How to overcome the fear of failure!!!

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  1. sofs profile image72
    sofsposted 14 years ago

    One of the greatest fears people have is fear of failure. The fear of failure does not allow people to perform to their optimum potential. This is common in people who are constantly looking for approval from others. This condition is closely related to fear of criticism and fear of rejection.

    The opinion of significant others is important, but it should never paralyze us. Everyone has a right to his or her opinion- its their's, don't take it too personally. We need to look at it in the right perspective for we learn more from our mistakes than from our successes.

    Failure or success should be looked at as outcome of the effort put it in, and not as rewards or punishments. When people learn to disassociate emotional highs and lows from outcomes, fear is axed at the root.  This rational approach will not only take the edge out of fear, but also checks disproportionate pride that leads to a plateau in performance. The old adage- 'Failure is the stepping stone to success' is applicable even today!!
    If you need to overcome the fear of failure here are some tips :

    The first step to overcome any problem is to accept it. Accept does not mean saying yes I have it and being passive about it.

    This leads us to the next step. Take action.

    Prepare yourself adequately by equipping yourself with the skills you need. Approach the people whose critical views paralyze you and ask them for inputs to improve. This may look like a Herculean task, but it is an amazingly effective tool, and in the process, your enemy (or rather,the one you percieve as your enemy) becomes your ally. Never forget that when you ask for help, the other person's ego is massaged and now they look at you in new light! Most importantly, work on the suggestions given

    Break up your goal into smaller achievable modules and work on them.  The whole task will look easier and achievable.  Prepare backup plans for different scenarios.

    Program your mind with the right thoughts. Repeatedly.
    Fight is better than flight.  Action takes you one step forward.
    Affirm to yourself that you are now well-equipped and better prepared.
    Say to yourself that the outcome is not your concern, but you will give it your all to make it work. Once this mental programming is done, you are ready for battle.

    Never forget to celebrate your success, however small. Your affirmation builds your confidence.

    If you fail, fall back on your alternative plans, taking into consideration the reasons for failure.
    Remember, practice makes perfect!!

    Persistence is the key to success. Never give up. Learn from your mistakes and move on!!

    Keep this in mind; people are hardly judged by how many times they fall, but how many times they pick themselves up and how much they achieve!!

    I have enjoyed writing this. I hope this has helped you too.
    God Bless!!

  2. AdeleCosgroveBray profile image89
    AdeleCosgroveBrayposted 14 years ago

    Maybe you could expand on this topic and turn it into your first Hubpage?

    1. fucsia profile image60
      fucsiaposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      This is the same thing that I thought! Also because the topic is very interesting...

    2. sofs profile image72
      sofsposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I am working on your suggestions thanx

  3. Gift Experts profile image60
    Gift Expertsposted 14 years ago

    Maybe recommend steps for the proogramming, like :

    1) Get up an hour earlier to proactively plan your "hope" - whatever that is you are hoping for

    2) Review notes form the previous day

    2) Jot down notes for today based upon top 5 goals you have


  4. Sab Oh profile image56
    Sab Ohposted 14 years ago

    Fear of failure is natural and healthy. You 'overcome' it by trying and failing over and over again until you succeed.

    Fear of success is far more debilitating and insidious.

    1. lorlie6 profile image71
      lorlie6posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      You beat me to it, Sab.  Fear of success is a crippling 'condition.'

  5. Lisa HW profile image62
    Lisa HWposted 14 years ago

    I don't know... Call me "simple", but I'm not afraid of either failure or success.  hmm

  6. Dame Scribe profile image54
    Dame Scribeposted 14 years ago

    It don't help if one is obsessed by measuring ones self worth with failure or success hmm

  7. Cagsil profile image70
    Cagsilposted 14 years ago

    Failure is success in one perspective, because it means that you found one more way not to do something. Process of elimination. smile

    1. Shopping-Online profile image64
      Shopping-Onlineposted 14 years ago

      Positive daily Affirmations can help you.


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