Discover Is Live!

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  1. samanthacubbison profile image77
    samanthacubbisonposted 4 years ago

    Hello everyone,

    We are pleased to announce that discover.hubpages is now live! You will notice that it shares the same look as the rest of our updated Network Sites.

    Note: If you don't remain signed in at all times, you will need to click the "Write for Us" button on the homepage to access the HubPages login page.

    1. janshares profile image94
      jansharesposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for that note. I couldn't figure out how to get in so I came back out. One thing: when I tried to click on a main heading like "LetterPile" or "PairedLife," nothing happens.

    2. chef-de-jour profile image99
      chef-de-jourposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks Samantha.

    3. bravewarrior profile image84
      bravewarriorposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      This is maddening. There's no way to comment on new posts. I just read a new post that was still on HP, but was prompted to sign in when I tried to comment. The post is now on Discover. This happened within a matter of seconds! Because I have no comments to this particular article in my feed, I can't comment via the back door.

      This is completely unfair. We NEED to be able to comment on each others articles and to respond.

      In addition to that, I'd love to know what the specific criteria are for determining an article worthy of Discover. I have sixteen chapters of a short story/wanna be novel that I posted several years ago. A smattering of the chapters are on Discover and the rest remain on HP Limbo. What sense does it make to post chapters that are in the middle of the story and not post all of them? It's like picking up a novel with all but a few pages torn out of it!

      I normally go into HP by way of links provided in my notifications, but that doesn't work anymore. In the past, I've also Googled "bravewarrior on hubpages" to find the link to my profile page. Thankfully, that still works. From there I can get to my feed. But if I'm tardy in reading new posts, I have no way of commenting thru the back door. I don't like that one bit. The community has been blown apart. We have no means of communication. It's extremely frustrating to not be able to comment on articles that move me. To show my fellow writers that I've read, appreciate, and have been compelled to share my thoughts.

      I feel like my best friend just died and I have no way to get to the funeral.

      1. Shesabutterfly profile image97
        Shesabutterflyposted 4 years agoin reply to this

        I agree the specific criteria would be nice. It sounds like different people viewed your articles and someone did not think the short story was worthy, while someone else did. From what I saw on my account the articles were picked arbitrarily. Honestly, I'm surprised any of my articles moved. Most need major editing, hence why they are still on HP. The ones I thought might get picked were left behind and ones that have not seen any decent traffic for years were moved over. Makes no sense to me, and it definitely does not make me want to try and update the rest of the articles so they can be moved. I'm not about to guess what staff is looking for when there seems to be no set standard.

        New articles are automatically put on Discover after publishing as long as they pass the QAP. We will not be able to comment on any articles unless they fail QAP and stay on HP.

        1. bravewarrior profile image84
          bravewarriorposted 4 years agoin reply to this

          Shesabutterfly, it makes no sense. With regard to the sixteen chapters, chapter one has not been moved. How does anyone know how the story begins without reading that first? I can't remember the sequence of chapters that have been moved, but there are far too many gaps between them. Even if the reader were to seek other chapters by clicking on my name, they won't find them. What did the editors do? Blindfold themselves, throw a dart and hope it lands on something?

          The ONLY good thing about Discover is the annoying lead video that appears on the niche sites is not there. Nor are over-abundant amount of ads that are thrown arbitrarily within the text. And I know why: Discover is at the low end of the Maven totem pole. HP as a whole is at the low end of Maven's totem pole. It's quite obvious now, don't you think?

      2. liesl5858 profile image87
        liesl5858posted 4 years agoin reply to this

        You are right Bravewarrior, without the comment section I feel lost. No communication with other hubbers now. We have to come to the forum to be able to ask for help and be helped. It is not the same anymore on Hubpages.

        1. bravewarrior profile image84
          bravewarriorposted 4 years agoin reply to this

          lies5858, I find myself more prominent in the forums because we can actually communicate with each other here. Prior to the loss of comments, I steered clear of the forums.

          It's become too cumbersome to search the tunnels of our feeds to comment on articles we read. As a result, I've fallen by the wayside when it comes to reading what my favorite authors have posted. That's just plain wrong and it fills me with guilt. I don't want my friends to feel I've forsaken them, but with the loss of the ease of  commenting, I feel a disconnect that is as if someone has died.

          HP, please make reinstating comments a priority!!!!

          1. liesl5858 profile image87
            liesl5858posted 4 years agoin reply to this

            Yes, I agree with you bravewarrior without the comment section as if there is something missing. I hope HP will put it back. It would be nice to hear from other hubbers and to comment on each others hubs.

    4. Miebakagh57 profile image72
      Miebakagh57posted 4 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you SamanthaCubbison. I will access the site soon.

  2. theraggededge profile image88
    theraggededgeposted 4 years ago

    I found that if you use the filter on your account page and select HubPages, you can then mouse over and see which ones are on Discover and which ones are languishing in the slurry bucket.

    1. janshares profile image94
      jansharesposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks! Will do.

    2. janshares profile image94
      jansharesposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      Ha! 32 out of 95 languishing in the slurry bucket.

      1. chef-de-jour profile image99
        chef-de-jourposted 4 years agoin reply to this

        I dare not check! How many in the HubSump?

        1. janshares profile image94
          jansharesposted 4 years agoin reply to this

          You mean how many I have on Networks?

          1. chef-de-jour profile image99
            chef-de-jourposted 4 years agoin reply to this

            Hi Jan

            I'm just wondering how things are panning out for you - so many changes recently! Are you hanging in there? I'm editing like crazy to get my 'stock' up to date and formatted. Big job but steadily working through. Hope you are well in this very strange year.

            1. janshares profile image94
              jansharesposted 4 years agoin reply to this

              Hey Andrew,
              Thanks for asking. I'm doing well, hanging in there with the changes. I've been doing "lazy" editing if you know what I mean, just enough to keep articles updated for Google. The HP editors usually make changes for me which is fine. I have plenty of work to do with some articles which means adding more text and making them "how to" types. I've been super busy outside of HP, absolutely a very strange year. I hope you're doing well. We have to keep moving, stay healthy and safe, and keep writing. I was hoping to add 5 more articles to reach 100 this year. Not so sure that will happen now. Looking forward to re-committing in 2021.

  3. Rupert Taylor profile image97
    Rupert Taylorposted 4 years ago

    Apologies for being as dumb as a boiled rutabaga but I'm having trouble following the trail.

    My Account, then filters, then HubPages - got it. Then what? Status offers "Submitted for publication, published, new, not published, needs revision, deleted, and irrevocable." If I click on any of these I find "No articles Found."

    Perhaps I should try "Designated" whatever the hey that means. The offerings here are "Featured, not featured-traffic, not featured-quality, and pending." Again clicking on any of these delivers "No article found."

    Where do I find the contents of the slurry bucket? Is there some other mysterious step that involves writing code on a banana skin?

    And, while I have your attention, can somebody explain the difference between HubPages and Discover, because I'm damned if I can see one?

    1. Shesabutterfly profile image97
      Shesabutterflyposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      If you use the filter and select Hubpages you can look for the red link (author view) next to article titles. All the ones with the red link are on Discover all the other ones are still on HP.

      The only real difference is Discover is monetized and the old HP is not. If you want to get paid for articles on HP you have to try and get them moved to Discover or the niches.

      Discover is only suppose to house high quality articles and HP houses all the spammy and low quality content.

      1. Ken Burgess profile image68
        Ken Burgessposted 4 years agoin reply to this

        Here is the major problem I found with that.

        I edited and put forth one of my articles for a Niche site...

        And then I edited another article and put it forth for a Niche site...'
        And I got an "error you have already submitted an article you must wait 14 days to submit another"...


        So for myself, that just took out about 30 articles that will take more than a year to get submitted to a niche site.

        I feel truly bad for those people who have a hundred or more sitting in HubPages... they will never get them transitioned with a 14 day restriction!!!

        1. Shesabutterfly profile image97
          Shesabutterflyposted 4 years agoin reply to this

          There has always been a 14 day submission process. That's not new.

          It's a big part of why I have not bothered to try and move the rest of my articles that were not selected by staff with the inital release of the niche sites. Not only will it take me forever, I have no idea what the threshold is. I can't even look at moved articles because there is no consistent similarities between them.

        2. Glenn Stok profile image94
          Glenn Stokposted 4 years agoin reply to this

          Ken, That’s all the more reason to begin now. You have 38 articles that were not moved yet. I had way more than that and I now have all my 146 articles on network sites.

          When I did it, I kept a log of the due-dates every 14 days and the hubs needed to be moved. I updated accordingly so I’d be ready for the next submission. Try using my method. Time goes fast. You can do it.

          1. OldRoses profile image65
            OldRosesposted 4 years agoin reply to this

            I did the same.  I also used that 14 days between submissions to really improve my articles so that they were accepted on the first try.

        3. profile image0
          Marisa Writesposted 4 years agoin reply to this

          The fact is that we've all had the option to transfer Hubs to the niche sites for years. And the "one Hub every x days" restriction has always been in place.

          For many Hubbers, it's just a matter of routine for every new Hub:  publish a Hub; wait a month to see if it's automatically shifted to a niche site; if not, do some revisions and submit it manually.  That way, there's little or no backlog to deal with.

          I think the problem is that in the old days, Hubbers understood the importance and value of the forums as a place to learn how to use HubPages. It's much less common now.  I'm surprised at the number of people coming to the forums to complain about the loss of comments or the "sudden" move to Discover, when those things were officially announced on the forums ages ago.

          1. bravewarrior profile image84
            bravewarriorposted 4 years agoin reply to this

            Marisa, I learned the hard way about keeping up with the HP news forums, as you know. In taking your advice, I updated my settings to include notifications for forums such as this and anything else that will help me be informed and more successful on HP/Maven. With all the changes happening, it would behoove all HP writers to keep up with these forums. That way they're up to date and don't get smacked in the face when changes have been implemented. Keeping up with forums Samantha initiates is vital in this environment whether you're a "social" hubber or a "business" hubber, as you so well defined in the article you pointed me to. Thank you for that, by the way.

            1. profile image0
              Marisa Writesposted 4 years agoin reply to this

              You're welcome.  I think HubPages must take some of the blame, because they have mishandled the forums for years. The only reason people started to avoid the forums was because of the horrible stuff that went on in the political and religious sections.  I think they should just have dumped the "topical" forums and kept the "HubPages forums" where people could congregate to discuss their Hubs, online earning and writing in general. I bet people would still be using them if they'd done that.

        4. OldRoses profile image65
          OldRosesposted 4 years agoin reply to this

          Yup!  It took me 2 1/2 years to get all of my articles moved to niche sites but it was well worth it in terms of increased traffic and earnings.

    2. Shesabutterfly profile image97
      Shesabutterflyposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      I cannot edit my earlier response, but wanted to say they updated the stats page to add Discover to the filter menu, so you can filter between DiscoverHubPages and HubPages to find what was moved and what was left behind.

  4. Jodah profile image91
    Jodahposted 4 years ago

    This feels like the final nail in the coffin. The only window open to comment on new articles (unless they remain on basic HubPages) has closed. I would have hoped they had been able to enable comments before introducing long have they been working on that now?
    Also, the criteria for selection for Discover makes no sense. Some that have moved are poor quality with virtually no traffic, others still on HubPages getting quite reasonable traffic and much better articles. Like you Shauna, some of my Cackleberry Farmer articles have been moved and not others, though they are non-fiction and aren't really parts of a story they are still a continuing saga.
    It is hard to stay optimistic.

  5. emge profile image81
    emgeposted 4 years ago

    Lost complete interest in writing on hub pages.

    1. cmoneyspinner1tf profile image86
      cmoneyspinner1tfposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      The irony is that I was about to restart writing on HubPages.  But the changes have me befuddled and kind of discouraged.

      1. profile image0
        Marisa Writesposted 4 years agoin reply to this

        Actually, this recent change is a good thing, because HubPages changed fundamentally after the Google Panda update years ago. From that point on, if you wanted to earn money, it became vital to get your articles onto the network sites.  Since then, has been nothing more than a "feeder" site, a place for editors to find articles for their network sites.

        These latest changes have highlighted the surprising fact that many Hubbers didn't understand the importance of the changes and some weren't even aware of them.  It's a good thing this major change has finally occurred, as it has made people sit up and take notice.

        Unfortunately, it wasn't implemented all that well, but let's hope it sorts itself out once the dust settles...

        1. PaulGoodman67 profile image97
          PaulGoodman67posted 4 years agoin reply to this

          Yes, I agree. Though if one is allowed to throw in a bunch of mixed metaphors, I would say that was a kind of purgatory. If you could absolve enough "sins" you got moved to the more blissful networks. Now I feel it's a kind of isolation ward, who's main purpose is not to infect the networks while there's an attempt at recovery. If there are  any rises in views that come out of these changes, it's more likely to happen in the networks, rather than the hub sub, as far as I can see.

          1. janshares profile image94
            jansharesposted 4 years agoin reply to this

            Nice metaphors, Paul. I received  a taste of this last week. I was told that if I didn't fix my article that was already on a Network Site, it would be thrown back into the dungeon ( by a certain date. The email asked that I make it evergreen. So it looks like discover.hubpages will not be an option even if you've previously passed QAP and made it to a Network Site. I fixed it and all is well. It's back on the network site. I expect more "mild threats" to edit but it's fine. They are trying to clean up and satisfy Maven's tougher standards.

            1. samanthacubbison profile image77
              samanthacubbisonposted 4 years agoin reply to this

              If an article already passed QAP and is on a Network Site, and for whatever reason has to be moved, it will go to Discover. We require articles on Network Sites to be evergreen. The team is currently doing "quick edits" across the entire Network, so they are sending more edit requests than usual.

          2. profile image0
            Marisa Writesposted 4 years agoin reply to this

            Perfect metaphor, Paul - although it's more like a quarantine ward. That was the whole point of it, and that's the point writers have been unaware of.

            The niche sites were created because Google punished sites like after the Panda update. It was a deadly "infection" from which the site could never recover.

            They rescued the top 20% of the articles - which earned 80% of the income - and moved them to the niche sites.  From that point on, the main site was a quarantine ward, keeping the "infection" of Panda away from the niche sites.

            The current changes have just highlighted that reality.

  6. nikhilchandra profile image74
    nikhilchandraposted 4 years ago

    Two of my featured Hubs moved to Discover...No Idea when though. Now the problem is that I don't see them in my Hubpages articles area. I can neither access them, know their stats neither can I edit them.

    Why would you do that. I mean how can you do that. That is take away editing write from the author by moving the hub altogether to a subdomain.

    Is this temporary or permanent?

    Any help would be highly appreciated.

  7. Jodah profile image91
    Jodahposted 4 years ago

    You should be able to access them in your ‘My Account” section and click on the red ’author view’ or the pencil icon to edit them.

    *or maybe not. This seems to have changed since. Last checked.

    1. bravewarrior profile image84
      bravewarriorposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      John, that feature is still there. I checked before responding to your comment.

  8. Oscarlites profile image78
    Oscarlitesposted 4 years ago

    --Its truly a case of the juggling hubpages!  what is super-frustration is that all of your article statistics, the totals are now untrustworthy! plus you don't have one-spot control of your writings. Is there anything to be gained from this segregation of articles?

    1. bravewarrior profile image84
      bravewarriorposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      I don't know what y'all are talking about. My account shows all of my articles. Those on niche sites, including discover, and those still sitting on are all listed in My Account.

      1. Shesabutterfly profile image97
        Shesabutterflyposted 4 years agoin reply to this

        I think a lot of people are experiencing a glitch. Eugene reported it so hopefully it will get sorted out soon. My Discover articles can only been seen if I use the filter. Not a huge deal to me, but it would be nice to see all the stats together.

        1. eugbug profile image95
          eugbugposted 4 years agoin reply to this

          Discover articles were viewable without selecting a filter yesterday (11th Nov), but not today.

  9. eugbug profile image95
    eugbugposted 4 years ago

    Do Hubpages articles climb a rank automatically to end up on the Discover site if traffic improves? If traffic increases, is there a way to get them moved there or do we just bypass Discover and manually request submission to the other niche sites? I'm sure this may have been answered but I haven't read all the posts.

    1. samanthacubbison profile image77
      samanthacubbisonposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      Yes, articles automatically move to Discover after reaching a certain performance threshold. It's the same thing as HubPages. Authors have to submit them (by updated and editing) for them to be considered for a Network Site.

      1. bravewarrior profile image84
        bravewarriorposted 4 years agoin reply to this

        Samantha, can you tell us what the performance threshold is so we know what we should be aiming for?

        1. Peggy W profile image100
          Peggy Wposted 4 years agoin reply to this

          I would appreciate knowing that same answer.  Some of my articles on Hubpages have many more views than the ones on Discover.  Some on Discover are not updated, while others on Hubpages are updated.

          As we update the ones on Hubpages, will editors notice it and perhaps move it to Discover?  Or is the only choice now open to us is to submit them for niche sites every two weeks? 

          Do the articles on Discover earn as much as the ones on other niche sites?  The basis for that question is this: If we have a question as to where a post might best fit, should we then submit it to Discover?

        2. samanthacubbison profile image77
          samanthacubbisonposted 4 years agoin reply to this

          I don't have a concrete answer for you, as it is quite complex. As I said in a previous thread, "We evaluated content based on candidacy. Here we evaluated view data, revenue, and overall quality—with an emphasis on quality. The combination of these factors determined what is getting moved to and what is not. To state a specific parameter would be difficult to capture as it's complex. We recommend that authors invest efforts in improving their content and resubmit it to our niche sites for evaluation."

          Peggy, articles that improve in quality will automatically be moved to discover. You do not submit articles to discover. New articles go through the same QAP process and end up there automatically. Niche sites are always the goal in terms of building the strongest following.

          1. Shesabutterfly profile image97
            Shesabutterflyposted 4 years agoin reply to this

            That does not explain how some very low quality content got moved to Discover.

            For example I have an article that was moved and it has only 72 views to date in 7 years and has at least 2 misspellings that I caught. In my mind that doesn't qualify on any level.

            Yet another article that was almost niche site ready per that editor was left behind.

            Without knowing parameters there is no incentive for me to continously edit and update when I have no idea what staff is looking for.

            1. samanthacubbison profile image77
              samanthacubbisonposted 4 years agoin reply to this

              The split was a one time move based on a variety of factors. Moving forward, all new articles will move directly to Discover.

              1. Shesabutterfly profile image97
                Shesabutterflyposted 4 years agoin reply to this

                That still does not explain "the split", or why low quality articles made it through.

                I know it does not affect new articles, I was not talking about new articles. I was talking about the articles I currently have. I stopped writing here a long time ago, and do not plan to start back up anytime soon.

                1. samanthacubbison profile image77
                  samanthacubbisonposted 4 years agoin reply to this

                  the thresholds that were analyzed by our engineering team were set very low to preserve as much content as possible.

          2. Peggy W profile image100
            Peggy Wposted 4 years agoin reply to this

            Thanks for the explanation, Samantha.

  10. Ken Burgess profile image68
    Ken Burgessposted 4 years ago

    Thank you for that encouragement Glenn,

    I think there will be a few with many more articles than I have to transfer that are going to be taken by surprise, those who write more voraciously than I do.

    Of those 38 you noted, probably half are relevant enough and structured well enough to transfer.  For other writers this may be far more troublesome.

  11. Kenna McHugh profile image94
    Kenna McHughposted 4 years ago

    Fourteen days is a long time with the new system.

  12. Jodah profile image91
    Jodahposted 4 years ago

    I have 473 articles. 202 are still on the original HubPages, 108 are now on Discover, and 163 are scattered between ten of the niche sites. So that will take quite some time and effort.

    1. OldRoses profile image65
      OldRosesposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      It took me years to move all of my articles to the niche sites, but it was worth it in terms of increased traffic and earnings.  Go for it!  You won't regret it.

      1. Jodah profile image91
        Jodahposted 4 years agoin reply to this

        Thanks OldRoses, I guess I will get there one hub/article at a time.

      2. Miebakagh57 profile image72
        Miebakagh57posted 4 years agoin reply to this

        Thank you, Oldroses. Will do.

  13. Nigel Koay profile image83
    Nigel Koayposted 4 years ago

    Thanks Samantha!

  14. Miebakagh57 profile image72
    Miebakagh57posted 4 years ago

    Thanks every one for the healthy discussion. I found it enlightening.

  15. Peggy W profile image100
    Peggy Wposted 4 years ago

    I have another question.  Since views are one consideration for posts being moved from HubPages to Discover, would it be smart to feature some of them at the top of our page even though they are not monetized?  They might gain more views that way.  What would you suggest?  Thanks!

    1. samanthacubbison profile image77
      samanthacubbisonposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      Discover will not host HubPages content. Those articles will remain on HubPages and be featured in their respective categories at time of publication. Thank you for the suggestion!

      Edit: Peggy, let me know if I misunderstood the question. In regards to getting more views, applying proper SEO, following trending topics, copyediting, and formatting your article in an aesthetically pleasing way are some ways to be successful.

      1. bravewarrior profile image84
        bravewarriorposted 4 years agoin reply to this

        Samantha, are you saying that anything that has been left behind on HubPages, as of this moment in time, will stay there and have no chance of being pulled to Discover by the editors?

        1. samanthacubbison profile image77
          samanthacubbisonposted 4 years agoin reply to this

          No. Unless I misunderstood the question, Peggy asked if HubPages content could be featured on Discover despite not being monetized. It will stay on HubPages until it meets the threshold.

          As I've said, editors are not directly moving content to Discover. It is an automatic process.

          1. bravewarrior profile image84
            bravewarriorposted 4 years agoin reply to this

            Okay. I think I get it now. Thanks, Samantha!

            1. samanthacubbison profile image77
              samanthacubbisonposted 4 years agoin reply to this

              Sure thing!

      2. Peggy W profile image100
        Peggy Wposted 4 years agoin reply to this

        Hi again, Samantha,

        We have a feature IN THE SPOTLIGHT at the top of our HubPages articles where we can feature articles from HubPages or any of the niche sites.  My question pertained to putting ones that are not monetized on HP in that area to gain more views.  Assuming that they are updated, and look pleasing, would that be a smart move to make if it is the views that are keeping them from being monetized?

        1. samanthacubbison profile image77
          samanthacubbisonposted 4 years agoin reply to this

          Ah, ok. I think it would be difficult to reprogram the spotlight rotation because not everyone wants their lowest traffic articles to be the first thing someone sees.

          1. Shesabutterfly profile image97
            Shesabutterflyposted 4 years agoin reply to this

            We create our own spotlight. It would not require any reprogramming.

            Peggy, I don't think traffic is a huge factor, but it might be useful to switch them up. The only way they can get to your HP profile though is through Discover or the old HP site. If you have enough articles there it might prompt them to check out your profile and find more articles. If you have a lot of related articles it might work well for you. I don't see it hurting your views unless you get a lot of profile views that lead to niche site articles.

            1. samanthacubbison profile image77
              samanthacubbisonposted 4 years agoin reply to this

              I mean to make it automatic.

        2. profile image0
          Marisa Writesposted 4 years agoin reply to this

          The Spotlight feature won't help your traffic, I'm afraid.  Most visitors to the niche sites will never visit your profile.   They've come to a niche site looking for information on a particular subject, not to read works by a particular author. 

          Let's say they're looking for holiday information about Arizona. They'll arrive on WanderWisdom and read your Hub. If they want to read more, they'll look for more Arizona Hubs on Wanderwisdom - they won't click on your name to see what else you've written.  That's the way all the niche sites have always worked.

          Generally, the only people who look at your profile are other Hubbers, or people you've given the link to.  So the spotlight feature doesn't do much, I'm afraid.

          1. theraggededge profile image88
            theraggededgeposted 4 years agoin reply to this

            It's a good reason to allow hubbers to create their own 'hub' article with links to other articles in their niche. I managed to get one approved because I added a ton of extra content to it, but it took a bit of wrangling with the editor. I think they are really useful.

  16. Gyanendra Mocktan profile image83
    Gyanendra Mocktanposted 4 years ago

    Thank you very much for update. I'm a struggling writer. I didn't know the struggle in the writing world. The change I had seen was terrifying me  for week.  But today I had already found out where I had to click the button.

    Additionally, after reading through your update here, I feel elated. Thank you.

  17. Nell Rose profile image88
    Nell Roseposted 4 years ago

    I found going back out onto google and just going to the Hubpage sign in page lower down the main google page.

    1. bravewarrior profile image84
      bravewarriorposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      Or you can Google Nell Rose on Hubpages and find the link to your profile page at the top of the Google search. That's how I get in.

      1. Nell Rose profile image88
        Nell Roseposted 4 years agoin reply to this

        HIya, oh yes I forgot that, lol!

  18. nikhilchandra profile image74
    nikhilchandraposted 4 years ago

    Okay, now I can see all my articles in one place even those that moved to discover. What I can't understand is why does Hubpage doesn't have a system in place where they do either a 302 or 301 redirect for Hubs that they move to network sites. Both my Hubs which moved to Discover are now returning 404 Not Found error for the links that I already shared on some travel forums and through social media channels.

    Hope developers are reading this or someone will let them know.

    1. eugbug profile image95
      eugbugposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      They shouldn't do. Whether the articles are moved to niche sites or Discover, or even when we had subdomains off Hubpages, the links normally direct. Are you sure you typed the URLs correctly? Can you share the ones you posted and the correct ones?

      1. nikhilchandra profile image74
        nikhilchandraposted 4 years agoin reply to this

        Yep, Rechecked. There was an error with the URL. Thanks I stand corrected :-)

        1. eugbug profile image95
          eugbugposted 4 years agoin reply to this

          Good, glad you resolved that smile

    2. bravewarrior profile image84
      bravewarriorposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      I would copy/paste the URL directly from the article. That way you don't risk typos.

      1. nikhilchandra profile image74
        nikhilchandraposted 4 years agoin reply to this

        Couldn't agree more :-)

  19. Oscarlites profile image78
    Oscarlitesposted 4 years ago

    I wrote and submitted to a network site.

  20. janshares profile image94
    jansharesposted 4 years ago

    I wanted to bring this forum back for updates. Has anyone deleted articles that you know won't make it to Discover, let alone to the Maven Network Sites? I've counted 13 of my 95 articles that are still on Hubpages. They aren't bad. I just don't think they will be accepted. I'm thinking it's not worth jumping through hoops to edit them when I can delete and move them to my website. Most are poetry articles. What criteria are you vets using to determine what to save, delete, or move to your own sites?
    If there are other forum threads that talk about this, please post. Thanks.

    1. bravewarrior profile image84
      bravewarriorposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      Jan, I deleted most of my poems. Even after doing so, I still have several articles on I just haven't gotten around to looking at them to see if I want to go thru the trouble of trying to get them moved out of the creative abyss.

      1. janshares profile image94
        jansharesposted 4 years agoin reply to this

        Yes, Shauna, it's a lot of work. I'm thinking of deleting some poems that I'm not tethered to. But there's a grief that comes with it, you know?

        1. bravewarrior profile image84
          bravewarriorposted 4 years agoin reply to this

          Definitely, Jan. One of the poems is one I wrote for my dad's birthday several years ago. I also printed it and sent it to him in his birthday card. The poem has gotten almost 6,000 views. That's not really a lot, but because the poem means a lot to me and my dad, I'm proud of the reads. It's why I haven't deleted it.

          1. janshares profile image94
            jansharesposted 4 years agoin reply to this

            I understand. The sentimentality makes it difficult.

  21. Jodah profile image91
    Jodahposted 4 years ago

    I still have over 100 on HubPages. I have been editing the lowest scoring ones, and a few have moved to Discover or their scores have risen, but only two, so far, have gone to Letterpile. I have so far only deleted one as well.

    1. janshares profile image94
      jansharesposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      Wow, Jodah, that's a lot. I guess a little at a time will get you there. It's hard to think of you deleting anything.

      1. Jodah profile image91
        Jodahposted 4 years agoin reply to this

        I am very attached to most of my work so it is tough for me to delete anything, Jan. I could move a couple to other sites and maybe I will in time if I can’t get them accepted at least to Discover.

        1. janshares profile image94
          jansharesposted 4 years agoin reply to this

          Moving them to preserve the art makes more sense, John.

  22. Kenna McHugh profile image94
    Kenna McHughposted 4 years ago

    I plan on moving my film/movie topics to my website. I have to find the time to do it. The rest I am not sure. The revenue was good pre-Christmas. So, I am in no hurry.

    1. janshares profile image94
      jansharesposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      I agree, Kenna. The extra Christmas coins gives incentive to let them stay a little longer.

  23. manatita44 profile image70
    manatita44posted 4 years ago

    But you've forsaken me. I feel as if I've died, too --in your Heart. Stay well and blessed. - Lantern Carrier

    1. bravewarrior profile image84
      bravewarriorposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      Lantern Carrier, I hope you're not talking to me. I have not forsaken you. I love you!

  24. manatita44 profile image70
    manatita44posted 4 years ago


  25. Ruby Campos profile image81
    Ruby Camposposted 2 years ago

    Great, Thanks for the info.

    1. Miebakagh57 profile image72
      Miebakagh57posted 2 years agoin reply to this

      Ruby, welcome to the discussion.                              Study this thread from the first page down to the last.                                              This will give you a sound background to the challenge. And, to fastforword you to the next tracts that follows discover live!


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