Natural options for the flu?

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  1. peeples profile image94
    peeplesposted 11 years ago

    Natural options for the flu?

    I have the flu. I am miserable and my entire body feels like it has been run over. Any natural remedies?

  2. Louise Lately profile image60
    Louise Latelyposted 11 years ago

    A hot bath usually makes me feel slightly better - add some peppermint oil to ease the sinuses if needed.

  3. ChristinS profile image39
    ChristinSposted 11 years ago

    Astragalus is a powerful immune system builder you can get it in teas, but I'd recommend the capsule form.  Eat alkaline foods (look up a list on Google) Grapefruit Seed Extract is also a very strong natural anti-viral take 25-30 drops 2-3 times per day.  (you may want to put it in capsules it tastes horrible)

    If you've been sick for less than 48 hours I would recommend getting a dose of Tamiflu from the doctor.  I am not big on pharmaceuticals believe me, but Tamiflu works very well.  When my boys got H1N1 a few years ago they each got a dose and were well within a day or two.

  4. Moon Daisy profile image79
    Moon Daisyposted 11 years ago

    I usually make a honey and lemon drink, with a squirt of lemon juice and a spoonful of honey, (I just use normal honey, but manuka would make it more potent..)  It is soothing just like that.  But sometimes I add some chopped up garlic, or some apple cider vinegar.  Or else some vitamin C powder.

  5. fpherj48 profile image60
    fpherj48posted 11 years ago

    peeples....When it comes to the influenza virus, the age-old methods of care and comfort remain, the best.   
    Be Lazy......this is a good time to catch up some much-needed rest.
    Stay Hydrated......herbal teas with honey and lemon, water and even soda, left to become flat.
    Herbal supplements, such as, feverfew, for pain and low-grade temp, zinc tablets and Vitamin C, as well as E
    Stay warm OR cool...which ever feels best
    Massage joints with almond or sesame seed oil.
    If congested head or chest...breathe in steam for 10 minutes at a time, every 4 or 5 hours.
    The virus will still need to run it's course, but you'll feel much less miserable.
    Hope you're better SOON!......Just pamper yourself......

  6. Debby Bruck profile image65
    Debby Bruckposted 11 years ago

    If you truly have influenza, with fever, aches, pains, and fatigue, etc you may check out all of my flu hubpages. They provide information about oscillococcinum, homeopathy, homeoprophylaxis, homeopathic remedies specifically for the different types of flu symptoms and also some natural remedies. Wishing you a complete cure in mind, body and spirit. Keep hydrated, rest, vitamin D, Vitamin C and have someone take good care of you. Blessings, Debby

  7. Amethystraven profile image70
    Amethystravenposted 11 years ago

    I used essential oils of tea tree, lavender, and eucalyptus along with airborne, and emergen-c. I dip a q-tip, or drip the essential oil onto it and swab it on my tonsils two to three times a day. The taste is horrible, but the result is worth it. I drank the airborne and the emergen-c twice a day morning and night. I also drank two to three mugs of  echinacea tea daily. For me the flu lasted for seven days, but the symptoms were mild compared to severe if I would have done nothing. I find that zinc, vitamin c, and  magnesium are what help the body recover and heal while sick with the flu. I hope this helps.

  8. Abby Campbell profile image73
    Abby Campbellposted 11 years ago

    Oscillococcinum is my all-time go to for my family's flu needs. As soon as symptoms hit, this needs to be taken to lessen the symptoms and days of the flu. I swear by this stuff!


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