Woohoo my Hubpages book now on Amazon!

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  1. cindyvine profile image79
    cindyvineposted 15 years ago

    Been updating and revamping my website today and happened to notice that the book I wrote with help from Hubbers is now available on Amazon as a paperback.  The Case of Billy B http://www.amazon.com/Case-Billy-B-Cind … amp;sr=8-5
    Yippee!  am so excited!

    1. NewYorker profile image58
      NewYorkerposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      What's it about..?

    2. profile image0
      cosetteposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      that is wonderful! judging by the cover, it looks interesting. could they add a summary of what the book is about?


    3. RooBee profile image79
      RooBeeposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Wow, that is so awesome! Cindyvine, you truly rock. big_smile

    4. easybusinesslinks profile image60
      easybusinesslinksposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Well done cindy!

      Having a book out on amazon certainly is some achievement, well done!

    5. wcoffeechick profile image59
      wcoffeechickposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Just curious, how did your book get on Amazon without your knowledge?

    6. profile image0
      shazwellynposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I have added the link on my hub:  Online Reading, Creative Writing, Free Online Short Stories With A Twist - great to help get your work out there!

  2. aware profile image65
    awareposted 15 years ago

    congrats cindy  . good  job

  3. frogdropping profile image75
    frogdroppingposted 15 years ago

    Absolutley the best news and HUGE congratulations Cindy - and I'm so very pleased for you! Truly, I hope you gain the recognition for your books that you deserve! big_smilebig_smilebig_smile

  4. cindyvine profile image79
    cindyvineposted 15 years ago

    Ah New Yorker, you'll have to buy it and see!

    1. NewYorker profile image58
      NewYorkerposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Fifteen bucks? I guess you just got a new costumer. This is your second book?

      1. cindyvine profile image79
        cindyvineposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Second novel, third book.  first was a self-help one.

  5. cindyvine profile image79
    cindyvineposted 15 years ago

    Thanks Froggy!  Wish I had a bottle of champers lying around handy!

    1. frogdropping profile image75
      frogdroppingposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Got any Vodka? Beer? Surely you've some alcoholic something lying around? If not just turn the music up and dance like a good 'un - I would smile

  6. cindyvine profile image79
    cindyvineposted 15 years ago

    I have a can of apple cider, guess that'll have to do!

  7. Dale Mazurek profile image63
    Dale Mazurekposted 15 years ago

    A big congrats is most definatly due to you.

    You are realizing a dream only few ever do.

    I hope you sell tons of books and get your due rewards.

    You are a great hubber and now you are a great author



  8. KCC Big Country profile image80
    KCC Big Countryposted 15 years ago

    Congrats Cindy! I'm so jealous.....and proud!

  9. RNMSN profile image60
    RNMSNposted 15 years ago

    way to go cindyvine!! well deserved and so EXCITING!! that gives all of us confidence too...course you also just raised the bar for the rest of us but hey what is life without stress?????  lol you rock girl!!!
    love to you!!

  10. Cagsil profile image69
    Cagsilposted 15 years ago

    Congratulations! smile

  11. kirstenblog profile image78
    kirstenblogposted 15 years ago

    That is cool!!!! cool
    Way to go! big_smile

  12. Ultimate Hubber profile image67
    Ultimate Hubberposted 15 years ago

    Gives me inspiration to get back to writing the book I was working on some time back.

  13. gracenotes profile image88
    gracenotesposted 15 years ago


    Well done!  Congratulations and even more success in the coming days.

  14. profile image0
    Crazdwriterposted 15 years ago

    oh Cindy that is GREAT news. congrats congrats congrats!!!!

  15. Beth100 profile image67
    Beth100posted 15 years ago

    How exciting!!! Congrats Cindy!!!

  16. The Rope profile image61
    The Ropeposted 15 years ago

    Congratulations Cindy!  That was FAST.  Here's to a wonderful celebration!!!!

  17. Misha profile image65
    Mishaposted 15 years ago

    Wow Cindy! That's something! Huge congrats and hugs! smile

  18. whiteorchids profile image60
    whiteorchidsposted 15 years ago


  19. AEvans profile image74
    AEvansposted 15 years ago

    The best to you!!! big_smile

  20. fishtiger58 profile image67
    fishtiger58posted 15 years ago

    Wow that is outstanding congrats.

  21. CMHypno profile image80
    CMHypnoposted 15 years ago

    Congratulations Cindy, awesome achievement.  Hope you sell millions of copies!

  22. wyanjen profile image69
    wyanjenposted 15 years ago


  23. tantrum profile image61
    tantrumposted 15 years ago


  24. yenajeon profile image54
    yenajeonposted 15 years ago

    That is a wonderful accomplishment. Congrats!!

  25. profile image0
    Nelle Hoxieposted 15 years ago

    First of all Wow! Congratulations.

    But could you get your book put on Barnes & Noble as an ebook. I'll download to my nook, read and sell it. I promise. Or is there a way for me to buy from Amazon and get it to my nook? Any advice would be appreciated for those who know more than I about such things.

    1. cindyvine profile image79
      cindyvineposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Not sure how it works nelle.  It's on Amazon as an ek in Kindle format as well.  Will look into how one gets it on barnes and Noble as an ebook, will do some research!

  26. profile image59
    logic,commonsenseposted 15 years ago

    Congratulations, that is really great! Gives us all fantasies!

    1. blondepoet profile image70
      blondepoetposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Woo hooo my buddy boo, you are amazing and deserve the very best, love u heaps and heaps even though you force me to keep making those darn enemas for you.

  27. emievil profile image62
    emievilposted 15 years ago

    Congrats cindy!!!!! smile

  28. amy jane profile image62
    amy janeposted 15 years ago

    Congrats Cindy! That's awesome! smile

  29. wrenfrost56 profile image53
    wrenfrost56posted 15 years ago

    Thats so cool! Many congrats! smile

  30. Hope Wilbanks profile image65
    Hope Wilbanksposted 15 years ago

    **APPLAUSE** smile

  31. prettydarkhorse profile image62
    prettydarkhorseposted 15 years ago

    congrats I will put in my amazon capsule always,

  32. Money Glitch profile image59
    Money Glitchposted 15 years ago

    http://www.planetsmilies.com/smilies/happy/happy0065.gifCongratulations Cindyvine!http://www.planetsmilies.com/smilies/happy/happy0065.gif

  33. cindyvine profile image79
    cindyvineposted 15 years ago

    Thanks guys, now the real hard work starts.  Writing it was the easy bit, now I gotta sell some copies!

  34. GeneriqueMedia profile image59
    GeneriqueMediaposted 15 years ago

    Way to go Cindy! Seems only like yesterday... big_smile

  35. cindyvine profile image79
    cindyvineposted 15 years ago

    Yeah, have now just finished my third chapter on the next - time goes fast!

  36. sid_candid profile image58
    sid_candidposted 14 years ago

    Many Congratulations cindyvine. I am happy and proud of you as a fellow hubber. Well done!

  37. profile image0
    shazwellynposted 14 years ago

    I am so proud to know you Cindy and will be posting the link in my writers hub.  Good one!

  38. MickS profile image59
    MickSposted 14 years ago

    Well cindyvine, I know this is late, sorry, but many congratulations, excellent stuff, may there be many more.

  39. htodd profile image60
    htoddposted 13 years ago

    Great info

  40. gajanis786 profile image80
    gajanis786posted 13 years ago

    Very good....congrats......wishing u more successes ahead.


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