How do you motivate yourself when you are sad, down or sick?

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  1. nifwlseirff profile image82
    nifwlseirffposted 13 years ago

    How do you motivate yourself when you are sad, down or sick?

    Especially when dealing with chronic illness, and an unforgiving work/study schedule, housework, cooking, additional (important) study, writing, personal development, and exercise routines seem to be often left by the wayside.

    Any and all tips would be gratefully received!

  2. daedrea profile image59
    daedreaposted 13 years ago

    I have honestly never been chronically ill, but when I am sad or down, I like to daydream and listen to music. Maybe I'll go online and find a show or a video that will share me up. Going on chat social websites for me are the worst places to go when someone is sad, down or sick. No one wants to see tons of happy ppl at a time like that. What I love is being able to close my eyes, relax and just breathe.

    1. nifwlseirff profile image82
      nifwlseirffposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Relaxing and breathing - both very good when dealing with chronic illnesses. Thanks!

  3. sen.sush23 profile image60
    sen.sush23posted 13 years ago

    Sad and Sick are two different things altogether. They would not seem so, but being myself a chronic patient - I know that illness is something that needs more that just the beaten track of advises on motivation. If you have a chronic illness and are sad from it, feeling hopeless and in the dumps, as life seems to be flowing by you and you not being able to jump in and join - begin with understanding your condition. Read, read and read about your sickness- talk, talk and talk to the physician (you will need to cozy up to one whom you trust and who gives you confidence, not the one who is stern and will not speak about it because you do not understand) and if possible check out a few other patients who may be around (I had been offered a tour around a hospital, visiting patients who were far worse off and that gave me much hope and happiness in knowing I was blessed). Once you know your illness, you'll know how to take care of it and work to ensure how to minimize the debility. Pick up the rest of life and do as you will. Acceptance is important too - your illness may not allow you the kind of quality life that another enjoys- but you will still have a lot of it to splurge on you. Keep music and reading for these gray periods to give you joy and strength. And don't hold yourself responsible because you cannot do all that needs to be done. Good luck and keep smiling.

    1. nifwlseirff profile image82
      nifwlseirffposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Great answer. Learning everything about a chronic illness is important - speaking to others who have it, and who are managing well. Acceptance is also necessary, especially when working out your new limits. Thanks!

    2. Laura Schneider profile image80
      Laura Schneiderposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      What someone else can manage and what you can manage may be entirely different--you may outrun or underperform compared with others. Compare to yourself: do YOUR best. Personally I don't believe in acceptance, I fight all the way and push the limits.

  4. That Grrl profile image71
    That Grrlposted 13 years ago

    I just go outside. Even if the weather isn't great. I can catch the bus, go for a coffee downtown (I don't live in a huge city) and people watch at the window if it's too cold to stay outside. Getting out for even half an hour can really recharge my batteries and give me a fresh perspective.

    1. nifwlseirff profile image82
      nifwlseirffposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Fresh air and sunlight does work wonders, doesn't it!

  5. Luti Febrian W profile image40
    Luti Febrian Wposted 13 years ago

    keep praying to God, beg for the salvation, even you in injured, il, depression, but you must remember that you not alone.
    Never let down your self,.
    make your self comfortable by your own way.
    pleasure for a little bit its not a big problem.

    if i found my self going down, i'll make some warm tea, snack some fruit and cookies, and read a light theme book.

    1. nifwlseirff profile image82
      nifwlseirffposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Tea is certainly a great comfort to many people, and while reading can be an escape, it can also help motivate.

  6. move2move profile image61
    move2moveposted 13 years ago

    Just below, my answer as another Hubpage; didn't work to make it shorter :-P!

  7. duffsmom profile image60
    duffsmomposted 12 years ago

    It is really hard, I know.  Chronic pain and illness can make you so weary.  I try to narrow my focus down to something I can accomplish.  For example, rather then look at my house that desperately needs cleaning, I focus on small tasks I can accomplish like just the bathroom, or a load of laundry.  Once done, I sit and rest and then move on to another one.

    I try very hard not to look at the big picture at those moments because is overwhelming.

    good luck!

    1. nifwlseirff profile image82
      nifwlseirffposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Tiny, baby steps are the best, I agree! And it's important to rest between each accomplishment (and be please that you did it). Thank you!

  8. kaurina profile image60
    kaurinaposted 12 years ago

    I have a different way of dealing with feeling down sad. I don't try to make myself feel better. I find that whenever I try to make myself feel positive, it backfires. It's too huge of a jump from being sad to being optimistic or motivated. I find it much more useful to feel the sadness fully for a while. It usually doesn't last more than a day. Then I inevitably start feeling angry, Which also doesn't last too long. But I don't try to stop myself from feeling angry, cos I know that anger is slightly better than sadness in terms of my ability to get things done. Anger is only detrimental when you get stuck there.

    Eventually, I start to feel more optimistic and motivated, but I don't try to FORCE myself to artificially feel optimistic. Eventually I start to have a different perspective about the problem, or the illness etc. and solutions seem easier to achieve.

    1. nifwlseirff profile image82
      nifwlseirffposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I've also found that forcing a change of mind/feeling doesn't work, but I've had to be careful not to dwell in sadness or anger. Thanks!

  9. titobay profile image66
    titobayposted 12 years ago

    Life is about ups and downs. According to my faith, God says He will test us with the things we love most, could be our children, health, money or just general hurdles of life. When at this point, if you believe in Him, its the right time to get closer spiritually. On the other hand, step back and think of the wonderful things that have happened in your life, think of someone that always put smile on your face in good and bad times. Think of something that you achieved solely that made you proud. Think of the fact that your situation could be worse than it is. When you do all this, give thanks and simply appreciate your self. Then if you love music, forget about everything else, lay back on your bed, close your eyes and listen to cool music, don't fight any feelings, let the flow fill you up and I bet after 30 mins to an hour, you should feel better. This might be temporarily but it will do you a lot of good.

    On a long term, surround yourself with more positive and inspiring people. Positive energy helps. Associate with people of like minds not those that will always tell you the world is coming to an end. Just believe that behind the dark cloud lies a silver lining!

    1. nifwlseirff profile image82
      nifwlseirffposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Music, relaxation, positive inspiring people, positive thinking, reflecting on what you've achieved, are all excellent suggestions. Thanks!

  10. profile image0
    timmathisenposted 12 years ago

    I'll often recall a quote from John Milton's Paradise Lost: "The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a Heaven of Hell, a Hell of Heaven."

    It's far too easy to convince myself of being sad by continuously thinking I'm sad. All that thinking never solves the original problem, so I take action, especially if it's something that's important to me.

    1. nifwlseirff profile image82
      nifwlseirffposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Taking action is important. Thanks!

  11. Unfilteredthought profile image61
    Unfilteredthoughtposted 12 years ago

    Unfortunately, I am not a stranger to depression--it runs in my family. However, being down because of a sickness is a more delicate  issue, because it takes away your independence, causes anxiety, fear, and helplessness. When dealing with that, it all depends on YOU. Are you the type to see that glass half empty? With sickness you can choose what to feel. But since our body is all chemistry, there are natural ways to feel better. Take vitamins, like Niacin, Vitamin C, drink a lot of water. Be around people who activate the rewarding centers in your brain, let the Dopamine flow, and never lose the hope. :]


    1. nifwlseirff profile image82
      nifwlseirffposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Vitamins, healthy foods, positive thinking and inspiring people - great suggestions, thanks!

  12. pstraubie48 profile image85
    pstraubie48posted 12 years ago

    when i am any of those, i force myself to come out of it. it is easy to wallow in our own misfortune. and in some lives, there are huge challenges. we all have them. the wallowing and staying down in the sadness, the 'woe is me' place is self defeating.
    i allow myself a few minutes of mumbling, whining, and whatever else i need to do...and then i move on. i let it roll off of me. allowing those feelings to stay gives them power.
    i think it is important to recognize that i have those feelings and to identify what has caused them (such as the ones listed in the question). then i need to find a way to restructure my life so that i am not feeling the way i do.
    if you have read any of my writings, you know that i can identify with your feelings. but, because i have faced many, many tumultuous years i  H A D to
    let go of feeling overwhelmed and sad and will eat you is kind of like forgiving someone ...if you do not forgive someone for something that hurt you in some way, it will consume your  every waking moment.
    and, in my experience, the same is true of these feelings of which you speak.
    recognize, identify, let go. it takes time ...and when you feel it trying to sneak its way back in....acknowledge it and move on.

    1. nifwlseirff profile image82
      nifwlseirffposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      It does eat you up over time, if you hold on to it. How do you learn to or encourage someone else to let something go? Great answer - thank you!

  13. profile image0
    TrinityCatposted 12 years ago

    I exercise with my taste of music. It not only helps me keep me in a neutral mood, but it's also beneficial to my body. Another thing that makes me feel a lot better is when I daydream. I create my own world, and I can control it. big_smile

    1. nifwlseirff profile image82
      nifwlseirffposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Exercising and day-dreaming, a great combination. Although, I think with day-dreaming, it may be easy for chronically ill people to let themselves become upset by dreaming about what they have lost. Music always seems to help!

  14. harshad2011 profile image57
    harshad2011posted 12 years ago

    Try to Sleep. A deep sleep for few hours is immediate solution on nervousness for me. After waking up, try to figure out the reason, damage done and possible solutions. Start working on alternatives, never stop. If it is due to interpersonal relations, time is the only solution. So divert your mind to some other work which you love. after sometime, things will be smooth.

  15. ananceleste profile image60
    anancelesteposted 12 years ago

    In my case laughter is a must. Sometimes I am in so much pain that breathing is dificult. So I ask someone to put a funny movie or music and I just laugh. Sometimes my options are very limited so this has become like alternative medicine when things are dark. Try it, its free, you dont need a prescription or to go far. Another thing I love to do is to make others laugh.

    I enyoy writing very much, its therapy.

    1. nifwlseirff profile image82
      nifwlseirffposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I think laughter is an under-rated therapy! Writing is also great for getting the negative thoughts out of ones head.

  16. lorabelle_reboya profile image59
    lorabelle_reboyaposted 12 years ago

    I'll try to read inspirational books, I keep calm and sometimes sleep. I think enough rest and stamina would be great help for some depress. Sometimes its better to look on some kids and observe them. Keep on saying this This is the day that Lord had made I will be glad and rejoice of it"....

    1. nifwlseirff profile image82
      nifwlseirffposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Children have so much energy - it can certainly help some people! I often feel worn out just by watching them though! Resting, reading and thinking positively... Thanks!

    2. lorabelle_reboya profile image59
      lorabelle_reboyaposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      thanks!! Another thing is music

  17. Author Cheryl profile image75
    Author Cherylposted 12 years ago

    Well the question is are you willing to keep feeling sorry for yourself or are you going to take what you have to make something positive out of it.  Self pity on leads to one thing.  Uselessness.  If you want to prevail with all that your handed take it by the horns and run with it.  Maybe take a vacation from school for a little while until you feel better.  If you have a partner that loves you make them help you.  Its not our jobs to do 100% of the work. Make meals in advance and freeze them.  Spend one day cooking different dishes and then you will have dinner.  Clean one room every day then you dont have to do it all at one time.

    1. nifwlseirff profile image82
      nifwlseirffposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Actionable baby steps, thinking positively, and relaxing - great advice. Thanks!

  18. princesswithapen profile image78
    princesswithapenposted 12 years ago

    How to motivate yourself? Fancy self help jargon and complicated advice is one thing that we're definitely going to steer clear of. We will also stay away from vague advice that says Live Life To The Fullest or Don't Give Up. Here are 4 very real, practical and easy ways to motivate yourself every time you are down or just feeling blue. Don't grab your pens or pencils, this is straightforward talk that you will remember even when you don't want to. read more

  19. hillymillydee profile image60
    hillymillydeeposted 12 years ago

    One way for me to motivate myself when I am sad is that, I sit down and meditate.

    I think of the reason why I am sad and am I suppose to be sad? Thinking of the bad consequences that sadness will bring can help me balance my sadness.

    I will also count my blessings and focus on them not my frustrations

    1. nifwlseirff profile image82
      nifwlseirffposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Meditation for motivation? Sounds great! Also meditation has been shown to have a good effect on the body and mind, and can help people to deal with pain. A double-benefit!

  20. gabgirl12 profile image59
    gabgirl12posted 12 years ago

    Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't. It all depends on the circumstance that has led me to be less motivated.

    I envision what I will be doing if I stay motivated. An example when I'm just tired and I don't want to be bothered instead of thinking 'oh I have to wash these clothes', I'll change my mindset and say 'oh wow, once these clothes are washed I won't have to worry about it for a week'. I'll see it being all clean and smelling fresh.

    It's not just motivation, its also an attitude you have to had towards the lack of motivation.

    I battle with it because I have anemia. Even though I might be tired, I'll make sure to take my vitamin and resist the urge to just stay doing nothing. I have to work to get my metabolism up.

    Someday however to stay motivated do some 'fun' stuff in between all of the serious stuff. Like if say I'm paying a bill online and I see the dishes, I'll take time to maybe browse a few fun articles, play a yahoo game or something, but remember I want to do those dishes. Take some time for yourself before you have to do something important. It doesn't mean you are slacking, but maybe the lack of motivation isn't that you are not motivated, you just need to feel more rewarded.

    Motivation can also come from helping others. If in between stuff you have to do, you can take time to help someone, encourage someone and even smile and make someone laugh, it also helps you to not have to stress over your own problems.

  21. Dorothee-Gy profile image66
    Dorothee-Gyposted 12 years ago

    I cannot say anything about chronic illness, but whenever I don't feel good, I get out my paper and a pen and I sit down and ask myself "What do I really want? And what would I have to believe in this situation to feel as I do?"

    And from there, I can go forward and lay open the thought patterns and beliefs that make me feel that way.

    It also helps me to know that negative emotion is practically entirely an indicator between what I really want and what I believe to be and how important this is for me.

    What this means is: the more the issue is important for me (like my health, pretty important, I'd say), the more pain I feel when it is not what I want it to be.

    When my son, who I love to bits, doesn't do what I'd like him to do, then the pain is way bigger, and my frustration is way stronger, as if my neighbor down the road, who I barely know, doesn't do what I would like her to do. First, I might not even have an opinion about what she has to do, and second, if she doesn't do it, I wouldn't really care.

    But in both cases, it is a belief that makes me feel that way, and I have to find out which one it is to change it. It might be that I think he doesn't love me when he's not compliant, while in reality, he just might feel to comfortable on the sofa to jump up and do his chores.

    So, the bigger my pain, the more important is the subject for me and the more reasons I have to evaluate which beliefs I have that make me feel that way. And that is what I do when I feel bad.

    Because in the bright light of the day, more often than not you will find out that your beliefs are entirely illogical and have nothing to do with what is going on.

    It helps, try it out.


  22. Globetrekkermel profile image65
    Globetrekkermelposted 11 years ago

    I have been sad,sick and down before but I thank God that all of those just waned away in time.Health is good now and I rarely get sad or down these days.There are minor and rare episodes of being sad and down and sometimes I get pensive but they don't seem to last long.I credit my strong spiritual grounding for being generally optimistic. I always remind my self this line:THIS TOO SHALL PASS.I also remind myself of the good things that happened to my life.Stable family life, a very wonderful husband, having the best of friends.... What more to ask? These diffuses whatever is making me sad or down.Life goes on.Tomorrow is onother day.

  23. Penny G profile image60
    Penny Gposted 10 years ago

    I'm OCD so I clean and clean and clean! I throw things away, and write massive notes I love notes.


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