This writing illustrates the accounts of four domestic short hair felines who reside together with the author of this article. The author shares her companionship with such darling furry creatures.
Thoughts are what make us unique as humans. Thoughts can be positive or negative. Writers know for certain that they need and use thoughts to create fiction and nonfiction.
For those suffering from depression, you are not alone. Many of us are afflicted with this illness. In this article I will illustrate what you can do to ease, if not eliminate symptoms.
We are human beings. Everyone of us seems to be "wired differently" because of what each individual thinks of activating events and how we draw our conclusions from it.
Share not only your writing talent but your artistic talent with the readers.
The analog clock ticks away like the beat of the metronome. Thoughts tend to masquerade their ghostly apparitions to haunt Marcia's dimly lit room in her mind.
We are a family of friends here at HubPages. In this essay the author shares with the readers honest and insightful commentary, supporting in a constructive way and sharing thanks.
Is your creative soul feeling unrest? let it drift towards these incantations of the usage in mystifying wordage.
Inspiration is divine. employ it when writing, making art or problem solving. Creativity is the Mother of Inspiration and Problem Solving. Let's get started!
Let loose the tiger of creativity so that it can race across your computer's monitor and scratch the living hell out of it! Words like wildfire moving at light speed PULSATE!!!
Marcia McLaughlin, the tall and slim young woman with a dreamy imagination, sets out to conquer the melancholy haunting inside her mind. The evil beast needs to be exorcised.
Inspiration is a freedom discipline. Writers are in need employ this needed characteristic.
Poetic Devotion applies like body lotion to sooth the dryness of an everyday complicated life. Each individual needs an outlet for creative and artistic expression.
Take a step forward into this mind expanding trek into the known and unknown aspects of existence.
The sea of creativity may be smooth or rocky. In either case hopefully the reader's imagination connects with the voice of the Narrator opening the dam and permitting a creative flow.
A woman's inner strength inspires her to overcome adversity in her life.
Fiction with that special note of purr-fection in the musical expression of creativity love of cats.
Unlock the mind so it can formulate images and random thoughts with the assistance of a view through a metaphoric ocular window.
The humorous detail of a house cat's life and perspective.
As she walks the narrow path by herself, thoughts like fireflies dance in her imagination. This is the season of autumn and Marcia McLaughlin's spirits dipped to an all time low. A stroll through the woods should raise her serotonin levels she...
A Guiding Inner Force is an outsiders view peering into enlightenment and strength of who the main character is and what she capable of enforcing.
Everyone of us plops down on the couch during the evening to view shows which intrigue our imagination.
All is not lost. This is all self image of what we feel we are able to accomplish in this lifetime through our choices, our beliefs and our changes.