Does your pets calm your stress levels?

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  1. miss1magination profile image67
    miss1maginationposted 12 years ago

    Does your pets calm your stress levels?

    The other day I wasen't myself my cat seemed to relieve me with her comfort and I felt better. Do you feel your animals can sense and help you reduce your stress levels?

  2. afriqnet profile image63
    afriqnetposted 12 years ago

    Yes Pets are best for calming down stress. Its even said that people who have Dogs live longer. I think animals are a good way to unwind like talking a walk with your dog could greatly reduce the chances of heart diseases.

  3. lburmaster profile image72
    lburmasterposted 12 years ago

    Depends on the pets. Studies have shown that cats and dogs can tell stress levels or if someone is going to die. However, cats act more on those instincts than dogs do. If you want an animal that will help you relax more, get a cat. Individuals who have cats calm themselves by petting or cuddling with them. They feel less lonely, more needed, and have less stress. Note: This is only if you have one or two cats. Any number above four causes stress.
    I'm glad your cat helps you!

    1. miss1magination profile image67
      miss1maginationposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thankyou Iburmaster, I agree it depends on the situation. My last pet a dog, once run away and died she seemed stress before she passed I was stressed after:(

  4. Lucky Cats profile image83
    Lucky Catsposted 12 years ago

    Absolutely!  There is nothing more comforting than the company of a warm, purring, sweet companion to ease worries and sadness.  It has been proven that petting cats and dogs relieves stress.  Elderly citizens in residential care homes are allowed animals in many facilities because of the calming benefit of the company of cats and dogs.  I cannot imagine my life without my animals....the quality would depreciate expoentially.  So, yes; pets do calm stress levels...clinically / empirically proven and, I attest to this face, as well.

    1. Seeker7 profile image77
      Seeker7posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Couldn't agree more Kathy. In the last place I worked with elderly people, they looked forward so much to the pet visits to the complex. This volunteer group would bring mostly dogs, but cats as well. What a difference they made to our elderly.

    2. miss1magination profile image67
      miss1maginationposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I love the company of pets they definitely give my the feeling of peace. I'd be lost without them

  5. Seeker7 profile image77
    Seeker7posted 12 years ago

    I would agree most of the time they do! However, at the moment having a 51/2 month old very willfull, stubborn, naughty puppy who is doing everything she can to push my buttons - all normal behaviour by the way - is definately not reducing my stress levels. My older dog, a Border Collie (Roy in the photo) does thankfully help me to come back into land after a session with the 51/2 month old madam!LOL!!

    1. miss1magination profile image67
      miss1maginationposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I agree sometimes pets can be stubborn they like to get their own way, so do Ismile

  6. profile image0
    lisasuniquevoiceposted 12 years ago


    My two ragdoll cats keep me at peace. When I see them just lounging around I think to myself, "I should be relaxing," and then I do.


    1. miss1magination profile image67
      miss1maginationposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I like the way you think, lisa:) I love this. It's winter here so I think I'll do just that tonight 'relaxing' and my cat will be my bed-warmer.

  7. equine profile image70
    equineposted 12 years ago

    Of course! I can't imagine life without my 2 cats, 1 dog and 2 horses.  They are very intuitive when I am stressed out and work hard to get me to relax.

  8. bridalletter profile image77
    bridalletterposted 12 years ago

    Their loving little personalities relieve stress daily. My cat greets me at the door like a dog and is a computer buddy. It is relaxing just to pat them or let them rest on your chest or in your lap. Peaceful moments with pets.

    1. miss1magination profile image67
      miss1maginationposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thats lovely bridalletter:) my cat is also my lap warmer while I'm on the computer. I love those precious moments.


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