Would you keep on reading if a poem rhymes or doesn't it matter to you at all?

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  1. Escobana profile image78
    Escobanaposted 11 years ago

    Would you keep on reading if a poem rhymes or doesn't it matter to you at all?

    I feel some poems, don't read as easy as the ones that rhyme, especially when it's more of a blog/letter/message to express some sort of anger or discontent.

    I'm not a poet and I know poems don't need to rhyme necessarily but I feel readers would stick around longer, if there is a certain comfortable rhythm to it.

  2. Al Bacon profile image60
    Al Baconposted 11 years ago

    I think it depends upon the emotion that a poem is trying to convey.  I have written a few poems, some on here, and not that many do rhyme but what I write attempts to appeal to the heart and not necessarily something that has some rhyme to it.  I think that if you are not attracted or do not feel the words, it is not a poem I would enjoy reading myself.  The Japanese Haiku does not rhyme and yet appeal to my heart and some of what others consider great poetry does not appeal to me at all because while the words may be very good, I do not feel the emotion that would make me read the entire poem or look for other things by the same person.

    1. Escobana profile image78
      Escobanaposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I understand what you're saying. I think I don't FEEL the emotion very well when it seems to be an angry person trying to spill his guts, making it into a poetry Hub without any rhythm. It FEELS like writing an easy Hub.

  3. No_Clue profile image64
    No_Clueposted 11 years ago

    My personal preference for poetry is rhythm and rhyme, and that is, in large part, what will hook me to any particular poem. Rhyming is also my personal style of poetry writing.

  4. MGSailors profile image60
    MGSailorsposted 11 years ago

    I would continue to read smile
    I believe it mostly depends on the level of attention one can allow their comprehension of the subtleties within free verse poetry. Individuals who more readily accept patterns of habit usually gravitate toward a lyrical rhyming poem because they enjoy the familiarity of the structures. (After all, this is the form most readily available in musical form—music is ubiquitous in our cultures.)  Most people associate the term “rhyme” with specific audible sounds (i.e. brain, drain; prone, drone, etc.) While this is a rudimentary function of human psyche—(recognizing aural similarities)—free verse poetry readers/writers gather such literary fondness by stepping past that limited opinion of rhyme by asking simple, internal, rhetorical questions like: why must only words rhyme? Why can’t concepts rhyme? The more abstract the interpretation of connections within the verse, the more valuable / desirable free verse poetry becomes to a reader.
    Of course, to have a preference is absolutely natural, and there is nothing wrong with only being interested in rhyming poetry—it all comes down to “what” one considers “poetry—” and how much someone is willing to invest in enjoying the “chaotic element” of non-rhyming pieces. (It can be more dramatic—like your favorite actor in moments of climactic monologue…or less dramatic—like a leaf rolling slowly over the glassy swirls of a creek, etc.) It’s up to what you can make of it…great rhyming poets lend entertainment to anyone who will adopt to its systematic confines, while great non-rhyming poets depend on great non-rhyming poem readers.

    1. Escobana profile image78
      Escobanaposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I do have a preference for rhyming poetry but a true poet could make my heart sing without using any rhyme at all:-)

  5. duffsmom profile image59
    duffsmomposted 11 years ago

    I love the rocking feel that comes with a gentle rhyming scheme.  But I also like poetry that doesn't rhyme as well if it is not over long.  I see your point about a diatribe and labeling it a poem.

  6. pearlmacb profile image74
    pearlmacbposted 11 years ago

    I understand what you mean. I prefer rhythm over rhyme though personally, using unformulated language and more focused with imagery. I loose many readers with some of my poetry which you could label as modernist image poems.

  7. Escobana profile image78
    Escobanaposted 11 years ago

    http://scrutty.hubpages.com/hub/Your-ey … t-10944504

    To give an example of a poem I absolutely adore, though it doesn't rhyme, I linked one of the most recent poems of Scrutty to this answer.

    I find it an amazing poem!

  8. Gary Holdaway profile image88
    Gary Holdawayposted 11 years ago

    if poem rhymes are done well, you wouldn't think about not reading smile I'm personally not one for non-rhyme poems, as most you read on the internet are not that great. A poem, rhyme or not, needs to speak to its readers. Each reader responds to different things.

  9. Annemari profile image60
    Annemariposted 11 years ago

    Yes, certainly I would. I love reading poems that rhyme but other poems are also the same, but I don't like to read poems that are more like letters.

  10. shiningmoments66 profile image65
    shiningmoments66posted 11 years ago

    The joy of poetry is that each person who reads it may get a different perception based on their own experiences and emotions.  I have read haiku that says more in a few words than a poem that goes on forever.  You have to find poetry that fits your level of comfort. I have written both types of poetry, but I feel a stronger personal connection to my nonrhyming poems because I am not looking for a way to make the words fit a specific rhyming pattern.  I think everyone can learn to enjoy all types of poetry.  The more you read, the better you will become at reading all kinds of poetry.  Continue to read and enjoy.

  11. Beata Stasak profile image77
    Beata Stasakposted 11 years ago

    When writing a poem, I listen to the beating of my heart and that is the rhythm to it. The words forming in my head follow their own path looking for the partners that can sing to their tunes, but for me they carry the message....the story I want to tell, the feelings I want to uncover, the thoughts I want to convey....

    1. shiningmoments66 profile image65
      shiningmoments66posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Wow! Just the way you describe it is poetic.  I would love to read your poetry. Very nice description.

  12. StandingJaguar profile image60
    StandingJaguarposted 11 years ago

    I don't read poetry much, but I'm one of the few who value meter over rhyme. I often WON'T read a poem if it rhymes, especially if it is obvious or sappy. I just can't take it seriously. John Milton and William Wordsworth were two great poets who focused on meter, not rhyme.

  13. miss1magination profile image68
    miss1maginationposted 11 years ago

    I like all poems but I find rhyme poems are lots of fun so they seem to pull me from start till finish. I have a hub on young love.


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