The goal of human life

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  1. virtues profile image58
    virtuesposted 11 years ago
    It is a fundamental subject for human life. We need to know: i) Who is the Creator? ii) Which path is selected from the Creator and that we need to follow? & iii) Who is our Prophet (Selected from the Creator)?

    1. wilderness profile image94
      wildernessposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      i)There is no creator
      ii)As there is no creator, there is no path selected by the nonexistent creator
      iii)As there is no creator there is no prophet selected by the nonexistent creator, although you can always choose from tens of thousands of people that will tell you how to behave.

      1. lone77star profile image73
        lone77starposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Spoken like a true scientist. Full of evidence, fact and logic.

      2. virtues profile image58
        virtuesposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        If you see any mark, you must say, somebody did it. The Universe and all Creations in it are huge marks. Without creating how do the marks come true? Can you live as long as you like? There are many indications in the Creations, those indicate that there is a Creator. Please try to find it

        1. BuddiNsense profile image61
          BuddiNsenseposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          Why should you say that?
          Why don't you believe in Mansoor Al-Hallaj?

    2. A Troubled Man profile image59
      A Troubled Manposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Sorry, but your questions have nothing to with human life, they are merely questions posed to prop up confirmation bias in whatever religion one follows.

      If you're unable to choose your own path in life, put down the holy book and start learning something about the world around you. You will find a world far more interesting than any tales of creators or false prophets would have you believe. Using reason and rationale, your path will then appear before you.

    3. profile image0
      HowardBThinameposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      The Creator, virtues, is whomever you decide the Creator is - or should be. If Allah isn't a good fit, convert to Buddhism, or paganism or any one of the many "isms."

      Your Path is that which you choose - like your Creator. Change your mind - change your life.

      Your Prophet? Well, that's you. Since you have a discerning mind - why listen to the words of any other man? Listen to your heart. Think for yourself.

    4. profile image0
      Brenda Durhamposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      This information is in the Holy Bible,  plainly set forth and readable and understandable.

      1. Zelkiiro profile image61
        Zelkiiroposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Along with Isaiah 45:7!

      2. lone77star profile image73
        lone77starposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Brenda, my sister in Christ, I beg to differ. The Bible is anything but plain. And it isn't simple, either. Plain and simple are "easy" and, as such, would be conducive to laziness.

        The Bible is deep and hard. It requires work and humility. These are the traits that God desires.

        Take for instance the fallacy of biblical literalists that the original sin preceded death. Therefore, they disrespect science and condemn anything that suggests the universe is more than 6,000 years old. Some are rejecting reality (the realm of science), and embracing delusion (the opposite of reality).

        Their attitude is one of arrogance and laziness, not humility and faith. Belief in a lie is not valid. Bible is truth, but interpretation (and there are so many of them) is not necessarily equivalent to that truth. There is a vast difference between belief and faith. Belief is a dichotomous attitude containing confidence and doubt. Faith has no doubt; it remains perfect in confidence. "Faith in a lie" is an oxymoron. Faith can only exist with Truth. This was manifest when Peter stepped out of his storm-tossed boat onto the unsettled Sea of Galilee to stand before his master. Faith is an act of creation; and God honors any such request for creation (ask and ye shall receive).

        What many a biblical literalist misses is the fact that Adam did not literally, physically die on the day that he ate of the forbidden fruit, even though God said that he would die on that day. So, what did God mean, if not the literal?

        Adam died spiritually. He was separated from God, escorted out of the Garden, and supposedly lived 930 years outside of the Garden. That's not physically dying on the day.

        So, the biblical literalists who adhere to this notion, miss the important fact that sin brought spiritual death, just as Jesus implored us to be reborn of the spirit (not physically). Sin is spiritual; not physical. So, biblical literalists are wrong about sin preceding physical death. Therefore, their argument against an old universe is hollow. It's based on arrogance and laziness.

        I suspect, because humility and hard work are so valued by the Heavenly Father, there may well be a great deal of wisdom hidden in the Bible, requiring a great deal of humility and hard work from us in order to find it.

        Blessings to you, always. I hope this helps.

    5. BuddiNsense profile image61
      BuddiNsenseposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      The path of Rhonda Byrne. Shulmanaser.

    6. WiccanSage profile image81
      WiccanSageposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      i) I think the universe came about through natural means-- not through a creator.

      ii) paths were not selected by anyone or anything for us to follow. I believe there are many Gods. There are also many paths. It is up to us to find the right one for us and follow it.

      iii) I don't believe there have ever been any prophets, because there is no single creator to select them. All prophets have been simply human beings impassioned about their beliefs and sharing them. With enough followers, they are called a prophet.

      1. wilderness profile image94
        wildernessposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        If you would - what is a "god"?  What do you mean by use of that word?

        1. WiccanSage profile image81
          WiccanSageposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          I believe in Gods and Goddesses. Higher powers. Supreme beings, if you will... superior to humans. I believe we can have relationships with them, seek guidance from them, feel compelled to praise and worship them. I believe they can do far more than we can, and know more than we do.

          I don't believe in a supreme single creator, I do not believe in creation stories, I do not believe in things like salvation or revealed religions. I believe Gods are part of nature just like humans are, and that the universe comes out of natural means (big bang, abiogenesis, evolution, etc). I believe Gods are part of the process, or witnesses to it, not initiators.

          1. wilderness profile image94
            wildernessposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            Thank you.

            If I'm understanding; another physical animal species, evolving alongside humans.  Or maybe energy, but NOT supernatural from outside our universe.  Maybe ET from Betelgeuse.  Whatever - source or home perhaps unknown but not supernatural.

            Interesting and, to me, more believable that a supernatural creature from another universe that loves us and created us.  Perhaps I need to look into Wicca.

            1. WiccanSage profile image81
              WiccanSageposted 11 years agoin reply to this

              No, not aliens and no, not physical. Spiritual beings, higher powers. Gods, in all their glory. Just not the cause of the universe, but another being that came out of it in some way unknown to me.

              Wicca has no dogmatic views on the nature of the divine that we must believe. Our religion is orthopraxic, not orthodoxic. So you'll find we all try to seek answers and understanding, and this results in different opinions.

              1. wilderness profile image94
                wildernessposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                Are your gods tied to earth, then?  Cannot visit or know the rest of the universe?

                Spiritual.  I deduce you think there is another "plane of existence", whatever that means.  "Higher" powers I take to mean simply more competent at manipulating nature.  Not powers that can violate natural laws.  Yes?

                Is a godless or spiritless world belief at all common in Wicca?  Non-existent?

                1. WiccanSage profile image81
                  WiccanSageposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                  No, I don't believe Gods are tied to any specific planet. I really have a hard time wrapping my brain around the nature of the divine, but they seem to me more like non-corporial yet sentient spiritual beings. Don't ask me the extent of what they're able to do. I just don't take myths literally and accept scientific explanations for the natural world. Because of my experiences, I find it hard 'not' to believe in them, so I just figure it all works in there, naturally, somehow. I don't think anything can exist outside of nature, I just believe in things that have not been (or perhaps have yet to be) proven.

                  Wicca is a theistic religion;  traditionally polytheistic or at least duotheistic, often pantheistic beliefs overlapping. It's a fertility religion revolving of the interplay of male/female (active/passive; positive/negative; yin/yang; etc.) energies. It's not rare to find agnostics Wiccans (even I myself admit I could be as wrong as anyone about my Gods, but at the same time you have to be true to what you think is real) but it is rare to find atheist Wiccans. All of our ceremony, ritual, holidays, etc. revolve around an interpersonal relationship with deity.

                  1. wilderness profile image94
                    wildernessposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                    Recommendation for one ignorant of but interested in Wicca?  Any of your hubs (I scanned but didn't see anything obvious)?

          2. Kathryn L Hill profile image81
            Kathryn L Hillposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            He wants to know why you believe anything you are talking about... Have you seen, heard or felt any of these "Gods and Goddesses?"
            Have You?

            1. wilderness profile image94
              wildernessposted 11 years agoin reply to this

              Untrue.  At this point I assume there are no more reasons for that belief than for the monotheistic one.  Without an invitation to discuss or a declaration that those gods are "known" to exist such a question is inappropriate. I ask for a belief, I got a belief - no debate or argument was ever suggested.

              That does not make in uninteresting, though, and does not make it wrong or impossible.  It provides another worldview - always interesting to learn.

              1. Kathryn L Hill profile image81
                Kathryn L Hillposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                Oh, good grief! How inconsistent of you.

                1. wilderness profile image94
                  wildernessposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                  big_smile  Oh, don't get it wrong; I would be interested in why those beliefs are held, but many are not comfortable discussing that.  Particularly in an open forum, as very often a persons belief system is not rational. 

                  Now, present your belief as knowledge or truth without reason for making that claim and I'm all over it.

                  1. Kathryn L Hill profile image81
                    Kathryn L Hillposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                    So you accept others' beliefs in God, Gods and Goddesses when a reason is presented?? How come there is so much arguing then... I do not think the other atheists around here go along with that very benevolent attitude you have just revealed.

            2. WiccanSage profile image81
              WiccanSageposted 11 years agoin reply to this

              "Have you? Huh?" Is that meant to be condescending?

              Yes, like most religious people, I believe I experience my deities in my life. That is why I believe what I am talking about.

              1. Kathryn L Hill profile image81
                Kathryn L Hillposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                The atheists usually accept nothing but factual proof. And yes, they can be condescending about it. Letting you slide here I see. That is very interesting. Why don't you tell us about a miracle you have experienced and see if they believe you.

                1. WiccanSage profile image81
                  WiccanSageposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                  Actually, I thought you were being condescending with the way you asked your question. Wilderness didn't phrase it that way, he just asked what I meant.

                  I don't actually have to argue with atheists, I'm not trying to convert or convince anyone. I readily admit my experiences are subjective and personal.

                  I also understand they don't believe me-- they think I am objectively wrong and that the experiences I am interpreting are just how I filtered info through my own mind, and arrived at what they consider illogical conclusions.  We disagree. I can accept that. We can also learn about each other's beliefs & experiences because it's interesting. We don't have to argue over it.

                  I write about my experiences in some of my hubs. But being a person who leads a religious/spiritual life on a daily basis, I experience my Gods on a daily basis. It's no 'one great miracle' that led me to any of my beliefs, but a decades-long journey that continues today. I also don't see how it would have been relevant to Wilderness's question, that wasn't what he asked.

                  1. Kathryn L Hill profile image81
                    Kathryn L Hillposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                    well, excuse me!

                  2. wilderness profile image94
                    wildernessposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                    Well said.  Can you teach that attitude and understanding to Christians or must one become wiccan (or atheist) to understand it?

    7. virtues profile image58
      virtuesposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Ok! You all tried a many to discuss about my questions. Now, think a little.
      Once nothing was existed except the INFINITY. INFINITY is unique. It is the super power. Nothing is comparable to It. It has no plural form. It has no gender. It creates everything of the Universe. Human is the superior of all creations and they are created for ever. The worldly life of human is for examining purpose. The unique super power selected the successful path as well as the prophet to follow for the human. We are the last part of total generated human and our path of success from the Super power is Islam and Prophet is Mohammad (SM)

      1. A Troubled Man profile image59
        A Troubled Manposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Sorry, but your goal or purpose in life may be to follow a hate cult, but that is not the goal of others.

      2. wilderness profile image94
        wildernessposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        OK, I will think.  To begin, I will think that you haven't a clue what the word "infinity" means, so will make up your own definition for it.

        Then I will think that you haven't a clue about how humanity came to be, so will make up a method your self.  And then, within your made up method, include that it will last for infinite time - an obvious falsehood to anyone knowing what the word means.

        Then I will think that you like the idea of a purpose for humanity even when there isn't one, so will make that up, too.  Along with a new name ("Super power") for an old religion long ago proven false.

        I have thought, and have found no reason to change the first response to your OP.  Next?

  2. Jerami profile image59
    Jeramiposted 11 years ago

    A troubled man wrote 
    If you're unable to choose your own path in life, put down the holy book and start learning something about the world around you. You will find a world far more interesting than any tales of creators or false prophets would have you believe. Using reason and rationale, your path will then appear before

    I can even agree with this statement.  " Imagine that !"     
    If there is a higher power , and I believe there is !!    "I AM"  didn't intend for us to waste our lives bickering and arguing  over HIM ?    I think "HE"? would want to stay in our peripheral vision but not on our noses blocking our view of the world..    (gotta go for a few minutes)

    1. A Troubled Man profile image59
      A Troubled Manposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      No Jerami, that is your holy book speaking again, put it down so you can learn something about reality.

      1. Chris Neal profile image80
        Chris Nealposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        It IS reality. It's a part of the bigger reality.

        1. A Troubled Man profile image59
          A Troubled Manposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          Sorry, but that is simply dishonest.

          1. Chris Neal profile image80
            Chris Nealposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            Yes, your response very simply is.

            1. A Troubled Man profile image59
              A Troubled Manposted 11 years agoin reply to this

              An honest man who claimed there was a creator in reality would produce the creator, or show it in some way, or at the very least provide a shred of evidence in some form to show their claim is an honest one.

              You have not done that. What then can we conclude of your integrity?

              1. Chris Neal profile image80
                Chris Nealposted 11 years agoin reply to this


                An honest man tells the truth.

                A dishonest man decides the truth and then berates and browbeats the other if they aren't satisfied with what they said.

                I ain't the latter but you most definitely is.

                1. A Troubled Man profile image59
                  A Troubled Manposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                  But, you are telling any truths or else everyone would agree because it is a truth. Gravity is a truth and everyone knows it.

                  That is entirely false, people have not "decided" gravity is a truth and have not berated or browbeat anyone. Christians on the other hand most certainly have decided their beliefs are truth and berate and browbeat everyone who doesn't agree.

                  1. Chris Neal profile image80
                    Chris Nealposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                    Okay, but we are not talking about gravity. Don't pull a straw man argument and don't try to deflect. If you say I don't deal with what is, then you must.

              2. Chris Neal profile image80
                Chris Nealposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                We can conclude that your astounding disrespect for others calls your own integrity into serious question? That would be a pretty reasonable response.

                1. A Troubled Man profile image59
                  A Troubled Manposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                  Sorry, but once again you create fabrications to defend your irrational beliefs. It is your religion we disrespect and we understand it makes good people, like yourself, do bad things.

                  1. Chris Neal profile image80
                    Chris Nealposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                    Who is 'we?' Are you now appealing to fallacy that if everyone does it (i.e. argues with me) then you must also be right to do it?

                    And again, who is 'we?' Have you developed a complex? I'm talking to you.

                    You make many generalizations and when I ask for specifics you make accusations.

    2. profile image0
      christiananrkistposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      He didnt intend for us to argue and bicker, but we are taught to always be ready to give an answer with gentleness and respect. I didnt quote it exactly , but its in 1Peter 3:15

      1. Jerami profile image59
        Jeramiposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        an honest answer to an honest question I agree.

        There is an old saying about a wise man and a fool arguing on the street corner...  from the people passing by ....   they both  appear to be foolish. 

        There is a difference between answering an honest question and engaging someone who doesn't have a question but whose intention is only to flatter their own ego and deflate yours.  There are no winners in this kind of debate.   

        I see now says the wise man, as he spit into the wind, ...  it all comes back to me now.

        1. profile image0
          Emile Rposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          Nicely said Jerami. As always. smile

        2. lone77star profile image73
          lone77starposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          Wow, Jerami. That is precious. I agree with Emile. Nicely said.

          It reminds me of a story about a monk and a samurai. The samurai is curious about heaven and hell and stops the monk, hoping to get a quick answer.

          The brave monk immediately berates the samurai. "You stupid imbecile. You'd never be able to understand such things. You're too stupid."

          Enraged, the samurai pulled his sword and, in one smooth motion, prepared to bring the weapon down through the monk to end his wretched life.

          Smiling, the monk pointed at the warrior. "That's hell."

          As if slapped, the samurai stopped and held his arm motionless above his head. It took a moment for the sheer significance of the monk's words to sink in, but when it understood its full weight, the arm descended softly to his side. The look on his face was one of utter humility. For that one precious moment, he let go of all interest in being right. Ego evaporated. And in that moment, the warrior felt a bliss he had never experienced in his entire lifetime.

          "And," said the monk, "that is heaven."

          Blessings to you and yours, always.

          1. Jerami profile image59
            Jeramiposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            Thank you; ...   you don't know how much you are appreciated.

            And as for the story of the monk and Samurai ,  It is amazing how and when we find what we are looking for even when we don't know what we are looking for it.

    3. lone77star profile image73
      lone77starposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Beautiful, Jerami. What ATM misses is that reality is overrated.

      God created reality and we help Him in that creation. Science studies the products of that creation. Spirituality (at the true heart of religion) studies the sources of creation.

      Reality is good not to ignore. Too many Fundamentalists ignore reality and find themselves in delusion. That's no better than not believing at all, especially when they arrogantly defend their delusion.

      And you're right about not bickering about God.

      Jesus said to his disciples that they should spread the good news, but walk away from those who are unwilling to listen.

      Creation trumps the created (reality) all the time. That's just common sense. It's sad that so many are so enamored by physical reality that they cannot see beyond it. There are some beautiful views from outside one's body.

      1. Jerami profile image59
        Jeramiposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Your post brought a question to mind.     It seems to me that most people think of creation in its past tense  when creation has always been in a state of becoming.   Had not thought this through, just came into mind while reading a thought provoking comment.

  3. aware profile image66
    awareposted 11 years ago

    perpetuation of the species.i think is the meaning of for  the creator? we are the creators. we create so many things. its only natural that we think of a creator bigger than we.

  4. janesix profile image59
    janesixposted 11 years ago

    The purpose of human life is to create and spread love in a multitude of ways.

    1. profile image0
      Rad Manposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Men have been trying to convince women of this since the first humans talked.

      1. janesix profile image59
        janesixposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        I don't think they even waited till the invention of talking.

        1. Kathryn L Hill profile image81
          Kathryn L Hillposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          well, the women were already talking, of course...

          1. wilderness profile image94
            wildernessposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            Untrue.  That was man's biggest mistake ever.  Not in letting them vote, not in putting shoes on them but in teaching them to talk.  We've been paying the price ever since!

            *Ducks and waddles for cover at top speed*

            1. Kathryn L Hill profile image81
              Kathryn L Hillposted 11 years agoin reply to this

              *And continues quacking unintelligibly...*

              The reverse is obviously true...seeing how we designed the first shoes and fought viciously for the vote.

              1. Jerami profile image59
                Jeramiposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                The downfall of man was when his woman gave him pockets and said bring me stuff.
                She collected all this stuff then said give me a box to put all of this stuff in.
                it wasn't long before this box became a home.
                If it wasn't for the first pocket, we could all still be merrily living in trees.

                1. Kathryn L Hill profile image81
                  Kathryn L Hillposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                  ...and why did he want to fill the pockets?
                  ( Love, even if short lived, is never that free.)
                  Furthermore, I believe women today pretty much pay for their fair share, thanks to Women's Lib.
                  Is this true or not, women? I better start a forum post ...

                  1. Jerami profile image59
                    Jeramiposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                    I was just kidding, ...   Have I ever told the story ... ?

                    Some of us men were in my back yard one day , talking about how we (men) could make our wife's happy.   We figured out what would that would be !!!   IN SEVEN simple words!!  .....                            ALL THEY WANT is  ...   "MORE than they have ever had before"  ...  It is that simple!!          Unfortunately .........   the next day ...  they want the same thing.

                         Just a Joke  which also applies to men.

            2. JMcFarland profile image68
              JMcFarlandposted 11 years agoin reply to this


              That actually made me spit coffee.   Good job.

              *throws shoe anyway*

              1. wilderness profile image94
                wildernessposted 11 years agoin reply to this


  5. Kathryn L Hill profile image81
    Kathryn L Hillposted 11 years ago

    It is a personal matter. End of discussion.

    1. psycheskinner profile image77
      psycheskinnerposted 11 years agoin reply to this


  6. lone77star profile image73
    lone77starposted 11 years ago

    Beautiful, virtues. A most lovely question.

    Perhaps a more powerful goal is that of spiritual awakening. So many humans are like cars. They ignore the driver and think they are nothing more than that which drives down the road. Sadly, too many of them only get out of their vehicles upon death of the vehicle. They live in a delusion thinking that they are their bodies.

    There is only one God -- Source of all creation -- Father of that which science studies. Outside of the space-time continuum, there is only non-dichotomous source. Too many scientists have a hard time with this one-sided nature. It's a bit like the discontinuities found in calculus. Too many look only at the literal and don't see deep into the possibilities of its meaning.

    Let me give you an example. When I studied electronic engineering in the 70s, one topic we covered early on was that of radio receivers -- "tank" circuits, or "LC" circuits. These consisted of a coil and a capacitor in parallel. The rating for each element helped to determine the frequency to which the circuit was tuned.

    I had, for years, also been a student of astronomy and physics. I knew, for instance, the details of absorption and emission spectra which help astronomers determine the chemistry of stars.

    The moment I read about "tank" circuits, I suddenly felt goosebumps all over. I saw beyond the literal of the lesson. I made connections in the patterns of nature and technology so that I suddenly understood that I was surrounded by tank circuits -- trillions of them. You see, each atom is a tank circuit -- a coil (electron orbiting the nucleus) and capacitor (negative electron separated from the positive nucleus by a distance; one of the better dielectrics).

    We need to have this kind of Left-and-Right-brain outlook to see beyond the literal, not only of the world around us, but of the Holy Scriptures.

    For instance, Gautama Siddhartha achieved Enlightenment or Spiritual Awakening. Some Christians resist this idea, because they feel that one can only achieve this through "following Christ." But what is "following Christ?" Could Gautama Siddhartha Buddha have been following Christ in his dismissal of his own earthly ego? Wasn't such dismissal a perfection of what Jesus said about the first being last, and the last being first? Those who think they're "all that," are arrogant and think they are first. That's ego. Those who are humble, are okay being last. Spiritual awakening cannot be achieved by clinging to the ways of ego.

    Thus, any teacher who leads you away from ego and toward spiritual awakening is worth listening to. They may contribute to your own awakening. And a return of the child to the Father of all is a blessed thing, indeed.

    1. Kathryn L Hill profile image81
      Kathryn L Hillposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I am glad you posted this, Lone Star.

  7. psycheskinner profile image77
    psycheskinnerposted 11 years ago

    Maybe the point of human life is to tell other humans what to do with their lives.

    1. Kathryn L Hill profile image81
      Kathryn L Hillposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      ...and for others to reject what they advise
      and go ahead and do what they like. 
      Its a free country.

  8. Kathryn L Hill profile image81
    Kathryn L Hillposted 11 years ago

    Viva la Belief!

  9. JBeiswenger profile image61
    JBeiswengerposted 10 years ago

    There is a sign in our medical research office.  It says,

    "The cosmos did not come from nothing. 
    Life did not begin by accident. 
    Oh, my god, there is a God. 
    How now should we live?" 

    Keeping in mind that all of Creation is a design, including the temporal and atemporal aspect of everything, opens our minds to solutions we would not otherwise have considered as scientists.

    John Beiswenger
    VP Research and Development
    Presymtec Medical

    1. Kathryn L Hill profile image81
      Kathryn L Hillposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Thank You!

    2. Zelkiiro profile image61
      Zelkiiroposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Oh hey, I got one. Here goes:

      "The microwave is not turned on.
      My hot dogs are steaming hot.
      Oh, my god, the microwave's possessed,
      How now should I call an exorcist?"

      1. Kathryn L Hill profile image81
        Kathryn L Hillposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        You just could't resist sharing your brilliance. BTW Tabool is waiting for  Overlord Zetta to return with the Sacred Tome. I think I'll have Pram steal it again and bring it back.


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