What is one of the most useful thing in your house?

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  1. flashmakeit profile image60
    flashmakeitposted 12 years ago

    What is one of the most useful thing in your house?

  2. alvairs profile image60
    alvairsposted 12 years ago

    Soap is the most useful, i could go on and on but you only ask for one.

  3. YogaKat profile image82
    YogaKatposted 12 years ago

    Toilets and sinks are very useful, so are refrigerators and ovens.  . . If you are asking beyond the basic . . . everyone needs a good dog.

    1. flashmakeit profile image60
      flashmakeitposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I do think I could live in a house that did not have a toilet.

  4. gail641 profile image67
    gail641posted 12 years ago

    The hair dryer is very useful for drying hair, and it can be used on frozen pipes in the wintertime to unthaw them, in case they get frozen.

  5. nancynurse profile image71
    nancynurseposted 12 years ago

    Water, I use it to wash, to drink to cook . You can even use it to cool and to heat.

    1. flashmakeit profile image60
      flashmakeitposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Water is very useful

  6. Marsei profile image92
    Marseiposted 12 years ago

    The kitchen timer.  I use it constantly for timing everything, in the kitchen and out, and for a reminder to do things, although when it goes off, sometimes I've forgotten what I was suppoed to do!

  7. profile image63
    Beaksposted 12 years ago

    It's definitely the microwave. Theres no reason to cook with anything else.

  8. dghbrh profile image80
    dghbrhposted 12 years ago

    The prayer room is most useful room for the balancing mind and to start the day with a positive belief in  our spirit - mind wise.
    Then the list of most important things....i would say Tooth brush and tooth paste...for me...lol ...as i don feel liking even looking at myself without the uses of this in the early mornings - its physically.
    good question.

    1. flashmakeit profile image60
      flashmakeitposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      That is a wonderful answer and a useful room.

  9. Mama Kim 8 profile image87
    Mama Kim 8posted 12 years ago

    A sink. I was going to answer toilet but then thought that you can do more with a sink. You can clean all sorts of things (including babies), prepare food and obtain water from it. Heck if you have a garbage disposal you can add that to the list too. ^_^

    1. flashmakeit profile image60
      flashmakeitposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Great answer

  10. boundarybathrooms profile image87
    boundarybathroomsposted 12 years ago

    Given my name you'd think I'd say something in my bathroom lol, but no it's most likely my oven. It fufills my basic need to eat and I would be a bit lost without it!

    Beyond the basics though it's probably my PC. I'm not sure how I'd cope without the Internet these days!

  11. lilalollie profile image79
    lilalollieposted 12 years ago

    Difficult, but I think my dish washer or my washing machine.
    Must not think about doing it all by hand!

    Greetz Lilalollie

  12. profile image0
    Leela Rainelleposted 12 years ago

    As far as things actually attached to the house - a shower/tub. I considered a sink, but you can get all of the sink uses with a shower, plus you can bathe yourself.

    If it's what I bring into a home, I love my Dr. Bronner's, which is an 18-in-1 soap. (I'm not very brand loyal, I just like how you can use this highly concentrated liquid to do everything from laundry to cleaning to brushing your teeth.)

    1. flashmakeit profile image60
      flashmakeitposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I enjoyed that answer because I love my tub and it is attached to the house.

  13. marwan asmar profile image66
    marwan asmarposted 12 years ago

    I asked that to me wife and she simply said "the bed", an answer that perked my ears. But hold on, and before you get any funny ideas, she added because you can sleep in the bed as long as you like.

    1. flashmakeit profile image60
      flashmakeitposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      She was making a joke!!  Yes the bed is used at least eight hours a day and most people have one in their house, I believe.

  14. Diana Lee profile image81
    Diana Leeposted 12 years ago

    A coffee pot because without one I'd be totally useless myself. I got to have that one strong cup of morning brew to get me started for the day.

  15. profile image52
    Giddy Geezerposted 12 years ago

    I think the most useful gadget I own is a little razorblade scraper. I got it for my smooth top range but I use it for practically everything! I scrape things out of my stainless steel cookware with it, I have used it for gooey messes on the glass refridgerator shelves, I have scraped dough off the countertops and baked on messes off my cookie sheets(Do not use on nonstick coatings). I even use it to scrape baked on lasagne out of my glass baking dish!

  16. Preethi Anusha profile image69
    Preethi Anushaposted 12 years ago

    Hit !!!
    mosquito killer .... Can't imagine without it ;-)

  17. KristenN4Boys profile image62
    KristenN4Boysposted 12 years ago

    Me! I cook, I clean, I laundry, I nurse boo boos, I referee arguments, I watch movies and play with kids.... Totally me. Duh.


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