Is it possible for snow to trigger a migraine?

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  1. ChristinS profile image38
    ChristinSposted 11 years ago

    Is it possible for snow to trigger a migraine?

    I know this seems like a silly question, but twice in the past few months I've had a migraine that just would not go away.  Nothing I tried seemed to work.  I've gotten rid of all dietary triggers years ago and it wasn't a hormonal cause, the only common denominator I've come up with for these two very severe headaches was that it snowed overnight both times and I woke up with a banging headache that took a full 24 hours to get rid of.  I am wondering if weather changes (I'm in the midwest always changing) can trigger them and what about snowfall would do it?

  2. Abby Campbell profile image74
    Abby Campbellposted 11 years ago

    Any time the weather has a severe change (i.e., barometer pressure), a migraine or headache can be triggered in some people. One thing that I have found that helps my own headaches/migraines is grapefruit.

    1. ChristinS profile image38
      ChristinSposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I've never heard of grapefruit for migraines - that's interesting!

  3. chef-de-jour profile image97
    chef-de-jourposted 11 years ago

    First of all - I sympathise with you - my friend is a migraine sufferer so I know what you can go through. His attacks seem to be related to potentially stressful situations, although he does have random attacks that may be caused by all sorts of things - diet, change in medication, routine and so forth.

    You say you woke up with a headache? That could be due to subtle changes in air pressure and obvious changes in temperature! Is your room well insulated? Did you alter the heating to compensate for the colder weather? Were you in some way anxious about the snow and the conditions it could bring to the roads, the local environment?

    I'm no medical expert so I won't go any further on this, but if I were you I'd watch out for the next snow fall and try and eliminate some of the above queries.  I wish you well, hope you find the answer.

    1. ChristinS profile image38
      ChristinSposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      all excellent suggestions and ideas.  I wasn't nervous because it was unexpected snow both times.  I guess I'll keep a better eye on the forecast.

  4. ajwrites57 profile image86
    ajwrites57posted 11 years ago

    ChristinS--so sorry--I know people that are prone to migraines--ouch! Yes weather and even light can trigger migraines. WebMD has an article on it you might want to check out.

  5. LoisRyan13903 profile image60
    LoisRyan13903posted 11 years ago

    I am not a doctor but I would think the answers is yes because of the changing weather.  I have gotten headaches as well when this happens-but they are only minor ones where two aspirin takes care of them

    1. ChristinS profile image38
      ChristinSposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      In the spring before it rains sometimes I'll get a small headache, this was way different.

  6. artist101 profile image61
    artist101posted 11 years ago

    Yes, a change in climate has a definite impact on our physical woes. I don't suffer from migraines but, I too live in the midwest, one day its dry and clear, then it snows, then it rains, crazy. I can only speak for myself, but with the moisture comes the pain. Arthritis, I would venture to guess that it would have the same cause and effect relationship, as well as barometric pressure.
    The supplements that have brought positive effects for me include, Coq10, and cherries. For migraines the most research has been on butterbur, and feverfew. Butterbur being the most effective, but the most expensive.
    Co q 10 increases blood flow to the heart, and brain. Calcium, and magnesium are relaxing to the body so therefor would relax the brain, and cherries have a natural pain killing compound. I found mine in with the other dried fruits, such as raisins, i keep them on hand, with nuts, and grab a handful whenever i need them.
    You obviously cannot control the weather, but you can lessen the pain in a preventative way. I take coq10, cal/mag on daily basis, as well as krill oil. Not only does it curb inflamation, it also feeds the brain. You might consider taking on a regular basis as well. Extra magnesium at night, when you know that the weather change is coming, as prevention, and treatment.
    I feel for you, pain is a very frustrating ailment. I always know when its going to rain or snow. Should of became a weather man, who knew?

  7. cassandralea profile image75
    cassandraleaposted 11 years ago

    I believe the ions change with weather deluges. Apparently, its the positive ions that can cause headaches. Surely there is something that can balance the ions within the home. What about a humidifier?


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