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14 Vicious Republican Assaults on America. Cuts, Birthers, Insurance Debacle. (#10 thru 14)

Updated on April 15, 2014

Assaults on our Intelligence

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those who manipulate our minds | Source

Republican Assaults on America

John Boeners Boners.

Birthers will never die.

Florida's slide down hill and back to the dark ages.

Our government take over by Corporate America?

14 Vicious Republican assaults on America, and their hidden agendas.

numbers (10 thru 14), of 14 and counting.

# 10. Boehners Boners - his remarks on proposed cuts.

First, Speaker Boehner and House republicans refused to bring a single bill to the House floor that would create jobs. Now, when asked about potential job losses from proposed cuts on everything from education to law enforcement that Republicans are making in their budget, Boehner dismissively said: " So Be It."

If House Republicans succeed in cutting tens of billions of dollars in discretionary spending over the next six months, some of the most immediate victims will be federal employees, many of whose jobs will be slashed as their agencies pare back. Yup, that is right, if the Republican budget cuts cost American workers their jobs, the Republican response is "So be it". Those 3 little words speak volumes about the Republican agendas.

# 11 Birthers - still alive and kicking

Boehner Panders to the Tea Party "Birther" Conspiracies !!

Despite President Obama's birth certificate from Hawaii being made public more than two years ago, and again displayed a couple of weeks ago on CNN, tea party extremists continue pushing their outrageous 'birther myth'. But it even gets worse. Tea party lawmakers in 10 states are using this paranoid lie to push legislation through, with the real goal of keeping President Obama off the ballot in their state in 2012.

And when asked about it on Meet the Press, Speaker John Boehner fanned the flames even more by saying; "It's not my job to tell the American people what to think".

# 12 Insurance Reform?

It is no secret that the health insurance industry spent tens of millions of dollars in its effort to prevent comprehensive health care reform from becoming law. But the insurance industry and its allies did not give up their fight against health care reform when the Affordable Care Act became law. In fact, empowered by the Supreme Court's Citizens United decision, corporate backed groups intent on the repeal of the health care reform law spent an enormous amount of money to elect only those candidates who vowed to repeal it.

The stupidity of the right wing in their zeal to kiss the asses of their wealthy benefactors, dare to still say that the large corporations should be doing their own policing of themselves. This has never worked in the history of the U.S., and will never work in the future as long as Gold and Greed are the prevailing aspirations of the ruling class.

it is costing the taxpayer millions of dollars for the Republicans to fight this reform to appease the very people who paid their way into Washington. It is true that this Affordable Health Care Act does need some tweaking, but total repeal is just about as stupid an idea as i have ever seen. This zeal to repeal has nothing to do with budget cuts, or anything else, other than to appease the insurance companies, and other businesses that fear more restrictions on them as well.

# 13 Florida

A. Governor Rick Scott and legislative leaders have launched an all out assault on Florida workers and their their families. Gov. Scott's budget, combined with other extremely harsh proposals from the legislature, would cut billions from our public schools, harm the quality of health care Floridians receive, and cut thousands of jobs, all while lining the pockets of millionaires by continuing to promote and defend those distasteful tax cuts to the wealthiest in this country.

B. Approximately 5.3 million Americans across the country are barred from voting because they have felony convictions. About one million of those people live in Florida. With those kinds of numbers, a new proposal to bar even more Floridians from voting is a slap in the face of our democracy.

Florida has an ugly history of disfranchisement, now they propose to get even more people pushed out of the political process. Floridians who've finished their sentences deserve a say in their Government. Under the new proposal from Attorney General Pam Bondi, if adopted by the Board of Executive Clemency, all Floridians with past felony convictions will have to wait years after they finish their sentences just to fill out applications requesting that their voting rights be restored. This may sound OK to most of you, but in the state of Florida, if you are found guilty of anything (like traffic violations) three times, the old '3 strikes and you're out' law kicks in. 5 years maximum jail sentence. And labeled a 'felon' for life as an 'habitual traffic offender'. They lose all rights in this state. This ludicrous law has done nothing to curb traffic violations, and has only served to clog the courts and jails and ruin peoples' lives, but mostly to appease (and silence) the loud voices of the MADD (mothers against drunk drivers) members, and yes, they are a special interest group.

Making people who have served the terms of their sentences, jump through hoop after hoop to regain their voting rights is not democracy. And making such a significant change without the opportunity for public hearings is rash and undemocratic. Florida is making a giant step in the wrong direction, by ignorant, uninformed, uncaring and desperate Republicans who will attempt to maintain their control as long as possible, at any expense to the people of Florida and the rest of America.

# 14 Ohio.

The extreme measures being undertaken against the middle class in Wisconsin, are spreading around the country. In Ohio, Republican Governor John Dasich is ramming through a bill taking away the rights of police, firefighters and teachers to organize.

15,000 people showed up in Columbus, Ohio, on 2/23/11 protesting a bill like the one in Wisconsin, attacking public workers.

The next stop for the G.O.P.'s ruthless attacks on hard working Americans? Congress. Speaker Boehner and House Republicans are taking a slash and burn approach to the budget process that could cost American families hundreds of thousands of jobs.

#15 No great story here:

Just as an added comment. This one (#15) should be on the current trend by the Right wing to pass immigration laws, as they have done in Arizona, that are blatantly discriminatory, and making racial profiling legal.

My concluding comments regarding my 14 vicious republican assaults on the middle class:(thank god you say!)

Perhaps i am guilty of not looking far enough into the future, through the eyes of the Republican party, Moral majority, Corporate America, the wealthy, and the Greedy.

All these cuts and denial of rights, will eventually lead to many deaths, whether through natural causes, or by killings from the radical henchmen of those entities that advocate it (justifiable homicide - as the republican party called it). (and to include abortionists, those ungodly homos, non-Christians, and anyone else that stands in opposition or does not conform to their conservative vision of how things should be).

This would in turn, stop the vast waste of money on the needy, the undeserving, the underprivileged, the malingerers, the lazy, the deformed, those who are unable to work and produce for whatever reason - either physical or mental, etc., etc., and complete the process of dumbing down of the remaining population ( for greater pliability and unobstructed service to the wealthy of course - justifiable).

After this transition is complete, there will be no need for either political party - the elite class will have no more need for their armies of destruction. Total conversion to a true Plutocracy. This would eventually free up wasted resources, and increase profits substantially for the wealthy that now will have completed their takeover of this great country of ours .
This just might be the plan after all. Something we can all live with in peace and harmony.

d.william 03/15/11

postscript to my hubs listing the 14 republican assaults on America: The comments, data, facts, quotes, etc., are in large part excerpts from public records, public polls, task force action fund, credo, move-on, democracy for America,, free press action funds, ACLU, seicu, CNN, local fox channels, and other sources that are all verifiable.

Short video that justifies regulations on industry


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