anyone ever had post traumatic stress disorder?

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  1. starme77 profile image76
    starme77posted 14 years ago

    psychologist says I have it but she can help me - anyone else ever have it cause - I like freak out at simple noises normal everyday raising of voices , not yelling - walking across a floor loudly - anything like that just gives me a instant like - brain freeze this is bad

    1. Anesidora profile image59
      Anesidoraposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I would not wish to compare my own to that of a soldier or a victim of long-time severe abuse. These are very serious types of PTSD.

      I was diagnosed after a bad car accident, however, but eventually I fully recovered. For me it was the sound of metal crushing, everything I heard, every somewhat loud or metallic or impact-like noise made me seriously uneasy and instantly transported me back to the moment of the crash and all that it entailed. Additionally I suffered from horrible nightmares during this time, due to the morphine drip, and that exacerbated my condition, adding a fear of new faces and distrust of the nurses and a burning desire to be constantly reassured that the brakes on my hospital bed were properly set to my problems. And a couple of other things I'd rather not discuss.

      Unfortunately I was in the hospital for almost two months, but after a few weeks at home and back involved in life my most obvious symptoms began to dissipate.

      Know what you got and move on and it will too.

      Of course as I said when I started this post, it's not so simple for more serious instances of trauma. Mine was based on a single incident and exacerbated by a small bit of guilt which fed my morphine enhanced nightmares. For some years the guilt did pursue me along with occassional nightmares, until I learned to forgive myself.

      This is all much different than a returning vet's PTSD or a victim of longtime or severe abuse. If you can, I'd pursue the help the psychologist offers. It can be very beneficial having someone help us to learn to understand ourselves.

      In my case, my mother wouldn't allow it, and as I said I had to deal with guilt for some years afterwards, without even knowing what my problem was.

      I'm not saying you have any guilt issues involved. It's hard to explain, cause I'm not generally big on revealing personal details on the web to strangers, but my guilt was associated with the trauma. No I didn't cause the accident, it wasn't my fault, I wasn't even driving, but there was some guilt which was the result of one of the results of the accident. So for me they were related.

      I've never underwent psychological care beyond what was imposed on me in the hospital at I suspect my medical team's recommendations. At this stage of my life I do not need it. I'm a very reasonable person who over the years has had the luxury of time and space to more or less 'heal thyself' on this and other issues. But looking back I can say I am certain I would have benefitted from it.

      Take advantage of it if you can.

      1. starme77 profile image76
        starme77posted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Thanks for sharing - you can always e-mail if ya dont feel comfortable telling things in public forums - me I don't care -- I'm just me and glad to have found a new friend in you - Thanks smile

        1. PaulaHenry1 profile image64
          PaulaHenry1posted 14 years agoin reply to this

          My child had or I should say has PTSD after witnessing a murder. It remains a daily struggle. I wish you the best of luck smile

    2. SuziGravenstuk profile image60
      SuziGravenstukposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Yes. I will not give the situations, but both had to do with death. Thought stopping and replacing helped me.

  2. salt profile image61
    saltposted 14 years ago

    after a difficult personal experience, I used to get anxiety attacks that I learnt were like vidoes in my mind triggered on a subconscious level. Once I understood the visual memory play, I put pictures of flowers or something pleasant in my mind when I felt the anxiety. Nerve salts help too, breathing and I would say a good bowen therapist. Some psychologists are nuts, so be careful who you go to and who can really help vs try and use u as an experiment.

    And time does heal all. Let yourself heal!

  3. starme77 profile image76
    starme77posted 14 years ago

    Thanks all.... for the advice .... it's scary to be told you have something such as this but I will get past it if I just keep smiling smile and use advice and stuff too ..... smile

  4. cathylynn99 profile image77
    cathylynn99posted 14 years ago

    in 80's, i had mild ptsd from a physically abusive relationship. plain old talk therapy helped. now they have something more targeted called EMDR. occasionally, an anti-depressant is called for.

    i also had ptsd at age 5 after our house caught fire. they didn't know any better in the 60's and put me on barbiturates. now they know that tranquilizers delay healing. i used to wake up at night and think the house was on fire again because of the smoke smell that came out of the wood on damp, windy nights. my dad used to take me on a tour of the house and show me that there was no fire. that helped. by my teen years, our house again seemed safe. 25 years later, i couldn't watch the movie about fires, "backdraft", but now (50 yrs. later)i can.

    time helped both cases.

  5. cathylynn99 profile image77
    cathylynn99posted 14 years ago

    guilt is often a symptom of PTSD, whether or not the victim could have done anything differently.

  6. Wendy Krick profile image62
    Wendy Krickposted 14 years ago

    I was diagnoses about 6 years ago after a tragic experience in my life. It started with Panic and anxiety attacks. I was on medication for a month or so and then was able to eliminate the anxiety through meditation.

    I wish you all the best.

  7. Rafini profile image81
    Rafiniposted 14 years ago

    I've dealt with PTSD - it isn't easy to live with, but it doesn't have to rule your life.

    I'd say mine was close to severe, but nothing remotely close to the soldiers returning from war.  It makes you feel like you're going crazy, like the trigger is inside your head and you can't get away no matter what you do. 

    Loud noises, familiarly unpleasant scents, words, phrases, similar situations, familiar faces that aren't who you think they are, attitudes that don't belong where you see them, and believing the person(s) who caused the PTSD are taking control of everyone involved in your life - are the type of symptoms I had, along with flashbacks and nightmares. 

    It began, for me, in 1999.  I don't really know when it seriously began to abate, but by 2006 I was beginning to function normally again and was able to focus on a job - although my home and family life suffered, because I honestly couldn't focus on that much at the same time!  But, I had to.  My Dr. said I'd made improvements, so I wasn't eligible for SS.  hmm 

    Now, I feel almost completely healed, but I know I'm not quite there yet.  I keep working on the new discoveries I'm making about myself.  (the reason behind my recent forum of resentment)  I've taken medications and seen therapists.  For my own reasons, I choose to finish healing through my own efforts & the help of those I choose - but no more medications or therapy.  It was taking too long.  hmm  I've made so much progress, since February alone, that I don't know why I didn't try to do it sooner.  (well, I do know - because I was working, but still, I could have been doing something to help myself)

    I think the best advice I could give would be to educate yourself about PTSD & treatment options, and be as proactive as possible regarding how you want your treatment to progress.  (I failed that test when it came to my last therapist hmm he kept trying to get me to buy Herbal Teas from a friend of his - I wasn't strong enough to ask: "Why??  Are you getting a commission??)  Be totally honest with your therapist because its the only way they can really help you.  Otherwise, recovery will take much, much longer to attain, if it's even possible to recover without honesty.

    Good luck, and remember:  Recovery is waiting for you.

    1. starme77 profile image76
      starme77posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks and glad your doing good - my psychologist says I am the most honest person she has ever met - I just tell her I'm there to be fixed and she can't fix me if I am not totally honest - some people go to therapy to whine and thats it - I'm there cause I want the help for real - it's one thing to have a husband be abusive .... that ... in its self is traumatizing - but - when your kid turns out the same and beats the hell out of you ... well... thats more taumatizing than anything I can think of in this world - it really has screwed me up - I mean gee whiz , you change their diapers, do the santa and the tooth fairy take em to school pick em up do b-day parties and all the good mom stuff , tuck em in at night , tell em how much you love em all the time - then - at age 17 5 feet 11 and 220 pounds they beat the hell out of you - my brain just went numb

      1. Rafini profile image81
        Rafiniposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        I can imagine.  My son, at age 8, threatened to kill me when he grew up.  I didn't hesitate - I got him in to a psychiatrist!!  He's now 21 and is able to communicate his anger more than act out, but struggles due to no meds (he doesn't have insurance)

  8. Anesidora profile image59
    Anesidoraposted 14 years ago

    WARNING TO HUBPAGES READERS: Really long post ahead dealing with thought replacement therapy methods that will bore and annoy certain types of people. Please feel free NOT to tell me I talk too much. If you're not interested, DON'T READ IT!
    Thank you.

    Starme I cannot (and mostly just will not) imagine that. The despair of knowing your child goes into life having this problem must be mind-numbing and heartbreaking. I hope the situation and all involved can be healed.

    Something you said up above, that I forgot to quote, I wanted to comment on.

    You said you would just keep smiling.

    Not sure that's a good way to go. You do not have to keep smiling. There is no obligation to keep smiling. Attempting to be always doing so when you do not feel like it will probably drive you crazy.

    PTSD and similar conditions are -I think- an indication of an emotional overload. This calls for abnormal measures. Some things right now you just cannot deal with. Put them aside, and only look at them with your counselor's guidance.

    You have enough other obligations, such as your other child, your finances, and your basic health and mental stability to deal with right now.

    The trick isn't -I think- to smile through the pain. The trick is -right now- to avoid the pain. You're emotionally overloaded. To keep functioning at this time it might be okay to do a bit of escapism, in a healthy kind of way.

    Normally I don't recommend running away from your problems. But this is more a matter of putting things away until you're ready to deal with them. This is one of the reasons counseling takes so long (or so I have been told).

    Others above mentioned thought replacement. When you get frozen up or elsewise overwhelmed with thoughts or memories, you have got to be ready and prepared to immediately replace them with other, better thoughts. Something goofy works well for me.

    I recite Wild Grapes by Robert Frost. It's funny, and goofy and defiant, and it is filled with pleasantly distracting atmosphere.

    But that worked for me and probably won't strike you the same way, but I hope you get the idea. Find something you know you can count on to always be there at your beck and call which will keep your mind occupied elsewhere -somewhere that is safe and pleasant for you- for long enough a period of time to chase away the bad thoughts and bring a sense of peace and equilibrium back into your mind.

    If nothing comes to mind for you, write up your own little piece to memorize and use when these times strike. Make it kind of fun, to lighten your mood, kind of defiant, to remind your spirit that you can beat this, that you are in charge, and make it long enough that it will need your brain to help you remember each next line.

    At first you might feel stupid doing this, and it might not seem to help. You'll forget to do it sometimes, or feel too overcome to do it, but as you keep this up, and make a firm rule of replacing all detrimental, depressing thoughts with it, it will become very automatic. Quicker than you'd think, if you do it as a rule.

    Soon you'll get into it, and find yourself yelling the words, embracing them, and you'll find yourself getting stronger. Although indeed you seem pretty derned strong already to have gone through everything you have.

    Don't do this for thought-streams you know you have to have, like figuring out how to survive financially, or figuring out how to deal with your daughter and go on providing her with the love and attention she needs.

    Just do it for the stuff that's actually pretty pointless, the stuff you know you shouldn't be dwelling on.

    And of course I'm not a shrink, and I don't play one on TV either, and I would consult your's and see what she thinks about it for you.

    I can only say it has helped me through a few rough patches, most recently when my pop passed away. But then I've never had to deal with anything such as what you're up against, at least not since I was a kid.

    Um.. What was I gonna say? Oh yeah. Some people above suggested this method as well, I think, though they used different names for it which are probably more clinically correct, since I more or less made my version up. Had to long ago. Just knew that if I kept dwelling in the dark places I'd end up dead. Having children that just wasn't a luxury I could afford.

    Heard about the power of positive thinking, but it didn't really work for me cause I'm a sarcastic witch, lol. I kept adding snide remarks to the end of each positive thought I didn't really believe at the time.

    So instead I started reciting random shit just to occupy the mind. Whenever I did Wild Grapes it left me feeling peaceful and relaxed, so eventually I switched to that one alone, and whenever I need it again like when my dad passed away last year, I just call it back up.

    So I just wanted to further explain how thought replacement therapy works, and to let you know that it's okay to not smile all the time. I mean, that's not what I mean.

    What I mean is don't smile cause you have to, but rather use thought replacement therapy to help keep you smiling naturally. Give yourself time and space to heal before you face these monsters in your mind on your own.

    The day should eventually come when you're able to allow yourself to think of these things again without being overwhelmed by them. You know, if you want to for any reason. Sometimes even good memories are off-limits cause they remind you of bad memories. Like when my dad died.

    It really tripped me up for awhile. I couldn't do anything, couldn't function right, and couldn't close my eyes either thanks to hearing my mother thoughtlessly describing the death scene to anyone and everyone in full detail several times over.

    After a while I went back to WIld Grapes, and that helped me get to sleep at night, face each morning and get me through the days. Plus I indulged in alot of watching old black and white movies on TV. Anything to pass the time without letting the bad thoughts in.

    Months later, I was able to begin cherishing the memories I had again, without letting the bad stuff take over.

    Allow yourself a 5 minute cry every day. In the shower has always been my safe place. That helps alot too I think. It gave it all the release I wasn't otherwise able to express.

    But at the same time, everything I am suggesting was stuff I custom made for myself. They suited me, my personality and needs. They worked for me. They let me function and gave me space and time to grow strong enough again to face things.

    And you know, even as this bury my head in the sand method protected me from thinking about things, in truth at the same time, my subconscious I believe worked on alot of it behind the scenes for me. Little things happen, that allow you to clink another piece of the healing puzzle into place, without dwelling on the whole problem directly or overly long.

    And that's how it is, you cannot face these huge things head on. So you put them away and go on living and deal with them tiny little pieces at a time.

    But thought replacement therapy is key to the whole thing, providing you with the time and space you need in order to go on functioning.

    Again, may not work for you, and I strongly suggest you ask your counselor.

    I take the time to explain how it works however, because for me what I discovered was it had to be long enough, it had to be involved enough to really engage my mind, and it had to be something that literally -(okay, figuratively)- transported me away to somewhere else, somewhere far far away from my problems, and leave me feeling soothed and calm and peaceful afterwards.

    It's one thing to replace negative thoughts with positive thoughts. That's pretty vague and hard to do. I replaced negative thoughts with a temporary escape, I literally ran away from my problems in my mind, and was able to train myself to absolutely forbid these things from coming to my mind, until I was ready. I swear it once saved my life.

    Talk to your shrink about it, however.

    And if you're drawing a complete blank about what to use, look up Wild Grapes by Robert Frost. I'm sure it's online somewhere. It's a nice poem, worked great for me.

    'One by one I lost off my hat and shoes and still I clung
    I let my head fall back and shut my eyes against the sun...'

    It's actually a good choice for people dealing with stuff that's hard to deal with.

    'I had not learned to let go with the hands
    As still I have not learned to with the heart
    And have no wish to with the heart
    Nor need, that I can see, the mind is not the heart...'

    But you gotta memorize it so that it can be recalled immediately anytime, anywhere.

    Good luck and again the disclaimer, check with your shrink.

    Cause I'm just a stupid moron who recites poetry as an answer to all my deepest problems, so what the hell do I know. I'm probably insane and just don't realize it, lol.

    Seriously, check with your shrink.

  9. ddsurfsca profile image70
    ddsurfscaposted 14 years ago

    I have it, although through the years (20 of them) of therapy I am not affected like I used to be.  \
    In my earlier life, if I was subjected to stress of any kind, or I was put into an upsetting situation, it would actually make me ill, sick to my stomach, and I would have diarrea for a week afterward. It affected my social life, and the way I dealt with the people in my life.  Get the help for if you do not you will not have a normal life,

  10. Diane Inside profile image71
    Diane Insideposted 14 years ago

    I do not have it and therefore can not contribute to this thread other than to say, I had a friend who suffers from it and even with years of therapy, she still struggles.

    It is painful to watch how she has become so self destructive, I can only imagine if it is painful to watch what she must be going through.

    So I guess what I am trying to say is I hope you all will be able to get through this, and find people around you who love you to help you through.

    Bless you all.

  11. profile image0
    PrettyPantherposted 14 years ago

    I was diagnosed with PTSD and it was relieved using a therapy called EMDR.  Counseling/talk therapy didn't do much; this really worked.

  12. Texas Lady profile image61
    Texas Ladyposted 14 years ago

    Bless your heart.  I suffered from Post traumatic stress disorder due to a decade of marriage to a borderline personality.  I finally had to leave in order to preserve my sanity (or what little I had left, that is).
    Post traumatic stress disorder can be very debilitating at times.  For me, I would be fine, then just out of the blue, it would rear its' ugly head again, and I was emotionally frozen.
      There are two things that have helped me tremendously.  I went through a year of weekly counseling, and then discovered two things that helped me tremendously.
      One thing is "tapping" exercises.  These are used quite frequently with veterans who suffer from PTSD.  Another thing that has helped tremendously, is learning to control my thoughts and the images that come into my mind, reject negative thoughts immediately, and replace it with a positive thought. I'll include a couple of links for you.  They are all free, and are very helpful.
    The tapping exercises can be found at
    There is also a free book you can download called "The Master Key System" by Charles Haanel. You can download this book for free at  The book helps you to exercise and train your mind in order to control your thoughts, and attract positive things into your life.  It is mainly meant for training people to achieve health, wealth, and prosperity, but the step by step thought training exercies at the end of each chapter help you in all areas of your life, including PTSD.  I hope this helps you as much as it has helped me.  Hang in there.  Recovery is possible.  Be patient with yourself.  Just stay committed to recovery. Also, praying the psalms for protection is extremely helpful, and brings peace in the midst of the darkness which occurs with PTSD.   Peace & blessings in abundance to you always!

  13. profile image0
    lambservantposted 14 years ago

    I have had PTSD for about 10 years now, but for the most part it's in remission as long as I don't have any triggers. Needless to say in this world today sometimes triggers are unavoidable. It does get better. There are some good treatments out there and it would be good to get a doctor and therapist who have a lot of experience or even specialize in PTSD.

    Your symptom of sensitive startle reflex was a big symptom of me. It was so hard. Also what made me jump is if someone came up to me very quickly I'd hold up my arms to protect myself, or if I was having tea with a friend and she was gesturing a lot with her hands and arms it would make me startle. I don't have that problem anymore. So it will get better. It just takes time.

    BTW, if nightmares are a problem there is a wonderful medication called Prazosin that is VERY effective for reducing or eliminating nightmares. I had great success with it. Best wishes in your recovery journey.


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