Have you ever wanted to visit Israel?

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  1. Writer Fox profile image33
    Writer Foxposted 10 years ago

    Have you ever wanted to visit Israel?

    Have you ever thought about taking a trip to Israel?  What would you want to visit there?  Are you afraid to visit because it is in the Middle East?


  2. Marie Flint profile image72
    Marie Flintposted 10 years ago

    I love reading about the Holy Land, but I never really thought about making a pilgrimage there. So many parts of the U.S. remain unseen by me that I would set seeing those that as a priority, especially the national parks.

    Yes, I confess I have reservations of visiting the Middle East.  I would want to have more familiarity with the language and customs  before an attempted visit. (I  consider the moderate exposure I had to the general culture through a Persian, my first boyfriend whom I dated in college as insufficient. I also assisted a lady dental student who was from Iran.)

    A good understanding of the language and culture is desirable for any country outside the U.S. (and maybe Canada). Of course, there are cultural divides within the States that could pose a problem if one was dominant in expressing an egocentric personality. ***

    1. Writer Fox profile image33
      Writer Foxposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Israel is not like Iran. There are people living in Israel who have come from more than 150 countries.  English speakers are everywhere. U.S. parks are gorgeous but touring the archaeological sites in Israel is awesome. Come someday if you can.

    2. Neil Radow profile image66
      Neil Radowposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Israel and Iran are as different as can be. Israel is a secular democracy where all have equal rights before the law. Iran is a theocratic, despotic, regime with widespread censorship and heavy handed control of the population.

  3. profile image0
    Deborah Sextonposted 10 years ago

    I lived in Savyon Israel with my husband and his grandparents for around 18 months and didn't want to leave. I felt so close to God. They lived in the beautiful and majestic mountains in Savyon which is an upscale neighborhood. I loved it.

  4. Writer Fox profile image33
    Writer Foxposted 10 years ago

    Deborah: I don't know where you think you were, but there are no mountains in Savyon. It's flat as a pancake which is why the international airport was built on the southside of Savyon in Lod. There is a mountain named Savyon in the Galilee, but there are no neighborhoods there, and certainly not an "upscale" one. You must have been dreaming.

  5. cbl12 profile image70
    cbl12posted 10 years ago

    I  certainly  would  love  to, from my Christian perspective, to see  what we call the Bible Lands, and learn where Simeon, Moses, Jehu, Deborah and Jesus went, but yes, the only thing that would put me off, but not entirely, is the idea that I could step into a bus one day in Tel Aviv and end up being carried out. In my country we do not have that kind of thing too often - where I live in particular it is the odd earthquake which is bad enough, but we can argue, whadda ya gonna do ? Let us live a little - and if we worry all the time about dying we could almost say then we may as well, and so I would rather think positively. I am sure millions of tourists go in and out of Israel every year, and just to see such a beautiful place, so unlike home, would be well worth it.

    1. Neil Radow profile image66
      Neil Radowposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Yes, there is some terrorism here, but it is not as dangerous as you think. Having traveled all over the world, I have never felt as safe as I do in Tel Aviv. Crime rates are minuscule compared to other cities of her size.

  6. Neil Radow profile image66
    Neil Radowposted 8 years ago

    I came to visit Israel for the first time 8 years ago, and fell in love with this beautiful country and its people, so I decided to stay. Beautiful beaches. Fascinating archaeology an history. A culture of hospitality. Great food. I can't imagine living anywhere else. As we say in Hebrew, "Ain Li Aretz Acharet", "I have no other country."

    Writer Fox, do you live here?


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