Why did you choose your particular screen name ?

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  1. loveofnight profile image81
    loveofnightposted 11 years ago

    Why did you choose your particular screen name ?

    My screen name speaks for itself because I do a lot of my work at night, what about yours ?


  2. duffsmom profile image61
    duffsmomposted 11 years ago

    duffsmom.  My best dog every, my best friend was my chocolate lab Duffy.  He lived to be 13 years old and is gone but not forgotten. So years ago when I needed an online name, I just choose duffsmom.  Now I have Tully but I don't want to change my user name at this point.  I've been duffsmom for years.

    1. loveofnight profile image81
      loveofnightposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I really like that sentiment and would not change a thing.

  3. profile image0
    JThomp42posted 11 years ago

    JThomp42. J, for my first name, Jeff. Thomp, for my last name, Thompson. 42, for my age at the time I joined Hubpages.

    1. loveofnight profile image81
      loveofnightposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      It really does sound as if we choose names that hit close to home for us.

    2. profile image0
      JThomp42posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      It certainly does.

  4. Pennypines profile image59
    Pennypinesposted 11 years ago

    I wanted something environmentally friendly, and after receiving two awards by my garden club, I decided to use them as my screen name.  Pennies for Pines is a donation to the U.S. Forestry Service for reforestation of areas devasted by fire and other catastrophic events.  Every $100.00 plants 100 new trees in the award recipient's name.  200 new trees have now been planted in my name.

    1. loveofnight profile image81
      loveofnightposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      a worthy name for a worthy cause

  5. Jeannieinabottle profile image87
    Jeannieinabottleposted 11 years ago

    My screen name is easy to figure out. My first name is Jeannie.  Since it sounds like "genie," I am "Jeannie in a bottle."  I did not like my name when I was a kid because people would ask me to grant them 3 wishes and stupid things like that.  I've learned to embrace it now.

  6. FatFreddysCat profile image61
    FatFreddysCatposted 11 years ago

    "Fat Freddy's Cat" is a character in my favorite comic book series, "The Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers" by Gilbert Shelton.
    I've been using it as an online alias on forums and bulletin boards for years 'n' years so when I joined here I saw no reason why I shouldn't continue the tradition.

  7. Souther29 profile image81
    Souther29posted 11 years ago

    Souther was a character from a favourite Manga series called Fist of The North Star and was one of the few characters that Kenshiro (the main character) couldn't beat for a long time.

    Partly because I'm a big kung fu fan and the character also intrigued me a lot, his story and his visual look is pretty awesome and very different from a lot of the other characters.

    Psychologically who knows... like to be unique...nobody else had this name... also I find the name gives me a bit of personal strength sometimes.

  8. JimTxMiller profile image76
    JimTxMillerposted 11 years ago

    All the cool ones were taken already-------------------------!

    1. J - R - Fr13m9n profile image69
      J - R - Fr13m9nposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Jim you have a great sense of humor.

  9. Lisa Luv profile image75
    Lisa Luvposted 11 years ago

    Because I am a lovinf person and it has a ring to it.  Lisa Luv

  10. ytsenoh profile image58
    ytsenohposted 11 years ago

    Mine is a trait I value in everyone and expect from myself.  Because I like to make people think, I chose a word representing that trait and just spelled it backwards.

    1. loveofnight profile image81
      loveofnightposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      i really like that

    2. J - R - Fr13m9n profile image69
      J - R - Fr13m9nposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Clever. Being ytsenoh with yourself is the greatest value an individual can possess. It is the gem of all gems.

  11. Brinafr3sh profile image67
    Brinafr3shposted 11 years ago

    I chose my screen name because no one else has it, and my screen name represent "newness" doing new things and learning new things to stay diligent. Also my screen name "Brinafr3sh" is my brand-name online.

  12. Express10 profile image76
    Express10posted 11 years ago

    No kidding, after about ten minutes of trying I found that several of the screen names I tried were already taken. I finally just settled on something off the top of my head and the results are...lackluster. Hubpages, I'd like a do-over smile

  13. Jo_Goldsmith11 profile image60
    Jo_Goldsmith11posted 11 years ago

    When I started this site. I figured the best way to go was the personal name recognition. I was thinking about coming up with a pen name. As I have had some experience with stalkers. So, maybe in the future..as I grow with my writing. I will be inspired to come up with a pen name. This would be interesting, hmmm?  I have so many pen names to choose from, now it is going to be a toss up of which one to go with! :-)  I really like your pen name. cool! :-)


    1. loveofnight profile image81
      loveofnightposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I do believe in making your screen name unique to you. Just remember that until you find that unique one, you can always change your mind.

  14. J - R - Fr13m9n profile image69
    J - R - Fr13m9nposted 11 years ago

    In my particular case the question should be slightly reworded. Over the years I have acquired many sites and many different names. On HubPages the name I go under reflects my actual name. As for the other sites I have used Guinevere since when I was a very young child my mother called me that. My toddler reply was, "I'm no Goon-A-Bear"! Other site names had a reference to being a cat lover.


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