I have a very bad luck in life... I'm so miserable...

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  1. RanaKm profile image44
    RanaKmposted 9 years ago

    I have a very bad luck in my life.... sad
    I do believe in the existence of luck but not in my life ....Unfortunately, I hope I'm the only one because I don't want others to experience the same things that I have been/am experiencing.

    1. Cardisa profile image90
      Cardisaposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      1. Lost my father at age 8
      2. Raped at age 14
      3. Lost my high school scholarship because my grades fell after the incident.
      4. Had no one to talk to about what was happening.
      5. Experienced pain, excessive bleeding and discomfort since the age of 15 through to 26
      6. Diagnosed with Endometriosis when I was 26
      7. Had to have a total pelvic clearance when I was 27
      8. Cannot have kids because of this
      9. Had my heart broken into tiny pieces in 1997, just before the diagnosis.
      10. Depression for nearly a decade
      11. Attempted suicide in 2005

      These are just a few of the things I went through in life. Some are so personal I cannot tell you here. I say this because, in all I have been through, my life is a blessing. I have learned to see the positive in everything. It takes baby steps, one day at a time.

      Stop thinking abut the bad luck you've been having and start looking for the good things that are happening in life. The fact that you are here writing on this website might be a good thing.

      1. RanaKm profile image44
        RanaKmposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        Well, mine are the following:
        1- Parents got separated at the age of 3.
        2- My mom's family never wanted me and my sisters.
        3- My father was a big criminal ...
        4- Had painful Romatism since the age of 5.
        5- Been moving from a country to another just because of the fear from the gangs which my father was using to track us and get to us.
        6- My mom got seriously tortured because of my so called " Father " and this has seriously affected me as a kid seeing my mom crying and things...
        7- Been so bullied n mocked at during school times just because of my nationality - I'm Syrian. Back in Lebanon, when the minister of Lebanon has been murdered, the Lebanese people blamed it on the Syrians and I got everyone hating me just for that as a kid.
        8- Now as a Syrian person, I feel so lost.. our rights as human beings have been really lost and almost all countries shut down their doors for the Syrians.
        9- Tried to commit suicide for more than 3 times at the ages of 13-14.
        10- Having endless problems atm...
        11- Had some 3-4 terrible car accidents during my puberty times.
        12- My sister got deported from Lebanon because of political issues and false claims against her back in 2012 so she moved to Egypt and I stayed separated from her for more than 2 years. I couldn't even visit her in Egypt because of the Egyptians not allowing Syrians to travel to Egypt.
        Now, I live in n work in Turkey ( I'm very thankful for the Turkish government to be so generous and good with us) but I'm totally separated from my family in Lebanon and I can't go see them because of the new laws that are prohibiting Syrians from coming to Lebanon...
        Yeah, we all have problems... I too have mentioned a lot of personal issues ...
        I hope you get well...I'm sorry to hear about all of the problems that you've mentioned but this actually doesn't make me feel good... It doesn't make me feel good to hear about other people having problems... I wish you all the best and I hope you'll never have to go through these again...
        I'm glad that you're strong enough to think positively, you've got me inspired... Thank you for your sweet words and comment... Appreciated <3

        1. Cardisa profile image90
          Cardisaposted 9 years agoin reply to this

          I can understand how you see life as being unlucky and you have been through some terrible times. I am so sorry you had to go through that. The most important thing is that you survived. I am sure those experiences have made you much stronger, and that is a positive. Stay strong and know that you are not alone.

          One love and blessings.

          1. RanaKm profile image44
            RanaKmposted 9 years agoin reply to this

            Thank you very much! You seem to be very strong because you have also survived a lot of terrible things ..... I'll try to stay strong even when life gets me down... I do believe that there's good after the bad and vice verse and everything happens for a reason... I don't know what to say more but your help and care have left a smile on my face <3
            Thank you gorgeous! <3

            1. Cardisa profile image90
              Cardisaposted 9 years agoin reply to this

              You're welcome smile

            2. Castlepaloma profile image78
              Castlepalomaposted 9 years agoin reply to this

              Be lucky your

              Life could be worse, no arms, no legs
              and no eyes.
              Be happy.

              1. Miebakagh57 profile image73
                Miebakagh57posted 9 years agoin reply to this

                There was this saying; a man complain that he had no shoes, until he meet another man who has no legs. Apparently, this man without legs is deform. I recalled some years ago, I was attacked with a machet and I had my left wrist severed. The doctor told his medical students that I had no hands, even thought the wound was setured. While life goes on, it is with same two hands (one not normal) I am now typing. Lucky for me, I take things easy.

                1. Castlepaloma profile image78
                  Castlepalomaposted 9 years agoin reply to this

                  You went beyond, good for you.

                  1. Miebakagh57 profile image73
                    Miebakagh57posted 9 years agoin reply to this

                    @Castlepaloma & others There was this English woman deaf but when to write great novels and became famous all over the world, Agather Christa? Do you copy? So having no legs to some is not an issue but a challenge, right? Presently, the world has that South African without legs as the fsatest runner in the olympics! I do not know why people can dare this far. Every one has to do something and in this, you get lucky or unlucky!

                2. RanaKm profile image44
                  RanaKmposted 9 years agoin reply to this

                  Haha you would not find me living if I had no legs or what's similar to that... What's the point of living if you cannot do anything....

                  1. RanaKm profile image44
                    RanaKmposted 9 years agoin reply to this

                    hmm I know about this story btw...

                3. Castlepaloma profile image78
                  Castlepalomaposted 9 years agoin reply to this

                  There is a man who lost his entire face, his head was shape like a half moon.
                  His wife said she loves him  more now, than ever before.

                  I could live without everything except my mind, if I lost my mind would not want to be part of someones vegetable garden. In fact I told my family to step on the breathing air hoses if this happens.

      2. Mark Johann profile image61
        Mark Johannposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        I agree wtih Cardisa that writing here is a good thing to let it out.

      3. Miebakagh57 profile image73
        Miebakagh57posted 9 years agoin reply to this

        Hi Cardisa, despite the sufferings and pains you go through, and having a mindset of positive intentions over all the challenges is commendable. I salute your courage, boldness and empathy.

      4. profile image52
        badluckpersonposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        A person CAN be cursed from birth.  And there is no higher power to intercede.
        I was a child of the 60s, my parents gave me the bowl cut, polyester clothes, and horn rimmed glasses.
        I was picked on mercilessly in school.  Bullied beyond what people see on TV.  I was beat up regularly, I was ridiculed, people invited me to parties and intentionally gave me the address of a cops house or a teachers house.  People peed in my drinks and I several times accidentally drank urine from my drinks, people defecated in my possessions, people  masturbated in my books, etc, etc.
        When I was in 3rd or 4th grade, a neighbor (adult) gave me playboy/penthouse magazine.  My parents found out, my dad beat the living shit out of me to the point I had open bleeding wounds.  They sent me to the priest.  The priest messed with me, and got me heavily entrenched in porn.  After I was caught with porn in school (given to me by the priest), I tried to tell parents and teachers, and got beat up by my dad and threatened to be expelled from school for 'saying things like that about our priest'.  Instead of getting help like I needed, I was further ridiculed and shamed.
        As a young adult my entrenchment in porn continued.  I was an early adopter of the internet.  The FBI, on ADULT sites, tricked me into ordering consensual porn of older teens.  (When I asked the FBI why it was ok for them to sell this they told me the videos were done consensual, those are not my words but theirs). But the subjects were not 18,  so I got busted for child porn, even though I never viewed it.  (controlled delivery).  So now I am a sex offender for the rest of my life 'just to be safe'.

        I tried to find solace in the church by getting into men's groups, but when they found out I was a sex offender they told me I was not wanted in the church 'you know, because of all the scandal'. 

        I tried to sue the government for violation of civil rights.  I cashed in all of my 401k and have had 3 attorneys take my money and do NOTHING for me but insult my intelligence.  I tried to file BAR violations against the first two, and the BAR association actually told me that an attorney does not have to do what I ask them to do, but I would still owe them the fees for their services.  Figure that?  Another attorney hooked me up with a conman who fleeced me for money to try to get me civil justice.  Again, bar association felt this was ok and not a violation of bar.

        I have been degraded my entire life, and degraded further since being on the stupid sex offender registry, you know, just to be safe, even though I have never touched anyone nor viewed child porn nor hurt anyone.  There is no justice, there is no fairness there is no 'light at the end of the tunnel'.

        Life fucking sucks.  It's cruel and miserable.  There is no god, people who think there is a god are just lucky and/or stupid.  If you had real life experience, you know there is no god.  No higher power could allow the wanton cruelty to people that happens, and the absolutely total ignorance of the average person to what is really going on out there.

        1. Kathryn L Hill profile image81
          Kathryn L Hillposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          God is playing a Joke on You.
          He wants you to wake up to your own Self. He wants you to to stop listening to others and caring about what they think so much. Find your (higher) Self. You have every reason to do so.
          Hint: We are all divine.
          Make your own luck.
          Use your will power. Let God help you and don't be afraid to talk to him about all these troubles.
          He will listen. He will help. if you are not open to this possibility, He can't help you.  But, take advantage! Mighty Triple O is truly on the main line. smile

        2. profile image52
          David8506posted 7 years agoin reply to this

          badluckperson there is a God, just not the way you think. In my personal opinion, God put us here on this planet so we could do whatever we want (think of it as a sandbox game). In my opinion, He does not have to help us, he gave us life, and bad things happen because of ourselves, therefore God is not obligated to help us. If the ten commandments were always followed, bad things would not happen. God gave us rules to follow and to live by, and if people do not follow those rules, He is not obligated to help us. It is one big test, and life was ruined because we, humans, ruined it for everyone.

          1. Kathryn L Hill profile image81
            Kathryn L Hillposted 7 years agoin reply to this

            why, oh why? do good intentions often lead to Hell???

      5. profile image52
        kellyksposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        hey I understand the reason of your feeling like this and I know it must have been really hard for you to survive all this. I am sure you are a good person and you know what I believe is that whatever happens in our lives is due to the karmas of our previous life. So just keep going and do not let this negativity get to you as it can only cause harm. Pray as much as you can and help the poor and needy. Once I also felt that things were going bad so I signed up with a dog NGO have been associated with it since then. Trust me it feels great and well, issues and problems are still there, I am not more courageous to deal with them. So just keep patience and keep doing the good deeds as they will pay off sometime or the other.

    2. Carlon Michelle profile image61
      Carlon Michelleposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I'm chronically happy.  Don't roll your eyes.  I'm always happy.  Oh, I experience sadness and in recent years, actually understood and experienced depression, But I'm always looking for the rainbow, silver lining, and the half full cup. I can't give up on possibility of the better day, moment, relationship.  I dream beyond myself always, and thank God for each blessing I get even if it is as small as getting to choose what I eat that day versus maybe only getting a bowl of rice to eat once a day.

      We all have our share of bad times.  Some worse than others, or those of other people.  I sure can't compare ugly for ugly.  But I understand.  I've lived my share of nightmares.

      When I find that my natural brain chemistry doesn't kick in to keep me happy, then I look at my situation and choose to find the contentment of the day.  I start small then the large things. 

      I rely on the power of God to help me when despair appears.  Despair comes when you stop relying on God and his goodness.  So many people have given up on that power because they think God is supposed to keep bad things from ever happening to them.  But he is there to help you endure and rise above.  In time, he will rid us of the badness.

      Control what you can control.  Extend yourself to help others so you don't have time to dwell on yourself and your problems. 

      I'm sorry you are sad.  Choose to find a way to find contentment and happiness.

      1. Miebakagh57 profile image73
        Miebakagh57posted 9 years agoin reply to this

        Hi Carlon M, you are an inspiration for the sad and depressed. Thank you for sharing.
        Have a great day.

  2. aminebombom profile image69
    aminebombomposted 9 years ago

    hey there is a true story about this guy, each time when he goes to work or get out from work there is a crow bird always trying to attack him, because he thinks he killed his baby, and the story is that the baby crow fell from the tree and the man picked him up with intention to treat his wounds, but the baby crow died, and the crow parents still thinks they killed their baby crow, and the funny part about this guy, even when somebody walks beside him they come but they only attack that person.
    this is someone who you can call he has a bad luck in life.

    1. RanaKm profile image44
      RanaKmposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Lol, I don't know aboutt hat, this guy must be having a curse n not just a bad luck big_smile

      1. Cannice95 profile image57
        Cannice95posted 6 years agoin reply to this

        I think I'm cursed

  3. Millionaire Tips profile image89
    Millionaire Tipsposted 9 years ago


    1. TIMETRAVELER2 profile image78
      TIMETRAVELER2posted 9 years agoin reply to this


    2. RanaKm profile image44
      RanaKmposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I didn't find that out yet... sad I feel like the harder I work the more my luck sucks...

      1. Castlepaloma profile image78
        Castlepalomaposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        What dose not kill you makes you stronger. Work is love made visual and give you more skills for better luck.

  4. Sam Montana profile image78
    Sam Montanaposted 9 years ago

    I have always thought of luck as a pendulum. You have too much good luck and then it will swing to bad luck for awhile, and then back to good luck again. Your good luck is coming.

    1. Miebakagh57 profile image73
      Miebakagh57posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Yes, it is not all bad luck. Good luck always come when unexpected. As they is a left hand, they is a right hand. Have you tried really to be positive? It may enhanced your good luck.

    2. RanaKm profile image44
      RanaKmposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I hope so, thank you! Hope it comes to you guys as well and never leaves you... smile

  5. profile image52
    Swadhin Kumarposted 9 years ago

    Luck is the name given to happenings that are beyond our control. For example, if you are going to have a roof-top party this evening and the weather suddenly changes and a heavy down pour spoils your party, then is it your bad luck ? Through out our life, we have been coping up with such bad lucks by finding alternative solutions. In the above example, the party could be held indoors or could be rescheduled for a future date. We must admit that even if we put our 100 percent into a project, there is no guarantee that it would be a success. Because there are always things beyond our control and this is the essence of life.

    1. RanaKm profile image44
      RanaKmposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Can't disagree at all! I love how you've explained that...

      1. profile image52
        Swadhin Kumarposted 9 years agoin reply to this


    2. NateB11 profile image84
      NateB11posted 9 years agoin reply to this


  6. LeanMan profile image72
    LeanManposted 9 years ago

    The harder I work the luckier I get.................

    1. RanaKm profile image44
      RanaKmposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I'm glad that it happens to you as such... It doesn't for me...

      1. Miebakagh57 profile image73
        Miebakagh57posted 9 years agoin reply to this

        @Ranakm: be prepared for your turn because as some do not believe in magic until they see the magician to invoke a curse or spell on a person or thing. For the others, I have this from the book, "Spirit of Apollo" quote: Great storm and seas make sailors. Emergency makes giant men. The effort or struggle to climb to a higher place in life has strenght and dignity in it.

  7. sunilkunnoth2012 profile image64
    sunilkunnoth2012posted 9 years ago

    So touching and so helpful. Thank you for open expression.

    1. Miebakagh57 profile image73
      Miebakagh57posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Sunikunnoth2012 & others, we are here to help and encourage one another hubber. If the editor of hubpages select your hub or mine as hub of the day, it does not mean that we are competing. We all share the blessing.

  8. profile image0
    promisemposted 9 years ago

    When I think of some terrible things that have happened in my life, I try to remember the following prayer:

    God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change;
    courage to change the things I can;
    and wisdom to know the difference.

    Living one day at a time;
    enjoying one moment at a time;
    accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
    taking, as He did, this sinful world as it is, not as I would have it;
    trusting that He will make all things right if I surrender to His Will;
    that I may be reasonably happy in this life and supremely happy with Him forever in the next.

  9. schoolgirlforreal profile image77
    schoolgirlforrealposted 9 years ago

    I don't believe in luck.
    Bad things do happen to good people, look at Job in the bible....boy was he miserable and I've felt miserable too like that. He lost everything in like one day- some kind of test he went through but in the end he got it all back and double what he lost. smile

    I've experienced similar- went thru complete misery/depression and got better- by faith

    Many times was so desperate had to literally pray prostrate crying till I felt better.

    I hope you feel better and God bless you <3 smile
    I believe your life can get better! Miracles can happen-
    My health is better today! I was sick for 20 years

    1. Miebakagh57 profile image73
      Miebakagh57posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Goodschoolgirlforreal, believing in luck or not is not paramount. The case of job in the bible is of that of luck but a question of faith in the creator. If you read the lines well again, you will see the mistake of Job-fear. He was afraid of trusting the source of his wealth again.
      Job made things right and he was restored.
      Wat one made out of the bad situation is what matter much.
      You went through one storm and came out well refined.
      Congratulations for endoring such.

      1. schoolgirlforreal profile image77
        schoolgirlforrealposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        Thanks smile

        1. Miebakagh57 profile image73
          Miebakagh57posted 9 years agoin reply to this

          Hi schoolgirlforreal, not at all.

          1. Castlepaloma profile image78
            Castlepalomaposted 9 years agoin reply to this


            You don,t feel lucky when you fall in love with
            the ultimate
            person to be love with?

            1. schoolgirlforreal profile image77
              schoolgirlforrealposted 9 years agoin reply to this

              I think God is in charge of things and that it's not luck but "providence"

              1. Castlepaloma profile image78
                Castlepalomaposted 9 years agoin reply to this

                Since your God is your ultimate love, who needs luck, you got magic.

                1. schoolgirlforreal profile image77
                  schoolgirlforrealposted 9 years agoin reply to this

                  big_smile I do believe in the power of prayer, but He also tests us, and sometimes its "his timing" whereby we have to wait for what we may want! And then also, sometimes I think not only does He want us to rely on him and trust him for our well being, but place him first- even above a human love -----as you say he is the ultimate love yes___ Who can love you better or more.
                  It's not always easy- we all want someone we can touch physically but a relationship is the key: a connection. It certainly helps me not to worry as much as I would other wise!

                  1. Mark Johann profile image61
                    Mark Johannposted 9 years agoin reply to this

                    Yes, the power of prayer indeed.

    2. Castlepaloma profile image78
      Castlepalomaposted 9 years agoin reply to this


      My ultimate love would be me. It's 50% about me and 50% about each and every person in the world. Always
      try to give a little extra to
      everyone, for giving is all we
      have in life.

      Wrote a couple of love songs,
      here are some of the lyrics.

      If I can't have me, I don't want nobody baby.

      I am so beautiful to me
      Can't you see-eee.
      I' m everthing I hoped for
      Everything I could bee-ee-
      To meee-eeeee

      Cry, snok, cry cry, snok sok.

      Sorry schoolgirl, got over emotional at the end there

      Lucky me.

      1. schoolgirlforreal profile image77
        schoolgirlforrealposted 9 years agoin reply to this


  10. peeples profile image93
    peeplesposted 9 years ago

    I don't believe in luck. Life just is what it is. When something bad happens MAKE something good happen.

    1. Castlepaloma profile image78
      Castlepalomaposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Most part I agree.
      Think of your parents genes pool or what country you live in or who you maybe by chance in love with. Things
      from the outside of our

      1. peeples profile image93
        peeplesposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        Most of the things we have no control over still have options. The bad things usually come with options on how to handle them, and how much we allow them to impact our lives.

        1. Castlepaloma profile image78
          Castlepalomaposted 9 years agoin reply to this

          Been lucky in life and lucky in love for most part. It's more of work ethics and skill that make one luckier.
          Luck is not
          something you
          prusue more like
          being in the right
          place at the right

          I won more solo world sandsculpture
          championships than
          anyone. Not because
          I was the best
          sculptor out there, it
          was more that what
          kind of judges from
          the luck of the draw.
          Plus most common
          thread to greatness is
          working over 10,000
          Hours in what you

          I've been practicing for over 80,000 hours longer than anyone one else.


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