Does law of attraction ( the secret)work? It seems too simplistic. Have you trie

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  1. Xyddig profile image61
    Xyddigposted 13 years ago

    It does work. You just have to focus on positive thoughts and let them go knowing whatever you want will be brought to you. You have to take chances though, if a certain happening took place and you thought it could help you, do take advantage of it.

  2. biliph profile image60
    biliphposted 13 years ago

    I believe the premise of the law of attraction is thinking of ways to achieve a certain goal and pouncing on opportunities that will make you another step closer to that goal.

  3. Gorochi profile image63
    Gorochiposted 13 years ago

    I'm going to take the opposite stance and say that "the law of attraction" doesn't exist.

    1) People in poverty (like developing country style) can wish as much as they want and still never improve their status. Even hard work can't make a difference in some places.

    2) I think the "law of attraction" could probably be revised to the law of "caring about something enough that you do something about it and actually make it happen".

    In all, I don't believe it's some kind of universal law. Rather, it's just a mixture of hard work, opportunity, and diligence.


    1. lone77star profile image72
      lone77starposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      The Law of Attraction is far closer to the idea of "faith."

      With true faith, people in poverty can do anything. Too often their faith is on current reality, so they get more of the same.

      Faith is feeling, not conscious thought.

  4. Time Spiral profile image77
    Time Spiralposted 13 years ago

    No. The Universe if not a "genie in a bottle".

    You will not receive checks in the mail if you stare at pictures of money and mansions magnet-pinned to your fridge.

    No, this metaphysical "secret" is not be hidden from you by the powers that be.

    Yes, you can have a direct influence on your life through physical and spiritual work, focus, and dedication, but it is not magic. It is not a secret. It is not a 'law' in the traditional sense. 

    There is substance in the essence of the idea, but the messaging in the Secret is AT BEST ignorantly irresponsible and at worst an outright scam.

    1. lone77star profile image72
      lone77starposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Perhaps more accurately,... you won't receive checks by doing those things.

      The "universe" really does "say," "Your wish is my command." And it listens to your negative requests just as much as it listens to my positive ones

  5. Dina123 profile image61
    Dina123posted 13 years ago

    Yes!I'm telling you it WORKS!just keep visualizing and believing.

  6. juiwei2000 profile image60
    juiwei2000posted 13 years ago

    Usually work, but not always, after all every body are different

  7. sugz profile image67
    sugzposted 13 years ago

    yes it works.. it is simple.. i tried it, and still use it cos it works well an truely..

    try it on small things. simple things.. a cloudy day, just say it once.. i want the clouds to go away, and follow it with, i want it to be warm and sunny. expect it and let it go..  but the secret to it is beleiving it will happen, without that.. it just wont.
    when i drive to work, i get sick of red lights.. before i leave for work, i just say, i want a clear quick run to work and green lights all the way. 99% of the time i get green lights and its always a quick run to work (drive lol) the days i forget.. i get soo peeved at having red lights and taking upto 30mins to get to work an always end up annoyed at myself.

    as they say.. don't knock it till ya try it smile

  8. profile image51
    luthercropposted 13 years ago

    the law of attraction is a very powerful tool and it only works if you have your own power within and believe in that same power

    and that power is you can influence everything around you to do or behave as you want

    let me give u a good example..have you ever stared at someone unconsiously  and after some time that persons looks at you??
    yes that is the power that lies in you..."What you concentrate on,does the same back to you"

  9. anjaycrossroad profile image60
    anjaycrossroadposted 13 years ago

    I had started the business which makes a 5 digits monthly profit for me and met the woman of my dreams within 2 months of reading (and watching the movie) of the secret. Life is good smile

  10. friscodreams777 profile image60
    friscodreams777posted 13 years ago

    The law of attraction is really very simple. The base of it centers around vibrational energy. Famous Louise Hay says it best when she said that "With every thought you think and every word you speak, you are creating your own future." It is the belief that you will attract (the energy of) what you are giving out. One of my favorite things about it is the simple and constant positive affirmations you say to yourself continually. If you believe it, you live it, it will come to you. The thing is that you must be a VIBRATIONAL MATCH to whatever it is you want. This is the challenge !

  11. vdelarosa profile image61
    vdelarosaposted 13 years ago

    Yes it most definitely does, and it's the only thing that works or can ever work. The thing about the Secret, although it did help me accomplish things I NEVER otherwise would have thought were possible... it is missing a HUGE component. I strongly recommend you start to watch the youtube clips of Abraham Hicks. It is weird at first, but once you get used to her/his particular terminology, you will soon learn that the teachings are what explain EVERYTHING about how the law of attraction works, and how this Universe works. smile I have never felt more honest about anything. Good luck, and much love!

  12. alphagirl profile image76
    alphagirlposted 13 years ago

    I believe it works. It is all in the mind. What you think, you will to happen. Like a self fullfilling prophecy. I say that because any premeditated thought creates an action or inaction. Doing nothing is a just as active as an action.

    Let's use meeting someone at a bar. How you conduct yourself will create some time of reaction good or bad.

    How about getting up in a bad mood. That sets the tone of the day because your energy is negative. All your reactions will be more negative.

    Ever see an old grumpy person surrounded by people who want to be around them.

    positive people attract people like magnets because of the positive energy they give.

  13. daisyf1305 profile image74
    daisyf1305posted 13 years ago

    I love your questions and the answer is YES but of course, anywhere you look, any religion, scientific concept, they all believe we use energy, GOD, connectivity, prayers, to get what we want we must ask, and have faith that we will receive it.

    I recommend reading The secret, or Angelspeake by barbara mark and Trudy griswald, lus thanx you gave me an idea for a new HUB>>>>

  14. Albert C Servin profile image60
    Albert C Servinposted 13 years ago


    Now in the book and in the movie you are lead to belive that you all your wishfull thinking will come true, there is alittle more to it.

    Strongly recommend the you read the book and also read think and grow rich by napoleon hill as it is the original book where the content was taken from.

    Also I read the book and put some of it into practice like the part that says start to think positive about getting less bills in the mail or something like that and I did everyday I was thinking it would be so cool to get free money in the mail and I trully believed it and guess what happened a week later I got a letter in the mail from some random survey company and enclose was 1 whole dollar ! it said to thank you for your time in answering this letter here is a dollar for your time. it seems like this could be some logical thing that eventually a survey company would do this but what about the coincidence that I had been thinking about it a week prior and that all my life i had never gotten any money out of the blue at random in the mail.
    so i decided to do some research and there is a scientific term called serendipity which explains this sort  of event so I wouldnt go out and preach about the secret I would actually practice it and call it by what researchers name it and it is serendipty. feel free to google the term and check more info on the subject.

  15. debbie roberts profile image71
    debbie robertsposted 13 years ago

    I think 'The Secret' is just positive thinking that has been repackaged and sold to people who need something to believe in to help them succeed, as it encourages people to think positively and focus on what they want. If we believe we can achieve something then we have a much higher chance of achieving, which is basically what 'The Secret' is about. I can't say I'm follower of 'The Secret', although I've watched the film and it makes sense to a degree. I do believe in positive thinking though and believe it that works.

    1. lone77star profile image72
      lone77starposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      "The Secret" leaves out a lot, but it is far more than "positive thinking." It is far more than merely increasing the odds of success.

      Beyond "The Secret" is the mechanics of creation -- the art of prayer and "asking and receiving."

  16. profile image59
    nasakeposted 13 years ago

    If you want to see the law of attraction backed up by some of the worlds worse science ever!! then go to youtube and type in "The Science of Attraction."

  17. Jim Ruppel profile image59
    Jim Ruppelposted 13 years ago

    We bought the dvd and watched it a number of times. Finally realized it did work....for the people the created it. I think Goethe say it best:

    Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back-- Concerning all acts of initiative (and creation), there is one elementary truth that ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one's favor all manner of unforeseen incidents and meetings and material assistance, which no man could have dreamed would have come his way. Whatever you can do, or dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. Begin it now.”
    ? Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

    I agree with the sowing and reaping too.

  18. SuneXtra profile image60
    SuneXtraposted 13 years ago

    Simply, I think a positive attitude always helps - even if just for the reason that people seem to like positive people more, and therefore, more opportunities will come your way. Nobody likes negative people!

  19. 88888888 profile image38
    88888888posted 13 years ago

    Yes it works on the things of interest only otherwise it can convert into profession

  20. Faceless39 profile image92
    Faceless39posted 13 years ago

    I wrote a hub on the laws of attraction, and they do work.  To understand how these laws of the universe work for or against you, read my hub on the topic here: … Attraction

  21. WookieWonderfuls profile image59
    WookieWonderfulsposted 13 years ago

    It does indeed. Have you ever noticed the more you concentrate on something you don't want to happen, the more it happens?
    Concentrate on what you put out to the universe smile

  22. rLcasaLme profile image68
    rLcasaLmeposted 12 years ago

    What is the Law of Attraction? Can the Law of Attraction really be the answer to all our problems? Was it really a great ancient secret knowledge concealed for thousands of years? Is there really such a thing as the Law of Attraction? Is it really in action all the time and everywhere?
    No! The Law of Attraction does not work, and there isn't even such a universal law. read more

  23. harmony155 profile image57
    harmony155posted 12 years ago

    If the law of attraction does work 100%, then we shouldn't have starving children in this world.

    1. lone77star profile image72
      lone77starposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Oh, but it does work 100%. How do you think people find themselves starving? What's important is to be aware of what you're creating (attracting). I've had it work instantaneously creating pure miracles.

  24. BeliDee profile image55
    BeliDeeposted 11 years ago

    yes it works. It completely turned my life around. It's best taught by Abraham Hicks. They are channelled by Esther Hicks.


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