What, according to you are the traits of an excellent Learner?

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  1. Docmo profile image92
    Docmoposted 11 years ago

    What, according to you are the traits of an excellent Learner?

    Many of the teachers I know frequently use terms such as ' he is a great student' ; 'she is an excellent learner' . what makes a good learner? How do we avoid prejudging and bias as a teacher in classifying our learners as good or bad?


  2. tillsontitan profile image83
    tillsontitanposted 11 years ago

    I think the most important trait is the desire to learn...doesn't mean smart or less smart but the desire to learn and improve oneself.  That desire leaves you open to all that comes and shows an eagerness and willingness to explore new things.  So often even a good teacher falls into the trap of looking for a good student by how intelligent that student is....sometimes Johnny sitting in the last seat in the last row, with the leather jacket and long hair, is really the smartest kid in the class.  The problem is he doesn't want to learn. If you can reach him and change his mind about learning you'll find out how really smart he is.

    1. tsmog profile image85
      tsmogposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Well Said! The character as a learner is important. Sometimes the action of learning does not lead to improvement of self, yet more so the 'another.' And, too, Johnny may have been conditioned not to share s/he is a learner - publicly.

    2. Docmo profile image92
      Docmoposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      absolutely: Motivation to learn, variety of learning methods, taking ownership to learn, longer term performance goals, seeking out resources ... can be traits of an excellent learner - influencing this dependes on the teachers unbiased attention...

  3. sleepylog profile image60
    sleepylogposted 11 years ago

    I think an excellent learner is one who can apply what he/she learns in real life situations. It' s one thing to understand a mathematical equation, but unless you know how to apply it, it won't help you one bit.

    1. tsmog profile image85
      tsmogposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Well said, in agreement and too, disagree. Not knowing how to apply the math equation teaches me or at minimum inspires me to discover or find someone who does if that is a need for 'application.' A cause for employees at times.

  4. tsmog profile image85
    tsmogposted 11 years ago

    Hello Docmo! An intriguing question. A possible alternative view may be to explore 'bad' and 'good.' Personally the term I have heard more than not has been 'poor' learner. Sharing, I have every report card of my formal learning life. My mom & dad saved them. Long ago (early 60's) 'poor' was an evaluation term as compared to need improvement, good, and excellent.

    Poor at a personal perspective means lacking. In the case of a student 'learning' attention, assistance, or aid becomes the remedy by one who has more abundance or wealth, yet not necessarily of richness of the specific subject.

    Socially, again at a personal level, 'bad' is a connotation of a moral distinction or at minimum an ethical evaluation. Pondering, maybe similar to the difference of indifference between stupid and ignorant. A favorite reply used in argumentative discussions when someone says 'your stupid' is to counter with 'at least I am not ignorant.'

    Pondering a little more, desiring a cup of coffee, smile , considering the old adage see - hear - do - teach the question at times, yet not always is, 'what?' is seen and heard, is done, and then taught. However, as the illustration points out and the American TV show 'Let's Make a Deal' capitalized on is 'what is' behind door #1, door #2, and door #3 is a surprise.

    Continuing for a bit and a byte. Upon picking a door or curtain the contents are revealed. Then the announcement is made by the MC stating the condition of good or bad with or similar too, " Ahhhhhh, not the winning grand prize," yet was not the choice a surprise of value? The 'choice' becomes nil or at the least discounted at a social level by the perceived leadership, which could be the 'teacher.' Another old adage is 'perception is reality.'

    A question may be proposed was the choice 'bad?' Again, at a personal level, I think not. Yet, inclination of the responding audience perception is the participant made a 'bad choice' with again, 'Ahhhhhh.' Here is where an odd sense of humor comes to play a bit and a byte. The contestant now has a decision to make. The contestant can agree and say 'Ahhhhh,' while lowering their head (embarrassed for making the wrong and now bad decision) or with a dash of transcendence, a sprinkling of realization, and maybe a pinch of hope cry aloud Ha, Ha, Ha I have more than I had and that is enough.

    Giggling, it's like the critic stating that is 'bad' grammar. I hear 'a teacher' making a moral or ethical evaluation, so what is learned?

    1. Docmo profile image92
      Docmoposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      great answer and many points to ponder. I often wonder how often does a teacher brand a student as 'poor' if their teaching style fails to reach? How much is the motivation to learn in a learner stimulated by a teacher's abilities?

    2. tsmog profile image85
      tsmogposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Doc, I concur. Socrates said, "teachers must reach learners where 'they are." St. Ambrose said, "If you are in Rome, live in the Roman way, if you are elsewhere, live as they do there" Are these metaphors awaiting allegory? Literary 'device' +/- ive?

  5. Vellur profile image96
    Vellurposted 11 years ago

    According to me -

    Willingness to learn
    Wants to fully understand
    Pays attention

    Eagerness to explore more and more.

  6. multiculturalsoul profile image71
    multiculturalsoulposted 11 years ago

    I have taught over 5,000 students in 28 years, and the single greatest trait of my better students is curiosity. Without curiosity, a student is only going through the motions. A curious student will ask the next question ... and the next. A curious student won't be satisfied with one possible answer but all possible answers. A curious student will ask "What about ..." and "What if we ..." and "Couldn't it be ..." Curious students keep their teachers on their toes, and honestly, they are the reason I keep getting out of bed at 6 AM to prepare my lessons.

  7. fpherj48 profile image61
    fpherj48posted 11 years ago

    OK, Docmo...I'll tackle this one.  The "traits" of an excellent learner.  He or she is:
    Enthusiastic and open-minded
    Knows how to listen and focus......explore and study a subject.
    Express him/her self clearly and concisely.
    Loves to read........and write
    Willing to research and explore
    Can appreciate discussion and debate
    Follow instructions and complete assignments as requested.
    Contributes ideas and challenges himself and fellow-students.
    This pretty much wraps up my opinion...........Good question, Docmo!  Thanks

    1. teaches12345 profile image77
      teaches12345posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I think this description is right on with the concept and term of learning.  I love the challenge of the question.

  8. marcoujor profile image73
    marcoujorposted 11 years ago

    So many excellent answers, all of which I agree with...

    I would personally summarize that students with the abilities to be creative and to think critically about the material presented...to make the lesson meaningful to their lives or practiced field...excel in my classroom. 

    I believe a teacher's greatest role is to engage the students and foster excitement and purpose in learning.  Of course, the student has a major responsibility in the process...if a student puts in excellent efforts, they will undoubtedly have an excellent and meaningful learning experience.

  9. Dr. Arthur Ide profile image64
    Dr. Arthur Ideposted 11 years ago

    A student learns when a student is inspired by a competent, articulate, resource-knowledgeable subject-matter expert--if the student choses to set aside time for study, the conduct of inquiry (research, investigation, and so forth), and expends energy on mastering material and not preoccupied with social affairs and temporary love lifes.  Students who want to learn, who work at learning, will never accept any stated "fact" until the students personally investigate all research on the alleged facts and then makes, collectively and individually, a competent, coherent, cogent statement of what the students think are facts.  This comes with the ability to question all things and all people including teachers. There is no one infallible in any area nor has there been, for all facts (such as Ptolemy's theories) have been disproven, as knowledge is an evolving reality.

  10. Al Greenbaum profile image70
    Al Greenbaumposted 7 years ago

    Co-operative learner.
    Passionate about learning.
    Presentation skills.
    Links what is learned to all subjects.


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