Memory Improvement-Smart Tips And Easy Techniques
MEMORY-Use it or lose it!
Forgot your Anniversary ? Lost your car keys? Don't know where you left them? Can't find your best friend's address and you need to send her a card before Christmas? Are these sounding familiar? Do you find yourself in similar situations? Maybe you forget to take the groceries home after work or to pick up your kids from school. Perhaps you forget important dates at the office,or can't remember names ? Well, you are not alone. But you cannot be excused for neglecting your lack of memory. If you do nothing about it and sit back, your memory will deteriorate further and one day you will forgot who you are. Well, just kidding,.....but it is possible! So, what can you do about it ? Simple and effective tips to improve your memory are given below. All you need is a desire to take the steps necessary and you are well on your way to being a better person. Your quality of life drastically improves as you will remember things and learn to organize yourself so that you and your family can enjoy a better quality of life.
An average person forgets 30 % of what he's heard within 20 minutes, and 50 % of what he has heard in half an hour.
Memory Improvement
Smart Tips And Techniques to Boost Memory
Simple and effective tips are easy to incorporate into your daily routine and eventually make into a lifelong habit.
- Play games that stimulate your mind, and help grow new nervous tissue in your brain. Games such as crossword puzzle, sudoku, chess, board games, are all helpful in achieving this. An elderly couple that played a couple of games of Chinese checkers every afternoon before taking a short nap remained active, and retained good memory for several years until their death. Students can sharpen their memories by solving puzzles that are stimulating and restrict their television time.
- Pick up some form of aerobic exercise that will release helpful endorphins from the brain. Any physical activity,such as dance or biking will help stimulate all your muscles and the brain as well. There is a rush of oxygen to the brain and the memory center builds new cells.
- Learn to relax. Stress can make one take wrong decisions and make you forget things,even everyday things. The brain releases an enzyme when you are stressed that inhibits short term memory. It is essential to remain positive,and focused in your outlook of life's challenges in order to remain stress-free. Try meditation techniques or enrol for yoga classes. You may also listen to soulful music or watch relaxation videos when stressed or before retiring for the night.
- Get a good night's sleep,preferably 7-8 hours. If possible, take a nap in the afternoon as this helps you relax further and studies have shown that those who nap tend to retain good memory, than those who don't.
- Start your day with a good breakfast and eat plenty of organic fruits and vegetables through the day. Choose whole grains and cereals over refined and processed foods. Even if you are on a diet, make sure you take in a couple of tsps of good fat. And keep yourself hydrated always. Make sure you include all the food groups in your daily diet.
- Include 8 ounces of red grape juice every day and make sure it is organic. Drinking red grape juice is beneficial as it is loaded with antioxidants. This ensures that your memory improves by 20%. Having organic produce ensures that you get 40% more antioxidants.
- Consume blueberries everyday. What you need is just a handful of blueberries to improve your memory. Blueberries contain a chemical that drastically improves memory.
- Herbs such as rosemary and sage are known to stimulate the brain's memory center and help students do very well when a sprig is worn in their hair on exam days.
- Remembering names can be difficult for some, and a sure remedy is one that you can follow. Picture the name of the person written across the person's forehead and you will remember it everytime you meet him.
- When you hear a name, an address or a date that you need to remember, for the very first tie, repeat it aloud, and this will most certainly lock it into your memory and help recall when necessary.
- Students will find this particularly useful. When you need to memorize something, do it on an empty stomach. The level of a particular hormone that improves memory is highest when the stomach is empty.
- Exercise your eyes every morning to improve your memory. Moving your eyes from side to side for atleast 30 seconds improves memory by 10 %. You get to use two sides of your brain.
- Having an active social life and participating in stimulating conversations helps improve your memory. Studies show that those who regularly meet other people are the ones who perform better at memory tests and have a better quality of life.
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