What is Loneliness?

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  1. MartieCoetser profile image69
    MartieCoetserposted 12 years ago

    What is Loneliness?

    For an upcoming discussion about 'loneliness', I would love to know YOUR perception of 'loneliness'.

  2. JusticeBlaze profile image60
    JusticeBlazeposted 12 years ago

    There has been many times I could be in room full of family and friends and be lonely. Loneliness to me is your heart, mind, and soul knowing that there is something very important missing.

    1. MartieCoetser profile image69
      MartieCoetserposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks, Justice,,,, "... knowing their is something very important missing." Definitely a brilliant definition! I will use this.

    2. marcoujor profile image72
      marcoujorposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I am watching you and smiling at this newly found perspective...thank you, Justice!

    3. MartieCoetser profile image69
      MartieCoetserposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      JusticeBlaze, although I agree with each and every perceptive given to me, I've chosen yours as the best answer, because it explains the feeling short and sweet: "Loneliness is knowing.... that there is something very important missing."

  3. Faith Reaper profile image87
    Faith Reaperposted 12 years ago

    Loneliness is the feeling that you have no one to turn to and no one who understands you, and it is a form of stress, as people who lack a strong network of friends and family are at greater risk of developing and dying from heart disease.  Even those just "feeling" alone may hurt the heart even more than actually being alone.  As Justice stated below, one can be in a room full of people and feel very alone.  I could go on and on about the effects of loneliness on a person's overall health, but that is not your question.  Loneliness seems to go hand-in-hand with a life of solitude.  Thanks Martie for the interesting question. I am working on writing something along the lines of the connection between loneliness and heart health.

    1. MartieCoetser profile image69
      MartieCoetserposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you, Faith. I agree wholeheartedly with you: "Even those just "feeling" alone may hurt the heart even more than actually being alone." Humans are gregarious 'animals', not born to live in solitude. Thanks!

  4. mhussain profile image60
    mhussainposted 12 years ago

    Very simple , when you sitting with your friends and have feelings that you are alone in this gathering , is called lonliness

    1. MartieCoetser profile image69
      MartieCoetserposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      mhussain, yes, I know that feeling one gets when they are not able to connect.... Thank you!

  5. fpherj48 profile image59
    fpherj48posted 12 years ago

    Martie, this question can be very complex to answer, but I will bare my soul and offer my description of the concept of "Loneliness."
    It may be that I perceive loneliness in an oddly different manner than the vast majority. 
    I do not feel "lonely," simply because I am, at times, alone.  For the most part, I find myself alone, by choice.  From a young age, I have instinctively found the value of "leaving the world and it's spinning," on hold, as I spend some time in the solitude of serenity and silence.  Meditation and introspection, are valuable moments for me, in terms of remaining focused and at peace.
    Within my world, I see loneliness as "missing my departed loved ones."  In the case of those individuals who meant so very much to me and were an integral part of my overall happiness.....who are gone forever.  These times are not isolated, but in reality, a constant source of the feeling of emptiness...aka.."loneliness."   Whether it has been decades, since I had the ultimate pleasure of these loved ones, in their physical presence....or only a few years....the constant pain is with me always.   I am lonely for their voice and face...for the warmth and comfort of their visible love......for the hundreds of big and small ways, they qualified my existence.....for the blessings they represented to the world.
    I can say this only in the way I have attempted to describe herein, Martie.  It is more of an overpowering and all consuming shadow that entered my being, at the moment of their loss and has taken up  permanent placement.
    Thank you for the opportunity to express myself and give you my own personal meaning of "loneliness."

    1. MartieCoetser profile image69
      MartieCoetserposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      My dearest fpherj, I understand your description so well."... a constant feeling of emptiness..." This 'loneliness' became for the 1st time part of my life after my father had passed away. Though this emptiness could be filled by someone or something

  6. aanderson2588 profile image60
    aanderson2588posted 12 years ago

    That is a great question. I think loneliness is so incredibly unique, that it is different for different people. i am someone who is battling depression. So, for me, I can feel lonely even if I am in a room full of family an friends. I think the feeling of loneliness  can stem from an emotion much deeper. For example, Feelings of inadequacy, anger, fear, etc. I truly believe though that the only way to not be lonely, is to have a relationship with God, I know there are a lot of people who would disagree with me, but, the only thing that has ever helped me not feel lonely is praying, writing letters to God, going to church, and listening to Christian music.

    1. MartieCoetser profile image69
      MartieCoetserposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      aanderson, you have actually summarized my perception of loneliness - that it is, perhaps, a synonym for depression. Yes, God is a source of strength and power, IF you are not also angry at him.... Thank you for answering my question smile

    2. aanderson2588 profile image60
      aanderson2588posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Marite... I  often get angry with God. I found that it is OK. I have literally been down an the floor screaming at him. You know what's weird? for some reason, that's when he starts giving me signs and miracles start happening in my life..

  7. akrwriter profile image60
    akrwriterposted 12 years ago

    Loneliness is not being physically solitary. It is when you have the world and they won't listen or talk back. One can be surrounded and still be lonely. Imagine being in Time Square. You are certainly not alone. But who is there to share your burden? No one. What shoulder will you cry on? Nobody's. You can have all the fame and still be lonely. You can have one friend to confide in and be eternally happy.

    1. MartieCoetser profile image69
      MartieCoetserposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      "Not having a shoulder to cry on." Again, the feeling of being abandoned. Thank you, akrwriter.

  8. superkates profile image56
    superkatesposted 12 years ago

    Loneliness does not equate to being alone. Loneliness is a feeling of emptiness which can be felt even when you are surrounded by lots of people. It is a state of feeling sad and most times isolating yourself from the rest of a group. I guess you feel lonely when you feel alienated, or you do not get satisfied by a treatment you perceive. It is associated to stress when the way you want to be appreciated in a social environment is not met.

    1. MartieCoetser profile image69
      MartieCoetserposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you, superkates, I definitely like the description - 'a feeling of emptiness.'

  9. happeningeachday profile image59
    happeningeachdayposted 12 years ago

    feeling of being alone out of 7 billion people in this world.

    1. MartieCoetser profile image69
      MartieCoetserposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      That would be the feeling of being forsaken/abandoned. Thank you, happeningeachday!

  10. profile image0
    khmohsinposted 12 years ago

    Loneliness is a universal human emotion, yet it is both complex and unique to each individual. Loneliness has no single common cause, so the preventions and treatments for this damaging state of mind vary dramatically.
    While common definitions of loneliness describe it as a state of solitude or being alone, loneliness is actually a state of mind. Loneliness causes people to feel empty, alone and unwanted. Loneliness, according to many experts, is not necessarily about being alone.
    But there is a universal truth and that is any kind of loneliness directly effects on human health.

    1. MartieCoetser profile image69
      MartieCoetserposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      khmohsin, I've just read that chronic loneliness is indeed a serious, life-threatening condition, instigating i.e. cancer, stroke and cardiovascular diseases. Thank you!

  11. Maggie Bennett profile image59
    Maggie Bennettposted 12 years ago

    Having no one who understands you can leave you feeling rather lonely.

    1. MartieCoetser profile image69
      MartieCoetserposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Maggie, and when nobody understand us, how can we believe that anybody loves us? Thank you!

  12. profile image0
    ahorsebackposted 12 years ago

    Real and true lonliness is about being ultra- alone .  Its not about a bad night out  , or all your friends are busy today . Its about  standing in a room of people ,  and knowing that you are alone no matter what .!   Its about the mind and heart-set of standing on a beach where there are lovers , liars ,loungers and laughing kids ,  beautiful  friendly women and knowing  you are never going to be like "Them ".  True lonliness is about being everyones favorite "ear "and never having anuyone to talk to .  All of the above and knowing you cannot change !

    1. MartieCoetser profile image69
      MartieCoetserposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you, ahorseback - I know exactly what you mean. I am also adding an extract of your perceptive to my hub.

  13. MartieCoetser profile image69
    MartieCoetserposted 12 years ago

    I've mentioned you all in my hub titled, 'Perspectives-Loneliness-An-Indisputable-Emotional-Pain'


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