Do you and your spouse share household duties evenly? Why or why not?

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  1. LauraGT profile image85
    LauraGTposted 12 years ago

    Do you and your spouse share household duties evenly?  Why or why not?

    In many households, women still do the bulk of the household chores, such as cooking, laundry, cleaning, caring for the children, even when they work outside the home as well. What's the balance in your household?

  2. dashingscorpio profile image80
    dashingscorpioposted 12 years ago

    For the most part we cook and eat our own meals according to our different schedules. As for housework she has "her way" of cleaning which she thinks is better than mine. In fact she doesn't care for the way I put dishes in the dishwasher. LOL!
    Oddly enough when I lived alone I always got compliments for my clean place.
    Instead of fighting over "the right way" to do something it's just easier to let her do things her way. I unload the dishwasher, make the bed, clean the guest bathroom, vacum the stairs, and take out the trash. We have no children.
    It wouldn't surprise me if there were other couples where one partner is very "particular" about methods of cleaning that causes their mate to let them do it their way. I once dated a woman who had to have towels folded in thirds and the sheets on the bed had to be done with hospital corners. Once I caught her remaking the bed and re-folding towels. Needless to say I let her do all the housework.  At the time I was in my early 30s and found it rather insulting. I still believe she was displaying borderline obsessive compulsive behavior. No adult wants to be told the way they have doing something for years is "the wrong way". If someone can accept help from their mate without issuing "instructions" they're more likely to get more help. One man's opinion! :-)

  3. poowool5 profile image69
    poowool5posted 12 years ago

    I do all household chores (apart form a few that are required of the kids) precisely because I don't work. My husband works long hours and his job is stressful. I have time to play tennis and attend exercise classes during the day as well as take care of all the domestic stuff. Call me old-fashioned, but I think it would be most unfair to expect him to do anything when his free time is so limited. I catch him sometimes loading the dishwasher, and small stuff like that which is just his way of being involved. Neither of us is particular about how household cleaning/chores are done. I think life is way too short to worry about towels folded in thirds...LOL!

    Now if I worked, I would totally expect to share household duties evenly. That's the difference for me. And with respect to the kids, parenting, family decisions etc, we share equal responsibility.

  4. profile image0
    dman15791posted 12 years ago

    No. The reason for that is that I have no backbone. Just kidding. My wife and I work completely different hours and by the time she comes home she has to stay up for an hour to take our daughter to school. She then gets her sleep and after that she goes back to work. Its my job to clean the house, cook dinner, and put our daughter to bed. It is kinda rough but we all have to do what we have to make ends meet.

  5. freemarketingnow profile image58
    freemarketingnowposted 12 years ago

    Yes. For example, she cooks and I wash the dishes and wipe the tables. I think it's the fair thing to do.


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