When you read a book would you rather flip pages or read with e-book and why?

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  1. starstream profile image40
    starstreamposted 11 years ago

    When you read a book would you rather flip pages or read with e-book and why?

  2. lburmaster profile image72
    lburmasterposted 11 years ago

    Honestly, I love paperback books. The smell of them, the feel of them, the look of them in my home... E-book's just seem so distant. Yet I will purchase an e-book if the price is less, which it normally is for new books. However, I purchase older novels at my local used bookstore.

    1. starstream profile image40
      starstreamposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      That is a good way to save money. It certainly is a changed world for the writer whose income is from books.

    2. AhalitaMoonfire profile image60
      AhalitaMoonfireposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      True but not all e-books are not all cheaper then the book themselves I ran into many that the e-book is the same price as the real book.

    3. lburmaster profile image72
      lburmasterposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Yes, but that is only when the book comes out. Normally I can go to the used bookstore and get three books for $8.

  3. melbelle profile image60
    melbelleposted 11 years ago

    I am a "flipper of pages".  I like holding books and the feel of books - paper are hardcover.  I like seeing books on my bookshelves that I can select, take down, and read and re-read.

  4. Silverbill profile image60
    Silverbillposted 11 years ago

    I fall into the eBook lot. I luv to highlight passages, characters & places. Then when I go to 'My Highlights' for my fire. There is a recap of the entire book, with quoteables. Its so easier than flipping back through pages to find that elusive item you want to write about. And you can turn on or off other readers Highlights to compare interests. Oh, if the author has included links for reference you can go live to that www, in a snap.

    1. mrshoki profile image63
      mrshokiposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I love the feel and smell of books, the actual turning of the page. Recently I was so desperate to read a series I downloaded the ebooks for my tablet. I am now torn, as it was easily accessible from anywhere at anytime and much cheaper.

  5. AhalitaMoonfire profile image60
    AhalitaMoonfireposted 11 years ago

    I love having the real book in my hands. However it is a little hard to do so when you are moving from one place to another often. So I only have one book series, and three complete series as the real books. Which are, the Midnight breed series (all soft cover), The Complete Works of William Shakespear (hard cover and leather bound), Complete Fairy Tales of Brothers Grimm (hard cover and leather bound), and The Iliad and The Odyssey (hard cover and leather bound). So with those few books, I own and whatever I manage to get on my E-reader. Lastly, I also agree with Silverbill's answer when it comes to the eBooks.

  6. profile image0
    Garifaliaposted 11 years ago

    Definitely a book. It's much less tiring to the eyes than an ebook. And of course no radiation at all.

  7. duffsmom profile image59
    duffsmomposted 11 years ago

    I love the look, feel and smell of books.  But for me I like an E-reader because it hurts my hands to hold a book for every long.

    1. starstream profile image40
      starstreamposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      That is such a good reason to enjoy a reader.

    2. Silverbill profile image60
      Silverbillposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I too love the smell of books, especially leather bond. But, pick up a book a year or two later & tell me the plot and the characters! This I can do on my Kindle Fire, unless its a really memorable book I cannot.

  8. profile image0
    marked4destinyposted 11 years ago

    Too hard to choose - I enjoy flipping pages and holding a book yet, I absolutely love the convenience of electronic books – easy to carry my favorites on one device

  9. HeadInTheClouds93 profile image60
    HeadInTheClouds93posted 11 years ago

    I would always go for a book with pages over an e-book. I fell in love with reading at a very young age and have bought many books over the years. I love nothing more than seeing them all out on my bookcases. The thrill of a book with pages is that you can see how far along you are; I love the feel of a book, of the simplicity of it, of the fact I can pass them down to my children as something sentimental, something meaningful instead of a file on a random screen.

  10. austinhealy profile image74
    austinhealyposted 11 years ago

    I may be old fashioned but there is something physical and magic about a real book that makes me prefer it to any other support. Actually, I have never listened to an audio book or read an electronic generated one besides what I read here on HP. And if I like a book, I don't want to part with it after I read it, which explains why I have so many of them. If someone goes to someone else's place and there are books on a shelf or in a bookcase, lots of people will be attracted to that, it tells a lot about their owner's character.

  11. jhelmstaedter profile image60
    jhelmstaedterposted 11 years ago

    I hate the idea of ebooks. To read is to take oneself away from our modern existence - to enter into a separate world. To attempt reading on yet another technological device defeats the purpose of the escape.

    Like others have said, books have their own special magic. I love the smell of books - the dusty paper smell. I love the softness of the pages between my fingers, the velvety background with small bumps of texty texture. I love owning books - the vast array of colors,sizes, and shapes which provide exciting decoration for my home. I can read my books forever, never having to worry about their licenses expiring, data corruption, or breakage. I do not have to charge my books or rely on electricity to help me. I do not concern myself with glare - my books work in the sun or by the light of the moon. They were already perfect - the technology our society has created was not needed.

    I would rather suffer a thousand paper cuts than ever purchase one of those dreadful ebooks.

  12. TeachableMoments profile image68
    TeachableMomentsposted 11 years ago

    I refused to buy an e-book for such a long time. I loved going to bookstores, exploring libraries and finding good deals at used bookstores. I love the feel and smell of books. There is something very satisfying about flipping the pages in a book. Then, for my last birthday, my husband bought me a Kindle. I refused to use it for a day, but once I started browsing the Kindle bookstore, well, I was hooked. Now I can find books at all hours of the night and I don't have to find space in my home to store finished books. I find amazing deals using my Kindle and that is a huge plus for me. However, I sometimes go back to my bookshelf and pick out one of my favorites to read.

    1. starstream profile image40
      starstreamposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      When we consider all of the available options out there for reading it is truly amazing.  Thanks for sharing!

  13. Crissylite profile image76
    Crissyliteposted 11 years ago

    I like to curl up on the couch by sunlight and flip pages. It's more comfortable and easier on my eyes.

  14. Vintagetreasures profile image59
    Vintagetreasuresposted 11 years ago

    I prefer the physical book.  I love the smell of it, the feel of the pages and the ability to take it anywhere.  Although I can take an e-book most places, I can't take it everywhere.  One of my favorite things to do is grab a beverage, my book and head for a long soak in the tub.  I'd never take my e-reader there or if I did, I'd constantly be worrying about dropping it in the water!  If a book gets wet, it's disappointing, but easily replaceable, whereas the e-reader is too expensive to replace.  So, I'm far more comfortable with books at the beach, bath, poolside, etc.

  15. mismazda profile image62
    mismazdaposted 11 years ago

    Either or..it does not matter to me, because I love to read. If I come across a good ebook..I read it, but I know some people prefer reading flip pages instead.

  16. wellspoken profile image60
    wellspokenposted 11 years ago

    i personay like to flip pages. it just seems better to me that way. i have purchased a e book and i didnt read it for real and i think because it wasnt like a real book to me


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