How do you feel about marijuana becoming legal for municipal purposes?
In an edible format? Im not sure that any modern medical system could encourage the inhalation of any kind of smoke, for fear of reprise. I believe that it should be available on prescription in tablet form.
It's already legal here in Maine. What a mess, they passed the law but didn't have the resources available for distribution.
As a form which is smoked? So basically weed? That wouldn't happen in the UK, I think that we are within 10 years of banning cigarettes and tobacco!
should be legal Period!!! -- way less harmful effects on people and family life than booze. Way less harmful than most prescribed pharmaceuticals for many other ailments that a cup of tea - a brownie or a toke would help.
I so agree with that. Booze is the evil deal here not marijuana.
When do you ever hear of a guy getting stoned and beating up his wife?
No,he may kill off the chips!
Pot works great for depression,anxiety/flashbacks without the side effects of prescription drugs.
How can we not legalize it,but continue to allow alcohol with all it's tragic consequences such as fetal alcohol syndrome,liver disease,etc?
Yes, I agree with it happening. I'm also in agreement that they legalize marijuana, period. I don't believe it is as dangerous, as claims have made it appear and has more benefits, by legalizing it and then taxing it.
The 'medical' uses are plenty, but it lacks the strength of normal marijuana. The THC levels have been removed, mostly. There is very little euphoric feeling, but it does work well with the appetite and does ease the pain. It is alsos great for nausea or stomach tightness.
What do you mean it lacks the strength? A lot of medical marijuana is MUCH stronger than the majority of marijuana found on the street.
I think it is a wonderful idea. Marijuana also helps epilepsy patients as well.
it is ok as long as regulation is tight
I actually did a research blog on this very topic in an old blog of mine, since two members of my family started using marijuana to combat symptoms of cancer. Since I am new to the Hub, I have been doing a lot of newer content, but if people are interested I would be more than happy to throw up a blog about this as well!
whats a municipal purpose? smoking pot while plowing state roads?
I had a good friend who had colon cancer and it helped ease the pain and give him an appetite. I'd say it's a good idea.
If it helps manage pain or has some other medicinal purpose, why not?
I have two friends on chemo right now sadly.
One tells me her doctor says the damage to the lungs from smoking is minimal, and he has no hesitation to recommend smoking it.
My other friend is suffering badly. I have told her I will get her some, but she has the mindset that it is Evil and Bad so she won't try it. It is breaking my heart. I'm tempted to bake her up some brownies...
It's legal here in Michigan too, but only recently.
I'm sure the brownies will do her good !
I remember once....
Regardless of legal stance and moral opinion, who would deny a terminally ill patient some comfort? Bad, bad, bad.
Thankfully we are beginning to see some progress here in the states. It is becoming more acceptable.
Brownies are great, right
The States are decades behind the rest of the world in medical ethics.
Hell yeah! It doesn't help when Americans themselves say we have the best system in the world. I cringe when I hear that and I hear it a lot.
We The People are fairly enlightened though... I considered writing about how to grow Mary J when Michigan passed the law, but then I realized how many people were already set up for it. Years of experience there.
It would have been a short article anyway: It grows like a weed
heh heh.
It's true though.
You don't hear people say, "Hey let's go get some expertly cultivated bloom"
I don't recall ever saying that much in a day when I was in my smoking heyday.
Where are you?
Another case FOR: I read last week that in California, it is very easy to get an Rx for it. So, dealers are going out of business. This is making it VERY difficult for minors to get it - they are getting cut out of the market.
Think about the Government's cut if they tax it too.
My bigger question for anybody against it is why they think it should be illegal in the first place. How many marijuana related deaths happen a year? It's way less than alcohol, I'll tell you that much.
If you want a bigger history lesson on why it is illegal (hemp paper/reefer madness), feel free to ask.
That's kids for you! If it ain't elicit they lose interest!
ain't that the truth, let's legalise everything and cut out the criminal drug lords (thats the CIA to you and me!)
It is ridiculously easy to get a prescription in California. It used to be easier, but even now it is pretty easy. If you have any conditions that have been documented (insomnia, depression, etc) you can get it without a problem.
Nothing like homemade brownies with a kick!
But even administering a legal drug against a patient's wishes may still be illegal.
Oh, it's completely illegal no doubt.
I wouldn't do it secretly. That's not cool!
But she is not a smoker, that's why I'm considering brownies. Not to trick her, simply as a way for her to have it without smoking it.
She is uncomfortable with it because of the stigma so I am not pushing her at all. Just left an open door for her, if she wants to get some.
Every 3 weeks I sat in a very comfortable chair for 4 hours receiving chemo for Breast Cancer, they sent me home with a little brown bag of approx. 5 different pills...took none, smoked marijuana for the pain and Cancer free and take no pills other than my daily vitamins...yeah!
Glad to hear you are better! Mary Warner really is a miracle substance.
She really is a miricle and would recommend it for anyone going through Cancer or any other chronic illness...the side effects from the different pills...such as Tomoxifen (breast cancer med) has a side effect of possible cervical cancer? yes, I want that next, but just the liver damage that can occur with all the pills...wanted to be free of a daily popping of pills.
I truely believe it was put here on our Earth for a reason and the Medicine Men of yesterday knew what they were talking about.
Wyanjen, make your friend some brownies...she will feel so much better.
My prayers and with you and your friends, be strong.
Thank you aquasilver...a journey I hope one day, no one has to take.
15 posts in 19 minutes. Damn, girl... somebody is desperate!
Here in Spain it's legal to grow up to two plants per adult per year, you can't sell it, nor buy it legally, but home grown is OK unless its for resale.
I guess in a country that's 8 kilometres from Morocco at the nearest point, with a perfect climate for growing MaryJ common sense had to prevail.... personally I would favour selling guaranteed quality Mary J smokes from tobacco shops and allowing people to decide for themselves whether to use it and at what strength.... I would buy the 'Old Hippie' brand
Three, aquasilver. And that is three per person in the household.
Basically, Spain has a very laidback attitide towards personal use of cannabis, probably because half the Policia Locale are coke-heads!
That said, I personally don't think much of the drug, but then I've never been into drugs.
From what I've read/heard over the years, I think there is a very good case for medical marijuana to be legitimate, the reason being modern painkillers for permanently or fatally ill patients seem to have undesirable side-effects that cannabis doesn't have, while doing the job of removing pain/sleeplessmess in the recipient.
Therefore there is a very good argument to say that these people should be allowed the drug.
every us navy ship that that help win our Independence. was totally outfitted using hemp. the ropes the sails the uniforms the soldiers wore . even the tablecloths . the issue here i think is not about med uses of hemp. we need to be reminded that our founding fathers grew it used it for everything they respected it and yes even smoked it. wage war on plant species ? that to me is the silliest thing
so is poppy which by the way we are currently telling poor afgan farmers simply trying to feed their familys that they cant grow it. the whole while supporting the right for austraila who grows the lions share of the worlds legal poppy for med use that its ok that they do
pharmaceutical company's can profit. but the afgan farmer ? screw them ?
I an familiar with the history of marijuana. Anyone who has seen "Reefer madness" will be shocked at the stupidity of the film and attitude.
The lobbyists were terrified hemp would destroy many industries because the fibre grows even in crappy soil and is better, cheaper and does less damage to the soil than all the other crops! Reefer madness indeed.
Haha, perhaps I should have clarified. That comment wasn't directed at you, Earnest. I have no doubt that you know the history and reasoning behind the illegality of an essentially harmless drug. It was directed to anyone who opposes complete legalization of marijuana.
visit your local pharmacy. all those drugs many with lists of possible harmful side effects. those are ok?
It's like the Big Oil companies squashing any other sources of fuels for autos...
I feel that those imprisoned for smoking marijuana should be released. The law is still Draconian in some places.
If Californians vote for the THC 2010 act (haha, funny name) that's exactly what will happen, along with complete legalization.
I love to hear good news! Imagine the joy families will feel, and the boost to activity to grow the economy. Most of the prisoners are young men who will be great asset to their mostly poor families. (the real crime)There are not too many rich white kids in the mix.!
Where I live there are plenty of rich white kids in the mix, but they never go to jail because their parents can afford to get them great lawyers. A kid that lives 4 blocks from me got caught with over 20 ounces, and did not face ANY jail time. His parents just had to pay money.
I was not very clear PrOmetheus. I meant in Jail. I know they smoke as much as anyone, you made the point again though. They don't go to jail.
Ahh, yea in that case they aren't in the mix. Pretty ridiculous IMO.
Marijuana is a gateway drug:
A gateway to children losing a parent to prison
A gateway to a life-long criminal record for a youthful indiscretion
A cop from my city told me that if they stopped investigating and prosecuting people for Evil Marijuana, there would be enough money saved to hire two new officers.
I would trade two cops for one snowplow It's no kind of fun when your city can't afford to plow streets after a blizzard.
You make a great point. Social stigma, no chance of a job in hard times. How does a kid do well with that hanging over his head? The only solution? Crime.So sad.
I've seen that exact thing happen
Someone I know (very close to me) honestly believes he is a sub-standard and criminal person because of a possession charge that put him through the system. It breaks my heart. I've stopped trying to convince him that he can go out and have success in his life. He has accepted the label that got put on him.
No money in natural products if the Pharmies can tout their 'Medical Miracles' as a better choice.
Here's something I read recently about marijuana after I considered it for my always-panicked son: … ot-part-ii
Not only is it a gateway drug, but there have been documented cases of overdose and death with misuse of asprin.
Wont find either of those documented cases while smoking marijuana. Oh, in Ca. you can grow like 12 plants legally if you have the card or you are a care Mendecino/Humbolt/Santa Cruz counties I believe it's more. You can have up to 1 pound dry and carry up to an ounce, might be more, in the back of your just can not be broken down for sale. In my county, with a card it is delivered. Other counties have Cannibis Clubs.
Locking up so many people for marijuana is nothing but trouble, an absurdity I'd say. Waste of resources and for nothing. We need the room and $$ to keep the true evil people locked up. And even the ones who have 20 or so DUIs that have killed people deserve jail time way more than pot smokers.
I got a Disturbing the Peace once for possession of .1 gram of marijuana....
You will notice a difference in Australia. The cops are not interested in prosecution, and nor are the neighbors interested in your plants!
I only know of one neighbor who called the cops.
Sitting in a friends back yard alongside his well manicured MJ plant when the police walk down the driveway. They asked my friend if he had any other marijuana. He said yes I have half an ounce under my bed. The cops made him go and get it, and a cop went with him.
They left the bag on the table we were sitting at, and advised my friend to cut the top off it so the neighbors would not be able to see it, wished us a good afternoon and left.
I have to say that I agree with you very much. I know for a fact that there are rapist, child molesters, people who mistreat animals, arsonists, and many other sick and messed up criminals. They are the ones who we need to be putting more focus on.
we made this culture of drug use that we are currently at war with. were punching ourselves in the face .
Disturbing the peace, hmmm? From what I've seen, stoned teens don't do much but sit around laughing over goofy things and enjoying themselves.
I don't really know what it does to one's brain especially long term, or what it does to lungs. But I don't think medicines are a better choice for many things. I remember reading on one of my son's meds that it should not be used if you have asthma - IT WAS ASTHMA MEDICINE!!
I wasn't even stoned, it was a small bag that a friend had left in my car. I was driving to a friends house and saw a cop outside. I didn't want to deal with the cops, because they kept harassing my friend (we both had loud mustangs at the time, but I was driving my Ford Ranger). Instead of stopping I drove past, and around the block. The cop pulled me over for 'suspicious' driving. He proceeded to pull me out of the car violently, sit me down on the curb and yell at me. He told me if I didn't consent to let him search my car he was going to beat me with his maglight (his words). I didn't think I had anything in my car, so I consented - not to mention I didn't want to get hit by a corrupt cop. He found it in the side of the passenger seat of my ranger (wedged between the center console and the seat). He wouldn't let me turn off my lights so my car battery wouldn't die, but at least he didn't tow my car. He let me call a friend and pick it up. Possession, by the way, is de-criminalized - it is a ticket, not a misdemeanor. He tossed me in the back of his car, even though I kept asking if I was under arrest, and insisting that he let me go if I was not (I wasn't). After about an hour and a half in the back of his car he let me go. My car battery was dead, and it was raining. I had someone pick me up, and wrote down everything that happened. Kind of lame that it didn't just get dismissed either. Oh well.
They should change the "To Protect and Serve" on the cop cars to say "To Generate Revenue"...
Maybe I'd better send my son out to CA to stay with one of his brothers for a while.
My mother was on it when she was dying from cancer. She always reminded us, "Don't forget to give me my marijuana pill!" She liked it because it helped her sleep. She was on the synthetic form, Marinol, which is a different 'high' than the norm. I was glad she had it when she needed it!
yeah they could give out free bob marley cd's with it too
personally I have smoked it but its so hard to be organised in todays world you gotta be on the move all the time.. if I was living on a beach playing guitar all the time then it wouldnt cause a problem
If you want to learn how marijuana can CURE CANCER, check out this thread:
Don't worry, one of yours will qualify I'm sure
I have no issue with legalization. The drug war is stupid.
Why spend the money on policing, prosecution, jail/rehabilitation, treatment for the drug user when we can simply spend the money on education and treatment? There really is no issue with marijuana as far as I am concerned.
hash is not as bad as alcohol. It is the nanny state that is the problem. It takes away peoples right to an informed choice.
Smells funny in here...
Cagsil, is that smoke in your avatar?
If a good majority are already smoking marijuana. Why not legalize it? Instead of locking away those who get caught smoking and they are already victims of HABIT. Prime example...Make Cigarettes Illegal and See how many people are locked up for smoking something they are Already ADDICTED To. Marijuana is addictive...
No way, should never be allowed. I don't think people really realize just how dangerous this plant is. You become ADDICTED. You become addicted after 3 or 4 joints. The second you get addicted to this stuff, you become depressed. Depression leads to suicide in 35% of the cases.
This plant is addictive? So it should be illegal?
How about banning alcohol then? Oh right, we tried that. Look what happened.
Prohibition failed because it created violent criminal black market distributors. And people still drank, regardless of the law.
See any common factors here?
Alcohol should be banned. Cigarettes should be banned. This whole crap should be banned.
AdviceDoctor - I understand your frustration, I neither like or use alcohol or drugs ... HOWEVER, the proof is in the research that marijuana does benefit those with severe illnesses. Are you saying these people should suffer because of other's abuse of the product?? I don't agree that marijuana is a "gateway drug", coming from a family of addicts, they can agree that none of them became addicted to harsher drugs because of pot, they tried heroin, coke, etc. because of peer pressure, nothing more and then addiction ran its course. You cannot ban alcohol, it's already been done, and failed miserably, furthermore it's shown that once something is banned the more "taboo" it becomes, making people want more of it, especially impressionable teens. Alcohol and cigarettes need to stay legal, marijuana also needs to be legalized but these things need to have either harsher restrictions or very strict guidelines on age definition and quantity allowed to have.
Okay, I admit, you did make a very good point there. I've seen alot of very fine people just .. ruin their lives because of alcohol, cigarettes and minor drugs, such as marijuana, my own daughter being the first example that pops into my mind. I'm very much against all these things. I think, for instance, that strong alcohol should only be used for cleaning wounds. Maybe I'm just too narrow minded, I don't know.
Isn't that destroying a person's freedom of choice?
I'm a psychiatrist, I spend a huge part of my day talking to junkies, teenagers who are using and concerned parents. I know what this plant can do to you. I'm not comparing it to LSD or ecstacy, but this plant is dangerous. It does not take long to become an addict.
That is nonsense AdviceDoctor. Marijuana is not addictive and I do not believe your 35% at all.
"How do you feel about marijuana becoming legal for 'medical' purposes?"
I totally...puff...agree. There are too many benefits to marijuana to keep it illegal.
Outlaw the growing of tobacco and allow say five marijuana plants per person.
Yes it can be addictive although it is rare. After 3 or 4 joints. I highly doubt it.
I have an eye ache and I'm bald I need a joint. It might help the eye ache but I won't give a damn about being bald.
I know it would have eased my elderly neighbor's slow and painful death. He had a tumor on his spine and 3 doctors did not find it. By the time it was found, it was not operable. A little Maryjane would have kept him pain free and given him an appetite.
Not sure if anyone is up to it, but I posted my research Hub on this very topic. Feel free to take a look. And play nice guys!
Just to demonstrate what America's war on drugs does to medicine.
A relatively "clean" tricyclic came on the market a few years ago that is far superior to the current prescribed "dirty" ones.
I imported some and found that taking it after a recent back pain attack I was able to return to work with almost no side effects at all from the drug, and certainly far less than any other drug of this type I had been prescribed previously.
By the time I got to my doctor to get it prescribed it was banned! The reason? Some one had used it as a recreational "mood brightener" so it was classified as abusable! If it had a mass of bad side effects it would have just joined the other crap on the shelf. Crazy!
So here is a known drug that is 30 years or more old only modified so it is much more effective so it is banned.
The madness of the FDA is driven by wowsers!
I wouldn't heed the FDA
"The Food and Drug Administration has repeatedly urged antidepressant manufacturers not to disclose to physicians and the public that some clinical trials of the medications in children found the drugs were no better than sugar pills, according to documents and testimony released at a congressional hearing yesterday"
Taken from an article on the American Psychological Association's
I've known many people who have benefited from the use of marijuana for medical purposes, one of whom was diagnosed with A.I.D.s eight years ago. You wouldn't know it to see him, he's in perfect health. Personally, I'm one of those who can't touch the stuff, but if it helps others regulate it, tax it, and sell it. Maybe more people would just chill out & enjoy life.
The problem with the FDA for the rest of the world is that they have foisted this drug war on all the countries it associates with under threats of changing trading terms, as they have in threatening Holland daily for years over marijuana in their cafes.
why not just legalize it, without regulation or tax?
if regulated, would we be given strength options, as with beer? near beer, 5% alcohol beer, 6% alcohol beer, 9% alcohol beer?
rest assured, if pot were regulated, it wouldn't be long before big pharma had their hands in the mess, creating a sythetic pot that was "better" than organic pot.
much like the current situation with armour vs. synthroid.
the drugs you describe would be the mao's I guess. Five weeks or more for uptake and the side effects seems to be all that happens when taken.
It is amusing to me that they do not pursue MMDA and its hundreds of like drugs that have a 30 minute onset and are totally effective!
They have demonized drugs that work, and sell ones that work commercially within their ridiculous drug wars guidelines.
Marijuana is not only the oldest pain killer it is perfectly natural for human consumption as we have neurotransmitters in the brain to accept THC, either smoked or mixed with a fat and eaten. It is illegal because of the threat to the cotton industry in the 1920s as hemp makes better fabric, compounded by its threat to the newly emerging oil business as hemp oil is perfect for diesel engines. Hemp oil and seeds are also perfect for humans (the seeds rank as one of the best sources of omega oils and minerals and vitamins of all foods) and one of the reasons we are dying in droves from civilised diseases is because we have omitted the healthy food from our diet in favour of refined wheat and sugars.
Free the weed, free your mind and liberate the people.
I have yet to see a hippy have a fight whilst stoned but all to often see pissed chavs causing a nuisance.
Lets put it in the right perspective.
heh, this video sums up my views on those who are against legalization of AT LEAST medical marijuana.
If they would legalize medical marijuana in Tennessee I'm sure I could develop some sort of qualifying aliment!!!
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