What would you do with all the immigrants?

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  1. days leaper profile image60
    days leaperposted 9 years ago

    How many would you say are ISlamic Extremist Insurgent Terrorists sneaking in?

    1. Nadeem Koudsi profile image66
      Nadeem Koudsiposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Non are Islamic Extremist Insurgent Terrorists.
      About 5000 - 6000 Europeans have traveled to Syria and joined ISIS. The extremists are actively recruiting people from Europe, Americas and East Asia. Their main interest is controlling the land in Iraq and Syria. They have no time to attack anywhere else at the moment.
      What would you do with all the immigrants?
      Treat them as human beings and they will surely be of a significant value to the country they settle in.

      1. days leaper profile image60
        days leaperposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        or sponge of it, take it for granted and eventually succumb to the IS brain washing.  Politicians opening doors granting homes, benefits etc. are treating foreigners better than the homogenous -what then happens when not all are being treat equally, but second class citizens eg. overlooked for work because a foreigner has similar qualifications.  Not allowed benefit because, though not admitted, immigrants could be employed more cheaply in some cases.
          There's flats put up, they called luxury apartments, but the place is still a slum.  In other areas, immigrants are getting really nice new homes built specially for them, Whilst those here for countless generations are still having to put up with slums, and why can't these homes at least go to the homeless that we already have in the country?
        And just in case there isn't enough nails in the coffin to your flimsy ideology (no disrespect meant), And I hate to remind you.  But what happened when America held an open door policy?  Sorry, but not every-one was grateful were they? ..remember 9/11!

        1. Nadeem Koudsi profile image66
          Nadeem Koudsiposted 9 years agoin reply to this

          9/11 was an inside job! I will not discuss this here and now. I understand from your comment that you are an american who live in the US. Please note that most of US citizens were Immigrants at some point or a descendant of immigrants. Your main question was  How many would you say are Islamic Extremist Insurgent Terrorists sneaking in? and I answered it. Regarding what you said about benefits that  your government is giving to the immigrants, it's because they look at it from humane POV not from someone who can't find a job POV. If immigrants can get jobs easily while US citizens had years to find one then the problem is with the citizens not with immigrants.

          1. days leaper profile image60
            days leaperposted 9 years agoin reply to this

            your assumption is wrong, not US/ And not seeking work. but many uk are seeking work and can't find any due to the mass influx.
            My next question would be though, is it always immigrants and their relatives that take view points like yours???

            1. Nadeem Koudsi profile image66
              Nadeem Koudsiposted 9 years agoin reply to this

              Oh dear Leaper. What mass influx are you talking about? do you mean the 1000 refugees that the UK accepted from the beginning of 2015, while rejecting the other 9000 Asylum seekers? UK is the least wanted country in Europe for asylum as opposed to Germany, Sweden, Norway, France, and many other countries.
              I did not migrate to UK and I don't have relatives in the UK so I don't know how to answer your question.
              one last thing, if you stop looking at people as indigenous and migrants you will be a lot happier and you will be in contact with your human side more.

              1. days leaper profile image60
                days leaperposted 9 years agoin reply to this

                the illegal camps, the lorry loads and boat loads of uninvited economic spungers, is what I refer to and it's 2000 but there's already too many.
                And as for my human side, the genuine asylum seekers fleeing war etc. if genuine would be content with basic sanitation, rations etc.  We should be concentrating more on making their countrys safe and sending them back home.

                But as you say, ignorance is bliss.... ...until it's too late!

                1. Live to Learn profile image60
                  Live to Learnposted 9 years agoin reply to this

                  How would you propose to do that?

                  1. days leaper profile image60
                    days leaperposted 9 years agoin reply to this

                    What happened to the UN enforcing no fly zone, not ruling out sending in troops, and of course diplomacy as the three main stratedgies.  But of course this costs money, and that lot don't like spending unless it's on themselves; for holidays and suchlike ...

                  2. days leaper profile image60
                    days leaperposted 9 years agoin reply to this

                    as written about sinking boats but saving passengers to return them home, or to the nearest camp.

  2. psycheskinner profile image78
    psycheskinnerposted 9 years ago

    What would I do about the immigrants? Keep being one, I guess.

    1. days leaper profile image60
      days leaperposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      some foreigners in a place enrich that place, but when there are police no go areas (like near where I live), and authorities daren't deal with crime from certain ethnic group.  By my book that has gone too far.
      I would also state that the system is flawed with more holes than Henry's bucket.

  3. profile image0
    ahorsebackposted 9 years ago


    We all have to ask ourselves  , "What price is to be paid  in the allowing of illegal immigration , at our borders or at any borders to go on unchecked "   ?

    This IS the most disturbing photo I have ever seen related to this issue !

    And yet , we HAVE to address illegal immigration at our borders  NOW ,    Do  ANY of you here really believe that this doesn't  happen on the Mexican border ?    Do any of you realize how many people die crossing the deserts of our American southwest ?   Is THIS okay with those of you  who opt for for doing NOTHING ?

    1. days leaper profile image60
      days leaperposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      if they are not invited they should not try to get here.  Terror cruises are no way to get a better life!  The warning is there for all, except the media twist it into emotional blackmail to promote a flailing economy..  My Great GrandParents survived two World Wars, they didn't run away like cowards, no!  They did their bit for the war effort!!!

  4. profile image0
    ahorsebackposted 9 years ago

    According to New York Times  , there were 463  immigrant deaths on the Mexican  border in the last 12 months !  How did they die ?   Dehydration ,  homicide ,other   exploitations my illegal  operators ?   
    Yet , we as Americans are perfectly willing to say "Let them cross "   ,- I ask you at what cost ?

    1. days leaper profile image60
      days leaperposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      at what cost? ... |Well, according to Nostradamus, if the best translations are to be believed, it doesn't look good for the world as we know it.
      As for the deaths.  "War is war" to quote the tough Japanese general from WWII.  ...It's how the world keeps the population manageable!  A necessary evil, no matter how tragic, emotive etc.

  5. profile image0
    ahorsebackposted 9 years ago

    So lets simply start a war directed  AGAINST illegals ? Great answer , better get back to reading  Nostradamus .

    1. days leaper profile image60
      days leaperposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      the war as you put it is against the smugglers, kill their boats and it will hurt their wallets, if you look properly I was saying as boat sinks pick up its passengers, perhaps if you do learn to read properly you too can read Nostradamus for yourself!


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