Do you believe in friends with benefits? Why or why not?

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  1. Sheila Lee profile image60
    Sheila Leeposted 13 years ago

    Do you believe in friends with benefits? Why or why not?

  2. findaman profile image61
    findamanposted 13 years ago

    No, I do not. It would definitely not work for me. Women are not made that way - when a woman have sex it releases a certain chemical in their brain that actually bonds her to the sexual partner, so that would not work in a "friends with benefits" situation.


  3. perfectperception profile image60
    perfectperceptionposted 13 years ago

    LOL.  Nope because there's usually no benefit.  Almost always leaves someone hurt.

  4. MelissaVsWorld profile image80
    MelissaVsWorldposted 13 years ago

    Yes, I am a firm believe in "friends with benefits."  For many years before I met my husband, I had "friends with benefits."  Due to familial and career obligations, I did not have the time to commit to a relationship, but I still needed and desired the physical connection.  My partner(s) and I would sit down and discuss the rules and expectations, such as if we were exclusive "FWB" or if we were permitted to have other "FWB" concurrently.  There were also rules regarding discussion of emotions, keeping an "irregular" schedule of when we would hook-up, and ways to break things off in the event one of us were to develop feelings for the other. 

    I believe this to have been successful for me because I am not the stereotypical girl in that I am able to easily shut off all emotion in a situation and walk away without guilt or concern for the other parties feelings.  Normally, this would not be a good trait to possess, but in a FWB situation, this is preferential.

  5. mcgreg28 profile image63
    mcgreg28posted 13 years ago

    No! Once sex is included, the friendship can no longer be classified as such. The woman who shares a deep connection with her body often finds it difficult to remain emotionally disconnected from the one she allows to "benefit" from that which she values (her body). Hence, there is bound to be some form of conflict between the two friends; thereby ruining the friendship.

  6. juiwei2000 profile image60
    juiwei2000posted 13 years ago

    Why not, it is the 21st century.  As long as you are single and she is single, it is fine.  Oh and make sure, she don't have a son, boys (in fact even man) hate the idea their mother having sex, mostly because we do not like to see our mothers as a woman  Like they say "Of course I invite my mum to our no woman allow poker game.  After all, she ain't a woman.  She is my mum."

  7. profile image0
    Old Empresarioposted 13 years ago

    Absolutely; "why not" answers the question itself. But I am happily married and have about a hundred kids, so I'm only going to have non-benefiting friends.

  8. engelfantasydream profile image60
    engelfantasydreamposted 13 years ago

    is this pertain to sex only??..cos friends with benefits can be use in money aspect too..that some are only friends with you cos they need your money..those user friendly people..and in in other aspects as well..hence in our time friends with benefits is use or label only "for sex"..well for me i won't buy this thing and i strongly disagree to it..well, i respect others opinion or belief but it is not the way to roll..first and foremost..i don't believe in pre marital is taken out of context in this time..don't blame it on time which is inevitably changing..coz it is so called "21" century..i think mostly cos human morality is going down the wire..we all take things in exaggeration like on "freedom thing and gender equality"..that one can do whatever they want even to the extent of breaking the rules of the law or norm of society and that when men cheat or commit adultery woman can do is also taken farrrrr to farrrrrr is over rated already...the way sex been good luck people..besides LIFE IS WHAT WE MAKE IT!!!

  9. lucybell21 profile image64
    lucybell21posted 13 years ago

    No I don't think so. Friend with benefits is an easy way out of being in a real relationship. Who knows how many booty calls the other person is getting, not to mention what you can catch.. besides that from my point of view after all said and done perhaps I would end up feeling like a used piece of meat, just as if I were to pick someone up in a bar ( which I would not), but you get the meaning. Though I imagine it could work for other people, just not me.

  10. Sam Elutilo profile image61
    Sam Elutiloposted 13 years ago

    I believe that it works for some people who able to detach love from 'benefits' but for those who  are likely to become emotionally involved once they have sex, I'd advise that they stay well clear.  I'm engaged so this wouldn't enter my head but if I were single I would not do this as it's not for me at all.

  11. smzclark profile image61
    smzclarkposted 13 years ago

    No. It will always lead to either a relationship or heartbreak. Atleast one of the two is always feeling more than they're letting on. I know, I married my friend who 'benefitted' me.

  12. profile image48
    Guardian24783posted 13 years ago

    Yes, I do.  Of course, I am a guy so that is probably a stereotypical answer.  What I don't understand is why people say "a woman who respects herself/her body would NOT do this."  A woman who respects herself is not going to deny herself pleasure simply because her situation is not right for a relationship.  Maybe she still wants or, as MelissaVsWorld stated, needs and desires the connection.  Having a mutually beneficial relationship without all the ties of the status quo is no more disrespectful than someone staying in a relationship they are not fully committed to.

  13. soconfident profile image62
    soconfidentposted 13 years ago

    No, because there is alot of emotions in sex and eventually you become than friends with benefits

  14. profile image51
    Christafayeposted 7 years ago

    Yes i do i told my wife to get one cause i want to stay married but im gay and a transgender and want to become feminine

  15. Merique Meric profile image60
    Merique Mericposted 7 years ago

    I believe in friends with benefits.
    With this you do not have to attach feelings,  feel insecure or become commited.
    Unlike relationships which are a hell of work,  friends with benefits are only there to satisfy certain needs. This is quite easy and better because relationships are quite stressful.
    For instance in relationships People tend to spend quality time together.  This creates the 'I can't do without you' feeling in one person after a breakup. This tends to be so stressful and hurting.  On the other hand friends with benefits do not have to see each other all the time.  They can still gain from each other while keeping the distance.  They may even decide to drift away from each other without making a big deal out of it.

    The issue of insecurity in relationships is paramount.  No doubt there might be a little jealousy in friends with benefits but not to that extent of creating drama. Humans get jealous. Its a fact.  However in relationships it gets worse. Love birds mostly tend to have the feeling of owning each other.  They do not like the opposite sex interacting with their patners. At times it might cause chaos,  putting in mind that there are violent People.
    Friends with benefits however can choose to interact or even date other people and still not have problems ; as long as they do not have feelings for each other.

    A friends with benefits type of relationship is much better and fun,  it has no commitments and obligations


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