Does garlic kill necrotic flesh eating bacteria?

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  1. Bedbugabscond profile image95
    Bedbugabscondposted 12 years ago

    Does garlic kill necrotic flesh eating bacteria?

  2. somethgblue profile image70
    somethgblueposted 12 years ago

    No but it keeps Vampires away and it taste really good. To this day ( I eat a lot of garlic ) no Vampire has attacked me and tried to suck my blood.

    Now that is not to say that human parasites haven't tried to suck the soul from my flesh, but I was able to kick their black hole sucking ways to the curb!

  3. ptosis profile image66
    ptosisposted 12 years ago

    You would have to have the very strongest antibiotic out there that takes 6 weeks of daily infusions into your heart to make it go away. Hopefully -you'll have insurance for this because it costs a lot of $$$$$$$. Get MRSA at the hospital. That's why they always stress to wash, wash, wash your hands!

    Can get it from a dirty ATM machine keyboard and it starts in 15 minutes and progresses VERY FAST.

  4. Docmo profile image90
    Docmoposted 12 years ago

    Necrotising fasciitis is the clinical name for what is mistakenly known as 'flesh eating bacteria'. The bacteria that cause this infection do not eat the flesh but  infect it, spread all over it and damage it with toxins. It is rare to develop this in a healthy individual as it tends to affect only people with severely compromised immune systems. Several common bacteria such as streptococci, staphylococci can 'turn' nasty in those with very poor immune systems and tissue damage and case an infection that spreads through the tissue planes causing lasting damage.

    Once infection occurs the best treatment is wound debridement, very strong intravenous antibiotics and surgery to salvage the area.

    Garlic is associated with boosting immune systems but this is more a possible preventive measure rather than a valid treatment option. Consuming regular garlic helps to keep our immune system healthy apart from other factors of physical health.

  5. Seeker7 profile image75
    Seeker7posted 12 years ago

    Garlic is good for helping to maintain a healthy blood and circulatory system. In this sense it probably helps the body to fight off infections, but to my knowledge garlic doesn't actually kill anything. The bacteria doesn't actually eat your flesh, it causes infection and so the skin and flesh die off causing bigger and bigger wounds unless it is stopped.


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