If you are stuck and don't know what to write about, maybe some of these ideas will help to unstick you. Whether you're a blocked writer, or just need a journal prompt to get you started writing again, this list will give you plenty of ideas.
Online schools are springing up every day. With all the choices, how do you know if you're making the best one? This is my personal thoughts and experience with the best online university, Western Governors University.
Valentine's Day is often thought of as a special day for females. It is a day to show your love and appreciation to anyone, though. If you have a son, it would be fabulous for you to surprise him with a special token of love on this day, too. ...
Little girls love Valentine's Day. These are some great ideas for Valentine's Day gifts for the little girls in your life.
Now that you know the importance of having a master grocery shopping list, it's time to make one for yourself. This is a super easy task that should not take very much time at all. You can have your master grocery list done in these three easy steps.
Let's face it, the economy still stinks. So if you're going to save money, you're going to have to be a savvy shopper.
How to set up your advice column online the easy way. Plus tips on how to get started writing an advice column or becoming an advice columnist online.
Every Dad needs their own set of tools. If your Dad is like most, he probably loans out socket wrenches to friends or family, then doesn't get half of them returned to him later. Then he ends up with a tool bag missing many of his essential tools. ...
Father's Day is just around the corner again. Many men tend to be tough to buy gifts for on special occasions because they generally rarely want anything. And when they do want something, they go out and buy it for themselves. So coming up with...
Have you ever wondered why some authors seem to get more reaction from their writing than others? Do you also struggle as a writer to receive feedback, or even just to get a simple reaction from someone else about your writing? One of the most...
If you have been unhappy, you might be thinking by now that happiness is an illusion and you will never be happy. In a sense, you're right. Happiness fleeting and can never be permanently attained. Are you scratching your head yet? You are probably...
Stop thinking negative. Life is good. You control your thoughts.
As a parent, one of the most important responsibilities you have to your children is to teach them life skills. One skill every child needs to know is how to be helpful to others. This is a tiny stepping stone towards them learning how to be...
Are you unhappy? Do you cry yourself to sleep some nights because you are so miserable? Do you wish your life wasn't so messed up, and question the point of living life that way? If you answered yes to any of those questions, you aren't alone. There...
Kids crying, phone ringing, someone knocking at the door.... It's no wonder why many moms feel overwhelmed much of the time. Being pulled from every angle and needed by many people all at once is frustrating and too much for even the best...
A common misconception among a lot of people is that in order to be able to honestly call yourself an author, you have to have a book published with a big-name publishing house. Not true.
Need ideas on what to get your boyfriend this Valentine's Day? Check out these gift ideas.
Do you have a desire to write, but are unclear as to what qualifies as "quality" content? Maybe you've been reading writing tips and advice from writers around the Internet, but you still don't really understand what makes writing good. Here are some of the best tried-and-true tips that will show...
Many parents often have concerns about forcing their children to do too much early on. Other parents believe children should have certain responsibilities to teach them about becoming a respectable citizen in their home and community. Where do you...
Some of the best Christmas movies you could ever watch are the ones that are now all but forgotten.
Are you experiencing burnout? If you're tired, frustrated, or angry, chances are you might be pushing yourself beyond your limit.
If you are finding yourself at a loss as to who you are, the following tips will give you some simple, but proven ways, you can begin to rediscover who you are again.
Nearly every adult faces burnout at some point in their life. Whether it is caused by work, family problems, financial issues, or childhood trauma, burnout is a very real and serious issue. Those who struggle with it most are people who find it difficult to deal with stress on a regular basis.
As a mother, you have a huge responsibility to care for your child. You must provide a loving atmosphere and nurturing environment, in which your child can learn and grow. This heavy responsibility can become overwhelming sometimes, and make you...
Black Friday is the day everyone thinks they will get the best deal on the perfect Christmas presents. But do you really? Are Black Friday ads deceitful, or are you truly getting good deals?
A romantic love letter will spark the flame in your relationship. Writing love letters is easy, if you are willing to set aside time to write. If you want to know how to write a love letter, keep reading for helpful tips...
Noah Biorkman, a little boy who changed a lot of lives.
Is your child fighting you about homework? I offer five little tips to help get through those homework woes.
Homework assignments are the worst part of school. You can make homework fun for your child. Here are some reasons why you should...
Is Tom and Jerry a violent cartoon? This article explores the controversial debate of violence in cartoons.
Are you a worn out mom? That's okay. Every mom needs a break now and then. Here are some of the most important reasons why.
No matter what age your child is, he will always need encouragement from you, his parent. Did you know that? Your child depends on you to provide them with this form of nurturing throughout their childhood. For some parents, giving a child...
Being a mother is not an easy job. Or, it doesn't come easy for me. I don't have the benefit of pulling from my own childhood, so I am learning this job one day at a time. And even though I have been a mom for ten years now, it does not get any...
I first started writing as a child. A teacher involved me in creative writing exercises, then encouraged me to enter creative writing competitions. This nudge towards writing laid the foundation for me writing for years to come. Through my high...
Are you on that elusive search for happiness? Have you found what you are looking for? Or do you find yourself only seeming to spin in circles, running from one thing to another and still feeling sad?
Happiness seems to be such an elusive thing for most people. In fact, many set out on searches for happiness, yet cannot figure out what makes them happy. Better yet, they come to realize that they aren’t even sure what happiness really is. ...
Do you find yourself struggling to maintain any sense of balance between work and home? Maybe you've shaved some of your work hours, only to find that even though you have more time at home, it is creating problems for you at work. Or maybe you...
Most women have some fears about whether or not they will be a good mother. This is very normal. More commonly, women who did not have a very good relationship with their own mother tend to feel like they might not be a good mother themselves...
We all deal with deadlines in some form each day. How we deal with them and whether or not we utilize them to further promote our own productivity is key to personal success. However, some people don’t view deadlines in this manner. Rather, they...
Are you unhappy with your life? Do you feel like you’ll never be happy again? There are some things you can do to bring yourself back to a happy place in your life, but before we can cover those steps, there are some important questions you need...
Need a boost to your self-esteem? Try using some of these positive affirmations to give yourself a mental lift when you're feeling down.
Does it seem like you are constantly the brunt of someone’s joke? Do you feel like nobody takes you seriously? Are you tired of feeling like you are nothing but a doormat to some people? Before you can expect anyone else to show you an ounce of...
Your attitude plays a huge role in every aspect of your life. Whether you exude a positive spirit, or you are constantly negative, your attitude speaks volumes. In fact, your attitude can make the difference in how focused you are, as well....
If you are depressed, get help. Don't wait. Here are a few ideas to help you deal with depression while you seek the assistance of a medical professional for your depression.
It is important to have family meetings on a regular basis. This article offers some advice on how to conduct family meetings.
Are you still struggling to figure out how to be more health conscious? Not really sure where to begin or what to do? Scores of people make big plans as new year’s resolutions to lose weight or get healthy. Far too few of those actually seem to...
How disciplined are you? This article gives four steps to a more disciplined life.
If you constantly stand with your hand held out, you will miss out on a lot in life. The key to experiencing joy is to be more giving.
If you have been struggling, trying to find your way to success, only to be met with failure and heartache, there could be a good reason why. When was the last time you took a look at your track record? Have you examined your actions, to try to find...
A common pet peeve among many is the lack of follow-through. Whether you are a business owner, work outside the home, or are an aspiring entrepreneur, you need to learn the power of follow-through. It can completely change your outlook on business...
Are you struggling to figure out how to make it through to the end of a project? Do you feel overwhelmed by your responsibilities and don’t know what to do about it? Feeling anxious about things you have to do will not make your tasks any easier...
In a time of ever-shifting roles, it is imperative to understand the importance of creating a balance among your responsibilities. Balance helps keep a fine-tuned ship running on course. Without it, you are much more likely to become overwhelmed and...
Walking through life with no purpose or direction can be a dangerous thing. You waste a lot of time trying to figure out who you are and what you should be doing. Developing a person vision can drastically change this for you. A vision will help you...
Do you have trouble saying no to others? Do you feel like you have to do everything you are asked, so you don’t make anyone mad at you? Are you tired of feeling like you are a door mat? If you keep putting everyone else before yourself, you are...
If you are like most people, you started off the new year by setting some new personal goals. Did you set so many goals that you are now beginning to already feel overwhelmed by the enormity of them? Is your list of goals so long that you don’t...
Are you stuck between a rock and a hard place? Do you feel like your world is caving in and you just don’t know where to turn or how to get yourself out of the situation? Sometimes life deals you a card that you don’t want to play. When that...
Looking for a personal breakthrough? Don't stay stuck in the rut you've been in. Find out how to have that personal breakthrough you're needing and looking for.
Little lessons every mom needs to know.
Are you a perfectionist? Nobody is perfect. So just be yourself. Be you.
Can you remember the last time you acted out of kindness toward someone? Has it been so long that you don’t even remember if you’ve ever done so? Times are crazy and life is so fast-paced right now that it’s easy to zone out and never see...
Every person in this world has something they are insecure about. Even the most confident person secretly has something they feel unsure about. Most of the time, those who hold these secret anxieties hide them well enough that others around...
Everybody's busy these days. Sometimes you need to make a conscious choice to slow down and enjoy the moment you're in.
Have you ever been involved in a situation where you said to yourself, “I can’t believe this is happening to me?!”? I’m sure you have—we all have. So what do you do, when faced with such a position? Do you know how to make the best of a...
What is your dream? Is it something you’ve wanted your entire life? Is it a fresh dream, one that was recently birthed in your heart? Everyone has a dream, but not everyone attempts to reach their dream. Is your dream worth following...
If you have wanted something literally your entire life and you finally have the opportunity within your grasp to attain it, don’t walk away from it. Far too many sell themselves short and think their time has passed. It is never too late to go for your dreams.
Despite the suggestive title of this article, you should never pretend to be someone you aren’t. It is a dangerous game and one that always leads to trouble in the end. As such, this article is one of more of a satirical nature. So, here are some...
If you have ever tried to fit in with a crowd, then you know how draining it is. You have to talk and dress and act like everyone around you, because the second you step out with your own opinion, the crowd looks at you like you are crazy. Children...
Do you find it difficult to enjoy the simple things in life these days? Have the stresses and problems of your life and the world brought you to your knees, and now you can’t seem to find the courage just to be happy that you are alive today? If...
Responsible children become responsible adults and generally are more productive and content in their life. Responsibility doesn’t just happen to jump into children, though. It is a character trait that has to be taught and learned, beginning at...
Children pick up on things a lot quicker and easier than you might imagine. Usually, they pick up bad habits much easier than the good ones. Parents often blame bad habits on other children. Many parents think their children learn these bad...
Do you have one of those nosey family members that think they know it all? Try some of these tips to deal with your nosy family.
Creating memories with your family that will last forever is important, but so few people ever even consider it. Times spent with familiy are some of the most precious moments and memories you will hang onto forever. Finding ways to spend quality...
Marriage is an equal partnership between two people. As you enter into marriage together, you take solemn vows and promise to love and care for one another as long as you both live. The sad reality is that there are many couples out there who give...
Marriage has been given a bad rap by far too many people over the last few decades. With horrible success rate statistics, marriage became viewed as something undesirable by couples in love. In fact, many couples choose to remain unwed and simply...
Do you have children? How can you tell when or if Mom needs a break? I can assure you that at some point, every mother needs some time away. Having a few hours alone can truly make a big difference in Mom’s attitude and countenance. If you notice...
When life deals you a hard blow in the gut, it’s mighty difficult to look up and smile. Hard times can get you down in a heartbeat and then drag you through the mud while you’re in the gutter. It is so easy to allow depression to consume your mind when you feel this low.
Everyone feels that need to reach some pinnacle of success. Whatever success looks like to you, these quick and simple tips will help you reach your goals to success.
Are your poor parenting skills being reflected in your children when they are at school?
Just about every teenager wants to get a job at some point and make their own money. It’s cool to have your own money. If you are a teen looking for a job, or if you have teenagers who want a job, there are lots of possible jobs. Here are some...
While statistics show that both marriage and divorce rates have dropped in the last few years, according to DivorceMag.com, about 10% of the American population is divorced. Divorce happens for a reason, and it rarely happens overnight. It is a slow...
If you don't love yourself, how can you expect others to love you? Here are five guidelines for self-love.
Everyone has something they don’t like about themselves. Low self-esteem is usually what causes you to hone in on your flaws and focus on them instead of the good things about you. If you struggle with this, here are some tips to help you look at...
There are endless numbers of unhappy people in the world today. People literally go through life, as if they are a zombie, walking around in a daze. If you have been living your life like this, it’s time to wake up and snap out of it and do...
New mothers face many of the same hesitancies: · nervousness about becoming a mother · questions about what to do after your child is born · doubts as to whether or not you’ll be a good mother If you are...
Being protective of your child is not necessarily a bad thing. However, there must come a time when you let your child go and allow him to make his own mistakes in life to learn from. This article presents some important points every parent should consider. If you are having trouble cutting the...
Have you noticed your teen being a lot more stressed lately? Perhaps going to a new high school, or attending a high school with great diversity has created a stressful scenario for your teen. Facing these high school blues can be difficult, but if...
Every parent would like to think their child is a wonderful little angel when they aren’t around. Unfortunately, that is not always true. Sometimes children who are not taught to be self-disciplined tend to go a little “hog wild” when they...
Have you ever felt like you are in the middle of a terrible version of a spoof movie and you can’t get out? Do family functions feel more like horrible reruns of Mama’s Family? Maybe when you got married, you didn’t think your in-laws were all...
Chewing gum has been shown to be extremely helpful to those who are on a strict diet or are trying to lose weight. Read about it and see what you think.
Losing weight is rarely easy for most. It is always a lot easier and quicker to pack on the pounds, than it is to shed them. So if you are struggling to lose weight, you just might be making very simple mistakes that are hurting you. Read through...
If you have already taken the time to set goals for yourself, have you also applied action to those goals to see them come to fruition? Setting goals is important, but making sure you set reasonable goals that are doable is as equally important....
Is there something you have always wanted to do, but never made the time for it? Have you dreamed of the perfect career nearly your whole life, but never could quite seem to make yourself take that leap of faith? Following the dream of your heart...
Burnout is quite possibly one of the worst things you could go through. Burnout can occur in any situation, particularly with emotional attachments and highly stressful situations. When you become burned out, you feel tired and drained. You become...
In this rushed world we live in today, full of desires and wants, it can be so easy to forget about or overlook everything we already have within our own hands. You can become consumed by the idea of having more “stuff” to the point that you are...
Do you have total confidence in yourself and in everything you do? Have you taken that confidence and applied it with the Law of Attraction in your life? In this article, I would like to share some ideas with you about confidence and the law of...
Family squabbles are the worst. If you have a fairly large family, you know how quickly these little riffs can escalate into major, all-out family feuds. There is usually one diplomatic person in every family. That person always receives the blunt...
Struggling with a lack of confidence in yourself? Find that self confidence you need today.
Far too many people sleepwalk through their life, never fully realizing the potential and power they hold. If you are one of these people, I challenge you to wake up, take a good look at yourself, and embrace the true power—the power of you. ...
How does your day usually begin? Do you start your day with coffee and a To Do list? Or maybe you kill a couple of hours before you decide to get dressed and get “something” done. Without an effective time management plan and time management...
If you are serious about improving yourself and living a fuller life through self-improvement, you can do it. Let’s take a look at how you can begin your transformation through changes within yourself.
Has your marriage fizzled out? Have years of life changes—children, jobs, family, church—made you callous and cold towards your spouse? These things can happen without you even realizing it. It does not happen overnight, though. One of the...
Are you finding it increasingly difficult to sit down to a meal with your family? Studies have shown that children who are involved with a family meal at least twice per week perform much better in tests at school and are more well-rounded...
Do you have a rude tween? Before their behavior spirals out of control get help. Find the solution necessary to build a solid relationship with your tween.
Do you keep a journal? While journaling is a very relaxing form of writing and creating art, it is surprising how many people do not actively keep one. A lot of people shy away from keeping a personal journal because they think it is something they...
There are so many more ways to keep a journal. To give you an idea of today’s journal, here are several types of journals you can keep.
A prayer journal can be used as a place for you to express your inner spiritual thoughts, reflections, observations, and experiences. Most important of all, your prayer journal should become a way of aiding in a richer, deeper, and fuller spiritual experience. Let me share some ideas for prayer...
The majority of journal keepers are women. We women tend to enjoy taking the time to record our thoughts or life experiences. Whether you are a man or woman, keeping a journal is something you should seriously consider. There are many ways...
Journaling is deeply rooted throughout history. Ann Frank is one of the most noted journal-keepers of modern history. A Jewish girl, Ann Frank kept a diary of horrific sufferings at the hands of Nazis. This journal was later compiled and published...
If you run out of ideas, just start looking around and paying attention to the world around you and you will find them. Here are some ideas for topics to get you started writing in your journal.
Possessing a positive attitude is not always as easy as it might seem to be. Positive thinking is something you have to work diligently to achieve. Being stuck in negative mode is no fun either. You have a pessimistic viewpoint and can rarely find...
Fad diets have been around for years. They will continue to live on for years to come. Why? Because people are too lazy to lose weight the healthy way and live healthier lives. They would rather attempt to try some crazy diet that will never work. I...
Stress can cause great havoc in your life. People who admit to feeling stress on a daily basis often suffer from a multiplicity of health problems. Stress not only affects your thought process, but it affects your physical health as well. Perhaps...
Does your child like to read? Would he rather sit all day and play video games instead of read? The electronic age of gadgets has seriously affected literacy among young people today. If your child doesn’t read much, you should consider the...
Some time ago, I grew extremely depressed and restless. I couldn’t sleep at night and I was having trouble staying awake during the day. I went to the doctor and asked him if he would run tests to check my thyroid. He complied and when the tests...
Children seem to be suffering so much these days. Thousands of children around the world commit suicide, or attempt suicide, every year. The question that remains for so many parents is why? It is a sobering thought to know that pre-school aged...
Parenting is tough. It is far from easy and the older your children get, it seems like the more challenging it becomes for parents. If you are having trouble with your child, perhaps part of the problem is that you don’t connect with your child...
If you have children, chances are at some point you are going to either want or need to hire a babysitter. You can’t be with your children 100% of the time, even though you might want to or think you can. So for the times when you have to rely on...
Success seems to be elusive to so many people. Some spend huge sums of money searching for success. Others go on extensive monk-like retreats, hoping to find the meaning of success. And yet so many seem to end up empty-handed, still feeling as...
Is your tween driving you insane? Growing up is hard to do. Try some of these tips for parenting your tween.
It has been said that procrastination is the number one killer of dreams. If you dream a dream and make a plan, but fail to follow through with your plan, then your dream is made of stone. Procrastination is something that can easily be...
Do you feel like your world is spinning out of control sometimes? I am sure we have all felt that way at some point. The busyness of life can create tremendous stress and pressure on us until we feel like we might explode if we don’t get some...
With a busy family, it’s difficult to find time to cook a wholesome meal, let alone sit down to dinner at the kitchen table with your family. When you get home from work, you’re tired. Then the kids come in and they’re tired and hungry. It’s...
If you have children, you know by now that there is no parenting book in this world that can ever prepare you for what parenthood has in store for you. Being a parent is challenging at times, yet rewarding as well. There may be times when you feel...
Spending time with your family is one of the most important things you could ever do.
As part of improving yourself, I would be remiss in not mentioning the spiritual aspect of self-improvement. I’m not necessarily talking about religion in particular, but rather the process of connecting with a Higher Power. Have you ever felt...
Integrated in self-improvement is your physical health. Some people enjoy focusing on improving their mind, but neglect their body. The two walk hand-in-hand and your body cannot be ignored. Physical health is extremely important. Increasing...
Do you zone out too much? Try these five easy ways to start improving your mind now. Don't let your mind go to waste.
Anger is an intense feeling that can become extremely overwhelming if you do not learn or know how to control it. Worse yet, anger can consume your life, eat away at you, and cause you to lose out on a lot of joyful moments in life. Those who...
Have you ever felt like you're a bad mother? Read this for five truths about motherhood.
The general idea behind the law of attraction is that you call into your life whatever it is your thoughts are fixed upon. A positive attitude is essential to those wanting to apply the law of attraction to their life. Many people who practice...
As a mother of two young children, I’ve found it increasingly difficult to keep my new SUV clean. It’s not just the kids either. My husband is just as bad (if not worse than) as the children. I’m constantly cleaning up after all three of them....
Feel blah? Maybe it's time to work on yourself. This article gives you four good reasons why it is important to work on personal development for yourself.
Have you ever felt lost? Hopeless? Totally without direction or focus in your life? Lots of people who feel cheated of success in their life feel just like this. Yet, they don’t know that a lack of success in life has led them to experience these...
Some people find the Law of Attraction is not something they can use or need in their lives. One of the main reasons why they feel this way is because they don’t fully understand how the Law of Attraction can help them live fuller, more productive...
Success is measured different from one person to the next. The way I define personal success is probably totally different from how you might define it. However, there are some basic common denominators to success that can help everyone both define...
You have chosen a niche. You are an expert in your niche. But you’re starting from scratch. Nobody knows who you are. If you find yourself in this position, don’t become frustrated or quit. There are measurable steps you can take to firmly...
Try some of these silly, but effective ways to relieve stress. If they seem childish, that’s because they are. But sometimes getting silly like a kid is exactly what you need to get rid of stress.
Have you ever set a goal to accomplish something, then eventually forget about your goal, or tell yourself it was useless and quit trying to achieve it? If so, you lacked the self-motivation you needed to reach your goal. Self-motivation is the...
The kids are screaming. Your husband calls and says he’s working late tonight. You still have a ton of paperwork left over from your day of work that needs to be dealt with. Supper’s on the stove…burning. You’d like nothing more than to pull...
Are you a miserable person? Do you truly want to be happy? Here's how you can start walking the road to happiness.
Dreading summer? Try some of these tips for keeping your kids busy this summer.
We all feel stressed out at some point in our lives. Maybe our job overwhelms us. Or our family jumps from one crisis to another. Whatever the cause of stress might be, there are lots of different ways to deal with it. While there are well-known...
There are many self-professed gurus of positive thinking out there today. From Norman Vincent Peale, to Brian Tracy, these gurus share their positive thinking lessons in a huge variety of books, videos, and seminars. Let me share a secret with...
Have you ever wondered what makes a successful person a success? Do you feel like you are a success? When you accomplish something you’ve always wanted to do, do you feel like a winner? True success comes from within yourself. You are the only...
Information on what performance anxiety in children is, and how you can help your child overcome performance anxiety.
Have you ever thought about your financial status? Not just about how much money you have (or do not have), but what kind of financial security you’d like to have. If you never think about these things, you’ll never plan for them. If you never...
Life goals are goals that affect your life overall. Unlike regular goals, life goals are those that could totally change the way you live, or what you do. Here are some tips for setting your own life goals: Look to the future. Plan ahead. Talk...
Goal setting is a hot topic at the beginning of every year. However, after a few weeks—or for some, after a few short days!—most people seem to forget about all the goals they set for themselves. The biggest reason for this? Their goals most...
If you’re still trying to come up with a brilliant Mother’s Day gift, why not surprise her with a green gift basket? You can make one up in very little time. This is the type of gift that keeps on giving throughout the year, too. ...
Mother’s Day is the one special day out of the entire year set aside for you to show your mother just how much she means to you. If you’re stumped for ideas on what to get for her, try some of these… Gift certificate for a full-body...
Are you facing writer's block? Do you feel like you can't possibly come up with any new or good ideas? Read this to learn how to write fresh and unique content every time.
Moving is a really big deal to children. There are some parents who don’t think much about picking up and moving their family. And even though your children might seem like they’re fine and happy with the move, they could be hiding a great deal...
Here are some tips you can use to help revive lost friendship
If you’ve been depriving yourself of “you” time, you should change that, starting right now. You might think you can’t squeeze in any more extra time for anything, let alone time to do something just for you. But you’re wrong. You can find time if you want to.
Organizing has never been one of my strong points. However, I have learned throughout the years that there are some easy things that anybody can do to stay organized. Perhaps the most important thing to remember about organization skills is that you...
Has your grocery bills sky rocketed lately? Try these tried-and-true tips on how to save money at the grocery store.
If you’ve been experiencing a deep feeling of sadness lately, there is something you can do to change that. You have to be willing to get up and pull yourself out of this slump though. Here are some ideas to help you out.
Every family needs something fun to do together. There are lots of fun things that kids and parents can enjoy together. Here are a few ideas to jump-start your creativity: BOARD GAMES I don’t think I’ve met an adult or child that didn’t...
Do you walk around in a daze sometimes, feeling down and dumpy on yourself because you aren’t accomplishing all the things you thought you would? Procrastination is a mean booger that will trip you up every time if you let it. So don’t let it!...
Is your child depressed? An interesting look at depression in children and how to know if your child might be depressed.
Does this sound familiar…? I’m so stressed out! I feel like I can’t breathe. My chest feels like it weighs a ton. If only I didn’t have so much on me right now. I’m so tired. My neck and shoulders ache. Why can’t I seem to get...
Millions of people across the world suffer from poor self-esteem. Low self-esteem haunts people every single day. Often times, poor self-esteem begins during childhood and continuously plummets throughout adulthood.
Meditating at work is totally doable. For those working in stressful environments, meditation can actually make you much more productive at work and enjoy work even more. Here’s a quick guide to ways you can meditate at work.
Stress affects you mentally and physically. Here are some symptoms of stress.
When you think of quality time with your family, does your heart start racing? Do you feel a weight in the pit of your stomach? Does your mind automatically begin thinking that there aren’t enough hours in the day to fit in more activity? If so, I’ve got some simple, but useful tips for you.
Trying to lose weight? Why not blog about your weight loss progress. Share your journey with others.
Do friends and family often ask you for advice? Do you find yourself often telling others how to solve their problems? If so, you could become the next great advice columnist!
If you’re like most parents, your life is busy and full. You probably run from one event or practice to another, and that’s not counting work, church, or any other such activity. Many families today are fast food junkies for this reason...
Do you find yourself rushing through every day? Do you always feel like there just aren’t enough hours in the day to do what needs to be done? Many people think it’s hard to find ways to save time or make more time during the day. But it...
When you can understand the things that take away your joy in life, you’ll learn how to deal with them to create a more blissful state of mind and life.
Children need a lot of support and encouragement. As they grow, they develop their own thoughts and opinions. It is important to remember that as a parent, you should encourage and promote this individuality, not squash it.
If you are suffering from depression, there are things you can do to enhance your medical treatment. Along with prescribed treatment from your physician, journaling is one such thing that can help heal your depression.
Is your family lacking some fun quality time together? Many American families today rarely see each other often, let alone come together for some fun family time. Sometimes you just need a push in the right direction to plan, so here are some ideas to help get you started.
Make the change from junk food to healthy eating for you kids with these simple, easy tips. They'll be eating healthier in no time at all.
Christmas is just two weeks away. Are you ready for it? It's definitely the time of the year when stress levels rise. The hussle and bustle of the holiday season creates quite a stir. Don't get too wrapped up in shopping and cooking that you...
Three steps to help you get started writing your first book.
Do you like to give advice to others? This article contains tips for creating an advice column online.