Could you tell us about 1 book that you find very inspiring?

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  1. Ludivine profile image60
    Ludivineposted 13 years ago

    Could you tell us about 1 book that you find very inspiring?

  2. Dave Mathews profile image61
    Dave Mathewsposted 13 years ago

    The one book I can never live without is the Holy Bible. It teaches so many different lessons in life.

  3. FaithDream profile image79
    FaithDreamposted 13 years ago

    Battlefield of the mind by Joyce Meyer.

  4. Ashantina profile image61
    Ashantinaposted 13 years ago

    The Four Agreements, by Don Miguel Ruiz

  5. Marie McKeown profile image87
    Marie McKeownposted 13 years ago

    Awareness by Anthony de Mello. It is spirituality for the real world - all that matters, he explains, is awareness...

  6. crankalicious profile image87
    crankaliciousposted 13 years ago

    "A Place to Stand" by Jimmy Santiago Baca. Just an amazing, inspiring book that puts a high, beautiful value on the ability to read and write.

  7. Schatzie Speaks profile image94
    Schatzie Speaksposted 13 years ago

    3 cups of tea. it shows how one person with a whole lot of hard work and determination can change the world for the benefit of others and in spite of any dangers, risks, and sacrifices to himself while doing so.

  8. jpcmc profile image89
    jpcmcposted 13 years ago

    Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom.  Morrie quotes Auden: love each other or perish.  More than a story about a teacher and a student, it's about life, love, and relationships. 

    There are many inspiration books out there but unless it personally touches you, you can not truly say it's inspirational.  This is one of the most influential books in my life.

  9. nidhi.singh profile image60
    nidhi.singhposted 13 years ago

    I read "Diary of Anne Frank" during school times and i have found it the most inspiring book ever.
    one of  best lines of her diary which till date continue to inspire me-
    " don't think of all the misery, but of the beauty that still remains... My advice is : "Go outside, to the fields, enjoy nature and the sunshine, go out and try to recapture happiness in yourself and in God. Think of all the beauty that's still left in and around you and be happy!"

  10. profile image0
    Kbraggposted 13 years ago

    Besides the Bible, I have found "The Chronicles of Narnia," especially The Voyage of the Dawntreader, a very inspiring series of books. Though they are children's tales, I did not read them until I was in high school, but when I finally did I was happy for it.

  11. Eric Prado profile image71
    Eric Pradoposted 13 years ago

    Yes. I read it in college. It is an autobiography entitled, 'The Last Lecture.' It is about a professor at Carnegy Melon University who lost his battle with Pancreatic Cancer and his life long ambitions. It is a touching story of reaching your goals, overcoming your fears, and achieving your childhood dreams. It is the single most inspiring book I have ever read and I recommend it strongly to anyone at all. smile

  12. Aley Martin profile image65
    Aley Martinposted 13 years ago

    The one book I find the most inspiring is Viktor Frankls :Man's Search for Meaning. This book will bring your whole life in to perspective. It is an important read for everyone and is a true story of survival.


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