Our border is in chaos, there's a gas crisis, inflation crisis, our allies have been undermined, and trillions of new taxes have been proposed! According to Ted Cruz, the first four months of the Biden administration have been the most radical of any administration in history. I ask you, is this what Biden supporters thought would happen or wanted to happen?
The only problem is, the Biden supporters were bling enough to vote for him, and they will be stubborn enough to admit they made a mistake, even though most will have to suffer through their mistake with the rest of us,
True. Likely, a miserable four years. Though, the 2022 elections might help.
We still have to deal with what's happening here in Calif.
Yes. The Recall for Newsome is a good sign. That isn't good for a veteran politician. Plus, the second recall in decades, not good for the democrat-run state.
You all can say what you like, I think that Biden is doing fine. So much better to be rid of the "Missing Link" that you have been supporting for so long.
Newsom's approval ratings have improved as of late, I bet you that this so called recall will not happen. Republicans in California are so much dead meat.
I continue to vote to support progressive candidates both nationally and locally.
Well, I am glad you believe Biden is doing fine. We recalled Davis so it can happen again. Though, Newsome whines that it's the Republicans' fault when 30% of the signatures on the petition were democrats. BTW: I am a democrat. I want the country to do well. Right now, it's in sad, sad shape.
I understand, but Davis had far lower approval ratings.
to each, his or her own, my opinion was that the previous administrations and its policies were intolerable.
We all want the country to do well, I just come at it from a different direction.
Oh yes, the road to hell is paved with "good" intentions. Biden is leading America on the road to hell. I am going to say........I TOLD YOU SO. Mark my words- as a result of Biden, there will be Americans who will elect a more extreme Republican president who WILL TAKE NO PRISONERS. This Republican president will kick .......... & will grant no quarter.
But the people decided by popular vote and electoral college that they trust Biden more than his predecessor. You all had your opportunity during the Trump regime and you failed. You could not even arrange his reelection, not that many one-termers in the history of the Presidency
So you told us so? That is ok, I will take my chances
Any more "extreme Republican president" and we can consider the American experiment to be over. Fascism and the resulting tyranny will be the rule and the United States of America will simply cease to exist in any remnant of what it was before. And the bigger you are the harder you can fall, no one will come out unfazed.
And it will be people like yourself that are inviting it to occur. This is what you and rightwing buddies seem to be pining for.....
Personally I fear the American experiment is already over. The days of a strong people, responsible for themselves and their families, proud of their freedom and independence are gone. They have given way to the tyranny of socialism, marxism and a massive Nanny State wherein powerful masked bureaucrats tell us how to live, how to behave, provide for our needs and raise our children for us. Wherein we are no longer responsible for anything, have no duties to anyone and shamelessly live off the scraps we are thrown rather than making our own way.
Kenna & Wilderness, unfortunately, the communist Leftists among us don't care about the state of America. In fact, they hate America & what it represents. They have a demonic agenda for what America should be. They want America to be a Marxist country. They refuse to acknowledge this. They wanted Biden because Biden has the same agenda that they have.
Typical rightwing blather, Grace. Liberals hate America? Not exactly an original thought, now is it?
When I listen to you all, I am relieved that you had lost last fall.
The truth is it's not us against you. It about America surviving, where decent people have human rights. Not take away our human rights so we can have human rights.
I thought with the removal of Trump and the Republican machine, that's what we have been doing...
It gets harder to discern that in fact is is not "us against you".
Thank you for the clarification. Still, we all want America to survive, yes?
If, as you say, human rights are threatened, America as we define her, will not survive nor does it deserve to.
As long as we keep adding to the list of "human rights" there will ALWAYS be some that are threatened.
Personally, I find it humorous that the list keeps growing as liberals find more and more reasons to redistribute what people have worked for and earned to someone else. I don't expect it will ever end.
So agree GM... Here are Bidens four months in a nutshell. And I am so sure this list is not complete.
Israel is on fire, the war in the middle east, a Major US private pipeline hacked by Russians, prices of just about everything is skyrocketing. Russia has a mass of troops on the border with Ukraine. China is threatening to move in on Taiwan while threatening our Navy ships. N Korea is testing missiles again and restarting its nuclear weapons program. Iran has been emboldened and making more than their normal threats. Our southern border has immigrants pouring in, resulting in a humanitarian disaster. Old Joe promised his administration would be transparent, and on most days he is hiding in the White House. Ford moving jobs that were promised to Ohio workers to Mexico.. Price of steel up 145%, Lumber up126%, Wheat up 25%, Food index up 25%, Cotton up 35%, Silver and gold up ( When dollar exchange rates weaken, Precious Metal prices tend to rise.) Will the dollar soon start devaluating? Is that next?
Keystone Pipeline canned, and jobs lost in Biden's first days in office. A1.9 trillion in stimulus that funded fluffy earmarks that the Dems had been wishing for. A small fraction actually went to COVID relief. At this point we have a . 29 trillion in debt, with Biden hoping to add another 4.8 trillion in far-left projected in 2021. Our economy is in the tank, with 9+% unemployment, and millions of job openings for the asking, but can't be filled due to federal unemployment assistance that makes it more attractive to sit home for many workers. Why work and make less cash...
And then there is the mask controversy. Joe makes a statement on Friday no one that has been vaccinated needs to wear a mask any longer inside or out due to new CDC guidelines, then Sunday was seen walking outside the church he attends with a big old mask... Hard to really take this man seriously. What a train wreck.
I am out of breath, and very sure I missed tons due to the media's lack of interest to report anything that puts the New president in a bad light.
A valid comment coming from a mirror opposite perspective.
Credence2, stop drinking that kool-aid, man. STOP DRINKING THAT KOOL-AID.
So, you preferred a clown like Trump?
I despise the right and every thing it stands for, so as far as I am concerned I now am drinking only the finest claret. I would trust any Left leaning over any Rightwinger at any time.
I will always dispute with you over this and the direction we are or are not going in.
I offer my apologies for any inconvenience this may have caused....
Trump wasn't a clown at all but a leader. It is Biden who is THE CLOWN. He is the j---------s of the year. Biden is going to lead America to hell & worse. America is becoming worse under Biden. I spit on Biden. While I am a Liberal, I despise the socialist/communist leading left. The left is poisonous to America.
I saw a sign the other day that said "I can deal with people's hurt feelings if it means a secure border, peace in the middle east, a good economy and decent gas prices."
These are things Biden can't accomplish. He has proven he and his entire administration are totally incompetent.
As a friend said "Biden is making President Trump look better and better."
"Daily Presidential Tracking Poll
Friday, May 14, 2021
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows that 49% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Biden’s job performance. Fifty percent (50%) disapprove.
The latest figures include 30% who Strongly Approve of the job Biden is doing and 40% who Strongly Disapprove. This gives him a Presidential Approval Index rating of -10. (see trends)
Approval of Biden's presidential performance peaked in mid-February when his total approval reached 53% versus 43% total disapproval."
Source --- https://www.rasmussenreports.com/public … rack_may14
Here is a report by FiveThirtyEight showing all polls. Biden Approval Polls
Exactly, Biden will led America into hell but......they will be okay w/that. In fact, they will rationalize his bumblings. Biden is Obama II. This proves that people are getting progressively dumber, don't you agree?
Nope, they aren't shocked at all. In fact, they are so delusional, rationalizing his ineptitude. They contend that anyone is better than Trump. Biden doesn't know the back of his hand. Yes, America is getting worse under Biden. Just to say to them, I TOLD YOU SO, I TOLD YOU SO, I TOLD YOU SOOOOOO.
Well, I just checked Biden's approval poll, it is dropping daily. A few days ago Joe enjoyed better polls, but he at this point is dropping like a stone.
"Daily Presidential Tracking Poll
Friday, May 14, 2021
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows that 49% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Biden’s job performance. Fifty percent (50%) disapprove.
The latest figures include 30% who Strongly Approve of the job Biden is doing and 40% who Strongly Disapprove. This gives him a Presidential Approval Index rating of -10. (see trends)
Approval of Biden's presidential performance peaked in mid-February when his total approval reached 53% versus 43% total disapproval."
Source --- https://www.rasmussenreports.com/public … rack_may14
He has problems popping up daily and appears to ignore them. In his first two months, he was riding on his handling of COVID, many are sick and tired of hearing about CPVID, and the media has had to start reporting the REAL NEWS... Which is not pretty. Plus, Biden has been like a bull in a China shop with all his legislation --- wanting to raise taxes, free free free everything, hoping to take over the responsibilities of the states, and have the Federal Government in control of voting laws. Oh and then he canned Trump's immigration policies and invited all to come across the southern border. Which has left the US as Custodians of over 22 thousand children. And there is more, but I made my point.
Biden is in trouble, and most likely there is no place for him to go but down a long dark path of failure. he let himself be talked into being a trojan horse. And he at this point is will be left cleaning out the stall...
EXACTLY but THEY won't listen. A blind person sees what is occurring in America.
Biden has still 3 1/2 years to go so even if his popularity falls now he might regain it. These popularity polls in my view have very little relevance because Joe Biden will remain president unless God decides otherwise. But generally, I feel that Biden is a bad bet as president of the United States, and he will be the man who may preside over the liquidation of the American empire.
I have a small point to make here. Chanakya the famous Indian thinker had said that the people get the government they deserve. Is it possible that the American people wanted a man like Biden who should lead them downhill I really don't know and history will judge him when we are no longer here..
This is entirely correct, he has the support of the "inside establishment", Congress (Democrat Majority), and the MSM (American).
You can see this now with the current gas crisis.
When Biden shut down the oil pipeline, and all drilling on federal lands (day one in office no less), WTF did people expect would happen to the price of gas?
But of course no one mentions this... they blame a Cyber Attack, they blame a lack of Truckers (LMFAO at that one), they will come up with all sorts of reasons to sell to the people.
They won't mention new regulations being passed via Biden Administration guidance restricting the movement of gas and oil products.
"the Biden Administration’s 60-day halt on new oil and gas leases on federal lands and the cancellation of the Keystone XL Pipeline [-] the Administration’s actions have also had both direct and indirect impacts on oil and gas companies. These actions include: (1) an order directing federal agencies to eliminate subsidies for fossil fuels; (2) reversing the Trump Administration’s rollback on methane regulations;[-] they will also add an additional layer of new regulations for oil and gas operations."
https://www.dlapiper.com/en/us/insights … l-and-gas/
https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-roo … te-crisis/
What was their last claim why this happened... the Russians right?
https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/security/c … cy-rcna878
How gullible a person has to be in these times to trust ANYTHING being peddled by the MSM.
Unfortunately, it's going to get worse and worse. You can see that in the polls.
While I disagree with all of the proposed radical legislation President Biden is backing I am most worried about his domestic policy causing 1970's style inflation with prices and interest rates steadily upward, as well as his reckless foreign. I am encouraged by the fact that in addition to mostly united opposition to his policies from Republicans the Democratic party is becoming more of a weak alliance of warring coalitions than an effective political party.
Chuck, I agree. I will be a long 4 years.
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