Why does life appear to be so complex at times and then so simple at other times

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  1. CloudExplorer profile image77
    CloudExplorerposted 10 years ago

    Why does life appear to be so complex at times and then so simple at other times?

    For instance our online virtual lifestyles, do we truly need them? and isn't the real world more important, nature and nurture? "All things to ponder on indeed". There must be a solution to it all, inquiring minds would love to know. (What's your take on the pressing issues at hand in your complex or simplex of a lifestyle, and in conjunction to this most difficult question.)


  2. liesl5858 profile image82
    liesl5858posted 10 years ago

    They say "Life is what we make it". It depends on how we live I suppose. If we want simple things in life, then it is less stressful but if we want the big things in life like material things then life becomes more complicated because you have to work harder to achieve your goal. For me, as long as I got a roof above my head, enough money to pay the bills, a job to go to and family to share things with I am quite happy. My life is simple.

  3. Renee Abbott profile image81
    Renee Abbottposted 10 years ago

    I know there will always be times when life is more of a challenge then other times. Does this equate to complex times? I do not think of it that way.  During challenges, what is important to me is how I act or react to them.

    I am not sure what you are asking regarding Virtual on-line friends compare to real-time friends. In my case they are the same. They are both nurture without difficulty. Those who I have friendships with share a lot of common interests, which actually are not all that common. It is a blessing to know people via the internet who  share common ideals. My community is not limited by where a person lives.
    I have had to simplify my life, due to losing everything I owned a few years after the death of my husband. This was a challenge, and the actions I have taken have given me a fantastic life, which is with very little material possessions. Life is only as complex as you make it.

    These past few years I have adopted a simplified lifestyle, and I am not one who is in-line with the should of society. I am free now, and happy. Complex doesnt share space in my life.

  4. Ericdierker profile image45
    Ericdierkerposted 10 years ago

    I lived most of my life as a man of trouble. Oh do not get me wrong I was having a blast. But the complications I jumped into and the ones I caused were like huge twisters causing havoc everywhere.
    One day the simple truth hit me; I could lead a simple peaceful and serene life if I chose to. After a few years I chose to. Now I am not the tornado but can stand among them without losing my breath, hope or happiness. And the finest thing is that it is contagious, I have afflicted many with this disease that destroys materialism and a need to disrupt.
    Just two days ago I became angry and upset. My wife just smiled and said - back at ya. Gone was the deceptions I had allowed into my heart. "if we see triumph and disaster and treat those impostors just the same" Kipling

  5. janshares profile image92
    jansharesposted 10 years ago

    Hmmm. I don't know. But it does seem to become more complex as I relate less and less in person. My life was not this complicated a year ago. I think living in our heads creates more complexity. I end up feeling bad for not visiting, calling and talking to my friends instead of emailing or texting.
    Trying to maneuver through the online culture that excludes face-to-face emotion (Skype excluded) can still produce intense emotion when relating is done via wires and cyberspace: frustration, comraderie, paranoia, kinship, fondness, love. What a contradiction. Simply too complex for me to wrap my head around for more than five minutes. Bye!

  6. stanwshura profile image71
    stanwshuraposted 10 years ago

    The simple answer is perspective.  Are you the tree or the forest?  Sometimes it's a matter of will.  You WANT to be mystified and delve deep until you are there.  Other times, yeah - some things seem  - SEEM - just so darned simple.  But are they?   Yes, I'm sure, sometimes.   But - I doubt all "simple" things are ever that simple.

    I really think it's a matter of your perspective and your point of view.   And even mood.  See - even this simple question conjures up myriad areas to explore and....question! smile


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