powder and shake it.  It goes in one nostril at a time.  I have not had a sinus infection since I starte doing this.  Good luck

  3. CrossWords profile image61
    CrossWordsposted 13 years ago

    I used to get a lot of those sinus infections, actually had sinus surgery.
    My experience is, that not every antibiotic works for everybody.
    The doctor may have given you the wrong one for your body.
    You may need to go back and try a different one. You may want to combine the antibiotic with a antihistamine. I always wished there was a natural remedy, have not found one. Only for prevention.

    Feel better soon!

  4. windndown profile image59
    windndownposted 13 years ago

    You could very well have bad allergies too, and anti's wont kill any allergies, so see if taking some OTC allergy meds help. I have bad allergies, and if I wake with goo rolling around in my head I have to I MEAN HAVE TO take Sudafed, or Mucinex, or something to clear the mucus or yes, for me, it can settle in my inner ear or in my sinus's. I hope this helps. I didnt start getting bad allergies until about 2008 after I was 50. I started getting vertigo from mucus and swollen inner ears GOOD LUCK!!  Also, a nedi pot works helps too

  5. mhudson7 profile image58
    mhudson7posted 13 years ago

    Get yourself a Neti Pot at Walgreens or CVS smile Good luck!

  6. Matt in Jax profile image59
    Matt in Jaxposted 13 years ago

    Humidifiers are also good solutions in addition to those I've seen on here.

  7. Milton Reid profile image58
    Milton Reidposted 13 years ago

    Sinus infections are usually viral, so spectrum antibiotics wouldn't do anything. If you develop a rash, go back to the doctor immediately, because it could be MRSA (or another drug-resistant agent) if it's lasting this long against antibiotics. It's also possible you developed multiple illnesses back to back if the symptoms changed part way through, or if the infectious agents cause similar symptoms. The timing may have blended multiple ailments together seamlessly. Another possibility is a compromised immunity due to HIV, or immunosuppressant drugs for treating an auto-immune disease.

    In the same vein, allergy meds are a possibility as well if it is auto-immune. Anti-histamines make you very drowsy, though, so be careful driving, sky-diving, and operating large weaponry.

  8. AngelTrader profile image60
    AngelTraderposted 13 years ago

    Have to agree with mhudson! Get a Neti Pot and flush a saline solution through twice a day.

    Had sinus problems for years but within days of flushing my sinuses it all cleared up. I use mine twice a day and have done for the past 5 years and in all that time I have kept clear of all cold and flu viruses.

    It seems strange at first but you soon get used to it and boy is it effective.

    1. Brinafr3sh profile image69
      Brinafr3shposted 13 years ago

      I've heard that vinegar and water can help with sinus problems. Add about 2 Teaspoons of vinegar in an eight once glass of water.    peace smile

    2. proactrdv profile image61
      proactrdvposted 13 years ago

      Most likely it is antibiotics of some kind. Anyway if you have one you may want to get it taken care of by a Doctor and not fool around with home remedies.

    3. tritrain profile image72
      tritrainposted 13 years ago

      Try using a 'netty pot'.  You can find them at your local drug store.  Awesome!

    4. eamomd profile image60
      eamomdposted 13 years ago

      A great relief from sinus infection that I've tried in the past is a product called "Friars Balsam".

      All you do is put one or two drops in a bowl of hot (not boiling) water,lean over the bowl and place a towel over your head and breath in the vapor with big deep breaths.

      If you can still get the product,this is definitely worth a try.

      Other names: Jesuits’ Drops, Balsamic Tincture and Commander’s Balsam.

      Hope this gives you relief!

    5. eneueneu profile image58
      eneueneuposted 13 years ago

      The end to my chronic sinus infections came when I had surgery for the polyps that had grown in both sides of my nose, . I am so much better now

    6. stone soup profile image60
      stone soupposted 13 years ago

      The best thing that has worked for my sinus infection when I have extreme pressure is tea tree oil. It is fantastic and you can get it through numerous herbal sites. It is very strong, you may need to dilute it but I put one single drop on my forefinger then rub it between the forefinger and the thumb and rub a little under your nose and on your cheekbones (it helps the eyes but you do not want it directly on the sensative undereye area. Or you can put a couple of drops in boiling water and do the old towel over the head bit.
      Good luck and I hope you feel better!

    7. Zainejaz profile image61
      Zainejazposted 13 years ago

      drink plenty of water and other liquids.
      Stay away from dairy products.
      Eat foods that are rich in antioxidants.
      Apply moist heat to the face to keep sinuses open.
      Apply a cold compress to the forehead and sinus areas relieve a sinus headache.
      Add apple cider vinegar to your facial steam.
      Use herbal remedies for a sinus infection.

      To sleep better during bouts of sinus attack, drink a cup of tea before bed.

      Talk to a holistic doctor or herbalist to get advice on treating specific sinus problem. There are many natural remedies to help fight a sinus infection without the use of prescription medication.

    8. vrint profile image53
      vrintposted 13 years ago

      you can try accupressure .The science of 'Healing with your own hands'.I must tell you it does bring a lot of relief.Telling you this from my own experience.

    9. Dexter Yarbrough profile image68
      Dexter Yarbroughposted 13 years ago

      Stay away from dairy products, drink the juice of lemons and plenty of water.

    10. DJProfessorK profile image61
      DJProfessorKposted 13 years ago

      I eat really spicy food to clear myself out. It seems to work, usually by way of hot wings, but anything spicy should do.

    11. rouxsgirl1963 profile image61
      rouxsgirl1963posted 13 years ago

      Prevention is best.  I used to get a sinus infection every time i'd get a cold that lasted more than 2-3 days.  I found that keeping my sinuses as clear as possible during a cold helped it from going into a sinus infection.  So I used OTC cold medications and saline nose sprays and humidifiers.  Sounds like a lot of work, but worth the effort to avoid the pain of a sinus infection.  Hope you are feeling better by now.

      1. SinupretSa profile image59
        SinupretSaposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Prevention is totally best, I agree with you on that one but you have to be very careful with some OTC as they can cause "rebound sinusitis". the best cure is to s a doctor.

    12. profile image0
      CollBposted 13 years ago

      Covering your head with a towel and hovering over a bowl of steaming hot water with some vicks vapour rub dissolved in it.

      Breathe in and out for 5 minutes at a time and you should notice your breathing becoming a lot clearer.

      I also find a 15-minutes exercise of walking, jogging or using the steps indoors to walk up and down, helps the body to perspire and gets the 'cold' out of your head, which then relieves the sinuses of any blockage.

      For some reason honey and lemon not only works on the throat but also helps to keep my nose clear too as I find my nose runs and then clears up quickly, so plenty of tissues at hand for a day or two.

    13. kafsoa profile image64
      kafsoaposted 13 years ago

      I'll tell you my own experience and it's up to you. Once I had this type of cold that never ends, and I spent a very hard time with blocked nose. One of my colleagues recommended "fresh lemon juice drops" directly to the nose. I tried it and  I can't describe how harsh it was, but the surprise was "IT'S GONE". But again it's painful.
      Good luck wink

    14. bloggermasud profile image39
      bloggermasudposted 13 years ago

      We may use nonprescription drugs, but that is not how to treat a sinus infection - that is the way to treat the symptoms of the infection, and there is a big difference, as you well know. The biggest problem with drugs is the pharmacy that will not do anything to heal. On the other hand, are designed to provide a quick fix, and hide their symptoms and effects that are intended to provide temporary relief of these symptoms. They are not designed to go after the cause, but to lessen the effect.

      Naturopathic medicine is different because its focus is on the cause of ailments. After all, once you remove the cause, the effects disappear with permanence. This kind of thinking has caused more sensible and more each day turn to the herbal medicine, home remedies and naturopathic healing. If you're looking to learn how to treat a sinus infection, then natural resources is the best way to go.

      The natural method of healing has many benefits. Besides the obvious factor cost, is our health. Herbal remedies are more readily accepted by our bodies because they are natural - not as a creative laboratory, the mass of medicines based on chemicals produced in a factory. And the natural approach is also multi-faceted, focuses on many aspects of our health. For example, did you know that there are different types of foods and drinks that can dilate the bronchial passages and conduits for ease of breathing? There are also types that can have the reverse of this effect. There are also foods and beverages that can dissipate or reduce the production of mucus, and are not what we can do even more congested. It seems that natural remedies are the way to treat a sinus infection effectively.

      Did you know your sinus infection can be cured in the next 24 hours? What's more, never to return? A simple home remedy is all you need to cure your sinus infection for good. For more information on the head of the sinus infection treatment.

      Read my hub about: Too much consumption of alcohol is harmful to your diet.

      http://hubpages.com/hub/Too-much-consum … -9-reasons

    15. AllensPlace11 profile image60
      AllensPlace11posted 13 years ago
    16. Joanne Bryant profile image60
      Joanne Bryantposted 13 years ago

      If you go to the chemist they have a bottle that is for rinsing out your sinuses. Mix up a solution of 1 teaspoon sea salt with 1 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda and 500mls of hot water. The salt helps fight bacteria and the soda leaves a coating (like a teflon pan) that stops the gunk from sticking in your sinuses. When cool, you spout it up your nostril and let it run out the other. Sounds gross I know - but I tried it when I was like you and it really works.

    17. lazko profile image58
      lazkoposted 13 years ago

      Drink lots of CLEAR fluids. In medicine they have a saying: "The secret to pollution is dilution!" Dilute all of the heavy mucus by drinking water, sports drinks, or other clear fluids. Avoid milk, creams, or other dairy products that can increase congestion.

    18. phillip goodson profile image60
      phillip goodsonposted 13 years ago

      Once they are infected you need medicine, but for people who are prone to keep getting them, you can take some easy natural steps to keep them from clogging  up in the first place, wich usually causes the infection to begin with. Spicy foods will keep them clear, hot peppers are great for that, if you don't like them in your food then you can take a spoonful of cayenne pepper when you feel a cold coming on, that will keep your pipes clean!

    19. myi4u profile image60
      myi4uposted 13 years ago

      Check this out

      Well, I suggest that you clean the place that you are living in at the moment rather than trying to consume various medicine. Once you get your place or room clean, see if your condition has improved. Sinus infection is mostly likely to be caused by the environment (and weather), in my opinion.

      My nose is the sensitive type. Talcum powder, perfume, dust and similar things do not do good to my nose. Therefore, I vacuum my room every week and change the bedsheet monthly.

    20. Becca Lopez profile image58
      Becca Lopezposted 13 years ago

      Dehumidifyer, lots of water, musinex (or a generic brand of it), tylenol if you have a headache from the built up pressure, and OJ. No dairy as others have said. It will thicken the muscus and make things worse. Hope this helps.

    21. profile image0
      Daniella Lopezposted 13 years ago

      Personally I have had incredible results with a thing called a Neti Pot. It's definitely not appealing for everyone, but it does wonders for a sinus infection!

    22. artist101 profile image67
      artist101posted 12 years ago

      I have written an article on this subject. http://artist101.hubpages.com/hub/is-it-cold-or-allergy Your symptoms imply an allergy is to blame, not a cold. Two wonderful supplements that helped me are QBC, and grapefruit seed extract. QBC helps with the reaction, and grapefruit helps with the infection, as does olive leaf. Usual duration is 7-10 days, so I doubt it's a cold. Antibiotics won't help if its not an infection. The stuffy yet dry nose, implies swelling, not mucus. Qbc helps in the same way psuedafed, and other decongestants do, by dispelling inflammation. A saline rinse may help to quell the dryness, as will a humidifyer, to moisten relative humidty in your house. Finding out what your allergic to would also be helpful, an immunoligist can do this. Increasing immunity can also be helpful. All in my article. Let me know if this helps.

      1. artist101 profile image67
        artist101posted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Another recommendation is a pinch of salt in the palm of yr hand, fill palm with warm water, hold one nostril shut, sniff with open nostril, to clean out sinuses. Salt is very healing to mucus membranes, and will clear out whatever is bothering you.

    23. anav12 profile image42
      anav12posted 4 years ago

      The best cure to a sinus infection is Home treatments to help ease your sinus pain and inflammation to get rid of your sinus infection faster
      Flush. Use a Neti pot, a therapy that uses a salt and water solution, to flush your nasal passages
      Add humidity.
      OTC medication


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