What do you think has led to such a careless regard for human life?

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  1. K. Burns Darling profile image78
    K. Burns Darlingposted 12 years ago

    What do you think has led to such a careless regard for human life?

    I recently wrote a hub about what we tell our children about death and dying, and in that hub mentioned that just over 100 years ago, death wasn't nearly as mysterious or scary as it is now, because most children experienced the loss of a loved one first hand, at home, but that some modern day practices have led to an emotional disconnect from the process of death and grieving.  A comment from a reader today made me start to think about the attitude that society has taken regarding the value of human life, especially as seen by the young.  What do you think?

  2. Jackie Lynnley profile image86
    Jackie Lynnleyposted 12 years ago

    Selfishness. People do not love parents and children more than themselves anymore, they only want to gratify themselves and enjoy their life and won't let anyone interfere with that no matter who they are. I knew a man who would not leave vacation to bury his own mother and she had to be kept frozen over two weeks until he was good and ready and her loved ones waited! Don't tell me people like that will not answer for things like that in this life if not the next.

  3. NiaLee profile image59
    NiaLeeposted 12 years ago


    I think that time has changed a lot of things, especially the way we communicate and see things because of the media. Nowadays, we hear from every kind of horror and tragedy every single day. Sometimes next door,  or a little farther, people kill strangers, friends, family etc... Drama is the background of our life, so no being chocked by something that has become a constant companion...soundtrack.
    There has been a dehumanization of the human being himself. People are careless about human life because we have transferred so many things from the human power to the machine, to the money. So many things that required human interraction can be done from a machine, on the phone, on the computer, etc... We have removed the power, the interest from the human to the money and the machine. So, our eyes and interest are attracted by the machine and the money brecause they are the ones which get things done. Only Human beings who have the power (money and or machines) are important today.
    Thanks God, they are still conscious human being...and more people are waking up from that bad dream we have been experiencing for a while now.
    Let's be aware and make sur that we send a letter to a friend, give a phone call to another, go sit with our family to eat looking at each other and talking to each other. Wake up and stay awaken!
    Love and peace

    To answer the previous response, my father refused to leave his vacation to take my mother who was in a coma back home so she could be saved!

  4. Silent Sinner profile image61
    Silent Sinnerposted 12 years ago

    I believe it is our drive to be perfect , advanced, and rich.
    We are so focused on being perfect and "normal" that  we cant see past it. We are advancing ourselves and looking past everyone else. Fighting to be better.
    While we are advancing many people have yet to enjoy what we enjoyed years ago.
    We stop taking life for granted and started living for the money. We aren't smelling the roses anymore, instead we are destroying them.

  5. Finesse profile image59
    Finesseposted 12 years ago

    Over exposure to media plays a huge role in the emotional disconnect in society today. Now every room has a television or game system in it.  Programs designed to grasp the attention of our children are only grooming them to have an over sexed imagination and aggressive attitudes it’s what they see from the start so it’s normal to them.

    Families were closer and cared about each other back when you only had one television in the house or none at all. Marriages lasted, had value and meant something, now we have divided homes with one or no parent in the home at all, leaving the television and empty walls of the home to raise our children, thus you are left with a child who grows up to believe that the imaginary lives on television should be theirs uneducated about certain truths causes some to depend on lies. We have more divided homes than whole ones MAJORITY RULES and most follow


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