What's the best natural remedy for a chest cold?

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  1. Leaderofmany profile image60
    Leaderofmanyposted 12 years ago

    What's the best natural remedy for a chest cold?

  2. Becky Katz profile image82
    Becky Katzposted 12 years ago

    The best thing I know of is hot tea with a teaspoon each of honey and lemon. The honey soothes the throat, the lemon will act as an expectorant and gives you vit. C. If it is for an adult, you can put a shot or two of whiskey in it. If you do that, make sure they drink it in bed. They will sleep. Rest is essential, so stay in bed and sleep if you can. Drink the tea often. Not necessarily with whiskey.

  3. duffsmom profile image60
    duffsmomposted 12 years ago

    It depends on whether you are dealing with a virus or it has turned bacterial.  If the color of mucus that gets coughed up is yellow or greenish it is sign of infection and you need to see a doctor.  If it a virus, rest and lots of fluids--and really rest, like laying down and napping.

  4. ii3rittles profile image82
    ii3rittlesposted 12 years ago

    Once you actually got the cold the best thing to put in your body is lots of greens and vitamin C. Ironically, if people got the nutrients from fruits and vegetables like they should, their immune system would never have to "fight" off infections, bacteria, virus',ect. the immune system would rid it right away.

    I started taking "Green Super food" every day, which is a ton of veggies power packed in powder form and let me tell you, the difference is amazing. I'm like everyone else... I don't eat enough veggies.

    The brand is pHion and I get it from LuckyVitamin.com for $30 in tablet form. You get 180 capsules and I take three everyday. I can feel the difference in my immune system already and I've only been on it 2 months. I've even been around sick people, and didn't get sick!

  5. Cat R profile image79
    Cat Rposted 12 years ago

    There are several teas out there that help. And so does Japanese or Chinese peppermint oil.

  6. smzclark profile image60
    smzclarkposted 12 years ago

    Vics ('Vapo rub' either rubbed on the chest or inhaled) and a 'hot toddy'; whiskey, brown sugar and a squeezed lemon topped with hot water. then the more obvious ones; chicken soup, lots of sleep and a long hot bath :-)

  7. sen.sush23 profile image59
    sen.sush23posted 12 years ago

    All the earlier answers kind of give you a very good start on treating the condition. I can offer you my favorite home made tonic. It is not only much better than having antibiotics, but is also wonderful to your taste buds.
    1/2' ginger root- crushed
    3 cloves
    1 tablespoonful of brown sugar/honey (the last would be better) (adjust the sugary part as per your taste. I usually add more than this, as I like it a bit deeply sweet)
    4-5 basil leaves
    Add the ingredients in a small pan and add 3 cups of water. Bring to boil and thicken down to i/3. So you are left with just a cup of the tea. Try it sizzling hot, just off the stove, taking care only not to burn your tongue.

  8. khemban profile image59
    khembanposted 12 years ago

    See being an indian i can suggest the best natural wa y of solving it ...
    first of  all put an tub water with full of hot water .
    put in some Ocimum tenuiflorum pices into it
    and chop out wioth sancho ....then put up a blanket and take a vpour .....i
    am damn sure remedy for this  within 15 minutes......
    natural indian way

  9. Patty Minx profile image60
    Patty Minxposted 12 years ago

    Tea made with mullein leaves and molasses would help with a chest cold. It has a sedative effect to reduce the cough.  Clover leaves boiled in water can relieve a cough.

  10. wonderingwoolley profile image59
    wonderingwoolleyposted 12 years ago

    If you are coughing your lungs up- put Vix Vapor Rub on the bottom of your feet, put on socks and wear throughout the night. It really helps!


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