What is your favorite way to prepare beets?

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  1. Mama Kim 8 profile image84
    Mama Kim 8posted 11 years ago

    What is your favorite way to prepare beets?

    I picked some up at the farmer's market today and have no idea how to prepare them... this will be my first time even trying beets!

  2. krillco profile image87
    krillcoposted 11 years ago

    Well, my favorite way is to just bury them in the compost heap! YUCK! The simplest way is to peel them like a potato, slice them about an eight of an inch thick, and boil them till tender. Add a bit of butter or margarine, season....or, some folks like a bit of vinegar on them.

    1. Mama Kim 8 profile image84
      Mama Kim 8posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      lol I think my mom would agree with you, she hates them... and that's why I've never even tried them ^_^

  3. Gordon Hamilton profile image93
    Gordon Hamiltonposted 11 years ago

    There are many ways in which you can prepare them. Have you tried them raw? Wash them very well (obviously), peel them and grate them in to a salad with some green salad leaves and a bit of feta cheese. Delicious!

    If you are cooking them, be sure never to so much as top or tail them before you do so. Wash them very well but leave the stalk and roots intact. Otherwise, all the goodness will bleed out in to the poaching water. Boil them up like potaotes. The time taken will depend on the variety of beets and their size, so test them for softness with a metal skewer or fork. They then peel fairly easily with the aid of a sharp knife.

    They can also be roasted like potatoes, again unpeeled. Unfortunately, it's so long since I've roasted beets, I can't remember the precise method but they are delicious.

    Good luck and you have really put me in the mood for fresh beets.

    PS - you may wish to wear plastic disposable medical gloves when peeling your cooked beets. I once peeled so many that it took literally days to get the juice stains off my hands! smile

    1. Georgie Lowery profile image89
      Georgie Loweryposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Beet juice = awful! Don't get it on your clothes, either, or it will never come out!

    2. Mama Kim 8 profile image84
      Mama Kim 8posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you for the tip about gloves ^_^  Too many times I make food without gloves and pay the price... carrot cake makes my hands orange for a few days and kimchi or salsa makes my hands feel like they're on fire!! lol.. I should know better by now.

  4. Georgie Lowery profile image89
    Georgie Loweryposted 11 years ago

    It's hard to find fresh beets here, so I buy canned. And I'll eat them right out of the can, too! My mom used to make Harvard beets. You peel, slice and cook them with sugar, vinegar salt, a little butter and a thickener - corn starch or flour. Pretty tasty!

    1. Mama Kim 8 profile image84
      Mama Kim 8posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Oh no... no beets in NY? Sorry Georgie. Sugar and butter? I'm sold! ^_^

  5. BlissfulWriter profile image71
    BlissfulWriterposted 11 years ago

    I use beets in a light soup with carrots and celery.  I wrote a Hubs about this soup:
    http://blissfulwriter.hubpages.com/hub/ … -Beet-Soup

    1. Mama Kim 8 profile image84
      Mama Kim 8posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      MM... sounds yummy thanks

  6. Rochelle Frank profile image89
    Rochelle Frankposted 11 years ago

    There are already a lot of good suggestions here-- and they very are nutritient dense.
    I wish they weren't so messy. I like the rubber gloves suggestion.

  7. Jackie Lynnley profile image86
    Jackie Lynnleyposted 11 years ago

    Just steamed and served with fresh butter. Yummy. No salt is needed. Beets are very good for you. Seems I read there was something in beets you get nowhere else but I would have to look that up to be sure. I do try to have them occasionally and at Easter they are fun to use for dye for boiled eggs with or without the shell. Or pickled.

    1. MarleneB profile image92
      MarleneBposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      This is exactly the way I like beets and the only way I eat fresh beets. Steamed beets... a little butter... delicious!

    2. Mama Kim 8 profile image84
      Mama Kim 8posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      This sounds perfect ^_^ I will try this tonight, thanks ^_^

  8. Peter Allison profile image82
    Peter Allisonposted 11 years ago

    I love beets and my favorite way to prepare them is on the grill. I cut off the greens, cut off the ends, put olive oil on them and wrap in foil - like you would potatoes. The sweetness really comes out on the grill and they get the smoky flavor too.

    I use the beet greens too - sautéed with onions, garlic, mushrooms - they are as good or better than Swiss Chard.

    1. Mama Kim 8 profile image84
      Mama Kim 8posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Oooh  I just love the smokey grill flavor!! I will have to try this very soon!

    2. Peter Allison profile image82
      Peter Allisonposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Yes,do! After you pull them off the grill let them cool bit, peel the skin (it will practically drop off) slice and serve!

  9. vespawoolf profile image92
    vespawoolfposted 11 years ago

    In Peru, they are boiled or steamed. The cubed beets are tossed with mayonnaise and chopped steamed carrots, potatoes and peas. The delicious "Russian salad", as it's called, is served as a side with many dishes. Beets are yummy and good for you so I hope you and your family enjoy your farmer's market find!

    1. Mama Kim 8 profile image84
      Mama Kim 8posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Anything with mayo is good in my book... that and butter, lol ^_^ thank you Vespa!


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