Can you relate to this ??

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  1. quietnessandtrust profile image61
    quietnessandtrustposted 14 years ago

    ~the thing which I fear

    ~is placed in my path

    ~haunting painful memories

    ~laughing me to scorn

    ~one by one

    ~they stand in my way

    ~obscuring my vision

    ~of the truth I seek

    ~appearing out of nowhere

    ~suddenly like giants

    ~returning again

    ~until I cut them to ribbons

    ~as tall as they are

    ~they've been with me long

    ~it seems that today

    ~face them down I must

    ~for each time I have run

    ~they gain stature

    ~when they return

    ~they are stronger

    ~the man of war within

    ~wants to rid my house of them

    ~they've brought shame to my life

    ~causing me to be numb

    ~do not know where I got them

    ~nor where they come from

    ~I swing flaming sword

    ~another one falls to the ground

    ~great and terrible

    ~the awful sound

    ~finally I see the last one

    ~more fierce than the others

    ~I recognize him now

    ~he is just like his brothers

    ~and this battler rages

    ~what seemed like for days

    ~till I pierced him through

    ~and he vanished in the haze

    Genuine responses ?

  2. zadrobi profile image61
    zadrobiposted 14 years ago

    Yeah... I used to have a pet mouse when I was little too. He just vanished one day like yours did.

    1. quietnessandtrust profile image61
      quietnessandtrustposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Is that suppose to be funny?

      1. aintsoobvious profile image60
        aintsoobviousposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Well, Quietnessandtrust, I have to admit that is pretty funny! I adored your poem although I felt that the successive line breaks whilst helping to instil a mood made it difficult to to assess it thoroughly. It seems like images flitting and dissapearing again whilst the troubles, (in the mood of the song trouble by Cat Stevens,) you are relating are things of permanence. Not that juxtaposition isn't a great thing of course! Could you have a look at my poem? It's called All just Sheep; (lines knocked up on a mobile.) Thanks, Peace! x

  3. Mark Knowles profile image60
    Mark Knowlesposted 14 years ago

    Fear drives most religionists. It is good that you are starting to come to terms with it.

    I wish you well on your journey to self understanding and hope that you might become less offensive when you eventually realise that you do not need to be afraid after all and it is actually you who is standing in your own way.

    Eventually you may even come to trust yourself not to imagine that these these things scorn you in your head. They are not mocking you - nor are they "bad," they are just a part of you. Accept them if you can. We all have dark parts that are just as worthy as the light parts.

    This is just religionist nonsense giving you a false impression of what is right or wrong. It is not your fault - this garbage is driven into you from birth by other religionists around you. It makes them feel better if they can get others to believe the same clap trap they believe and gves them a false impression of authority. It is just ego. Let it go.

    Good luck.

  4. aka-dj profile image67
    aka-djposted 14 years ago

    I hear you. quietnessandtrust
    It's not just believers who battle within.
    People from all walks face similar battles.
    Some try to get away through suicide.
    Others try to numb the pain through substance abuse.
    Some through abuse.
    Thank God we have the Comforter, and the Word, and the Name.
    Oh, let's not forget the blood.
    We are MORE than conquerors through Him. cool

    1. Mark Knowles profile image60
      Mark Knowlesposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      This is the kind of religionist nonsense that fails so many people.

      Do not trust this person who seems to think there is some magic pill available that will fix it if you just believe in something outside of yourself.

      The answer is within - not trusting this religionist garbage that causes you to become a judgmental hypocrite. Just look at the passive/aggressive attacks this aka-dj  makes on people who do not behave as his imaginary friend thinks they should behave.

  5. earnestshub profile image73
    earnestshubposted 14 years ago

    aka offers thanks to god as other religionists do, for making them better than everyone else, and chosen for eternal life as a result of now being perfect.

    Truly an ego problem, and a lack of any real sense of self worth. smile

  6. aka-dj profile image67
    aka-djposted 14 years ago

    You two guys have me SO figured out. lol lol lol

  7. profile image0
    Ghost32posted 14 years ago

    Quietness, seems to me (upon reading your post) that you've clearly identified the situation within.  I'm guessing that those of us who can't relate to what you wrote...simply haven't looked inside that deeply. 

    Yes, I've whacked more than a few myself (with who knows how many to go), and you have it exactly right. Love that line about "...the man of war within...."

  8. quietnessandtrust profile image61
    quietnessandtrustposted 14 years ago

    I want to thank everyone for the responses thus far and I appreciate your candidness and honesty and the serious replies to this serious poem.

    I know everyone struggles with something at some point. big_smile

    Thanks again and I hope more people come and share. big_smile

    I just hope the thread is not turned into a fight. hmm  hmm

  9. alexandriaruthk profile image62
    alexandriaruthkposted 14 years ago

    coming into terms and have peace within, thats it,

  10. Daniel Carter profile image62
    Daniel Carterposted 14 years ago

    Quietness, I think you describe very well what I would imagine every one faces at one point in their life or another. I certainly have faced the giants. The most surprising thing for me was to finally see the battle was with myself. Always with just me. The giants were reflections of just me. In that regard, the greatest triumph of the battle is not so much in slaying, but actually in bringing peace--in bringing consentual agreement.

    The victory over self is the greatest victory of all.

    That's just my experience.

  11. Arthur Fontes profile image67
    Arthur Fontesposted 14 years ago

    It seems you have been able to conquer your inner demons! Congratulations.   I enjoyed the poem it comes from your heart I can see that in the lines.


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