Trump is Openly Using Language From Adolph Hitler...Do You Care?

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  1. Valeant profile image86
    Valeantposted 4 months ago

    In multiple rallies now, Trump has used the phrase that immigrants are 'poisoning the blood of our people.'  This is language that mirrors that which appears in Hitler's book, Mein Kampf. … ood-quote/

    Former failed president Trump is openly stating he has plans to be a dictator, plans to weaponize the DOJ, and will use the military to quell any protests.  Now he's openly using the language used by Adolph Hitler.  When does his cult wake up to what he is?  How do people who think of themselves as good people back a candidate that uses the same dehumanizing language as Adolph Hitler?  Is that really what they want to be associated with?

    1. wilderness profile image94
      wildernessposted 4 months agoin reply to this

      "When does his cult wake up to what he is?"

      When his opposition stops making gross exaggerations?  As is such statements are known to be false and do nothing but cement in place what they are intended to destroy.

      1. Valeant profile image86
        Valeantposted 4 months agoin reply to this

        What is the gross exaggeration?  Trump used the language that Hitler used.  Trump has openly stated a desire to use the military against protests.  He has stated he will use the DOJ against his political opponents and that he plans to be a dictator.

        What you call exaggerations are what most Americans call quotes of Trump's statements.  But again, it's clear that some want to live in their own alternate reality to deny that they are supporting someone who uses the language of the leader of Nazi Germany.

      2. Ken Burgess profile image75
        Ken Burgessposted 4 months agoin reply to this

        I forget whether it was the Patriot Act or some other Executive Office decision that rid the NSA/FBI/DOJ from the necessity of respecting the privacy of its citizens or for that matter respecting Habeas Corpus, which predates the Nation by no small margin.

        But essentially when the President declared that people who support Donald Trump are the greatest threats to Democracy, the Nation, and were "Domestic Terrorists" ... by labeling them as such, any American thought to support, or who ever showed support for Donald Trump has no rights under the current Laws which our Justice System and its enforcement agencies operate.

        Most people don't get what is going on in America today, I am sure of this based on the conversations we have here in these forums and those I have conducted elsewhere... even when I expose what is going on and provide links, the "bigger picture" seems to escape those who engage.

        As for this: "plans to weaponize the DOJ, and will use the military to quell any protests." ... too little, too late.

        The DOJ (FBI) and Military have been weaponized, they are in the process of cleaning out the ranks now, enforcing things like their LGBTQAI+ rules and Equity rules allows them to clean out those with moral integrity that will not fall in line with the new ideology (DEI), the new "Democracy" that is to precede CBDC and Social Credit.

        They are going to be hard pressed to get this all done prior to Nov 2024...

        Economic collapse to validate the need for CBDC is certain, but whether that comes a few years down the road or a few months, who can tell?  But it seems a bit early for that, so I fear the next big event will be an escalation of the war with Russia... but then, I have always known that was in their plans, so it isn't like I haven't been warning of it the last two years.

        1. Valeant profile image86
          Valeantposted 4 months agoin reply to this

          Ah yes, the Patriot Act that was passed under a Republican president.  Republicans complaining about a law that gives the government the power to protect us from the domestic terror element of their current political party - and the examples are plentiful, including an attack on the Capitol.  And then going full hyperbolic by claiming that no one who supports Donald Trump 'has no rights under the current laws.' 

          These posts get more ridiculous with the hyperbole and fearmongering about economic collapse and world war.  I fully expect the writer to be on a sidewalk somewhere with a 'The End is Near' sign.

        2. Willowarbor profile image61
          Willowarborposted 4 months agoin reply to this

          But essentially when the President declared that people who support Donald Trump are the greatest threats to Democracy, the Nation, and were "Domestic Terrorists" ... by labeling them as such, any American thought to support, or who ever showed support for Donald Trump has no rights under the current Laws which our Justice System and its enforcement agencies operate.

          We all know that everyone has equal protection under the law Ken.

          But what of Trump's pledge
          to “root out … the radical left thugs that live like vermin (another nod to Hitler) within the confines of our country,”

          And his spokesperson doubled down.

          saying in a statement that “those who try to make that ridiculous assertion are clearly snowflakes grasping for anything because they are suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome and their entire existence will be crushed when President Trump returns to the White House.”.

          Trump is a threat to democracy. He speaks straight from the fascist playbook. He parrots autocratic language and praises authoritarian leaders such as Xi, Putin and Orban.

          And what of a man that attacks a private citizen? Who does this and why is it ok?  His recorded commentary about Ruby Freeman and Shea Moss, Georgia election workers

          " professional vote scammer,” a “hustler” and a “known political operative” who “stuffed the ballot boxes.”

          Trump is unfit for office of any kind. The Republican party is essentially a lost cause at this point because most  don't have the guts to point it out. Christie has been the only one with the cajones to say that Trump is "disgusting"

          House Speaker Mike Johnson once said then-presidential candidate Donald Trump’s temperament made him unfit to be president, calling his “hot head” nature “dangerous” Writing that Trump "lacks the character and moral center we desperately need again in the White House,” in a 2015 Facebook post unearthed by the New York Times. 

          Now? He's a shameless bootlicker who went down to Mar-A-Lago to kiss the ring and receive Trump's directives. 

          Why is all of this okay with Trump supporters? Where will the line be drawn for these people to realize he is unfit for ANY office?

          Will he actually have to shoot someone on 5th avenue?

          1. Ken Burgess profile image75
            Ken Burgessposted 4 months agoin reply to this

            Here is the problem.

            The alternative people have is a continuation of what they see, what they live, and what is promised to them by those running the nation today.

            The policies the Democrats are pursuing are clear, there is no compromise in them.  Whether it be Transmen in women's sports or children not being protected or forced Equity and Inclusion (of non-binary and furry people and whatever new insanity they decide must be protected and defended).

            The never-ending-wars will also continue under Biden and the Democrats, the only ones more beholden to the endless-war-machine than the 'old-school' Republicans in DC today are the Democrats... as continues to be proven out.

            Of course there are the economics to consider as well, we are currently funding two wars, bankrolling them you could say, how long or how many more will be opened up remains to be seen... but one can expect the Biden Administration to add to the global problems should he remain in office.

            And then there is the whole Open-Borders thing... we can tell where the two choices sit on this as well.  One stands for... Come on Down!  The other promises to build the wall (for real this time!)  and deport tens of millions who have come in recent years.

            Again... these are your choices... neither seem overly appealing.

            1. Credence2 profile image78
              Credence2posted 4 months agoin reply to this

              An interesting and poignant article, have a look. Is that really what this great Replacement attitude is all about?

     … -the-right

              1. Ken Burgess profile image75
                Ken Burgessposted 4 months agoin reply to this

                No Credence,

                It is not what the MSM tells you to believe.

                The issue is not even what the extreme Right Wing believes.

                It is Open Borders - Open Society...

                What does that mean?

                Well, if one delves into the beliefs and many, many, funded NGOs funded by the Open Society Foundation, or if one reviews the spoken words of George himself, from his books and many articles this multi-billion dollar effort is committed to pushing the world in a cosmopolitan direction in which racism, income inequality, American empire, and the alienations of contemporary capitalism would be things of the past.

                And I am sure that sounds great, except that it is not feasible in the slightest when peer nations like Russia and China are determined not to go along with it, and use such efforts to undermine America and Western Civilization at large.

                In essence helping us commit our own suicide as we pursue our egalatarian goals of equality for all, at the expense of the greatest system to ever be created (America's Constitution and Government).

                That's all this is, that is all that this will amount to... the decline of "Western Civilization" the end of America the Nation, much like we see the end of European Nations occurring right now, where they have little control over their own destiny and are subject to the unelected bureaucrats that control the EU in Brussels.

                It is the Global Compact on Migration
       … -migration

                Which I have gone on about ad nauseum.

                It is the WEF and their great reset.
       … eat-reset/

                It is the complete deconstruction of America.  And the Biden Administration is going full force at it.  The Open Border is merely one part of it.

                The alternative is a complete rejection of all these efforts, and all those politicians that support it.  And that is unlikely to happen, because that would require a cleaning out of almost all of DC all of the Federal government cleaned out from tier 4 to each and every director, secretary, and who knows how much of the top brass in the military.

                Do you see that happening?

                I don't.  I can see them escalating our conflicts overseas... if only due to their hubris and incompetence.  I can see the Democrats playing the role of the Social Revolutionary Party with Trump playing the role of the Czar and having a Bloody Sunday and allowing for a Bolshevik revolution... but most likely I see happening the slow continual collapse, and then seemingly overnight America falls in on itself like the USSR did.

                Though I suspect our hardships will be more severe than what the Russians had to deal with when the USSR dismantled, at least they were a cohesive society with a unified history... America will have nothing so foundational to fall back on, it will likely collapse as a nation into various regions and individual states.

                Similar to what those in control in DC and Brussels had hoped to achieve against Russia with the Ukraine war.

                ALL Americans will suffer for this that are not part of the 1%.  Race or Identity won't matter then.  Ultimately who wins in all this is not the people... but the corporations, the WEF, the very very rich who despise having to tolerate Americans and their belief that they have a right to liberty, property, or privacy.

                1. Credence2 profile image78
                  Credence2posted 4 months agoin reply to this

                  Great Replacement Theory definition. I don't consider the Encyclopedia Brittanica as MSM, do you?

                  "In essence helping us commit our own suicide as we pursue our egalatarian goals of equality for all, at the expense of the greatest system to ever be created (America's Constitution and Government)."

                  So you are saying that egalitarian goals of equality for all is at odds with America Constitution and Government? I always thought that both concepts were the same, silly me.... do we revert to the divine right of kings and nobles merely because one may have a certain pedigree?

                  "Though I suspect our hardships will be more severe than what the Russians had to deal with when the USSR dismantled, at least they were a cohesive society with a unified history... America will have nothing so foundational to fall back on, it will likely collapse as a nation into various regions and individual states."

                  After almost 2 and one half centuries, do we not qualify as a cohesive society with a unified history? Or do you see that as only possible with totalitarian societies, where we all have to walk in lockstep and agree on everything?

                  The war in the Ukraine is going on now for almost 2 years, I see neither the imminent threat of WWIII nor the inevitable defeat predicted by the far right for the Ukraine. It takes over 2 years for a superpower like Russia to prevail over so small a country? There remains questions to ask about that. So much for the predictions, huh?
                  "That's all this is, that is all that this will amount to... the decline of "Western Civilization" the end of America the Nation, much like we see the end of European Nations occurring right now, where they have little control over their own destiny and are subject to the unelected bureaucrats that control the EU in Brussels."

                  Western civilization has democracy as its foundation are you willing dispense with that to maintain heirarchies and inequities that advantage the few over the many? Listening to you, I think that many of those thinking along your lines believe that any challenge to the white  male hierarchy has to be dealt with even if Democracy itself is a victim in the process.
                  That is my prediction and I believe that most people thinking on those lines, a minority, hopefully, would do anything including supporting the devil himself in order to maintain that advantageous status quo.

                  1. Ken Burgess profile image75
                    Ken Burgessposted 4 months agoin reply to this

                    I am saying we cannot export it to far away nations that have no interest in it, no cultural background to appreciate it.

                    Spending 20 years and trillions of dollars in Afghanistan can be considered example A of that.

                    I am saying you cannot open up your borders to tens of millions of people who enter in just a few short years time and expect to maintain social cohesion... while continuing to allow in tens of millions yet to come.

                    If you would like to call that "replacement" that is fine... it is not theory... it is reality. 

                    But that is not really the point... if you have an OPEN SOCIETY in which all people from everywhere have equal rights and equal access to what your nation offers... you DON'T have a nation state.

                    And that is THE GOAL OF OPEN SOCIETY - OPEN BORDERS.

                    The eradication of the Nation state... and most importantly the key goal... the eradication of the Constitution... the Bill of Rights... Liberty... Private Property... Privacy.

                    You can play all the games with Identity Politics and Replacement Theory you want its just another form of communist/socialist enslavement of the masses under the pretense of "equality".

                  2. Ken Burgess profile image75
                    Ken Burgessposted 4 months agoin reply to this

                    First lets consider the REALITY... Ukraine is not merely some small state.

                    Ukraine was prepared by the West, primarily the UK and US, to engage Russia since 2014. 

                    Once the conflict began, considerable support in terms of ammunition, weapons, training, logistics, intelligence... everything but our armed forces directly deploying and entering the battle for Ukraine has been provided.

                    So Russia has not been fighting some small country... it has been fighting a Proxy War against NATO. 

                    Second, the goals of Russia might not be to capture or control all of Ukraine.  The most probable scenario is that they wanted to force a regime change, and put in a government that would be sympathetic to Russian interests.

                    Hence why they called it a Special Military Operation and not a war, they have secured the Russian speaking, Russian sympathetic regions of Ukraine, it does not appear that Russia has much interest in taking all of Ukraine... let alone go beyond it.

                    It is the Biden Administration that is attempting to convince the rest of the world that this is what Putin wants to do.  But common sense tells you this is BS... Putin spent the 8 years after Crimea seceded from Ukraine doing what exactly?

                    Nothing... he built a new bridge to Crimea, he brought new business to Crimea... but in terms of trying to take over Ukraine or Europe... nothing.

                    Not until Biden got in office and Zelensky started his world tour demanding support to take Crimea from Russia, by force if necessary, and demanding entry into NATO did this become a war.

                    If the Minsk Agreement had been adhered to by Ukraine/Zelensky, none of this would have happened.

      3. peoplepower73 profile image89
        peoplepower73posted 4 months agoin reply to this

        Wilderness:  If you take Trump out of the equation, what do have?

        No one calling the real news the fake news.

        No one lying and misinforming over 10,000 documented times in at least 6 years.

        No one going to jail because they have supported Trump's lies about Biden  stealing the election from Trump.  Actually it is the other way Trump tried to steal the election from Biden and he and his cohorts failed.

        No narcissistic master conman in office who thinks he is above the law and who does not support the constitution.

        No storming of the capital because he couldn't accept that he lost an election fair and square.

        No one defamed  of  rigging the Georgia ballots because they were just doing their job.

        No one pushing the envelope with all the fascist rhetoric that he is using to brainwash the population.

        No one who is being indicted four times with 91 criminal charges against him and his cohorts.

        No one would be investigated for stealing highly classified documents that our enemies could use against us.

        No one who uses high paid lawyers to defame, delay, and distract, the courts, so that he can get elected before they throw his ass in jail.

        These statements are just topic headings of what he has really caused.  Each one warrants at least its own chapters.

        1. wilderness profile image94
          wildernessposted 4 months agoin reply to this

          What do you have without Trump?

          People picketing and threatening SCOTUS judges for following the law.

          People publicly harassing anyone with a MAGA hat.

          Virtually unlimited border crossings, while our President tells us the border is "closed".

          Lies about the amount of inflation we are experiencing, claiming it is much less than it is.

          "Sanctuary" cities suddenly deciding they cannot provide the "sanctuary" they espouse to believe in.

          Tens of thousands of idiots refusing to vaccinate their children...because it is a government plot to kill the kids.

          Courts deciding Trump cannot run because they decided, without a trial or evidence presented and refuted, that he is an "insurrectionist".  (Yes, I know I put Trump back in - the point is that courts are making decisions they like rather than what the law requires).

          People deciding to pretend they are a sex they are not, and demanding that everyone else agree with them and pretend the same.

          Were I to take more than a couple of minutes I'm sure I could come up with a much longer list than you did.  Our country has gone insane, with everyone there exaggerating and lying to convince others of a falsehood that they wish we all believed.

          1. peoplepower73 profile image89
            peoplepower73posted 4 months agoin reply to this

            I am using your reply method where you start everything with "Do you mean."

            What do you have without Trump?

            People picketing and threatening SCOTUS judges for following the law.

            Do you mean the way he harasses judges and does not comply with gag orders to stop from influencing the jury and/or the outcome? 

            People publicly harassing anyone with a MAGA hat.

            Do you mean he would stop freedom of speech?

            Virtually unlimited border crossings, while our President tells us the border is "closed".

            Do you mean he said that Mexico would pay for the wall that he finally conned the Department of Defense to get millions to build his worthless wall that anybody can scale by using scrap lumber laying besides the wall?

            Lies about the amount of inflation we are experiencing, claiming it is much less than it is.

            Do you mean how he lied that the economy was increasing by 40% right after taking office from Obama?

            "Sanctuary" cities suddenly deciding they cannot provide the "sanctuary" they espouse to believe in.

            Do you mean Trump would invoke martial law to get rid of those people?

            Tens of thousands of idiots refusing to vaccinate their children...because it is a government plot to kill the kids.

            Do you mean Trump initially downplayed the severity of COVID-19 and made false claims about the virus being no more than a flu. Thus, causing the death of thousands of people?

            Courts deciding Trump cannot run because they decided, without a trial or evidence presented and refuted, that he is an "insurrectionist".  (Yes, I know I put Trump back in - the point is that courts are making decisions they like rather than what the law requires).

            Do you mean Trump is not an insurrectionist after marshaling paramilitary groups to attack the Capitol and having governors falsify voting certifications to overturn the votes of the people? You could have fooled me!!

            People deciding to pretend they are a sex they are not, and demanding that everyone else agree with them and pretend the same.

            Do you mean that Trump believes everyone is born with only two sexual preferences when that is not the way nature does things? Nature never does anything in a straight line, if it did, we would be in trouble as human beings.

            Were I to take more than a couple of minutes I'm sure I could come up with a much longer list than you did.  Our country has gone insane, with everyone there exaggerating and lying to convince others of a falsehood that they wish we all believed.

            Do you mean that is exactly what Trump is doing as a leader of a cult he is creating?

    2. peterstreep profile image80
      peterstreepposted 4 months agoin reply to this

      Donald Trump is working within the fascist playbook.
      The simple fraise "Make America Great Again" is a fascist slogan.
      It tells you a couple of things.
      1. It refers to a feeling of nostalgia, The country used to be great but isn't anymore. - It is pointing towards the Great America of past times.
      Hitler did the same thing by referring to the saying Third Reich. He would build a Great Germany in a model of the Germany of antiquity. This also refers to a feeling of loss and nostalgia.
      The sentence also refers to being the victim. The strange thing about fascism is that fascists see themselves as superior and a victim at the same time.
      Donald Trump is in all his tweets constantly seeing himself as a victim. Talking about a witchhunt etc. At the same time, he sees himself as supreme. It is impossible to criticize him as he is always right. This problem was evident in the ideas that Donald Trump and Dr. Fauci had. Gut feeling versus science.
      Fascism is Blood and Soil. (Blut und Boden) - So saying 'poisoning the blood of our people.'  is clearly a fascist playbook text. It refers to pure race, our country and the poisoning of soil and spirit.

      For anybody interested in what the word fascism means I recommend reading this short explanation (14 bullet points) of Ur-Fascism by Umberto Eco.

  2. Credence2 profile image78
    Credence2posted 4 months ago

    Talk about hitting the nail on the head, this is the reality.

    "But having a clear-eyed view of what is really driving the Trump base is critical. For one thing, the less credulity shown the "just joking" argument, the harder it is for the small-but-crucial number of swing voters to convince themselves there's nothing to worry about with Trump. More importantly, it will help progressives and Democrats conserve their energies. Trying to convince Trump's loyal supporters that he's a fascist is not worth your time. They know — it's why they like him. That's time and energy that needs to be directed towards turning out the vote for Democrats and educating the persuadable voters to take the Trump threat seriously. And that will be much easier to do if we don't get bogged down with bad faith arguments that he's "just joking." … -autocracy

    Another great article about Trump and the real meaning of trump and Trumpism outside of the right wing smoke screen.

    1. Ken Burgess profile image75
      Ken Burgessposted 4 months agoin reply to this

      Its quite stunning to watch happen in real time...

      Its not One side or the Other becoming more extreme... it is both.

      Progressive Left = Identity Politics = Communism/Oligarchy-Tyranny

      Nationalism = Trumpism = Fascism (and perhaps Oligarchy-Tyranny dunno I suppose Fascism is Oligarchy-Tyranny...?)

      Don't worry yourself too much about it, they'll get us into WWIII before we ever get to the election.

      Either way those FEMA camps are going to be getting put to good use soon, so glad our tax dollars didn't get wasted on them.

      1. Valeant profile image86
        Valeantposted 4 months agoin reply to this

        The big difference between the parties is the left did not go with their progressive left candidate in Bernie Sanders while the right fully went with their fascist one.

        And back in 2020, there was the claim that if the country elected a democrat, the economy would crater.  Well, we're in 2023 and the economy keeps on trucking along, even if it keeps adding debt that neither Congress nor the Executive seems to care to address.

  3. Valeant profile image86
    Valeantposted 4 months ago

    That Ken sees one side as advocating for equality for all, which is not really a stance for the majority of the left in certain aspects such as financial, it's easy to see why his arguments are hyperbolic.  If thinking that equal rights to things such as marriage and raising children will be the end of the American experiment, I definitely disagree.  The left believes in Capitalism, just with some restraints to protect the workers from some measure of full exploitation. 

    The left believes in immigration, but not this 'open borders' lie that members of the far-right tries to sell as the stance of the left.  The only people talking about open borders are members of the far-right so they can justify their hatred for their fellow Americans.  Everyone can see that the asylum system is being abused, much like we can see that the judicial system is being abused by Trump, but it appears that no one in Congress can find a cooperative solution.  The right wants a winning issue, and the left wants to be mindful of human rights and the economic issues that immigration supports.  Again, that the far-right sees that as 'open borders' is their own delusion.  Both sides need to come together to fix the asylum system, it's that simple really.  If I were a politician running for office, I'd be a two issue candidate - fixing the broken asylum system and passing a balanced budget amendment.

    So while America keeps telling the rest of the world that we're star-spangled awesome, people are going to try and come here - especially since the economies in their home countries were not as resilient as ours during Covid.  Both sides better find solutions instead of just trying to blame the other for the problems that this country faces.

  4. Valeant profile image86
    Valeantposted 4 months ago

    'The eradication of the Nation state... and most importantly the key goal... the eradication of the Constitution... the Bill of Rights... Liberty... Private Property... Privacy.'

    Of the two parties we will have the likely option of choosing in 2024, only one of the candidates has talked about eradicating parts of the Constitution so that he could achieve his goal of remaining in power despite losing an election.  Only one has talked about using the military against the citizenry.  Only one has talked about indemnifying police - aka, forming a police state.  Only one uses violent dictators as the model to be followed, and quotes the language of one who enacted an ethnic cleansing and genocide to reach his goals.

  5. Valeant profile image86
    Valeantposted 4 months ago

    Going back even further, if Russia could have abided by the treaty called the Budapest Memorandum - which stated that in exchange for Ukraine relinquishing their nuclear arsenal, that the US, UK, and Russia would "respect the independence and sovereignty and the existing borders of Ukraine."

    Seems Russia violated that when they put their soldiers into the Crimean peninsula in 2014 before helping force a vote for independence that is still disputed and not recognized by the West.  Then Russia used cyberattacks in 2016 and 2017 to attack Ukraine's power grid.  Odd, that Ken never mentions these when trying to absolve Putin of any aggression against Ukraine.  Pretty sure if a foreign sovereign nation did that to the US, we'd be dropping bombs on them by the end of the week.  These events are reality.

  6. Willowarbor profile image61
    Willowarborposted 3 months ago

    In my opinion, it is increasingly clear that Trump sees American democracy as a sham and he wants to convince his followers to see it that way too.

    Anyone else alarmed with Trump's rhetoric, ideas and emerging plans for a second term, pointing to parallels to past and present authoritarian leaders? 

    I've noticed that he is increasing his praise of dictators, even quoting Putin.
    Over the past week, he has consistently aligned himself with Victor Orban during rally speeches.

    Orban has amassed autocratic power through controlling the media and changing the country's constitution as well as opposed immigration for leading to "mixed race" Europeans.

    But Trump called him "highly respected" and welcomed his praise as "the man who can save the Western world." 

    The adoration of dictators is becoming more pronounced.  Yet another sign, if not a confirmation, how dangerous Trump is  to our democracy.  His infatuation with all dictators, Putin, Kim, Xi or half-baked dictators like Orban, is not in error. 

    The repeated signs of affection are made to first to prepare his followers and then the rest of us to reconsider our democracy.

    Consider one of his latest statements:

    “There’s a great man, a great leader in Europe, Viktor Orbán,”  He’s the prime minister of Hungary. He’s a very great leader, a very strong man. Some people don’t like him because he’s too strong. It’s nice to have a strongman running the country.”

    Strong man or strongman?   
    He's telling us exactly how he would lead a second term and exactly what he wants to be.  He's prepping people for it.

    How do MAGA supporters feel about Trump's speech and alignment with autocrats?

  7. Valeant profile image86
    Valeantposted 3 months ago

    Yes, the writing is so obviously on the wall it's hard to miss.  But his use of constant repetition to his followers as a method to groom them towards his autocratic ideology worked in the past.  For those of us who do not listen to his every word, it just sounds like someone aspiring to become the next Putin, Orban, or even Hitler.  Asking to be placed above our laws is so against what our founders envisioned that it's surprising that so many Americans would be willing to buy in.  However, many of those same people see that as their only path to the Oval Office.  It's sad what the former Republican Party has become, a cult to a functional illiterate, anti-democratic, criminal.


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