How do you deal with unhealthy cravings?

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  1. ThunderKeys profile image63
    ThunderKeysposted 13 years ago

    How do you deal with unhealthy cravings?

    What strategies do you use to manage cravings that lead to harm?

  2. profile image57
    Mobetposted 13 years ago

    I try to do something to keep myself busy or instead I eat something that is healthy

  3. Tracy Lynn Conway profile image88
    Tracy Lynn Conwayposted 13 years ago

    I have recently tried green tea and found it effective.

  4. duffsmom profile image60
    duffsmomposted 13 years ago

    I wish I had the answer to that and will be interested to follow this question.  If you are talking about food, I have no freaking clue how to deal with the cravings.  I can swear at 8 am in the morning that I will eat healthy and a certain number of calories and often by noon, I crave something I should not eat (cake for example) and manage to get cake and even rationalize eating it so IN THAT MOMENT it makes sense.

  5. Dawn Conklin profile image69
    Dawn Conklinposted 13 years ago

    There are healthy alternatives for many foods.  I have seen a list of foods to eat when craving something (I do not remember the whole list.)  Fortunately I do not crave unhealthy things often, I actually craved a salad today after I got home from the gym. 
    One thing you can do is buy healthy versions of the foods you crave (or don't buy them for the house at all.)  Say you crave ice cream at night, try making a yogurt treat that is healthy and good.
    I am not sure what you are craving or I may be able to suggest something as a healthy substitute.

    Really if dangerous cravings are a problem, make sure you do not keep any of these things in the house.  Even if other household members enjoy them, they are your family and if you tell them your concern I am sure they will agree not to have these things in the house.
    Make sure you think about why you should not be having the food you are craving before you run out and buy it, that may help also.

  6. mcrawford76 profile image80
    mcrawford76posted 13 years ago

    I feed them. Life is too short to worry about how many calories are in that delicious cookie.

  7. barbergirl28 profile image79
    barbergirl28posted 13 years ago

    I usually give in... I have no willpower when it comes to sweets. However, if you find you are constantly craving something and you do not give in, you will find yourself overeating on other things to compensate. Overall, don't restrict what you eat, but do keep your portion sizes in check!

  8. visitmaniac profile image60
    visitmaniacposted 13 years ago

    Think about something else or go work out and work it off lol

  9. craftybegonia profile image60
    craftybegoniaposted 13 years ago

    Figure out if you have a mineral imbalance. For example, I've read that people who crave chocolate could possibly have low iron levels in their blood. (Interesting, don't you think?) And then, try to substitute that super caloric iron bar for a crispy, juicy and super sweet apple!

  10. iZeko profile image83
    iZekoposted 13 years ago

    I read that people sometimes confuse thirst with hunger, so they crave calories when a glass of water is really all they need. Most of the time this works for me. If after that glass of water I still feel like eating something sweet (for example) - I eat some fruit or 2 pieces of dark chocolate.

  11. Gyldenboy profile image63
    Gyldenboyposted 13 years ago

    I'll go with the assumption we're talking about food. I personally, do have a small list of health goals that are very important to me.

    Often, I weigh my goals against the craving that would deter me from achieving my desired outcome. Second, through the power of association.

    An example of this - in the case of sweets, I can override those cravings. It's also the same with junk food, I can curb that desire.

    I often ask myself when I feel a craving 'Is the outcome of eating this really what I want? Knowing it's against my goals?' The answer is always no. In the case of association, I think of the worst case scenario if I do cave in. Imagining myself in a unhealthy state. And, it makes it easier to say no.

  12. Jarn profile image60
    Jarnposted 13 years ago

    Depends on your cravings. If we're talking food, booze, or smokes, then a binge once in a while is fine, as simply supressing it will have a backlash effect later on which is much more damaging. If we're talking urges over little kids or the want to murder your neighbor, then more drastic steps are required. Chemical castration and regular trips to the shooting range respectively should work.

  13. marketingskeptic profile image68
    marketingskepticposted 13 years ago

    I usually try to sleep it off. If I'm hungry, but don't want to eat...I take a nap and when I wake up, I'll be over it since it was just a craving.

  14. cat on a soapbox profile image93
    cat on a soapboxposted 13 years ago

    Fortunately I have no serious health issues that force me to be strict, so I do allow myself to give in and indulge with great pleasure. I eat smaller meals and snacks of healthful foods on a regular basis, so I can have a bearclaw or an In n Out hamburger twice a month. I don't drink soda and eat desserts and chips sparingly. My suggeston is to avoid buying processed food, keep fresh veggies in the fridge, and have a bowl of fresh fruit on the counter. To deny yourself the occasional treat makes it harder to stay on a diet.

  15. profile image0
    Daniella Lopezposted 13 years ago

    I usually try to keep healthy foods around. If I'm craving something salty, I'll eat Almonds or something of the sort. If I'm craving something sweet, I'll eat fruit or granola. Sometimes I do give in to the unhealthy cravings though =/

  16. DIYweddingplanner profile image67
    DIYweddingplannerposted 13 years ago

    Think about the fact that I'm putting on a swimsuit in just a couple of months...a definite deterrent!

  17. KAYKAYKAYLA profile image38
    KAYKAYKAYLAposted 13 years ago

    I know the best answer for this I just seen it in a show "perfect couples" sex.Yes sex would be the best answer, everytime you start to have a craving have some sex. It will get rid of the craving for a little bit and you get your cardio.


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