Do you feel like changing the setting of your living room every 3 or 4 months?

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  1. dazzlede profile image60
    dazzledeposted 12 years ago

    Do you feel like changing the setting of your living room every 3 or 4 months?

  2. heartexpressions profile image40
    heartexpressionsposted 12 years ago

    Yes, I feel like it, but there's only so much I can do with the space.

  3. Michael Toole profile image77
    Michael Tooleposted 12 years ago

    Moving, Arranging, and Organizing is a must every now and then, I always feel the need to arrange something in my house, as I grow tired of the same thing's, so I try to make things diverse!

  4. Made profile image60
    Madeposted 12 years ago

    Yes, I really like to change something in my living room every now and then. Moving a couch can change the look of the whole room. I can't wait to move into the house we are building and start planning the interior.

  5. lilalollie profile image80
    lilalollieposted 12 years ago

    No, I like it as it is, but it is real modern and peaceful.

    I used basic colours like white and grey, the accessoires are more colourful and easy to change.
    So I don't have to change the settings of the whole room, but just some small things and create another atmosphere.

    Good luck!

  6. MickS profile image59
    MickSposted 12 years ago


  7. Beata Stasak profile image79
    Beata Stasakposted 12 years ago

    I don't spend enough time indoors to feel I need a change, my house is my sanctuary and I haven't changed too much in the past ten years...if I need change I go 'walkabout' to see something different and exciting and I bring my memories to my home, that is still the same so it offers me comfort and stability...

  8. Escobana profile image77
    Escobanaposted 12 years ago

    I do! But there's no way I can. It all fits perfectly now so now I sometimes change my bedroom:-)

  9. Silver Fish profile image71
    Silver Fishposted 12 years ago

    No I can't really. My living room is small and oddly shaped. I had the sofa buit to fit a particular space and it can't be fitted any other way.

  10. joyfuldesigns profile image68
    joyfuldesignsposted 12 years ago

    I may be unusual in this, but no.  I tend to like my surroundings to stay the same.

  11. profile image61
    ElleBeeposted 12 years ago

    Yes, but the shape of the room adn the location of fire place mean easier said than done.

  12. Dee aka Nonna profile image61
    Dee aka Nonnaposted 12 years ago

    I did when I was younger...I would change things around often.  Now, I am just happy to be able to go in sit with a cup of tea and enjoy the space.

  13. LaThing profile image59
    LaThingposted 12 years ago

    Yes, I love moving furnitures around, not only living room, but every room! It gives a new look to the room.... smile

  14. rutley profile image65
    rutleyposted 12 years ago


    1. dazzlede profile image60
      dazzledeposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      You say you wanna rip those curtains down and then I look at your profile picture smile. But I do the same until I get that perfect setting for each room.

  15. duffsmom profile image61
    duffsmomposted 12 years ago

    No. We've been here 15 years and I have never rearranged things.  Our L.R. is set up so that the long wall has a huge used brick fireplace on it and there just is no other way to put the furniture because of it.

  16. edhan profile image36
    edhanposted 12 years ago

    For me, it is a yearly change according to Feng Shui. As I am applying Feng Shui Flying Stars, I will re-arrange my house based on the yearly Flying Stars Chart so as to cater for avoiding conflicts and attracting good fortune.

    1. dazzlede profile image60
      dazzledeposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I would love to read in more detail about that. Do you mind writing a couple of hubs detailing yet simplifying the facts?

  17. cat on a soapbox profile image92
    cat on a soapboxposted 12 years ago

    No, not exactly. I like to update for the season between spring/summer and fall/winter with throw pillows, rugs, and flower arrangements- that's all.

  18. DzyMsLizzy profile image85
    DzyMsLizzyposted 12 years ago

    No--there are few ways for everything to fit--and only one comfortable way.  We do move things a bit during the holidays to fit the tree, but it is an awkward arrangement.
    Besides, furniture is heavy, and we no longer have the physical strength or stamina to be shuffling things around all the time.
    Back when my kids were young, a friend of ours practically made a hobby of re-arranging her furniture; we used to tease her that, "It's a good thing no blind people live with you!"

  19. melbelle profile image61
    melbelleposted 12 years ago

    No, my mother did this all her life.  Always rearranging the furniture.  I have lived at my place now since 2001 and I think the only thing I have moved in the whole house was an end table.


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