Ok...this one has probably been asked before...but it's "Fun Friday"

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  1. manlypoetryman profile image78
    manlypoetrymanposted 15 years ago

    Toilet Paper Rolls...What is your preferred way to leave the end hanging?
    On the inside of the roll?
    Or on the outside of the roll?

    (I'm going to be doing a Hub on it...

                                                     Not really!)

    1. TimTurner profile image69
      TimTurnerposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I have never even thought about it before.

      1. manlypoetryman profile image78
        manlypoetrymanposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Your obviously not married...or you would have been trained on this...properly!

        1. TimTurner profile image69
          TimTurnerposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          Haha..I will never get married so I may not worry myself over little things like this smile

    2. profile image0
      Poppa Bluesposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I'm not that anal about it... Who cares as long as theres paper on it!

      1. manlypoetryman profile image78
        manlypoetrymanposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        "anal about it"...Now that's funny...!

    3. Didistoyz profile image59
      Didistoyzposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Under is preferred, but nowadays I'm not picky as long as the kids just put it there after they've finished a roll!  grrrr

    4. dutchman1951 profile image61
      dutchman1951posted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Outside so it can be easily located.

      The real kicker is when the roller was not put on right and you drop it and it rolls out from under the stall!

      The Guy who brings it back to ya, Thats a friend!

  2. Don W profile image80
    Don Wposted 15 years ago

    Outside (overhang) is better then inside (underhang).

    I wonder what God (if he exists) and obama think.

    Sorry just trying to introduce some controversy big_smile

    1. manlypoetryman profile image78
      manlypoetrymanposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Good one...every topic needs a little twist...good thinking!

  3. zadrobi profile image60
    zadrobiposted 15 years ago

    ALWAYS on the outside. I'll fix it if it's not haha

  4. profile image0
    lynnechandlerposted 15 years ago

    Overhang is the proper way to place the toilet paper on the roller. I mean after all Arlo Guthrie included it in his song Alice's Restaurant

  5. profile image0
    ralwusposted 15 years ago

    overhang and folded nicely to a point

  6. Pr0metheus profile image58
    Pr0metheusposted 15 years ago

    Who needs TP when you have a bidet!

    1. manlypoetryman profile image78
      manlypoetrymanposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Yeah...but that can't be good for the small French pony...lol ! (dictionary.com-posted two meanings to that word!)

  7. blondepoet profile image70
    blondepoetposted 15 years ago

    Look to be quite honest on the matter, as long as it is not hanging your butt cheeks, who really cares LMAO!!!

    1. profile image0
      Ghost32posted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Great to see you're fully recovered, BP!  (Which you've probably been for some time; I do miss things on occasion.)

      As to the thread, I get to abstain for a while, having no roller.  The TP roll simply sits on one end on a bookcase shelf beside the bucket toilet in my steel storage shed otherwise known as my bedroom.  lol

  8. profile image0
    Wendi Mposted 15 years ago

    Love this forum!

    My boyfriend is pretty easy going and very laid back. 

    He doesn't care when "Hay Boy", aka, his son, drags hay all throughout the house.  Dishes could be walking over to our next door neighbor's house, and the toilet could turn brown without him noticing...but if that toilet paper is not on the outside...THAT'S WHEN HE HAS ISSUES!

    So, every time a new roll gets put on, I flip it over...watching his face turn beet red over toilet paper is fun!

    Does that make me mean?

    1. profile image0
      ralwusposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      stinker mean LOL

  9. manlypoetryman profile image78
    manlypoetrymanposted 15 years ago

    Hey...i think I just saw blondepoet...?

  10. profile image48
    CabinGirl.posted 15 years ago

    Nah twas me ya saw smile

    1. manlypoetryman profile image78
      manlypoetrymanposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Howdy CG...? Uh...when did you get back into town...Could you stand up fer' a second...so we could see if that's really you?
      (Man...I always wanted to say that...!)

      1. profile image48
        CabinGirl.posted 15 years agoin reply to this

        I always wondered where your hands where smile

        1. manlypoetryman profile image78
          manlypoetrymanposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          lol This ol' tractor has a bunch of shifters on it...C'mon! lol

  11. profile image0
    A Texanposted 15 years ago

    Over the top just like pulling wire off the spool

  12. profile image0
    poetlorraineposted 15 years ago

    always inside, aint that the right wqy never really knew there was an alternative, but could try another position just for once i suppose, see how it goes

  13. profile image0
    Wendi Mposted 15 years ago

    Seriously men...does it really matter?

    I can't leave my bedroom in the morning until my bed is made, and I can't relax at the end of the day until my lunch is prepared (for work) for the next day....

    but toilet paper? I just use it, I don't study it!

  14. profile image0
    Janettaposted 15 years ago

    always on the outside--the other way drives me crazy!!!

  15. profile image0
    Kathryn LJposted 15 years ago

    Definately the outside.  If someone puts it on the otherway in this household, there is an inquistition.  Stupid really, we should just be glad that its there but some how once people know it drives you crazy, it drives you even more crazy if they do it wrong.

  16. The Rope profile image61
    The Ropeposted 15 years ago

    Isn't it amazing how the smallest annoyances can make us crazy.  I prefer over the top - if there is a design, it should hang to the front rather than having blank sheets hanging down the back and yes - it is much easier to find. 
    (and for anyone who wants to know, I only use white...  smile

  17. manlypoetryman profile image78
    manlypoetrymanposted 15 years ago

    I seen a roll dispenser over at Ikea that held six rolls at a time...all end were facing out in order for it to work right...so if someone has to have the ends facing out and they want to take control...go buy this contraption...and you will always have the ends in your favor!

  18. Lisa HW profile image63
    Lisa HWposted 15 years ago

    Over.  (Anyone who thinks this isn't the "right" way only has to see toilet paper ads or tv commercials - at least in the US.   lol  ) (Besides, I think it makes it easier for cats to empty the roll onto the floor with the "over" installation.  smile )


    Who could imagine anything else?   smile

    1. profile image50
      jab5248posted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Very good point for the cats.  My dogs like to unroll it from the over direction also.  My husband was a professional toilet paper hanger (aka Janitor, Houskeeping Manager, cleaner of Medical Clinics) and he thinks it should hang down the back so you don't see it - note: his professional opinion on the matter has him banned from performing this chore.  Now he just takes out a new roll and sits it on the counter until I hang it "over".  One has only to look at the picture of the toilet paper hanging "over" to realize that with one flick of the fingertips you can unroll a yard of TP for that handful of paper that feels so secure wadded in your hand.


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