Do you write in your diary every day?

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  1. akuigla profile image59
    akuiglaposted 13 years ago

    Do you write in your diary every day?

  2. raxit02 profile image61
    raxit02posted 13 years ago

    Probably not...this would be the answer from most of the fellows. This is because, we are no more believing handy letters, our communication mediums have been shifted to phone talk, texting through mobile phones, and chatting or emailing on the internet.

    Writing diaries everyday had been a hobby in the  past years when the Information Technology had did not encompass our life. And now you see how we are doing the things and maintaining our communication stuffs. We pick up the phone or the laptop to communicate and write down anything in every now and then. Sorry gentlemen...the count would be few...a scanty number of people in every locations....

    What about you?

  3. JayeWisdom profile image87
    JayeWisdomposted 13 years ago

    Goodness, no! If I'd begun writing in my diary at the age of ten and continued to write every day, by now I'd have in excess of 21,500 pages gathering dust--not to mention taking up valuable real estate in my house.  Even if I'd switched to online diary-keeping ten years ago, I'd still have too many pages (from the previous years) and now too many words taking up space on either hard drive or flash drives. Not worth it, in my opinion.

    Besides, who can find something interesting or important enough in their lives to write about every single day? In Victorian times, both men and women used to keep track of mundane events and facts, such as noting the weather, their visitors, household accounts, etc. in their diaries. Times changed....

    I stopped using a diary per se many years ago in favor of journaling just during those periods of my life when I needed to put words on paper to work out my feelings about various things. In most cases, I didn't even save my musings after they'd done their work. It's doubtful I'll find fame at this late stage, so my missing journals will be no great loss to the literary world.

  4. My Stories profile image61
    My Storiesposted 13 years ago

    No.  I used to a few years back.  When I did write in it I was able to express exactly how I felt whether I was happy or upset.  Then I just lost the habit of doing that.

  5. Guyana Masala profile image80
    Guyana Masalaposted 13 years ago

    Oh my. I started journaling about 10 years ago and thought it would be nice to have the authentic touch of pen to paper. However, I have never been able to write every day from the very start. It seems to always need inspiration. I've always had a fear that my entries would start to sound like a captain's log if I attempted write every day, especially if the day was mundane.

    But, I have to agree with raxit02 on the way technology has been affecting my journaling habits. I've noticed a decline in the last two years because of all the different channels flooding my time. That was a good point. You may have inspired me to unplug and get back to basics.

  6. akuigla profile image59
    akuiglaposted 13 years ago

    I use to write every day,and really enjoyed that.
    Now,when I need to focus on solving particular problem,I write down my thoughts.It helps me to think clearly.

  7. Kamalesh050 profile image71
    Kamalesh050posted 13 years ago

    I used to maintain my diary years back and then  somehow I lost the habit altogether.

  8. jacqui2011 profile image79
    jacqui2011posted 13 years ago

    I write in my diary every day in life. I have been doing since I was very young. I have a box full of my old journals in the attic. Before I go to bed every night I take 10 minutes and write down things that I dont want to forget. Even if my day has been an uneventful one I still manage to write a few lines.

  9. www.lookseenow profile image61
    www.lookseenowposted 13 years ago

    A diary would help, but I prefer Bible reading, and writing.  Instead of a diary I write Bible Highlights.  It’s better than a diary, because as one commenter mentioned I’d end up with thousands of useless pages. 

    Bible Highlights, though could in time make up a book.  A diary would resemble what Solomon called a vane work—the making of many books.  He decried the vanity of it as being wearisome, because there is no end, and much devotion to the pages is wasted time. 

    LookSeeNow I’ve had my say.  Now I can find delight and happiness in reading his Word and in peering into it regularly. Both from the Holy Scriptures and from Christian meetings, I receive “pleasant sayings” that can buoy me up and make my heart rejoice.  Some of these notes become files in folders, and might end up on HubPages.

  10. mkrandhawa profile image61
    mkrandhawaposted 13 years ago

    yeah i like to write my diary daily because it is good habit and it helps to remind me all day's work.It gives me  happiness.i feel free from all my worries. I give at least half an hour to it.

  11. jackthechairs profile image58
    jackthechairsposted 13 years ago

    Although I do love the actual discipline in writing in a journal/diary everyday, I can never actually get into it.  When I do remember to write something down, it's usually just a random line or something that best sums up the day, or a quote from the day.  It makes for something interesting and quick to read later, and normally causes me to think of something longer to write in a different setting.

  12. Harishprasad profile image71
    Harishprasadposted 7 years ago

    I used to in my school and college days , and believe me I had written some wonderful stuff in those diaries. After the passage of such a big span of time, how I wish those diaries stayed with me ! I lost all of them except a cute tiny one, and this one is very precious and dear to me ! This little diary is all about early days of my married life. Even today, when my wife and me glance through it, both of us derive a great pleasure out of it. I think keeping diaries is a lovely habit.


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