What makes a poem a peom?

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  1. profile image0
    Multimanposted 13 years ago

    I have seen poems on hubpages, and I have seen what someone called poetry, though I would not.

    What do you think makes a poem a poem?

    1. Rafini profile image83
      Rafiniposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      a poem is a poem if it conveys feelings, emotion, time, space, people, places, and the act of being in as few words as possible while maintaining a specified rhythm and pace (which can include rhymes).  anything additional is just window dressing.

    2. profile image0
      Brenda Durhamposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Pure freedom in writing, both in content and style.

    3. RachaelLefler profile image88
      RachaelLeflerposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      for me a poem is an expression of raw feeling where, like Brenda said, you have total freedom. Order and structure go out the window so that your ideas and feelings can just sort of flow unhindered

      1. RachaelLefler profile image88
        RachaelLeflerposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Of course, you can choose to structure it also according to a visual form, rhyme scheme, repetition, or play around with word choices. For example, when I write a poem I like to have words with similar starting sounds on the same line. All this is added to your meaning to make the poem memorable and enjoyable to the audience.

  2. profile image0
    Multimanposted 13 years ago

    Whoops!  mis-spelled the darn title!  :-)

    1. Rochelle Frank profile image92
      Rochelle Frankposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      You can make it peom by switching the vowels-- but you know that. smile

  3. Jaggedfrost profile image62
    Jaggedfrostposted 13 years ago

    This one has been done before.  lol and it was a long fight on the boards.  I don't think you will find many willing to resurrect it here.

    To humor you, poetry for me is being able to express a three dimension subject on a two dimension piece of paper.  In order to do so properly one must use everything in their mind to express it.

  4. Jaggedfrost profile image62
    Jaggedfrostposted 13 years ago

    The minute mechanics on how to go about it separate poets down the lines of those who write poetry and those who have studied the art enough to know which rules they are willing to stylistically break and those they will hold by.  Everyone else imitates someone else or throws crap no a page and hopes someone likes it.

  5. Joy56 profile image66
    Joy56posted 13 years ago

    yeah that is me, i just throw crap on to the page, and hope someone likes.... no rules for me, am i doing it wrong.

  6. Jaggedfrost profile image62
    Jaggedfrostposted 13 years ago

    lol I am not sure that there is any way of doing it wrong but sometimes there are two or more ways of going about something.  One is by nature passive and the other brings the past time to a whole new level where it becomes an art and the writer an artist.  If you love your art you study it and learn how to do it well.  There may not be many guidelines but there are certain tools and how one uses them that are essential.

  7. queenpoetica profile image61
    queenpoeticaposted 13 years ago

    what makes a poem a poem? - a question asked by poets and others over and over again.  When I first started writing poetry I believed that you didn't have to follow any rules.  I feel silly now about that belief.  That is not to say I follow the rules.  More a case of studying them for many years, reading a lot of poetry, seeing what works and what doesn't.  My own poetry may be considered by some to be prose.  My own poetry rarely rhymes, rarely follows a formal style and falls under the category of freeverse.  I break rules all the time, especially around punctuation.  I don't capitalise the first word of a line, a stanza or anything else for that matter.  What makes a poem a poem for me is pace and rhythm.  Just because something doesn't rhyme doesn't mean it doesn't have rhythm.  I written poetry, performed poetry and had poetry published, so I consider myself a poet.  It was a long long time though before I considered myself a poet, and there are some that would say my poetry isn't poetry.  I think poetry means different things to different people and that is why the question "what makes a poem a poem?"  will always be up for debate.

  8. Darknlovely3436 profile image69
    Darknlovely3436posted 13 years ago

    Poetry consist of over 100+ styles, poem doe hve to be lovey dovey all the time, freestyle, of freeverse, or the classic,
    1800 century. so be openminded, when it comes to our 21 century styles...............

  9. Ritsos profile image40
    Ritsosposted 13 years ago

    To me, it's a poem if it unlocks something in me ... like a key.

    To a young boy who was asked it's a 'story where the lines don't touch the edges' :-)

  10. Darknlovely3436 profile image69
    Darknlovely3436posted 13 years ago

    No matter what your past experience with poetry have beeen, you can set your worries aside, to read and write poetry, you don's have to joins some secret club these days, poetry is something humans beings have always done and always loved if you want to be of them, Poetry writing is the practise of creating artwork, using language, sculptors use marble, steel carboard, furniture maker use woods, and frabics an poets use languageThe subject of a poem is the idea or thing that the poem concern or represents, the tone of a poem is th attitude you feel in it,
    it does not always have to rythme the writers attitude  toward the subject or toward the audience,, in a poem of praise you feel approval.. in a satire, you feel irony, in  a antiwar poem you feel protest, or moral indignation, tone can ve plalyful humorous, regretful anything and it can change as the poems goes along.... so be openminded.

  11. Darknlovely3436 profile image69
    Darknlovely3436posted 13 years ago

    here is a poem with attitude
    It is God-damned lie to say that these
    save or knew anything worth any man's pride
    They were professional murderers and they took
    Their blood momey and impious risks and died
    In spite of all their kind some elements of worth
    with difficulty persist here andtere on earth.

    this a piece written by MacDiarmid very angry.

  12. Awful Poet profile image68
    Awful Poetposted 13 years ago

    Pain And Joy..

  13. Greek One profile image64
    Greek Oneposted 13 years ago

    According to Websters, a poem is any type of writing that does not get page impressions

    1. lyndre profile image59
      lyndreposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      This must mean I am a great poet.



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